MARCH 2020 HCMmag.com @HCMmag UNITING THE WORLD OF FITNESS PLUS Physical Company announce UK distribution of FIRST FOR FITNESS SOLUTIONS James Anderson on Physical Company’s Mission Statement GAINING PARTNERSHIPS THROUGH EXCELLENCE =,9$$JOREDO²WQHVVEUDQGZLWKDIRFXV AIREX®$LUH[LVWKHJOREDOPDUNHW RQSUHPLXPGXUDEOHKLJKSHUIRUPLQJ OHDGHUIRUKLJKTXDOLW\²WQHVV SURGXFWV§VXSSRUWHGE\VRPHRIWKHORQJHVW J\PQDVWLFV\RJDDQG3LODWHVPDWV ZDUUDQWLHVLQWKHLQGXVWU\§=,9$¬VEURDG DQGEDODQFHSDGV$LUH[KDYHEHHQ SRUWIROLRVSDQVIUHHZHLJKWVWRIXQFWLRQDO SURYLGLQJTXDOLW\PDWVVLQFH HTXLSPHQWDFFHVVRULHVWRVWRUDJHUDFNVDQG ULJVWREHQFKHVDQGSODWIRUPV (&25(6SHFLDOLVW³RRULQJSURYLGHUVIXOO\ REAXING®5HD[LQJLQWURGXFHV GHGLFDWHGWRXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKHUHODWLRQVKLS QHXURPXVFXODUWUDLQLQJHTXLSPHQWWKH EHWZHHQSHRSOHDQGWKHVXUIDFHVWKH\ UHYROXWLRQDU\QHZPHWKRGRIIXQFWLRQDO ZRUNSOD\DQGOLYHRQE\FUHDWLQJG\QDPLF ²WQHVVXVLQJXQVWDEOHDQGXQSUHGLFWDEOH VXUIDFHVWDNLQJLQWRFRQVLGHUDWLRQ PRYHPHQWVWRSURYLGHDZRUNRXWTXLWH HUJRQRPLFVVDIHW\DQGDFRXVWLFV XQOLNHDQ\RWKHUHTXLSPHQWRQWKHPDUNHW BOSU®,QYHQWHGE\'DYLG:HFNWKH 0(55,7+(:7KHOHDGHUVLQPLQGIXO BOSU®%DODQFH7UDLQHUGHEXWHGLQ PRYHPHQW0HUULWKHZLVWKHJOREDOOHDGHU DQGTXLFNO\EHFDPHRQHRIWKHPRVW LQPLQGERG\HGXFDWLRQDQGHTXLSPHQW VXFFHVVIXO²WQHVVWUDLQLQJSURGXFWVLQWKH LQFOXGLQJ3LODWHV5HIRUPHUVDQG6WDELOLW\ ZRUOG.QRZQLQGXVWU\ZLGHIRUWUDLQLQJ %DUUHVPRWLYDWLQJSHRSOHRIDOODJHVDQG EDODQFHHQKDQFLQJ³H[LELOLW\ GHOLYHULQJ OLIHVWDJHVWROHDGKHDOWKLHUOLYHV HIIHFWLYHFDUGLRZRUNRXWV PHYSICALCOMPANY.CO.UK GLOBAL MEDIA PARTNER MARCH 2020 HCMmag.com @HCMmag UNITING THE WORLD OF FITNESS SARY LE ER IS V U I R N E N Glenn Earlam M A E D h t I A The CEO of David Lloyd 0 4 O Leisure on new models and O growing the estate p38 Rene Moos Insights into Basic-Fit p66 Emma Barry How to build a badass boutique p58 Get a copy HCMmag Increase retention with Myzone! Studies show that Myzone members Did you know? stay 24% longer than members It costs 9x as much without Myzone. to acquire a new member as it does to retain an existing one? And increasing customer retention rates by 5% LQFUHDVHVSURȴWVE\ Why? Because Myzone: 25-95%? – Harvard Business Review Builds Community Enhances Group Exercise Increase User Engagement Scan QR code to learn more Accurately Tracks Members’ Make your club unforgettable. Your customers will love you for it! @myzonemoves | #myzonemoves | #myzonecommunity myzone.org | [email protected] EDITOR’S LETTER All change COVID-19 is the reality we’ll be living with until a vaccine can be developed and this challenge will test the resilience and adaptability of our sector. Don’t wait for things to return to ‘normal’ – start adapting right now t’s hard to escape the feeling that we’re in the middle of a Hollywood movie, as events relating to COVID-19 unfold around us and the extraordinary and the unthinkable become I WKHHYHU\GD\:KRFRXOGKDYHSUHGLFWHGWKDWDOOʜLJKWVIURP Europe to the US could ever be grounded? With major disruptions announced by the minute around the clock – from school closures to the suspension of major events – the long-predicted global pandemic has swiftly arrived. 6RKRZLVWKHKHDOWKDQGʛWQHVVLQGXVWU\UHVSRQGLQJDQGZKDW will the impacts be on our sector in the short- and medium-term? In this issue, we talk to CEOs Humphrey Cobbold of Pure Gym and Clive Ormerod of Les Mills, about their inspiring responses. In the hours between now and when we publish, their positions may change, but we believe it’s valuable to track progress. Although the macro picture may eventually impact the sector if economic disruption leads to falling income levels, as a PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK/COOKIE STUDIO largely subscription-based business, health clubs should be able Outdoor exercise with social distancing will be a trend to withstand some business interruption in the short-term, as J\PFORVXUHVLQ,WDO\6SDLQ6ZHGHQDQGVRRQFRPHLQWRHʞHFW The straightforward measure of extending membership Genuine and well-intentioned will minimise the immediate economic impact, create positive goodwill and may even improve retention. engagement around health and Boutiques, with their pay-as-you-go model, are more exposed resilience will find a more receptive to the impact and COVID-19 will stress-test their resilience and the commitment of their tribes, especially those with no digital audience going forward outreach in the form of live streaming, or on-demand. 7KHSDQGHPLFZLOODFFHOHUDWHWKHDGRSWLRQRIʛWQHVVWHFKZLWK Don’t expect things to return to ‘normal’ any time soon – operators moving to line up digital, home-based workouts to harness the creativity of your team and start innovating. keep members active if they’re self-isolating and hungry to move. A virus of this type sees humans at their most exposed – We’ll also see a surge in interest in outdoor workouts, as ‘social WKHUHDUHQRIDVWʛ[HVQRSLOOVWKDWFDQEHWDNHQ2XURQO\ GLVWDQFLQJȷEHFRPHVDSDUWRIOLIHDQGSHRSOHʛQGZD\VWRH[HUFLVH defence is the state of our health and our immune system. in the fresh air while keeping the recommended distance apart. It would be inappropriate for us as an industry to cynically The situation will expose the self-employed status of many H[SORLWWKLVVLWXDWLRQIRUʛQDQFLDOJDLQEXWZHPD\ʛQGWKDW PTs and – just as Deliveroo is making payments to its zero-hours genuine and well-intentioned engagement around health and GHOLYHU\ZRUNHUVLIWKH\JHWWKHYLUXVȲVRWKHʛWQHVVLQGXVWU\ UHVLOLHQFHZLOOʛQGDPRUHUHFHSWLYHDXGLHQFHJRLQJIRUZDUG PXVWVWHSXSDQGVXSSRUW37VZKRDUHLQGLʡFXOW\ Most important is our role in boosting morale, as this crisis So what of the longer-term? Now the virus is active among will be especially challenging for people with mental health issues. the population and looking less as though it’s seasonal, we’ll be living with it rumbling on until a vaccine is developed. Liz Terry, editor This means its presence in our lives is the new reality and we [email protected] need to adapt. The sooner we start this process the better. @elizterry +44 (0)1462 431385 WWW.HCMmag.COM [email protected] WWW.LEISURESUBS.COM ©Cybertrek 2020 March 2020 5 HCMmag.com CONTENTS Uniting the world of fitness MARCH 2020 No 277 58 Building a Badass Boutique, Emma Barry on her new book 18 Ed Stanbury is scaling the BLOK brand 05 Editor’s letter 22 Adala Bolto 66 Insights Bolto saw a need for a “bespoke, female- into Basic-Fit 13 Write to reply specific, results-driven boutique” from Rene Moos Dan Rees of Premier Global NASM starts a debate about the safest way to 26 Aaron Brooks-Thornett stretch, with a response from Flexology This personal trainer works on a ‘pay what you can’ basis, allowing 14 Special report him to reach those most in need First response CEOs Humphrey Cobbold, of Pure Gym 30 HCM News and Clive Ormerod of Les Mills talk about Stay up-to-date with the latest news their initial response to COVID-19 in health, fitness and physical activity 18 HCM people 38 Interview Ed Stanbury Glenn Earlam The CEO and co-founder of BLOK The CEO of David Lloyd Leisure talks tells how he developed ‘one of to HCM about new models, standalone the coolest gyms in the world’ boutiques and growing the estate 6 March 2020 ©Cybertrek 2020 22 Adala Bolto’s passion is fitness for women 38 Glenn Earlam has big expansion plans for DLL 48 Are health clubs alienating introverts? 54 Couples who train together stay together 48 Ask an expert 70 Time to combine 88 Supplier showcase Catering to introverts Tara Dillon and Mark Gannon on Suppliers Gympass, Pulse, Fisikal and Is the fitness industry meeting the needs combining REPs and the CIMSPA Matrix showcase their latest collaborations of introverts as well as extroverts? Exercise and Fitness Directory with health club operators 54 Research 73 Body scanning 96 Product innovations Getting fit together As it has become a trend, more operators Lauren Heath-Jones reveals the newest A study by Decathlon has found that are offering body scanning. We ask some product launches from Wattbike, Pulse, couples who train together stay together to share their experiences Body Bike and MYE Technologies 58 Emma Barry 78 Dublin’s finest 98 HCM directory The industry catalyst has released a new Charlie Bourne, MD of new luxury health Dip into the HCM directory to find book: Building a Badass Boutique club Eden One, talks about developing a suppliers of products and services new combination of facilities 66 Rene Moos 100 HCM research The CEO of Basic-Fit shared insights 84 Time for a change Obesity and ageing have the same effects into the workings of his business at the Get inspired by our round up of recent on the body, with some impacts being Virtuagym FitNation Conference high-end changing room installations irreversible, according to new research ©Cybertrek 2020 March 2020 7 A WORLD WHERE FITNESS HAS NO BOUNDARIES. FITNESS WHERE YOUR MEMBERS WANT, WHEN THEY WANT. LIVE. VIRTUAL. ON DEMAND. UNDEFEATED FOR 20 YEARS, BODYCOMBAT CONSTANTLY REINVENTS WITH SCIENCE IN ITS CORNER TO REMAIN THE WORLD’S TOP MARTIAL ARTS INSPIRED TRAINING PROGRAMME. BODYCOMBAT HAS EVOLVED TO BE MORE INCLUSIVE AND ACCESSIBLE FOR MEMBERS WHICH IS WHY 75% OF OUR CLUB PARTNERS IN THE UK OFFER THE CLASS. ABOVE ITS WEIGHT: CONTACT.LESMILLS.COM/UK-BODYCOMBAT MEET THE TEAM EDITOR PUBLISHER Liz Terry Jan Williams CHOOSE HOW YOU READ +44 (0)1462 431385 +44 (0)1462 471909 PRINT HCM magazine is available in print on subscription: www.leisuresubs.com DIGITAL Read free on online and enjoy extra links and searchability: www.HCMmag.com/digital PDF A PDF edition is available to read offl ine at: MANAGING EDITOR HEAD OF NEWS www.HCMmag.com/pdf Steph Eaves Tom Walker +44 (0)1462 471934 +44 (0)1462 431385 OTHER RESOURCES
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