REGISTER for transport of animals during short journeys under article 165 of LVA Update: 06.01.2017 № and date of certificate of № and date of competence for Number the transporter address of name/identificat identification of Types of date of changes of № drivers and of transporter identification transporter ion of company ransport vehicle animals expiry data attendants animals authorisation under Art. 164 of LVA 402. 0402/16.01.2012 “Dage-Dako Montana region, ”AFIN- Iveko 65C15 with XO Live fish 1 200kg. Dachev” St. Lom city, №53 Bulgaria” Ltd, reg. №CA8056MT 0031/01.12.20 ”Slavyanska ” str. Sofia, №26A, with total area 8,40 10 Bl. Almus , entr. B, ”Raiko м² app. 3 Aleksiev” str. With contract 403. 0403/21.01.2012 Petya Dinkova Sofia city, kv. Petya Dinkova MAN 8.100 with reg. 12/06.01.2012 Large 10 Krasteva Lozenetc, №14 Krasteva №EH6495BM with ruminants ”Buntovnik” str. total area 13 м² Small 32 ruminants pigs 26 404. 0404/21.01.2012 “LIN- Iliyana Montana city, kv. “LIN- Iliyana Mitsubishi L 200 0188/19.10.20 Live fish 200 kg. Nikolova” Ltd Pliska №18, entr. Nikolova” Ltd with reg. 11 A, app. 1 №M8944AP with total area 3.04 м² 405. 0405/21.01.2012 Ahmed Piperkovo village, Ahmed Ford Tranzit with 23/14.12.2011 Large 5 Yasharov Tsenovo Yasharov reg. №P3719AX ruminants Ashimov municipality, Ruse Ashimov with total area 7 м² Small 17 region ruminants pigs 16 406. 0406/21.01.2012 “Almerta” Ltd Kardzhali city, kv. “Almerta” Ltd Fiat Ducato with reg. 44/18.01.2012 Large 6 Vazrozhdentsi, bl. №K9550AP with ruminants 37, entr. B, app. 51 total area 7 м² Small 20 ruminants Pigs 16 horses 4 407. 0407/26.01.2012 “Alex 2001- Biala reka village, Valentin DAF 95 with reg. Poultry Alexandar №8, ”9-th” Angelov №X3436AB with 1,6 kg. 6 737 Grozev” str.,Plovdiv region Stefanov , total area 194,04 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 7 579 Harmanli city- 3- 5 kg. 5 624 with contract over 5 kg. 3 696 “Poli-Rumen Volvo F 10 with reg. Poultry Dimitrov”St, №CO2998PA with 1,6 kg. 5 133 Kostinbrod city- total area 147,84 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 5 775 with contract 3- 5 kg. 4 285 over 5 kg. 2 808 Yordan Petrov Mercedes 1628 with Poultry Gochev, reg. №X1603AB 1,6 kg. 3 150 Haskovo city- with total area 90,72 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 with contract м² 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 828 Snezhanka Volvo F 10 with reg. Poultry Draganova №PB1650XK with 1,6 kg. 3 850 Stoicheva, total area 110,88 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 4 331 Asenovgrad 3- 5 kg. 3 213 city,with contract over 5 kg. 1 920 “Alex Bulgaria” DAF 95 with reg. № Poultry Ltd, Biala reka PB0654KM with 1,6 kg. 6 737 village total area 194,04 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 7 579 3- 5 kg. 5 624 over 5 kg. 3 696 Alexander Traler with reg. № Poultry Grozev Grozev, PB0740EM with 1,6 kg. 5 133 Biala reka total area 147,84 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 5 775 village 3- 5 kg. 4 285 over 5 kg. 2 808 Alexander Traler with reg. № Poultry Grozev Grozev, PB5363EM with 1,6 kg. 3 500 Biala reka total area 100.80 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 937 village 3- 5 kg. 2 921 over 5 kg. 1 920 Alexander Traler with reg. № Poultry Grozev Grozev, PB0151EH with 1,6 kg. 3 500 Biala reka total area 100.80 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 937 village 3- 5 kg. 2 921 over 5 kg. 1 920 Alexander Traler with reg. № Poultry Grozev Grozev, PB0739EH with total 1,6 kg. 3 500 Biala reka area 100.80 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 937 3- 5 kg. 2 921 over 5 kg. 1 920 Petko Georgiev Traler with reg. № Poultry Moskov, Plovdiv PB0650EH with total 1,6 kg. 3 150 city – with area 90,72 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 contract 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 828 “Delena-Delyan MAN 26,372 with Poultry Delchev” St. reg. №X7805AK 1,6 kg. 4 900 Haskovo city- with total area 141,12 1,6- 3 kg. 5 512 with contract м² 3- 5 kg. 4 090 over 5 kg. 2 688 Petko Georgiev Traler with reg. № Poultry Dimov, PB4820EM with 1,6 kg. 3 150 Parvomai city- total area 90,72 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 with contract 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 828 Valentin Traler with reg. № Poultry Angelov X0026EE with total 1,6 kg. 3 500 Stefanov, area 100,80 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 937 Harmanli city- 3- 5 kg. 2 921 with contract over 5 kg. 1 920 Alexander Mercedes with reg. Poultry Grozev Grozev, № PB0653KM with 1,6 kg. 3 150 Biala reka total area 90,72 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 828 Petko Georgiev IFA L 60 with reg. Poultry Dimov, №PB5021AP with 1,6 kg. 3 159 Parvomai city- total area 90,72 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 with contract 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 728 Maria Angelova IFA B 50 L with reg. Poultry Todorova, №PB6838BA with 1,6 kg. 3 150 Parvomai city, - total area 90,72 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 3 544 with contract 3- 5 kg. 2 629 over 5 kg. 1 828 “Roloplastik” Traler with reg. reg. Poultry Ltd – with №PB3485EM with 1,6 kg. 5 133 contract total area 147,84 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 5 775 3- 5 kg. 4 285 over 5 kg. 2 808 Zvezdalina Traler with reg. reg. Poultry 5 133 Georgieva №X7031BK with 1,6 kg. 5 775 Neicheva, total area 147,84 м² 1,6- 3 kg. 4 285 Haskovo city 3- 5 kg. 2 808 with contract over 5 kg. 408. 0408/02.02.2012 “Agroproduct- Plovdiv city, №34 “Agroproduct- Mercedes 1120 with 127/17.10.201 Large Plovdiv” Ltd Brezovska str. Plovdiv” Ltd reg. №PB2026AP 1 ruminants with total area 17,30 Heavy 11 м² cattle 15 Medium- sized cattle 20 Heavy 49 cattle Non shorn 69 sheep lambs Mercedes 1120 with 140/18.09.201 Large reg. №PB4606PH 2 ruminants with total area 17,30 Heavy 11 м² cattle 15 Medium- sized cattle 20 Heavy 49 cattle Non shorn 69 sheep lambs 409. 0409/02.02.2012 Atanas Andreev Plovdiv city, № 2A Atanas Andreev Mercedes 308D with 060/30.01.200 One old 10 248 Melev Neva str. Melev reg. №PB9978KB 8 days with total area 6,8 м² chikens 1 196 1,6 kg. 410. 0410/02.02.2012 Erdzhan Rasim Chernyovtsi Mercedes 308D with 45/25.01.2012 Large 5 Y uzeir village, Kardzhali Nuray Mustafa reg. №X4961AT ruminants region Ferad, with total area 6,3 м² Small 20 Maslinovo ruminants village, Haskovo Pigs 15 municipality- horses 4 with contract 411. 0411/03.02.2012 Borislav Ivanov Ihtiman city, №47 Borislav Ivanov Ford Tranzit with BG 23 050 DR Large Strahilov ”Strandza” str. Strahilov reg. №CO1369AC ruminants with total area 5,8 м² Up 50kg. 14 Up 110 kg. 8 Up 200 kg. 6 Up 325 kg. 4 Up 550 kg. 3 Up 700 kg. 2 Small ruminants Shorn 19 sheep and lambs 14 Non shorn sheep 11 Pregnant sheep 9 Up 55 kg. 412. 0412/03.02.2012 Georgi Kuklen city, №34, Georgi Dimitrov Mercedes 308D with 110/15.09.201 Large Dimitrov Plovdiv Dimitrov reg. №PB3935BX 0 ruminats Dimitrov municipality with total area 6,80 Old 6 м² Small cattle 19 Small ruminants Old 19 Lambs 27 horses 4 413. 0413/03.02.2012 Zapryan Kuklen city, №10, Zapryan Mercedes 208D with 109/15.09.201 Large Strahilov Plovdiv Strahilov reg. 0 ruminats Yordanov municipality Yordanov №PB7830BXMB Old 6 with total area 6,80 Small cattle 19 м² Small ruminants Old 19 Lambs 27 horses 4 414. 0414/06.02.2012 Daniel Novo selo village, Daniel Iveco 35-12 with reg. 39/10.08.2011 Large 5 Borislavov Veliko Tarnovo Borislavov №BT1159BH with ruminants Dobrev region Dobrev total area 8,4 м² Small 20 ruminants pigs 16 415. 0415/16.02.2012 Stoian Mirchev Targovishte city, Stoian Mirchev Mercedes 814 with 002/24.11.200 Lambs 130 Stoianov №6, ”Lilia” str. Stoianov reg. №T4946TT with 6 Pigs 50 total area 26,23 м² cattle 12 Nisan with reg. 002/24.11.200 Large 12 №T0078MT with 6 ruminants total area 17,6 м² 001/24.11.200 Small 88 6 ruminants pigs 19 416. 0416/16.02.2012 “Aleks Market” Sofia region, Sofia “Aleks Market” Volkswagen 00084/18.08.2 Dogs Ltd, Alexander city, kv. Ovcha Ltd, Alexander Transporter with reg. 011 - bi 8 Lubomirov kupel” 1 bl. 508, Lubomirov №CA4278PK with g 18 Dimitrov entr. V, app. 67 Dimitrov total area 3, 84 м² - sm 18 all cats 417. 0417/17.02.2012 “Izopro-mstroi” Nedelino city, “Izopro-mstroi” Mercedes 312D with 17/23.01.2012 Large Ltd Mladen Smolyan region, Ltd Mladen reg. №CM1987AH ruminants Dimitrov №5 ”Paisiy Dimitrov with total area 7,76 Up 50 kg. 19 Prodanov Hilendarski” str. Prodanov м² Up 110 kg. 11 Up 200 kg. 7 Up 325 kg. 4 Up 550 kg. 2 Up 700 kg. 1 Small ruminants Lambs Up 55 kg. 25 Over 55 kg. 22 Sheeps Non shorn 22 55 kg. Non shorn over 55 kg.
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