ne 1 SUGAR-- 96 Degree TJ. S. WEATHER BUREAU, JANUARY 17. Last 24 hours' rainfall, trace. :,AYjTlfv-5L-' I Test Centrifugals, 3.67c; Per Ton, $73.40. 88 Temperature, Max. 73; Min. 59. Weather, clear and cool. Analysis Beets, 8s 24d; Per Ton, $75.20. fj ESTABLISH 0 wuuV 2. 1856, VOL. XLIIL, NO. 7315. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, THURSDAY, 18, 1906. ' t2t I JANUARY PRICE FIVE CENTS. nab LEAD ER PAYNE PINKHAM'S FRANKLIN td. CHAMBERLAIN OP OSED TO HONORED tani4 lOtu, isyousE REFUNDING BILL US A WINNER utv Elaborate Plan of New Honolulu Pays Tribute Honolulu Public to the Great Elected to A Prominent Member of Congress Laundry. American. Parliament From the City of Birmingham At the meeting of the Board of 'Franklin has been happily spoken by Handsome Who Shows No Friendship for as many-side- d Judge Health yesterday, the president sub- of the man," said B. Dole, opening mitted a report and a suggestion rela- Sanford the exercises at the bicentenary Benjamin Majority. Hawaiian. tive to government laundries and wash of Things Franklin held Y. M. C. A. Hall houses, which h said would "prob- at the night. oc ably cause public discussion as being last The gathering for the caslon was not so large as it should Jr quite a departu! from the accepted have been, in view of the part that (Associated Press Cablegrams.) Special to Advertiser.) HxJI B ? B 5 B B " B s H n Q B B idea of government control. As it is (Mail the 3 Franklin played in the history of in the line of improved public ser BIRMINGHAM, January 18. Joseph Chamberlain has 5- -2 E WASHINGTON, D. C, January 5 America in the formative period, and been vice," lie observe l, "it is worthy or there were not so many school children Tim The Philippine bill before the House serious thought.' present as migh have been expected, elected to Parliament ?y 5000 majority. The entire seven districts chief topic of interest Mr. Pinkham quoted the law relating considering Franklin's place as an edu has been the to public laundries. Prom time to time in the city have returned Unionist members. yester- cational tactor. But the gathering was 70 here this week, or rather since fce had personally visited and inspected most to speakers. attentive the LONDON, January 18. The Liberals have elected 167 mem day noon, when Congress reassembled most thoroughly the government wash Judge Dole spoke very briefly, refer houses. "We have used all possible ring to Franklin's fifty-seve- n occupa- bers of following the Christmas holidays. There on Parliament, the Unionists 73, the Laborites 31 and the Na 1 of authority," he went to say, "to tions, and to his particular eminence is to be unlimited debate on it, accord- keep the rooms ?n a sanitary condition, in science, diplomacy, as a moralist tionalists 50. but the difficulties are inherent. The to decision of Speaker Cannon, although himself not of the highest o ear. ing the only remedy lis the construction and moral character, and in statecraft. ndi. and members with ideas about tariff equipment of a new building, planned "Franklin," said Judge Dole, "really on totally different lines from the old revision will have opportunity to ex- drafted the system of government of SISTER OF A CONGRESSMAN oues. " the United States, and the work that LCf, press their views. Senator Lodge, who The Legislature of 1905 provided for he did in France was absolutely vital new buildings and, at the request of is chairman of the committee that will to the success of the Americans. His EJECTED FROM WHITE HOUSE several officials, he had made a study achievements in all these lines were report the bill to the Senate, said this of the subject and now presented his due more to his big brain than to any suggestions request half-a-doz- en he was satisfied bill with the that, other cause. He had the grasp of afternoon the should they meet with the Board's ap- men. It is told of him that WASHINGTON, January 18. Senator Tillman of South Carolina has de would pass .both branches of Congress proval copies be sent to the Superin upon one occasion, desiring to dress and become law. tendent of Public "Works and the for a fashionable function in Paris, clared his intention to introduce a resolution into the Senate asking for an in- Board of Superbisors. wig he wanted a of peculiar fashion vestigation of the ejection of Mrs. A HAWAIIAN DIGRESSION. "It is well to bear in mind," the and none could be found in the whole Morris from the White House. The debate in the House will be pro report proceeds, "that we live in a city of Paris that was large enough tropical climate where frequent changes for him." .; 4. longed, but the bill will be sidetrack qf WASIIIXGTOX, January Mrs. Minor Morris of 2334 Massachusetts clothing are necessary for comfort STRUGGLES. ed earlv next week to allow the state SERENO E. PAYNE. and health and that laundering is a HIS EARLY avenue, wife of Dr. Minor Morris, a practicing physician of this city, and sister Judge Dole then spoke of Franklin of Kepresentative A. T. hood bill to be considered. That will B"B" 3 BE B a B BH?B I most perplexing item of expense in John Hull of Iowa, was thrown out of the White IIouso BBB most households. as an educator, and introduced Prof. executive offices this afternoon about 1 dragged for a block over take, however, but two or three days, Scott of the High School as first o'clock, th , the n come in$p their territory Hawaii has "Since the government has deemed) . I ornn-- I nr h lia- in all probability, so that the House speaner wpf nsnlmlf nnthwnv- ' lior- tnrn on Ira rrlr,l ufi...... mn1 li..... .. Irnnlr.1 nothing to complain of. it necessary and wise to control laun- - j ...01 tne evening. j.ne speaker) - .fcfr will likely be back on Philippine tar- Mr. Lloyd. That does not relieve derijng it would seem proper and with- end of next week. Thus the situation, because we have informa- in its functions that it should require one of seventeen children, and told how j The incident was sensational in the extreme, not only because of the well-h- e iff before the English,. In Repre- tion from what seems to be a reliable the latest, most sanitary and econo- had educated himself in ;irpss0) ml Wpibre,l am,paranoA of Mrs Morris. WmiHP of tv.o mn. f, far only Chairman Payne and T.;iHn in Prpnnh "P'ranlrlin " sairl ! ' W in source that there will be no river and mical devices and methods to be em- trr j ner in which the orders of Assistant Secretary to the President Barnes for the t sentative Champ Clark, of Missouri harbor bill probably during this session ployed in the future." Professor Scott, "wrote books in spoken. During Mr. Payne's French are as good French as the ejection of the woman were carried out. have and probably not during this Congress, Mr. Pinkham presented a sketch de that ' speech yesterday afternoon there was so that any needs they may nave in tailed by the courtesy of the von books of Racine. He was almost the 0 particular not be Hamm-Youn- g Co., a ground first writer ol pure, direct English, and digression with reference to that direction will Ltd., from -- a little government. his style was formed as all style must CELEBRATING FRANKLIN'S BIRTHDAY. will not be in- granted by tlie plan submitted by himself, of a build i l Hawaii, which without ing "designed to be entirely of con be by hard and constant study. He t PHILADELPHIA, January 18. A magnificent celebration of the anniver terest to Honolulu. It is told in the Mr. Lloyd is a Democratic representa an was an investigator, taking nothing for crete with iron roof, the only wood sary of the birth of Benjamin Franklin has commenced. f following from the Congressional Rec tive from Missouri and one of the to be used to be the roof trusses, win- granted. He was an economist, a fru- ord: members of the House Committee on dow and door frames and doors. gal man, and I have often thought Delegate Kalanianaole contains a boiler and engine that there is need for such a man in Territries. "It this age of the luxury of great wealth SCHOONER TOTAL WRECK. at Mr. Lloyd. Is the gentleman aware was not on the floor at the time. room JUxU teet, and one great ma of the fact that Hawaii is seeking "I chine' and sorting room, 187 feet long to bring the people back to the simple SAVANNAH, Georgia, January 18. The schooner Robert Stevenson has time to have am sorry," said he today, "that I was 30 method of living. legislation at the present by to 50 feet wide. All corners are grounded near this port, and will be total loss. One survivor from the vessel all the customs duties turned over to not present. I had been in my seat to be rounded so there will be no "Franklin may well be called the the Hawaiian government? all the afternoon and went out about chance for dirt to lodge. The floor is first American, as he was the first man ; was picked up floating on a plank, and it is believed that twelve persons have T r encrp-oo- r Tnft all tno pa atiips I Mr.
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