Edited by by Edited NEMATOLOGY NEMATOLOGY CONCEPTS, DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL Mohammad Manjur Shah NEMATOLOGY CONCEPTS, DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL Editor, Dr. Mohammad Manjur Shah obtained his PhD degree from Aligarh Muslim University in the year 2003. He has been actively working on insect parasitic nematodes since 1998, and he is the pio- neer in the field from the entire Northeast part of India. He has pre- Edited by Mohammad Manjur Shah sented his findings in several conferences and published his articles CONTROL AND DIAGNOSIS CONCEPTS, in reputed international journals like Acta Parasitologica, Biologia, and Mohammad Mahamood Zootaxa, Journal of Biology and Nature, Journal of Parasitic Diseases, Parassitologia, etc. He completed his postdoctoral fellowship twice under Ministry of Science and Technol- and ogy, Government of India, before joining as Senior Asst. Professor at Northwest Univer- Mohammad Mahamood sity, Kano, Nigeria. Apart from the present book, he edited two books with InTechOpen. He is also a reviewer of several journals of international repute. Editor, Dr. Mohammad Mahamood (MSc, MPhil, and PhD in Nema- tology-Zoology, Aligarh Muslim University) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Life and Allied Health Sciences, Glocal University, Saharanpur, UP, India. He has been a recipient of several prestigious scholarships. His experience in the fields of nematode biodiversity and ecology spans nearly two decades. He has previously served in the Department of Zoology, AMU, India and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shen- yang, China, as a faculty member. Almost all the works of Dr. Mahamood are published in the journals of international repute including that of Nature Publishing House. His latest book, Soil Nematodes of Grasslands in Northern China, is published in Academic Press, Elsevier Publications. Nematology being an established discipline covers a wide range of area ranging from basic aspect to the advanced and applied aspects involving recent advances in mo- lecular techniques. This book discusses the following topics: the role of nematodes in our life (in agriculture, ecosystem functioning, experimental biology, ecological stud- ies, pest management programs, or biocontrol), identification of GRSPs in nematode genomes, novel way for the diagnosis of pathogenic nematodes involving various recent molecular techniques, other methodologies for successful control of termites, evolution of plant-parasitic nematodes, viability of adult filarial nematode parasites, the impact of plant-parasitic nematodes on crops, and harnessing useful rhizosphere microorganisms for nematode control. The book also encompasses on classical study, molecular study, bioinformatics in nematology, biodiversity analysis, and culturing of nematodes in laboratory condition. ISBN 978-953-51-3415-2 © iStock / GI15606757 © iStock INTECHOPEN.COM NEMATOLOGY - CONCEPTS, DIAGNOSIS AND CONTROL Edited by Mohammad Manjur Shah and Mohammad Mahamood Nematology - Concepts, Diagnosis and Control http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/66851 Edited by Mohammad Manjur Shah and Mohammad Mahamood Contributors Hugues Baimey, Charles Mackenzie, Ashley Braman, Roger Hauptman, Timothy Geary, Mohammad Manjur Shah, Mohammad Mahamood, Dimitris Tsaltas, Michalakis Christoforou, Michael Orford, Fábia Lima, Valdir Correa, Seloame Tatu Nyaku, Antoine Affokpon, Agyemang Danquah, Collison Brentu, Muying Ying, Gregory Bernard Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia © The Editor(s) and the Author(s) 2017 The moral rights of the editor(s) and the author(s) have been asserted. All rights to the book as a whole are reserved by InTech. The book as a whole (compilation) cannot be reproduced, distributed or used for commercial or non-commercial purposes without InTech's written permission. Enquiries concerning the use of the book should be directed to InTech's rights and permissions department ([email protected]). Violations are liable to prosecution under the governing Copyright Law. Individual chapters of this publication are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License which permits commercial use, distribution and reproduction of the individual chapters, provided the original author(s) and source publication are appropriately acknowledged. More details and guidelines concerning content reuse and adaptation can be found at http://www.intechopen.com/copyright-policy.html. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Maja Bozicevic Technical Editor SPi Global Cover InTech Design team First published August, 2017 Printed in Croatia Legal deposit, Croatia: National and University Library in Zagreb Additional hard copies can be obtained from [email protected] Nematology - Concepts, Diagnosis and Control, Edited by Mohammad Manjur Shah and Mohammad Mahamood p. cm. Print ISBN 978-953-51-3415-2 Online ISBN 978-953-51-3416-9 PUBLISHED BY World’s largest Science, Technology & Medicine Open Access book publisher 103,000+ 3,100+ INTERNATIONAL 107+ MILLION OPEN ACCESS BOOKS AUTHORS AND EDITORS DOWNLOADS AUTHORS AMONG BOOKS 12.2% DELIVERED TO TOP 1% AUTHORS AND EDITORS 151 COUNTRIES MOST CITED SCIENTISTS FROM TOP 500 UNIVERSITIES TE A NA A LY IV T R I A C L S C BOOK CITATION Selection of our books indexed in the INDEX Book Citation Index in Web of Science™ I N D E X E D Core Collection (BKCI) Interested in publishing with us? Contact [email protected] Numbers displayed above are based on data collected at the time of publication, for latest information visit www.intechopen.com Contents Preface VII Section 1 Recent Nematode Diagnostic Methods and Tools 1 Chapter 1 Introductory Chapter: Nematodes - A Lesser Known Group of Organisms 3 Mohammad Manjur Shah and Mohammad Mahamood Chapter 2 Methods and Tools Currently Used for the Identification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes 19 Regina Maria Dechechi Gomes Carneiro, Fábia Silva de Oliveira Lima and Valdir Ribeiro Correia Chapter 3 Molecular Diagnostic Tools for Nematodes 37 Michalakis Christoforou, Michael Orford and Dimitris Tsaltas Section 2 Control of Nematodes 51 Chapter 4 Searching for Better Methodologies for Successful Control of Termites Using Entomopathogenic Nematodes 53 Hugues Baïmey, Lionel Zadji, Léonard Afouda, André Fanou, Régina Kotchofa and Wilfrieda Decraemer Chapter 5 Evolutionary Expansion of Nematode-Specific Glycine-Rich Secreted Peptides 85 Muying Ying, Mingyue Ren, Chenglin Liu and Ping Zhao Chapter 6 Assessing the Viability and Degeneration of the Medically Important Filarial Nematodes 101 Charles D. Mackenzie, Ashley Behan‐Braman, Joe Hauptman and Timothy Geary VI Contents Chapter 7 The Impact of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes on Agriculture and Methods of Control 121 Gregory C. Bernard, Marceline Egnin and Conrad Bonsi Chapter 8 Harnessing Useful Rhizosphere Microorganisms for Nematode Control 153 Seloame Tatu Nyaku, Antoine Affokpon, Agyemang Danquah and Francis Collison Brentu Preface Nematodes are a group of lesser-known but the most abundant group of multicellular organ‐ isms on earth. Nematology being an established discipline covers a wide range of area ranging from basic aspect (study of life cycle, ecology, epidemiology, taxonomy, biodiversity, biocon‐ trol, etc.) to the advanced and applied aspects involving recent advances in molecular techni‐ ques that greatly enhanced our understanding right from the stage of proper identification of the organism under study that ultimately leads to diagnosis, treatment in the case of animal parasitic nematodes, and finally devising control strategies. The book is mainly intended for biologists in general and nematologists in particular. The book was edited by collecting expert opinion of the scientific community in the field of nema‐ tology from various countries. The entire book contains up-to-date information having eight chapters spread over two sections; the first section deals with recent nematode diagnostic methods and tools, while the second section deals with control of nematodes. The book is well illustrated. Recent advances in basic and applied approaches including research on genetics of nematodes will assist in developing an opportunity to contribute at many different levels of research, including the development of new diagnostic tools and their control strategies. This book discusses the following topics: the role of nematodes in our life (in agriculture, eco‐ system functioning, experimental biology, ecological studies, pest management programs, or biocontrol), identification of GRSPs in nematode genomes, novel way for the diagnosis of pathogenic nematodes involving various recent molecular techniques, other methodologies for successful control of termites, evolution of plant-parasitic nematodes, viability of adult fi‐ larial nematode parasites, the impact of plant-parasitic nematodes on crops, and harnessing useful rhizosphere microorganisms for nematode control. The book also encompasses on clas‐ sical study, molecular study, bioinformatics in nematology, biodiversity analysis, and cultur‐ ing of nematodes in laboratory condition. I hope this book will surely find its wider application
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