COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Monday, March 11, 2013 7:00 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers 109 James Street Geneva, IL 60134 AGENDA 1. Call to Order 2. Consider Consent Agenda *3. Approve Minutes from February 25, 2013 4. Items of Business a. Proclamation Honoring Geneva Girl Scouts - Northern Illinois Girl Scout Council b. Cultural Arts Commission Annual Report c. Recommend Draft Resolution Accepting Quit Claim Deed from Simon & Sohn Series LLC for Campbell Street Parking Lot Alley Dedication. d. Recommend Draft Resolution Approving Plat of Easement – Lot 1 Duke Realty Geneva Business Park Subdivision. e. Recommend Draft Resolution Approving Plat of Easement – Lot 2 of First Resubdivision of Lot 1 of Randall Center. f. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Execution of License Agreement Between the City of Geneva and Bensidoun USA, Inc. for Open Air Market. g. Recommend Approval of Street Closures, Right-of-Way Signage and Use of City Services for Concours d’Elegance August 25, 2013. h. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Execution of First Amendment to Development Economic Incentive and Reimbursement Agreement Between the City of Geneva, IL and Joseph Stanton. i. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Execution of Contract with Ehlers and Associates for Professional Financial Planning Services: Downtown Geneva Business District. j. Recommend Draft Resolution Amending Intergovernmental Agreement for Tri-City Police Records. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MAR. 11, 2013 k. Recommend Draft Resolution and Real Estate Sales Agreement to Sell Surplus Public Property Located in the Fox Run Subdivision. 5. New Business 6. Upcoming Meetings: Committee of the Whole: March 25, 2013 7. Adjournment COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE MINUTES FEBRUARY 25, 2013 PRESENT: Mayor Burns, Ald. Brown, Cummings, Jr., Flanagan, Hill, Maladra, Marks, Singer, Vogelsberg ABSENT: Ald. Kilburg ALSO PRSENT: McKittrick, Dawkins, Dinges, Divita, Evans, Buffington, VanGyseghem, Untch 1. Call to Order Chairperson Flanagan called the meeting to order at 7:00pm noting that Ald. Kilburg was absent. 2. Consider Consent Agenda Moved by Ald. Brown, second by Ald. Hill V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. *3. Approve Minutes from February 11, 2013 Approved on Consent Agenda 4. Items of Business a. Recommend Approval of Request by Geneva Lions to Solicit Donations May 3-4, 2013 for “Diabetes Awareness Days”. Moved by Ald. Cummings, second by Ald. Marks V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. b. Recommend Approval of Request by Geneva Kiwanis Club to Hold Soapbox Derby and Related Street Closure/Use of City Services June 22, 2013. Moved by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Hill Discussion on the location and impact on businesses was heard with Ald. Cummings expressing concern and suggesting Stevens Street as an alternate location. Geneva Chamber President Jean Gaines stated the Chamber was supportive of the event and thought it would be a positive addition to Swedish Days. Ald. Flanagan reminded council that there was additional parking at the new Campbell lot for those who were concerned about losing parking on Franklin. Chamber member Scott Lebin added that the Festival is always looking for new ideas and events and thought this would be a good addition with minimal impact. Ald. Maladra expressed concern on the timing and location but was willing to see how it went this year. Organizer Stan Iglehart with the Geneva Kiwanis Club stated that they have been working with the businesses in the area of the race and the only ones who are opposed to it are in the Berry House. V/V: 8-1 (Cummings, Jr.) Motion carried. 1 Committee of the Whole Minutes – February 25, 2013 | City of Geneva c. Recommend Approval of Draft Resolution Authorizing Budget Amendments for Current Fiscal Year 2012/13. Moved by Ald. Marks, second by Ald. Vogelsberg Admin. McKittrick reminded the council that the Tri-Com Board had already approved the expenditures but Geneva, as the governing body that includes the Tri-Com budget, needed to approve the amendments as well and that is was a housekeeping issue. Ald. Brown stated that the monies for the 9-1-1 wireless upgrades were much needed. V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. d. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Annual Publication of City of Geneva Zoning Map As Required by Illinois State Law. Moved by Ald. Marks, second by Ald. Singer V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. e. Recommend Draft Ordinance for Sign Variance at 1800 Averill Road to Allow Two Freestanding Signs on Single Zoning Lot. Moved by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Vogelsberg V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. f. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Agreement with Dixon Engineering Inc. in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,105.00 for Logan Avenue Tower Painting Technical Engineering Services. Moved by Ald. Maladra, second by Ald. Hill Supt. VanGyseghem reviewed the project noting that it had been approved in the 2012 budget. V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. g. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Easement Agreement at 705 E. State Street for Electric Cable Replacement. Moved by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Singer V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. h. Recommend Draft Resolution Authorizing Bid Award and Purchase of Primary Cable in the Amount of $43,972.20 for Fabyan Parkway Bridge Primary Cable. Moved by Ald. Marks, second by Ald. Singer V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. 2 Committee of the Whole Minutes – February 25, 2013 | City of Geneva i. Recommend Draft Resolution Declaring Surplus Property – 1998 Vermeer Trencher. Moved by Ald. Brown, second by Ald. Vogelsberg V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. j. Recommend Draft Resolution Declaring Surplus Property – 1996 Bucket Truck. Moved by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Singer V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. k. Recommend Draft Resolution Rejecting All Bids for Three Reel Wire Trailer. Moved by Ald. Brown, second by Ald. Singer V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. l. Recommend Draft Resolution Requesting Assistance and Participation by Illinois EPA for Environmental Conditions Within 500-800 East State Street. Moved by Ald. Maladra, second by Ald. Cummings, Jr. V/V: 8-0 Motion carried. m. Recommend Draft Ordinance Amending Title 4, Ch. 19 (Business and License Regulations; Horse Drawn Carriage Regulations) Adding Wagon and Trolley Regulations. Moved by Ald. Singer, second by Ald. Hill Ald. Brown was not in favor of the proposed fee structure and having the company have to make a separate visit for the inspection. Brown asked if staff could arrange for same-day inspections. Mary Agnes Zelmer, who runs a nonprofit who organizes hayrides in the downtown each year for her events, asked the council to consider same-day inspections and license issuance. Staff stated that they would bring back an amended ordinance at the March 4, 2013 city council meeting for discussion and that it would not be on the omnibus agenda. V/V: 6-2 (Brown, Hill) 5. New Business 6. Upcoming Meetings: Committee of the Whole: March 11, 2013 7. Adjournment On a motion by Ald. Hill, second by Ald. Marks, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm. 3 Committee of the Whole Minutes – February 25, 2013 | City of Geneva PH..OCT ,A1VIA.TION WHEREAS, Mayor Kevin Burns and members of the Geneva City Council are pleased to honor the Girl Scouts ofNorthern Illinois and the Girl Scouts of the USA during their lOOth year anniversary celebration; and WHEREAS, Girl Scouts of the USA was founded in Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912, by Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Lowe with the mission to build girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place; and WHEREAS, the year 20 12 was dedicated to celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting and has been named "The Year ofthe Girl;" and WHEREAS, "The Year of the Girl" was kicked off in Houston, Texas, on November 8, 2011, with the National Council Session I 52nd Convention entitled "Renewing the Promise: Girl Scouts in a New Century;" and WHEREAS, Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois are comprised of nearly 20,000 Girl Scout members and leaders throughout northern Illinois; and WHEREAS, all Girl Scouts in northern Illinois have been participating in activities acknowledging the lOOlh anniversary throughout the past year, including various community service projects and outreach programs and also Girl Scouts Forever Green, the Girl Scouts l00111 Anniversary Take Action Project; therefore, be it RESOLVED BY DIE GENEVA CITY COUNCJL that we honor the Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois and Girl Scouts of the USA's I OOth year anniversary and their continued work in building girls of courage, confidence and character; and be it further RESOLVED, that a suitable copy of this resolution be presented to the Girl Scouts of Northem Illinois Council as a symbol of our esteem and respect. 1 In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this ll h day of March, 2013. Kevin R. Burns, Mayor AGENDA ITEM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Campbell Street Parking Lot Alley Agenda Item: Alley Dedication from Simon & Sohn Series LLC Dan Dinges, P.E., Director of Public Works Presenter & Title: Pam Broviak P.E., City Engineer/Assistant Director of Public Works Date: March 4, 2013 Please Check Appropriate Box: x Committee of the Whole Meeting Special Committee of the Whole Meeting x City Council Meeting Special City Council Meeting Public Hearing Other - YES Estimated Cost: NA Budgeted? NO If NO, please explain how the item will be funded: Executive Summary: As you know, we have been working on the proposed Campbell St. parking lot alley now that the parking lot has been completed. This dedication is from Simon & Sohn Series LLC. for the alley between the Geneva History Center and Mr. Simon’s building to the south. This dedication will allow the City to turn the alley into a pedestrian corridor connecting the Campbell St. parking lot to Third St.
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