Figure S1 A B NCI-Nature pathways : upregulated genes MDA-MB-231 MCF-7 MCF-7 C Casp3 -/- Casp3 +/+ D Casp3 -/- Casp3 +/+ NT DTX NT DTX NT DTX NT DTX NS c-Casp9 25 35 c-Casp3 70 HSC70 70 HSC70 MCF-7 MCF-7 Casp3 -/- Casp3 +/+ Casp3 -/- Casp3 +/+ E NT DTX NT DTX F NT DTX NT DTX c-Casp8 c-Casp7 15 15 70 HSC70 70 HSC70 G Not treated Docetaxel Casp3 -/- Casp3 H MCF-7 7AAD Casp3 +/+ Casp3 Annexin V Figure S1: A. In vivo treatment of MDA-MB-231 tumors with docetaxel induces angiogenic pathways. ClueGEO software was used to analyze angiogenic pathways activation in MDA-MB-231 tumors treated with docetaxel. B. In vivo treatment of MDA-MB-231 tumors with docetaxel induces angiogenic pathways. RNA sequencing analysis of MDA-MB-231 tumors treated with docetaxel upregulated genes with Enrichr NCI-Nature pathway database. C-F. In vitro treatment of Caspase-3 +/+ MCF-7 cells with docetaxel induces Caspase-3, Caspase-9 and Capsase-8 cleavage, and no differences on Caspase-7 cleavage. Immunoblot analysis of cleaved Caspase-3 (C), cleaved Caspase-9 (D), Caspase-7 (E) and Caspase-8 in Caspase-3 -/- and +/+ MCF-7 cells at 0 and 72h after docetaxel (10 nM) treatment start. G. No differences in apoptosis between Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells treated with docetaxel. Annexin V/7AAD staining of Capase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells after 72 h of treatment with docetaxel (10 nM). H. No cell growth differences between Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF- 7 cells treated with docetaxel. Crystal violet staining of Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells after 0, 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment with docetaxel (10 nM). Data are presented as mean ± SD. 1 NCI-Nature pathways : upregulated genes Figure S2 A MCF-7 -/- MCF-7 Casp3 B MCF-7 +/+ MCF-7 Casp3 C Common D E 5 Not treated Docetaxel 4 3 2 1 VEGFA mRNAVEGFA expression 0 siCTRL siCasp3 siCasp6 siCasp7 siCTRL siCasp3 siCasp6 siCasp7 MCF-7 Casp3+/+ CTRL inhib Casp3 inhib MCF-7 F G Figure S2: A-C. Caspase-3 +/+ MCF-7 cells treated with docetaxel have an enrichment in angiogenesis-related pathways. RNA sequencing analysis with Enrichr NCI-Nature pathway database of upregulated genes of Caspase-3 -/- (A) or +/+ (B) MCF-7 cells treated during 24h with docetaxel (10 nM) and common upregulated genes (C). D. Pharmacological inhibition of Caspase-3 blocks VEGFA expression. RT-PCR analysis of VEGFA expression in Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells treated during 24h or not with docetaxel (10 nM) and with Z-FA-FMK control inhibitor or with Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-3 inhibitor. E. Testing Caspase-3 inhibitor specificity. RT-PCR analysis of VEGFA expression in Caspase-3 +/+ MCF-7 cells treated during 24h or not with docetaxel (10 nM) and transfected with siRNAs targeting of Procaspase-3, Procaspase-6, or Procaspase-7 and treated with Z-FA-FMK control inhibitor or with Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-3 inhibitor. F-G. Extinction of Pro-caspase-8 or Pro-caspase-9 induces a slight decrease of VEGFA mRNA expression. RT-PCR analysis of VEGFA expression in Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells treated during 24h or not with docetaxel (10 nM) and transfected with siRNAs targeting Procaspases-8 (F) and Procaspase-9 (G). Data are presented as mean ± SD. Figure S3 NCI-Nature pathways : downregulated A and Caspase-3 interacting genes B MCF-7 +/+ MCF-7 Casp3 C Casp3 -/- Casp3 -/- Casp3 -/- + DTX Casp3 -/- + DTX Casp3 +/+ Casp3 +/+ Casp3 +/+ + DTX Casp3 +/+ + DTX Ig Ig D E MENTENSVDS KSIKNLEPKI IHGSESMD SG ISLDNSYKMD YPEMGLCIII NNKNFHKSTG MTSRSGTDVD AANLRETFRN LKYEVRNKND LTREEIVELM RDVSKEDHSK RSSFVCVLLS HGEEGIIFGT NGPVDLKKIT NFFRGDRCRS LTGKPKLFII QACRGTELDC GIETDSGVDD DMACHKIPVE ADFLYAYSTA PGYYSWRNSK DGSWFIQSLC AMLKQYADKL EFMHILTRVN RKVATEFESF SFDATFHAKK QIPCIVSMLT KELYFYH Casp3 F **** G CT w/o DBD H 2500 GFP *** β-actin 2000 1500 promotor (AU) 1000 Luciferaseactivity 500 VEGFA 0 VEGFA -luc + + + + MCF7 DTX - + - + Casp3 -/- inactive - - + + Casp3 Casp3 J I small CT subunit GFP β-actin Figure S3: A. Caspase-3 +/+ MCF-7 cells treated with docetaxel have an enrichment in angiogenesis- related pathways. RNA sequencing analysis of Caspase-3 -/- (A) or +/+ (B) MCF-7 cells treated during 24h with docetaxel (10 nM) upregulated genes and common upregulated genes in the two cell lines (C) with Enrichr NCI-Nature pathway database. B. Docetaxel induces Caspase-3 binding on VEGFA promoter. ChIP PCR analysis performed in Caspase-3 -/- or +/+ MCF-7 cells treated during 24h or not with docetaxel (10 nM). C. Docetaxel does not induce Caspase-3 binding on VEGFB and VEGFC promoters. Caspase-3-binding peaks identified by ChIP-seq analysis of VEGFB and VEGFC in Caspase- 3 -/- and +/+ MCF-7 cells treated during 24h or not with docetaxel. D. Absence of Procaspases-6 and -7 do not impact VEGFA promotor transcriptional activity. Firefly luciferase activity in 293T cells after transfection of luciferase reporter constructs for the VEGFA promoter with various combinations of Caspase-6 or Caspase-7 specific siRNA and docetaxel (10 nM) treatment during 24h. E. Caspase-3 primary structure. The pro-domain is underlined in black, the large subunit is underlined in green and the small subunit in blue. The DNA binding domain is indicated in red. F. Overexpression of a proteolytic inactive mutant of Caspase-3 induced the same profile as the wild-type Caspase-3. Firefly luciferase activity in MCF-7 cells after transfection of luciferase reporter constructs for VEGFA promoter with various combinations of inactive mutant C163A isoform of Caspase-3 and docetaxel treatment (10nM). G. Overexpression of the DNA binding domain truncated Caspase-3 completely abolished the luciferase activity induced by docetaxel. Firefly luciferase assay with various combinations of putative DNA binding domain truncated Caspase-3 transfection and docetaxel treatment (10nM), and immunoblot analysis testing transfection efficiency. H. Overexpression of the Caspase-3 truncated for the putative DNA binding domain completely abolished the luciferase activity induced by docetaxel even in absence of Caspases-3, - 6, or -7. Firefly luciferase assay with various combinations of putative DNA binding domain truncated Caspase-3, siRNA against Caspase-3, Caspase-6 or Caspase-7 transfection and docetaxel (10 nM) treatment during 24h. I. Overexpression of the small Caspase-3 subunit alone induced the same activation of the VEGFA promoter as the control. Firefly luciferase assay with various combinations of Caspase-3 small subunit plasmid transfection and docetaxel treatment (10nM), and immunoblot analysis testing transfection efficiency. J. Both subunits of active Caspase-3 are necessary for the transcription activity of active Caspase-3. Firefly luciferase assay with various combinations of Caspase-3 small subunit plasmid, siRNA against Caspase-3, -6 or -7 transfection and docetaxel (10 nM) treatment during 24h. Data are presented as mean ± SD. Figure S4 A B Figure S4: A. Pharmacological inhibition of Caspase-3 blocks VEGFA induction in mouse cells. RT-PCR analysis of VEGFA expression in 4T1 and CT-26 cells treated or not with docetaxel (10 nM) and with Z-FA-FMK control inhibitor or with Z-DEVD-FMK Caspase-3 inhibitor. B. Targeting Caspase-6 and Caspase-7 does not affect tumor growth. Tumor growth in BALB/c mice after subcutaneous injection of CT-26 cells followed by intraperitoneal (IP) injections of 5-fluorouracile (FU) (50 mg/kg) and irinotecan (40mg/kg) with or without weekly injections of Caspase-6 or -7-specific siRNA into the tumor (n = 8 per group). Data are presented as mean ± SD. 1 Table S1: Transcripts upregulated in RNAsequencing Transcripts upregulated in Caspase-3 deficient cells Transcripts upregulated in Caspase-3 proficient cells Common genes gene_id gene_short_name gene_id gene_short_name ABCA12 ENSG00000144452 ABCA12 ENSG00000196993 A-575C2.4 ACTR10 ENSG00000161204 ABCF3 ENSG00000266967 AARSD1 ACTR3B ENSG00000097021 ACOT7 ENSG00000183044 ABAT AF131216.5 ENSG00000131966 ACTR10 ENSG00000144452 ABCA12 AGAP1-IT1 ENSG00000133627 ACTR3B ENSG00000023839 ABCC2 AGAP8 ENSG00000170634 ACYP2 ENSG00000117528 ABCD3 AKNA ENSG00000143537 ADAM15 ENSG00000139826 ABHD13 ALMS1 ENSG00000222040 ADRA2B ENSG00000011198 ABHD5 AMER1 ENSG00000239900 ADSL ENSG00000099204 ABLIM1 AMZ2P1 ENSG00000106624 AEBP1 ENSG00000099204 ABLIM1 ANKRD36B ENSG00000255020 AF131216.5 ENSG00000107897 ACBD5 ANXA1 ENSG00000235529 AGAP1-IT1 ENSG00000110455 ACCS AP3B2 ENSG00000133612 AGAP3 ENSG00000177076 ACER2 ARHGAP31 ENSG00000174194 AGAP8 ENSG00000131473 ACLY ARHGEF3 ENSG00000106948 AKNA ENSG00000147174 ACRC ARRDC3 ENSG00000162482 AKR7A3 ENSG00000163017 ACTG2 ASCC2 ENSG00000139133 ALG10 ENSG00000117148 ACTL8 ATMIN ENSG00000253710 ALG11 ENSG00000131966 ACTR10 ATP13A2 ENSG00000172339 ALG14 ENSG00000131966 ACTR10 BCAR3 ENSG00000119523 ALG2 ENSG00000133627 ACTR3B BCAS1 ENSG00000116127 ALMS1 ENSG00000113812 ACTR8 BIRC3 ENSG00000230002 ALMS1-IT1 ENSG00000184378 ACTRT3 BMP1 ENSG00000184675 AMER1 ENSG00000151694 ADAM17 BNIP2 ENSG00000214174 AMZ2P1 ENSG00000185761 ADAMTSL5 C12orf5 ENSG00000089053 ANAPC5 ENSG00000189007 ADAT2 C14orf93 ENSG00000118454 ANKRD13C ENSG00000121281 ADCY7 C1QTNF4 ENSG00000172932 ANKRD13D ENSG00000197894 ADH5 C2CD4A ENSG00000196912 ANKRD36B ENSG00000156110 ADK C4orf33 ENSG00000135046 ANXA1 ENSG00000159322 ADPGK C6orf170 ENSG00000138356 AOX1 ENSG00000043591 ADRB1 CACNA1I ENSG00000103723 AP3B2 ENSG00000255020 AF131216.5 CAV2 ENSG00000205595 AREGB ENSG00000183077 AFMID CBLB ENSG00000159314 ARHGAP27 ENSG00000235529 AGAP1-IT1 CCBP2 ENSG00000031081 ARHGAP31 ENSG00000174194 AGAP8 CCNC ENSG00000076928 ARHGEF1 ENSG00000106351 AGFG2 CDCA2 ENSG00000116584 ARHGEF2 ENSG00000138678
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