Old Paths Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for The secret of the LORD is with them that the old paths, where is the good way, and fear Him; and He will show them His walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your covenant. Psalm 25:14 souls. Jeremiah 6:16 Vol. 15, No.7 Straight and Narrow July 2006 Prayer Requests A Spirited Subject We are thankful for all the prayers you By Allen Stump have offered in response to concerns mentioned in past columns and this Within Adventism the subject of the Holy Spirit and the Godhead has become a month we humbly ask for your prayers spirited subject of discussion. This has been highlighted by the recent release of for the Beachy family. Brother several publications, as well as by the Adventist Theological Society’s recent sym- Lynnford will be traveling to Europe posium on the Trinity held at Southern Adventist University this Spring. This soon, so please join us in prayer that he symposium was held because “The subject [of the Trinity] receives the highest will continue to be filled with the Holy number of questions at the Biblical Research Institute in the General Conference” Spirit as he shares God’s Word and that (Email from [email protected] on behalf of Star Stevens to employ- angels will continually guard while he ees at Southern University). is away from us, for we know we are With the publication of the second quarter’s adult Sabbath School lessons living in fearful times. Also, his wife, on the Holy Spirit, there has been a flood of response materials written by Kendra, has been having difficulty interested parties. The April, May, and June issues of Old Paths dealt with with an allergic reaction to mold. some of the pertinent points and concepts of the Sabbath School lessons. Please pray that speedy solutions can Samuele Bacchiocchi has thrown his voice into the ring of discussion be found for the complications arising recently as well. His “Endtime Issues Newsletter,” No. 147 (hereafter refer- from this health concern. We consider enced as EIN–147) lists the main topic as “The importance of the Doctrine of it a high privilege to stop our work in the Trinity.” In the second paragraph Bacchiocchi states: the office, in response to frequent requests for prayer, and as a group The struggle our Adventist Church has faced in accepting the doctrine of the Trinity, is reflected in the current challenge of this doctrine by an in- entreat our heavenly Father on behalf creasing number of Adventists. Surprisingly, recently a significant number Continued on page 21 of Adventists have emailed me studies defending the historical anti-Trini- tarian position of our pioneers (EIN–147; all emphasis in this article is supplied unless otherwise noted). Also in this issue: Bacchiocchi states that he will be devoting the next three newsletters to the Sharing God’s Love – A. Stump....... p.6 subject of the Trinity because of “numerous requests to re-examine the ques- tion of the Trinity (Ibid.).” Youth’s Corner – O. Holt........... p.10 Bacchiocchi states he plans to discuss “the social, ecclesiastical, and politi- Christ the Way of Life – E.G.White ... p.11 cal implications” of the Trinity doctrine and then in issue No. 148 publish No Fear Revisited – A. Stump ....... p.12 “chapter 16 from the book The Trinity: Its Implications for Life and Thought. The title of the chapter is ‘The Holy Spirit and the Triune Oneness of the God- Upcoming Meetings – L. Beachy ..... p.14 head.’ The author is Woodrow Whidden, Ph. D. (Ibid.).” How Simple is Simple? – A. Stump . p. 15 Bacchiocchi writes that he plans to later post a summation of Professor Love that Works – O. Holt .......... p.18 Jerry Moon’s chapters from the book, The Trinity: Its Implications for Life and Thought which cover a “historical survey of the gradual evolution of Nigerian Trip Report – A. Stump ..... p.22 Adventist pioneers from anti-Trinitarian to Trinitarian beliefs (Ibid.).” Pro- Web Site Update – B. Turner ........ p.24 fessor Moon is head of the Church History Department at the Andrews University Theological Seminary. Pioneer Book Update ............ p.24 Old Trinitarian Challenges fundamental Christianity (Eternity, Sep- Age Movement concepts are discussed tember, 1956).” before dealing with what he considers Bacchiocchi begins the section of his Early in his article, a term is used that unbalanced views of the Trinity. In the sec- newsletter especially dealing with the surprises us greatly. The author refers to the tion on Liberation Theology, the author Trinity by noting: Trinity six times as “three Beings,” and claims that having the idea of “God the The doctrine of the Trinity was really three times he uses the term “three equal Father as the supreme Ruler of the uni- the first doctrine that captivated the Beings.” As we noted in the April issue of verse, has fostered a hierarchical system early church, causing an enormous in- Old Paths, the General Conference has sig- where secular and religious leaders emu- vestment of time and money. The first naled an official position in clear favor of late the role of God by dominating and seven ecumenical councils from Nicea the orthodox Trinity doctrine (one being in oppressing the masses (Ibid.).” When in 325 to Constantinople in 687, were three persons, not three beings which is reading this, one should remember what convened mostly to define and refine considered polytheism) in the release of the God says in these verses: the church position on the nature and re- Handbook of Seventh-day Adventist Theol- For there is one God, and one media- lationship among the three members of ogy, also known as volume twelve of the the Trinity (Ibid.). tor between God and men, the man Commentary Reference Series. Notice the Christ Jesus (1 Timothy 2:5). Notice that “the early church” and “the following references in the Handbook con- church position” are spoken of but cerning the nature of God: My Father is greater than I (John 14:28). nowhere are we told that the seven noted … one divine reality and not to a plu- councils mentioned are Catholic ecumeni- rality of divine beings (p. 121). The head of Christ is God (1 Corin- cal councils! We then read: … divine Being singular, with a plu- thians 11:3). In a very real sense, it was on the doc- rality of persons (p. 122). And when all things shall be subdued trinal issues of the Trinity that early In the being of God is an essential unto him, then shall the Son also himself church leaders cut their intellectual coprimordiality [existing from the be- be subject unto him that put all things teeth. The matter was forced upon them ginning] of three coequal, coeternal, under him, that God may be all in all by the need to explain to Greek thinkers nonoriginated persons (p. 150). (1 Corinthians 15:33). how the three Beings of the Godhead can be defined and worshipped as one The danger of Tritheism…becomes Christ made every effort so to sweep God. It is unfortunate that those apolo- real when the oneness of God is reduced away the misrepresentations of Satan, getic endeavors often resulted in to a mere unity conceived in analogy to a that the confidence of man in the love of heretical anti-trinitarian teachings that human society or a fellowship of action. God might be restored. He taught man to have plagued Christianity until our Beyond such a unity of action, however, address the Supreme Ruler of the uni- time. In fact, most of today’s anti-trini- it is necessary to envision God as the one verse by the new name “Our Father.” tarian heresies found in such religious single reality which, in the very acts by This name signifies his true relation to movements as the Mormons, Jehovah’s which He reveals Himself directly in us, and when spoken in sincerity by hu- Witnesses, the Unitarians, and liberal history, transcends the limits of our hu- man lips, it is music in the ears of God. theologians, trace their roots to the early man reason (p. 150). Christ leads us to the throne of God by a new and living way, to present him to us church (Ibid.). These statements in the newsletter go in his paternal love (Review & Herald, directly against all mainstream Trinitarian Here those Adventists who do not September 11, 1894). believe in the Trinity are listed with fringe orthodoxy, which declares a three–being groups such as Mormons and Jehovah’s godhead to be anathema and polytheistic! It is a mistake to try to make God fit into Witnesses, stating that such are “heretical” Is this simply carelessness? A single inci- our pattern of thought instead of making and that they “have plagued Christianity.” dent might slip through the editing our pattern of thought fit God. While Lib- This reminds one of the statement by process, but nine such statements could eration Theology may claim to use false Adventist leaders a half century ago docu- hardly be published by accident. The Bible ideas of God as a role model to dominate mented by Donald Barnhouse in Eternity plainly states, “But to us there is but one and oppress the masses, those who have magazine of September, 1956. Barnhouse God, the Father, of whom are all things, fostered the Trinity doctrine have caused wrote an article entitled, “Are Sev- and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest persecutions the world has enth-day Adventists Christians?” in which by whom are all things, and we by him ever seen.
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