THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1068 Avetuta Dally Net PNaa Run r m n t w e n t y For The Week EedeB The Weather £«pnitt0 HmUi April t t , 1N8 CHoudy tonlgM end tomotrow Pfc. John R. Caine, son of May Day Theme lEupnittg llrraUi with showers likely. (Low to­ Aboilt Town Mr. find Mrs. Frank Caine of 15,020 night in 40s. Totnorrow 00 to 94 Chambers St., is serving with NATIONAL PAVING 00. Manchester 4 City of Village Charm 60. Th« property «nd lighting com­ Battery I, 29th Artillery, in O f B entley F air mittees of the Manchester Com­ Vietnam, J 12 M A IN ST. TA lCO T TV R iC . C O N N . VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 182 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) munity Playera will meet Sun­ Miss Arline Evans Shennihg ’’Once upon a May Day” is MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1968 (Oleeelfled Advertleing on Fege *8) PRICE TEN CENTS day at 2 p.m. at the home of the theme for the Bentley School The B0-«0 Club of St. Mary’s and Ronald Paul Lewis, both of Mrs. Harold Bonham, SB Amott PTA Fair, to be held at the DWVeWAYS-^ARKING AREAS Episooipal' Church will have its Manchester, were united in Rd. The. group’s forthcoming school Saturday, May 20, from DEVELOPMENT WORK final supper of the season and marriage Saturday afternoon at 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Co-chairmen production, "Period of Adjust­ eteaOon of officers tomorrow ment,” will be discussed. The South Methodist Church. are Mrs. Granville Lingard and All Types Amesite—Repaired and Installed at 7 p.m. alt the dhurch. Dr. A. play win be presented FWday The bride is a. daughter of Mr. ' Mrs. Richard Splller. Elmer Dislcan will apeak and . This year, there will be sev­ Free Estimates—Time Payments and Saturday, May 10 and 11, show aUdes o f the SS HOPE. and Mrs. Nils Shennlng of 189 at Bowers School. eral new attractions for the chil­ Reservations will be taken for Eldridge St. The brideg^room Is dren. A bicycle contest has Tel^hone 646-2431 GIs Crush a dinner-dance June 7 at the U.S., North Viet Set Paris the son of Mr. and Mrs. RaJph been planned, smd there will be Craig F. Johnson, son of Mr, Manchester Country du b. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Johnson of Lewis of 9 Lilac St. a Robin Hood’s Den, strictly fbr and Mrs. Elmer Odell are boys, and an Alice In Wonder­ ^ 42 Holl St. was promoted to chairmen of the supper. ’The Rev. Richard Dupee of Army specialist five recently South Methodist Church per­ land booth, exclusively for girls. Attack at Stuart Jones, an art teacHbr while "assigned as company The North American Benefit formed the double-ring cere­ clerk with the 702 Medical Co. mony. James McKay was or­ in the Glastonbury schools, will Association Guard d u b will do sketchings throughout the at Ft. Meade, Md. He is a 1061 meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the ganist and Alan Snellgrove wai graduate of Manchester High soloist. Bouquets of white carna­ day. Pony rides and a magic FRIDAY home of Mrs. Maude White, 69 show will also be featured. As Site for Talks on Peace School and received a B.A. de­ tions decorated the altar. Pine St. Committee chairmen are as Dong Ha gree In psychology In 1966 from The bride was given in mar­ Windham College, Putney, Vt. follows: Attic Antiques, Mrs. K Ni U’;N ( VALUES May FeUowship Day wlU be riage by her father. She wore a Albert Harrison and Mrs. Mar­ SPECIAL By JOHN M, HIGHTOWER observed tomorrow at Trinity full-lengfth gown of imported silk guerite Craig; Alice In Wonder­ AP Special Correspondent 8t. Bridget Roaaary Sodety organza, designed with scooped SAIGON (A P )— U.S. forces crushed a North Vietna­ win sponsor a Rummage Sale Covenant Church. A salad land, Mrs. Donald Jackson and mese counterattack near Dong Ha Thursday, climaxing smorgasbord will be served at neckline, empire bodice cov­ Mrs. Judith Pyka; Robfti Hood’s WASHINGTON (AP) — The United States and North Vietnam agreed today from 6 to 0 p.m. at St. ered with alencon lace, long four days of fighting in the northeast comer of South Bridget Schod caifeterla. The noon. A public service will be Den, Mrs. Joseph Duva and ALL THE FISH today to open preliminary peace talks in Paris next Friday or a few days tapered sleeves, A-line skirt Vietnam in which U.S. and South Vietnamese forces re­ event Is open to the public. held In the sanctuary at 1:30 Mrs. Richard Willoughby; Gar­ thereafter. p.m. Mrs. Elbert Gates, vice and detachable chapel-length den Shop, Mrs. Julie Scallse ported at least 1,208 of the enemy killed. president of Church Women train. Her bouffant veil of Illu­ and Mrs. Marion LaBreck. U.S.' and South Vietnameses casualties totaled 93 President Johnson announced at a 10 a.m. news conference he had The board of trustees of South sion was arranged from organ­ Methodist C2mrch will meet to- United, will appear. Mrs. Rich­ Also, Hardware, Mrs. D. Ken­ YOU CAN EAT! killed and 449 wounded, the allied commands said. sent word to Hanoi that he accepts the time and place Hanoi fiad an­ ard Oook, onganlst of the host za head bows, and she carried neth Gourley; homecrafts, Mrs. FighUng slacked off today sUt- ronnow at 7:30 p.m. oit the a cascade bouquet of white car­ nounced to the world two hours earlier. Johnson said he was informed churdi. church, 1s soiulst. James Hennessy and Mrs. er U.S. Marines and Army in­ nations. Earle Custer; publicity, Mrs. fantry reinforcements beat back ----------------------- — — — - —- ------------------------------------ of the North Vietnamese agree­ Reservations for a family Mrs. Henry Grzyb of Drexel William Neumann; refre^- a heavy enemy counter atteck ment at 1 a.m. today. He teen night dinner Saturday, spon­ Hill, Pa., sister of the bride, ments, Mrs. Maxira Egan. near the 3rd Marine Division conferred with Secretary of De­ sored by Manchester Asaem- WM matron of honor. Brides­ Israelis headquarters at Dong Ha 11 fense Clark M. Clifford, Secre­ MOTHEirS DAY n tary of State Dean Rusk and My, Order of Rainbow for maids were Miss Anne Patrick . 0 9 miles below the eastern end of LBJ Hits Those other high officials and nuide Girls, at the Masonic Temple, of Manchester, Mrs. Giles SERVED WfTH . the demilitarized zone. Cards — Gifts doee tomorrow and may be Packer of Merrow and Mrs. Kill 12 ’The North Vietnamese his decision. made with Miss Judy Paterson Phillip Pearson of Salem, N.H. • FRENCH FRIES launched their counterattack Hanoi announced its purpose ARTHUR DRUG of 104 Baldiwin Rd., or (Miss The bridal attendants wore Thursday afternoon and pushed in the talks would be "to decide Beth Ferris, 32 Gerard St. floor-length gowns of blue satin • TARTAR SAUCE In Clash the Marines back. Army troops Who Divide U.S. with the U.S. side tee uncondi­ and chiffon; matching satin were rushed In as reinforce­ tional cessation by the United WASHINGTON (AP) — lO per cent income tax sur- States of its bombing and all 3 ments, artillery and U.S. planes headbows with bouffant veils, • COLE SLAW *1®!. AVIV (AP) — Israeli President Johnson struck change, and carried bouquets of violets. troops patrolling the Negev De­ pounded the North Vietnamese, other acts of war against tee out today at those •who by "I think we have a long and Democratic Republic of Vlet- Alan Berman of West Hart­ • ROLL & BUTTER sert while most of their countiy- and by nigihtfaill "the enemy withdrew,” a U.S. spokesman difficult road ahead,” he said,' nam (Norte Vietnam) and later ford served as best man. Ushers men celebrated the 20th annl- “ pursuing . personal am­ , I said. He added that the enemy adding teat if he were making to talk about other matters re- were William Nash of Manches­ vorsary - of their Independence bition” divide the country. made light probing attacks for up tee budget now Instead of lated to tee two sides.” ter, Alan unrlng of Bloomfield killed 12 Arab saboteurs in a J e d ^ s^ k e out in a far- i£:st fail he^^wld" NsosUf photo clash Thursday night, the suray two hours before contact was ranging televised and broadcast perhaps add Johnson ordered March 31 a and Andrew Karpman of Hart­ Manchester Parkode lost. some to it” rather than cut it. ford. MRS. RONALD PAUL LEWIS aimounoed. news conference at which he j partial halt in bombing of tee -This raised the total number ’There was no word of new also announced Paris was an Norte and caUed fw peace Mrs. Shennlng wore a g;ray fighting by South Vietnamese coat dress with patent acces­ of Arab iitfUtrators reported acceptable place for holding L i i T .h f f . He offered to stop the rest forces who have been battling bomhti^ if HaAol would sories. The bridegroom’s mother killed this week to 80 and made preliminary 'Vietaam peace it ihe most sucoesriul week in the North Vietnamese a mile or talks. Norte Vietnam had ear­ n Z "iHistraim” in Its military wore a brown dress with beige nam and tee clUes. operaUons. the army’s antiguerrilla cam­ two from the Marines in the lier settled on Paris, with tee accessories. Both wore cymbl- Dong Ha sector. "The Congress has not been dium orchid corsages. paign since the Arab-Israeli war talks to begin May 10 or shortly teat cooperative,” he said in But U.S.
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