R&D 2019-20 LIST ( Agriculture) Sl Name Mobile E-mail Office Address Last Project Report Decison Year Submit Grant 1. 0Nazmul Sarwar 01676961876 [email protected] Chittagong N Development and quality evaluation 1 Veterinary and of value-added nutritious biscuit Animal Sciences with high ant diabetic properties University(CVASU from medicinal plants available in ) Bangladesh 2. Dr. Farzana 01769760751 [email protected] American Y Analysis of cypermethrin residues Y Khali International and its' health effect in some local University- vegetables of Bangladesh 2 Bangladesh(AIUB) 3. Md. Rejaul 01515291572 [email protected] Agronomy N Effect of seed treatment with folic Karim Division, BARI, acid and K fertilizer foliar Joydebpur, application on maize seed Gazipur-1701 germination and vegetative growth under salinity stress 4. Md. Mahabub 01799420903 [email protected] Assistant professor, Y EFFECT ON DIFFERENT Y Alam Department of ABIOTIC STRESSES ON Agronomy, Sher-e- MORPHOPHYSIOLOGICAL Bangla Agricultural AND BIOCHEMICAL University, Sher-e- PARAMETERS IN Corchorus Bangla Nagar, olitorius Dhaka-1207 5. Md. Riazul 01793668552 [email protected] Regional spices Y EFFECT OF DIFFERENT Y Islam research centre, SALINITY LEVEL ON YIELD OF BARI, Magura ISABGUL (Plantigo ovata) 7600 6. Md. Sahidul 0181964178 [email protected] National Institute Y Isolation of Lactobacillus sp. and Y Islam Bhuiyan of Biotechnology, analyzes its probiotic potential in Ganakbari, Savar, carpfishes Dhaka1349 7. Md Khaled 01797095949 [email protected] Room no-311, BS N Biofortification of minerals and Y Mosharaf building, Dept. of antioxidant compounds in Tomato Environmental (Lycopersicon esculentum) by Science, multispecies bacterial biofilms BSMRAU: 8. Alak Barman 01914561677 [email protected] Soil Science Y Effect of Soil and Organic Fertilizer Division, Ratio on the Growth and Yield of Bangladesh Capsicum for a Rooftop Garden Agricultural Research Institute 9. Md. Uzzal 01515211981 [email protected] Department of Y Study of cyto-molecular and Y Hossain Botany University breeding nature of two varieties of of Barishal vegetable Malva verticillata L. Barishal-8200 (Napa shak), Bangladesh 10. Md. Zahir 01737777146 [email protected] Depertmant of N "Effect of Dietary Supplementation Uddin Rubel Poultry Science, of Multistrain Probiotic on Growth Sher-e-Bangla Performance in Broiler Chicken" Agricultural University. 11. Swarna Shome 01911924240 [email protected] Department of N Effect of biochar on growth and m Agronomy, Sher-e- yield of mungbean Bangla Agricultural University, Dhaka 12. Md. 01757600426 [email protected]. Department of N Hydraulic evaluation of the Moniruzzaman bd Agricultural replicated sprinklers made in Engineering, Bangladesh BSMRAU, Gazipur1706 13. Uswatun 01730998714 [email protected] Sagor Tower, 69- Y Increasing Zn content in Wheat by Y Hasana Hashi 69/1 , Boro Indara agronomic biofortification Moor, EBAUB, Chapainawabgonj 14. Tanvir Ahamed 01925312477 [email protected] Lecturer N Development of salt tolerant fodder Department of through somatic embryogenesis for Biotechnology and coastal regions of Bangladesh Genetic Engineering Bangabandhu Shiekh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University Gopalganj-8100 15. Dr. Md. 01745440034 [email protected] Jashore University Y Isolation of indigenous arsenic Y Mahmudul of Science and transforming bacteria from arsenic Hasan Technology contaminated soil 16. Md Matiar 01751160888 [email protected] Room No: 309, N Heavy metal contaminations in Rahman New Academic vegetables, soils and river as well as building, pond water in Gopalganj, BSMRSTU, Bangladesh. Gopalganj-8100 17. Ridwan Ul 01710061468 [email protected] EXIM Bank Y Implementation and Feasibility Y Islam Mahdi Agricultural study of a low cost smart irrigation University Boro system using microcontrollers. Indara Mor, Chapainababganj 18. Abdul Awal 01516785250 [email protected] DEPARTMENT N SCREENING OF SOYBEAN Chowdhury OF AGRONOMY, GENOTYPES FOR Masud SHER-E-BANGLA WATERLOGGING STRESS AGRICULTURAL TOLERANCE AND UNIVERSITY, UNDERSTANDIG THE DHAKA TOLERANCE MECHANISM 19. Mst Marzina 01716229809 [email protected] Mst. Marzina N Impact of Climate Change on Begum m Begum, PhD 70/D Health: The Resilience of Barind's Rajshahi University Women in Rajshahi Distric residential area Rajshahi University Rajshahi-6205 20. Md.Aminur 01741696117 [email protected] House # 1203, N Risk of climate changes & Rahman Ward # 06, environmental adaptation and Sardarpara, Post & mitigation research project Dist- Joypurhat. 21. Md. Abu 01914897540 [email protected] Daudkandi Adarsha N Socio-economic aspects of Sayem (Pilot) High increasing the uses and plantations School, Daudkandi, of medicinal plants: A module Comilla study in Comilla district 22. Md. Khairul 01725843988 [email protected] Soil Physics N Effect of crop establishment Alam Section, Soil methods, residue retention and Science Division, biochar on soil health, cropping BARI, system productivity and carbon GAzipur1701 footprint (total GHG) 23. Md. Saddam 01521111532 [email protected] Microbial Y Optimization of Eco-friendly Y Hossain Biotechnology Keratinase Enzyme from Bacteria Division, National for Leather Industry Institute of Biotechnology 24. Md Jahangir 01770584044 Soil Science N Effect of conservation tillage and Alam Division, BARI, split application of potassium on the Joydebpur, productivity of maize-mungbean- Gazipur-1701 T.aman cropping system and on soil health 25. Md. Abu 01515241198 [email protected] National Institute N Isolation and molecular Sayem Khan of Biotechnology, characterization of synthetic dye Ganakbari, degrading bacteria from textile Ashulia, Savar, effluents Dhaka 26. Md Abdur 01977446477 [email protected] Dept. of N Detection of Potato Plant Disease Rahman Mathematics using Convolutional Neural Jahangirnagar Network University, Savar, Dhaka 27. Tanzina Akter 01681466870 [email protected] Ntional Institute of Y Screening and molecular Y Biotechnoloy, characterization of biosurfactant Ganak Bari, producing bacteria from petroleum Ashulia, Savar, contaminated soil Dhaka 28. Md. 01723617297 [email protected] Dept. of Rural N UNDERSTANDING Asaduzzaman Sociology, PERCEPTION AND Bangladesh ADAPTABILITY STRATEGIES Agricultural OF THE SMALL SCALE University LIVESTOCK FARMERS TO CLIMATE CHANGE IMPACTS IN THE COASTAL AREAS OF BANGLADESH 29. Tapos Kumar 01756610261 taposchakraborty@rocketmail Dept. of Y Removal of toxic dye (methylene Y Chakraborty .com EST,Jashore blue) from aqueous solution and University of industrial effluent by jute stick Science and charcoal: Adsorption isotherms and Technology, kinetics studies Jashore7408 30. Md. Mujibur 01718453610 [email protected] EXIM Bank Y Effect of packaging materials and Y Rahman Khan Agricultural storage condition on the shelf life University and chemical fruit quality of Bangladesh Khirsapat mango Chapainawabganj- 6300 31. Dr. Md. 01712043684 [email protected] Scientific Officer Y Screening of wheat genotypes Y Mustafa Khan Regional Station against salinity at seedling stage BWMRI Joydebpur, Gazipur-1701 32. Kamrun Naher 01730876447 kamrunnaherkeya003@gmail Lecturer, Dept. of Y Infestations, Seasonal Variations N Azad .com Aquaculture, BAU, and Identification of Mymensingh-2202 Acanthocephalan Worm Isolated from Channa punctatus in Mymensingh District 33. Md. Abu Sayid 01674772545 [email protected] University of Y Biogas Production from Tannery Y Mia Dhaka Solid Wastes: Characterization and Application 34. Samina Zaman 01733633996 [email protected] Dept of EST. Y Hen feather as adsorbent for the Y Jashore University removal of methyl red dye from of Science and aqueous solution and industrial Technology. 7408 wastewater 35. Md. Shaheb Ali 01646604941 [email protected] Sagar Tower, Y Introduction of mud eel N Pk Holding No. 69- (Monopterus cuchia) culture by 69/1, BoroIndara ethnic (adivasi) communities at moor, Barind region in Chapainawabganj Chapainawabganj 36. Md. Fazle 01743254901 [email protected] Dept. of Y Effect of Linseed Meal on the - Rohani Aquaculture, Growth Performance and Survival - Bangladesh Rate of Rohu, Labeo rohita Agricultural University, Mymensingh. 37. Md. Ripon 01401830251 [email protected] 69-69/1,Sagor Y Growth and Yield of Short Duration Y Hossain tower,Boro Indara Transplant Aman Rice Varieties in Moor, Response to Nitrogen Application Chapainawabganj, Postcode-6300 38. Dr. Md. Deluar 01712396804 [email protected] EXIM Bank N Identification of Major Problems - Hossain Agricultural Present in Mango Production at - University Chapainawabganj District in Bangladesh Bangladesh Chapainawabganj 6300 39. Md. Rafikul 01756569270 [email protected] Department of N Population Demography and Islam Animal Breeding Breeding Status of Existing Spotted and Genetics, Deer in Bangladesh BAU: 40. Md. Shamim 01750154314 [email protected] Senior Upazila Y Implementing the antibacterial Y Ahmed Fisheries Office, activity of medicinal herbs against Upazila-Kotalipara, the carp fish pathogen Aeromonas Dist.Gopalgonj hydrophila in the pond 41. Bipul Chandra 01740340255 [email protected] Department of N Effects of probiotics, prebiotics and Ray Poultry Science, acidifiers on the growth BAU, performances and meat yield Mymensingh-2202 characteristics of commercial 3. Applicant's broiler chickens mobile number : 4. Applicant's email number : 42. Tanzena Tanny
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