![Simplified Mining Plans](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
SIMPLIFIED MINING PL G.o lRr) tro.723l2017lD Dr r/o5/201 Elmhasfoieao,fu , ";;;"* t (' V.K.ROY DMG/AEMLA/RAP/4/20I6 .o!nc! rBM ROP /Dno/1ro/2ooo^ vkoFnt-FdLcor GERTIFICATES rhc , h rrtn MniB PM o Buildiq stone quarry of extendin8 oler d ea oI 0. 4139 Ha situated in sy Nos. 342/\/274, 342/275/457, 3o2l\4311, 3a1/la3/2, 3a2/143/3, 3o2l1a3/a, 3o2l1a3/s or vnaLady vilbge ol Pathmpurm 'Ialuk in KoIm Distict, K€Ela state, pr€pared undd Rule $ & 5a of (MMCR 2015 by Mr. v.K.Roy, This is 1o requesl1he Deparhent ol MininB dd G&loB/, Kollm to make dy lurther corespondence reSarding any cotre.tion oI lhe Mining Pld with rhe said Recognised Qualifi.d Person at his v, n Roy 't,c 27 / 43712), sa€l, swdaj Loe, R.c.runction, Kumulozhy. vmch&or P.o, e nair [email protected] Mobiler 9347305664/9961 125000 I hereby underlal<e that all modilications / updating as made in the sajd S.hme oI Miniry by the said Re.qnised Qualiffing Person he deemed to have been made with ou loo*ledge dd con*nt d shall be acceptable on us ad bindins in all rcspects. CIRTIFTCATE 'rhe prcvisions of M,nes A.t, Rules and ReAulalions made there under hare been obsered iD the Minins Plm ol Bunding Sione Qu ry or B sundaran, Chaianya, Vallm, Neduvathoor, Kollm Dist.ici extends ove. e aea or o. a139Ha situatd n sy. Nc 342 / | /274. 342 /27s 1457, 3o2/r4A/1, 3A1t\43/2, 3O2/ r4313, 302/14314, 3o2/va/5 of vilalady vnlase of Pathmapurm IJJ ' kolrDJ Dire.tor Cencral ot . lr:,4)r-L ): CERTIFICATE This is 10 cefriry that, the provisions orkMMcR 2015, have heen obs€tred in the prepmtio. or th€ Mining Plm of C.dne Building Stone Quanl ot have been obseNed in the Mtning Plm ol Buildiq Sbne Quarry oI B. Snnd u, chaiteya, Vallm, Neduvathmr P.O, Kouam Disbict, extends ovcr an ffia or o a l39 Ha situated in sy Nos. 302/1/27a, 3o2/21514s7,3421],4311, 301/143/2, 3o2/143/3, 302/las/a, 302/la3/s or vilaludy village oI Pathanaplrm 'rslxk in rollam Disdc! xemra sbte, vherever the specific pemissi.ns e required, the applicdt will apprca.h the concemed authoriiies or Depdtment oI Miniq dd DMG/XERALA/RQP/4/20T6 CONTEI\ITS --:i1tr ,..).'-,/*i YJ .::!gil{{); starus of rhe t {r.d i uar/ 6@/ coopaovl ^ppl.d [email protected]'.,rThecfa l l NunuroiEn*iryAb,rh,rhl i P"stsnsib ! M"aares ##s h( ion fhn and vnii ! Mip l t 3107/DoQ/s2/2017 dated DiEctor of Minine ud ceolo$, cop! oI Possession certifr.ates No.2376/1712l dared 30/10/2017 hsxed by viuaee om.er, vikkudy Lad ra Perc pt i4 not Srl<shyapath.m issued by the villaqe olficer, vilaLady l Copy of Movement Pemit issxedbyDistictGeologist, fP*-3{$> PITN TOR QU^RRYINC PE.RXIT IIAVII{C LESS TIIAN OR EqUAL 10 1 HECTA.R& IRCI: co tRl'RTA No723/2or7lrD Dr.r/o5/2o7 oF R No.s3e7/M3/20r5 m.24lr2l20r6r*xq Nme ad address of the O>r*i-< Status oI the applicat (individual / rim/ conpsy) T.C- 271437 (2t , saRAL Ssei L€ne, I(umukzhy Thiro!€lrmtlupuru 695035 Phon€ No: qa7ao566a / E. Ma rD: vkreaklcmail.com l l ) Desc.iptio! of the LOI lcopy of the smction ord.r enclosed as LOI No:3107/DOQ/32/2017 dt.21l03/2014 Di*nd,",j.sl# - 3o2/1/274, 3a2 /275/ 4s7, 3O2/r43/t, 3A\/t4a/2, 3o2/r13/3, 342/r?13/1, 302/r.13/s X1i;M+- O a139 U lzr.,- \.-,!\ P"r" l*d fir dtiijff$ , . il :.*.!y N€d.st National High way Nedesr state HlshMy Moovarupuzha Road 3 r{n N<rrst Pan.haJath Road chl<kuvarskkal Rmd I I{m I(unnicode Police Station 7 valala.ly Hisher Secondarl Mode ot kmsporbtion ol mineral. HIYSICAL AND The area has sot undulaiing teftain. The p.oposed ea is p r ol a hillock widr a norih easr / south wesi t <laaion is n. the mddle of rhe ploL Mth rhe 157 m above MSL md the lovest ele!.ii.n ls 139 m ahove MSL with d eldation difierenc€ ot 1a m. The dralnag. is ro*dds the w€si diEction. P t of rhe proposed lsd {a, al.eadJ Jnoer m.n.ng or -e sourcrn sd. dd Fnaininq .rea is mJnlr .olered wlrh rubberpl&tdriun I The dea forns pd ol the PGcmbria metmorphic .omplex of (olm Distuici, comprisins matnly rocks ot the chdnockile md khon&lite suire. The ReAionsl ceolog/ ol the area is well stu.lied by the Geoloai.al Suney ol lndia d ihe auihentic data is available in Oeolosical surey of India Mi$euheous puhlicaiion No 30, crc1og d Mineral resources oI the Sbtes ol lndia Patt Ix krala May 2005. The disti.t mnenl suney report of KoUm Distici by ihe Depaltment ol Mining md Gmlo$/ in Novemb.r 2016, prepded 6 per the Envircnm€n1 Irnpat Assesuent (EIA) also disass about ihe eslos/ d @orence of srdil€ buildinR stone. Entire leas. dea is mor. or less expo*d sillimmitc Aneises with patches of chuno ol the dea sas e lier prdy worked olt On-,{u pofrion ofthe 1ed has top soil cove. On the south; pemit ma th6e is d old mined our pit d graniie bundins stone is founa exposed on ihe mlnins fa.e. 'rhe* pits ale reveal ihe presence or Aranite. Th. Ultimatc pit level of the mined out pit is 125 m above MSL. The proposed qudrying wilr have a r timate pit limit ol 130 m above MsL, vhich m.es that th. mdimum d€pth of th€ new propGal is above 5 mete. alrove the old quarry pit. R.f.r Sulae CeoloEi.ar PIan ll,late No.3l n ."yn4's Th- ". i,lrflo of nsd. o) o. vm.'onal parcll"l !.oo! secnon meiho.t using geological.ross scctions. Geological c.oss sections de prepded at acmss the sbike ofthe o.e body The eea of individual litho units is calculated spuably. The volume bee€e. lhe crcss seclio. is dnvcd on rh. basis ol the average ea oI p allel cross-section usins CAD solt{ue dd mulliplyins by s.tionar interal, an.t ionnage is artived ai by mxliiplying with bulk densiry, which is 2 5 MT/cum for Srdic buildi.g srone md 2.0lor weathered rock ed soil. t iil G6ologt.al r.ctft! .n.l gn.la The geological resenes of the plot e estimate p1m md sections. oui ol the lotal geolojd.al rea mineable re* es e la496o MT while the balance .u2ntitu .I {ound r174r1o MT is s.tlintr blocked which cmnoi be mined due to the houndary md $lery bench paramelers. Hence atl pracncd purposes ror produdion dd fu1urc pl8nnine only MINE"ABLE RISERVES (AI l Br,ocxED RISERVESI E'l tct i$'119r d ,m-,,*'.9 ul utr.abl. ft.€e. ald .!ttcl!.ted ltfc of tL. qurry Th€ mineable re*rues as detailed in thc table unde. mineable resefres e lomd ro be 144960 MT d the anticipaGd life of the qu ry is estinated to be ihree yees at rhe rate ol llumb.r of erlrtlng ptts, tf any, ti€tr diE€siou an.t One existins pii wiih a dimension of 5s m x 50n on thc southem sid€ ol the permr boundary. Detallr of mtltrg maohlncry to he d6ploy6.t sD.t th€ir Machines will be deproyed as per requnem€rt 10 meer production tdget Bnel details ol machinery ue 6 follo! s: -T T : (ii) LoadtlE Equipm.nt Mechmical l@din8 equipmcnt such as shovel cxcavarors will be used for .emoval d 1oadi4 of miner,l at la.e dd slock yard. (iii) H.ulrg€ .nd tia..p6rt FautpE.nt rl Haulsg. wtthtn Eiltlg L...hold: Loadina of stone will be done with the help of shovel md excavarors at face ud ,l BROAD AL$TING PARAIIIETRS --l Follo!ins are the parameters whi.h ]s used Dcprh oIHole. 1.0 m to I s m Diamete.orhole 32 mm. Th€ blasting patiem entirely dep€rds on the siluanon oI the joids prc*nl in the Mks. Th€ drillinA is done as p€. the requirement of the rcck fraementaiion vith dffi.ed TYPE OF EXPIOSTVE TO BE USAD Only class 2 dd cl6s 6 The NFO mixrure cm he readity produced at a stc by nixing nitrate (94.5old with El{tric detonators ad Fu* Considring low consmption, a sso kg mageine is for stonns the explmive. 'rhe @guines are to b. constructing vithin th€ @mpl€x. The.ontroled blasting is prcposed by adopting 6ll the $let, meBures ao ptr MMR 1961 sd with the p€mision ol DGMS. Blastins vill he pedormed as per requirement on th. lace. 'Ihe €xplosive by authoriz€d blaslin* pdr, himself dd the bld'':ng tr U b" rnedo"b''Fe.F+dbla.',e o''a o- a.2r-11k> a Proper and ele srorage ot cxplosive klF,".c b. Prcper, SaIe dd caretul h dlin3 md u* ofexplosires on p-'en' 816.e,s hsvina Bbs'fl'e ce.ul!are Compctcncv issucd by DGMS. system to prev€nt lhelt/pilleraae, into Maszine aea ma checkinq authorizd per$ns io p.eveni cdrying of mat.h boa, lighb, d. The explosiv.s oI class 2 will be used in their o.iainal ctutndre packins dd such cdidr shall noi t'€ cut to .emove aplosive for m3Linc c tridg€ ofdiffereni size.
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