□ — — 1 ^ — 1 ^ — — — □ HP 8 |fj T HAS been our aim |I'HUIIhmI I to uplifit man, through G 9 exalted Words, unto the Supreme Horizon, and to prepare them to hearken unto that which conduces to the sanctifying and purifying of the people of the world from strife and mminuui] discord resulting, from dif­ ItniiiiiibiiJ ferences in religions or iiiiiiiiiiinin sects. m — B A H A ’O ’L L A H • □•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•□•Cl» O friends! In this day the door of heaven is opened by the key of the g,odly Name, the ocean of generosity is manifested and is rolling, before your faces, and the Sun of Providence is shining and gleaming. Do not be exclusive nor destroy your most precious time through the speech of this or that person. Gird up the loins of endeavor and do your best in training the people of the world. Do not imagine that the Cause of God is a cause of opposition, hatred or wrath. The Sun of Greatness hath said, that which is revealed from the heaven of will in this Supreme Manifesta­ tion, is to unite the people with love and friendship toward all. The people of Baha, who have drunk of the pure wine of reality, must associate with all the world with a perfect spirit of joy and fragrance, and remind them of that which is for the benefit of all. This is the Commandment of the Wronged One to his saints and sincere ones. O people of the earth! Make not the religion of God a cause of variance among, you. Verily of a truth, it was revealed for the uniting, of the whole world. Blessed is he who loves the world simply for the sake of the Face of his Generous Lord. With perfect compassion and mercy have we guided and directed the people of the world to that whereby their souls shall he profited. I declare by the Sun of Truth and which hath shown forth from the highest Horizon of the world, that the people of Baha had not and have not any aim save the prosperity and reformation of the world and the purifying of the nations. —BAHA’O’LLAH STAR OF THE WEST “We desire but the good of the world and the happiness of the nations; that all nations shall become one in faith and all men as brothers; that the bonds of affection and unity between the sons of men shall be strengthened; that diversity of religion shall cease and differences of race be annulled. So it shall be; these fruitless strifes these ruinous wars shall pass away, and the ‘Most Great Peace’ shall come.”—B a h a ’o ’l l a h . Vol. VI Baha 1, 71 (March 21, 1915) No. 1 “ My Purpose and Intention is to Remove from Amongst Men this Enmity and this Religous Hatred” Address by Abdul-Baha at Eighth Street Temple (Jewish Synagogue) Washington, D. C ., November 8, 1912. From stenographic notes by Mr. Joseph H. Hannen OD is One; and the effulgence of is clement to all mankind. God hath G God is one; and humanity con­ ordained amity amongst men. stitutes the servants of that one But most regrettable is the state of God. God is kind to all. He creates difference and dispersion we have them all, He provides for all; and all created amongst men in the name of ne- doth He nurture, and protect. The sun ligion, imagining that a duty para­ of God shines upon all mankind. The mount in importance in religion is that divine cloud pours down upon all. The of alienating peoples; that our religious gentle zephyrs of His mercy blow to­ duty, as it were, is to shun one another ward all, and all humanity is submerged and to consider each other contami­ in the ocean of God’s eternal mercy. nated ! In reality, let it he known that God has created mankind from the the foundations of the Divine Religions same progeny in order that His crea­ are one, and the differences which have tures may associate one with the other occurred are due to the blind imitations. in good fellowship, that they may exer­ ITis holiness Abraham was the founder cise love towards each other, that they of reality. His holiness Moses was the may live amicably together. founder of reality. His holiness Christ But we have acted contrary to the was the founder of reality. His holi­ good pleasure of God. We have been ness Mohammed was the founder of the cause of alienating humanity. We reality. His1 holiness Baha’o’llah was have separated one from the other, aris­ the founder of reality. And this is to ing in opposition towards each other. be proved; it is not simply an assertion. How many have been the wars which have occurred amongst men! How ex­ Let me ask your closest attention for cessive has been the bloodshed which the consideration of this subject: The has taken place amongst men! How divine religions—each one of them— numerous have been the homes which are divisible into two divisions. One have been laid waste! How number­ division is concerned with the essential less are the cities which have been or spiritual: to wit, faith in God, the ruined. And all of this has been con­ acquirement of the virtues which char­ trary to the good pleasure of God. For acterize perfect manhood, praiseworthy God hath willed love for humanity. God morals, the acquisition of the bestowals 4 STAB, OF THE WEST resulting from divine effulgences; in short, all the prophets have promul­ short, that division which is concerned gated this aspect of religion. with the realm of morality or the The second division, which is non- ethical plane. This is the fundamental essential, which has to do with the aspect of the religion of God, and this is transactions of humanity and is of no important, because knowledge is of first great import, that department is acci­ importance. Man must know God. He dental and changes according to the must comprehend the oneness of Divin­ exigencies of time and place. It is not ity. He must come to know and to ac­ fundamental, it is accidental. For ex­ knowledge the precepts of God, and he ample, during the times of Noah, it was must come to the point of knowing for expedient that all the sea foods be con­ a certainty that the ethical development sidered as lawful, and so God com­ of humanity is dependent upon religion. manded Noah to partake of all marine Man must get rid of all defects, and animal life. But during the time of seek the acquisition of virtues. Thus Moses this was not in accordance with may he prove to be the “ image and the exigencies of the time, therefore a likeness of God.” It is recorded in the second command was issued which abro­ holy Bible that God stated: “ We shall gated partly the law, making unlaw­ create man after our own image and ful certain of the marine foods. Dur­ likeness.” It is self-evident that the ing the time of Abraham—upon whom image and likeness thus mentioned do be peace!—it is well known that not apply to the ordinary form and camel’s milk was considered a very law­ visage of a human being, because the ful and delicious food; likewise the reality of Divinity is not subject to any flesh of the camel. But during Jacob’s form or anatomic figure. Nay, rather, time, because of a certain vow which by the “ image and likeness of God” Jacob rendered, this became unlawful. are meant the attributes and character­ These are the non-essential affairs. istics of God. Even as God is pro­ In the holy Bible there are certain nounced to be just, man must likewise commandments which, according to be just. Even as God loves all men, those bygone times, constitued the very man must likewise love all humanity. spirit of the age—the very light of that Even as God is kind to all, man must period. For example, according to the be kind to all his fellowmen. Even as law of the Torah, if a man committed God is loyal and truthful, man must be theft to the extent of a dollar they cut loyal and truthful. Even as God ex­ off his hand; but now is it possible to ercises mercy toward all, man must cut a man’s hand off for a theft of a prove himself to be the manifestation dollar? There are to be found in the of mercy. In a word, the “ image and Torah ten ordinances concerning mur­ likeness of God” constitute the virtues der. Are these effective today? No; of God, and man must ever become the times have changed. According to the recipient of the effulgences of divine explicit text of the Bible, if a man attributes. This signifies the “ image should change or break the law of the and likeness of God.” Again, let it be Sabbath, if he should touch fire on the stated that each religion of God is di­ Sabbath, he must be killed. Today such visible into two divisions or depart­ a law is abrogated. The Torah declares ments. One division is connected with if a man should say an unseemly word these virtues, and that is the founda­ of his father, he must be killed. Is this tion, and this you will find common to possible of execution now? No, indeed. all the divine religions.
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