CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES-2 JAMMU & KASHMIR DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK Part - A & B ANANTNAG DISTRICT VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY ~ VILLAGE AND TOWNVVISE PRIMARY CENSUS A8STRACT c~i'l Q,1 f-~ :i~! Pf'()Pl i~ UKli'" I'.r: Chander Shakher Sapru Deputy Directo! of Census Operations. Jarnmu & Kashmir Product Code Number ??-???-2001 - Cen-Book (E) ANANTNAG DISTRJCT . ., ." ...... ~ ... .i' Alllamalh en{' is situated ill a narrow gorge al the !;1I1her end or Liddcr vaile). All1<lrnath stands at the alltitudr of 1~()(J(l1i. and ~6 "-II1S_ from Pahalgam and 141 kms. Ii-(lill Srinagar. Arrnrdill~ 10 Ancient laic. then.' "CIS once a Muslilll shepherd namcd Buta Malik. \\ ilo \\IlS ~i\"L'11 a sac~ of ((lal h: a sadilu. UpOIl rl';lclllll~ home hI.' discO\l.'red -Ihal the sack. in ta~l, containcd gold 0\ cr joyed and ()\"(,!TOIl1l'. Buta Mal i~ rushcd hac"- 10 loo~ I(l(" the saJhu to Ihan~ him bUI on the SpOI of their Illl'cting hl' dbco\ncd a ra\ c and ~\-enlUall: this becal1lt' a place of pilgrimage for allhelievers. The Ire'" from Chandanwari to Alllarnath is on an ancknt peregrine routt'. The 30 klll~ t\\0 "ilh h<llt~ al Shcsilnal: distance is co\ereG in da\'s-.._ ni1!hl .:'_.(\\a\\jan) and Panchtarni. The diSlctnCe from Pahal.:_.:arn Itl Chandall\\ari (16 kms.) IW\\ can be Cll\Crcd by whicular IranSron and the·trail rUlls alll l1f_ lhl' Lidder 1\ i\t'f'. CONTENTS Pages Foreword vii Preface IX Acknowledgement X District Highlights - 200 I Census xii Important Statistics in the district xiv Ranking ofTehsils in the district XVI Statements t-9 Statement-I Name of the headquarters of DistricVTehsil, their Rural-Urban Status xvii Statement-2 Name of headquarters of DistrictJCD Block, their Rural-Urban status xvii Statement-3 Population of the District at each Census from 190 I to 200 I xviii Statement-4 Area; Number ofvillages!Towns and population in the District and xix Statement-S C.D. Blockwise , Number of villages and their population, 200 I xx Statement-6 Population of Urban Agglomeration (including constituent units! xx Statement-7 Villages with population of SOOO and above at C.D. block Level as per xxi Statement-8 Statutory towns with population less than SOOO as per 200 I Census xxii Statement-9 Houseless and Institutional population ofTehsil Rural-Urban,20DI- ,",xii Analytical note i) History and scope of District Census Handbook 3 ii) Brief History of the District 4 iii) Administrative set up S iv) Physical features 7 v) Census Concepts 18 . vi) Non Census Concepts 27 vi i) 200 I Census findings - population and its distribution 34 a) Distribution of population in rural and urban areas 34 b) Size. Class and status of towns, Population. Growth. Density and Sex ratio, 3S c) Mother tongue, Scheduled Castes and scheduled Tribes of earlier Censuses 40 Brief analysis of Primary Census Abstract(PCA) data based on Tables - 1-36 41 Brief analysis of village directory and town directory data based on inset tablesJ7- 47 73 Brief analysis of the data on house and household amenities as available in Table 200 I Census based on inset tables 48-S2 88 viii) Major social and cultural events, natural and administrative developments and 94 ix) Brief description of places of religious historical and places of tourist interest in 98 x) Major characteristics of district, contribution of the district in the form of any 106 xi) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory - column heading wise explanation 109 PART-A: VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY Section-I: Village Directory a) Note explaining the abbreviation used in Village Directory 116 b) List of vi II ages merged in towns and outgrowth at 200 I Census 119 IV c) Community Development (C.D.) Blockwise Village Directory data Alphabetical list of villages of Dachnipora alongwith location code ofl981and2001 120 Village Directory of Dachnipora CD Block ']22 Alphabetical list of villages of Khoveripora alongwith location code 142 of 1981 and 2001 Village Directory of Khoveripora CD Block 144 Alphabetical list of villages of Shang as alongwith, location code of 1981 and 2001 164 Village Directory of Shangas CD Block 166 Alphabetical list of villages of Achabal alongwith location code of 1981 and 2001 174 Village Directory of Achabal CD Block 176 Alphabetical list of villages of Quimoh alongwith location code of 1981 and 2001 190 Village Directory of KoimohCD Block 192 Alphabetical list of villages of Kulgam alongwith location code of 1981 and 200 I 214 Village Directory of Kulgam CD Block 216 Alphabetical list of villages of Damhal Hanji Pora alongwith location code 244 of 1981 and 2001 Village Directory of Damhal Hanji Pora CD Block 246 Alphabetical list of villages of Qazigund alongwith location code of 1981 and 200 I 264 Village Directory of Qazigund CD Block 266 Alphabetical list of villages of Shahabad alongwith location code of 1981 and 200 I 294 Village Directory ofShahabad CD Block 296 Alphabetical list of villages of Breng alongwith location code of 1981 and 2001 308 Village Directory of Breng CD Block 310 Appendices to Village Directory Appendix-I : Abstract of educational, medical and other amenities in villages - C.D. 324 Appendix-IA : Villages by number of Primary Schools 328 Appendix-IB Villag~s by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 329 Appendix-IC : Villages with different source of drinking water facilities available, 330 . Appendix-II : Villages with 5000 and above population which do not have one or 331 Appendix-IIA : Census Towns which do not have one or more amenities 332 Appendix-IV : C.D. Blockwise list of inhabited villages where no amenity other than 333 Appendix-V Summary showing number of villages not having scheduled 334 Appendix-VI Summary showing number of villages not having scheduled 335 Appendix-VIlA: List of villages according to the proportion of the scheduled castes 336 Appendix-VIIB: List of villages according to the proportion ·of the scheduled tribes to 337 Appendix-VlIl Number of villages under each Gram Panchayat (C.O. Block-wise) 341 Appendix-IX : Statement showing number of girls schools in the villages 342 v Section-II: Town Directory a) Note explaining the abbreviation used in Town Directory 346 Town Directory statements (I-VII) b) Statement I - Status and growth history 354 c) Statement 11- Physical aspects and location of towns 356 d) Statement III - Municipal finance 360 e) Statement IV - Civic and other amenities 361 f) Statement V - Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities 365 g) Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking 379 h) Statement VII - Civic and other amenities in slums 380 i) Appendix to Town Directory - Towns showing their outgrowth with population 384 PART-B : PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT a) Brief note on Primary Census Abstract 388 b) District Primary Census Abstract (General) 392 c) Appendix to District Primary Census Abstract i.e. Urban blockwise figures of total 410 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 420 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 426 C.D. Blockwise Village Primary Census Abstract i) Primary Census Abstrac~ - Dachnipora C.D. Block 432 ii) Primary Census Abstract - Koveri Pora C.D. Block 444 iii) Primary Census Abstract - Shangas C.D. Block 456 iv) Primary Census Abstract - Achabal C.D. Block 462 v) Primary Census Abstract - Quimoh C.D. Block 474 vi) Primary Census Abstract - Damhal Hanji Pora C.D. Block 486 vii) Primary Census Abstract - Qazigund C.D.Block 498 viii) Primary Census Abstract - Shahabad C.D.Block 510 ix) Primary Census Abstract - Breng C.D.Block 516 ix) Primary Census Abstract - Kulgam C.D.Block 522 x). Primary Census Abstract - Shupiyan C.D.Block 538 Urban Primary Census Abstract 540 Annexures Annexure-I: Percentage distribution of migrants by place ofbirth/place oflast residence residence, 1981-200 I Census 564 Annexure-ll: Brief account of main religions in the districtltehsil as per 1981-200 I Census 566 Annexure-III: Marital status of population as per 200 I Census 568 Alfnexure-IV: Age, Sex and Education in the district, 1981-2001 Census 569 Annexure-V : Distribution of different mother tongues returned in 200 I Census 570 vi FOREWORD The District Census Handbook (DCHB) publi"hed hy Census Organisaion since 19:; I Census. is one of the important publications in the Cl1nte\1 of planning and development at gross-root level. The publication. which is brought out for Celeh district, contains several demographic and socia-economic characteristics village-wise and town-wise of the district along\\ith the status of availability of civic amenities. intra<,tructural facilities, etc. ') The scope of the DCHB was initiall) confincd to a few Census Tables and Primary Census Abstract (PCA) of each village and town within the district. Thereafter, at successive censuses. its scope and coverage has been enlargcd. The DCHB published at the 1961 Census provided a descriptive account of the district. administrative statistics, Census Tables and a Village and Town Directory including PCA The 1971 Census-DCHB series was in three parts: Part-A related to Village and Town Directory. Part-B to Village and Town PCA and Part-C comprised Analytical Report. Adminislrali\e Statistics. District Census Tables and certain Analytical Tables based all PCA and Amenit) Data in respect of villages. The 1981 Census DCHB was in two parts: Part-A contained Village and Town Directory and Part-B the PCA of Village and Town including the SCs and STs peA up to tahsil/town levels. New features alongwith restructuring of the formats of \ illage and Town Directory were added into it. In Village Directory. all amenities e)<.cert electricity were brought together and if any amenity v.as not available in the referent village.
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