GUN TEST Suppressor Shootout DESERT TACTICAL SRS .338 SILENT AND DEADLY, three long-range big bore rifle suppressors for today’s sniper! by LT. DAVE bAHDE Dipisim quisit essi tet, senisit il enissi. Onullao rtiscilis eugue doloborpero et, vero diam, conseniam zzriusc iduisi tat la consenibh eniam vulla feum et accum quisse feum duntLitDui tet volorer ip ex eniam ing JET he value of a suppressor on a sniper rifle. At a recent sniper school, driven by a .338 caliber sniper rifle sniper rifle has been subject about a third of the rifles were sup- contract currently in process with the to much debate. When sup- pressed. Years ago, I was the only Army, it is also driven by the need to Tpressors were heavy, short- one with a suppressed rifle and many reach out to longer distances. lived, cumbersome and affected asked, “Aren’t those illegal?” Sup- The .30 caliber cartridges accuracy, there was a basis for argu- pressors are now seen at training, op- even in magnum form are still SUREFIRE ment. However, modern suppressors erations and competitions. Well-made pretty much limited to 1000 help most shooters shoot more ac- suppressors are beginning to show yards or so. If you want to get Ed digna ad tet irilis curately. Improvements in materials up at police departments and military to 1500 yards and beyond you alissim qui endiamc om- technology and design have made units, especially SpecOps units. need more. There are certainly modiamet ad mincipisl ut them virtually maintenance-free, Although the .308 rifle is still bigger guns and cartridges that vullam, commole ssissit lighter and more compact. prevalent for law enforcement and will do that but they often bring AAC illut nisisi esecte dolorpe Many operators are now seeing military sniping, .338s are becom- their own issues: cost, weight and/ rilisim vel in er acinim the value of a suppressor for their ing more popular. Although partially or overall dimension. dolenim eugait, conulput 38 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 39 DESERT TACTICAL SRS .338 The .338 in its many forms allows for constant attention: If they come loose ranges approaching or even beyond 1500 your accuracy goes downhill. The bigger yards in a more standard-sized envelope. the bore the more this tends to be true. As these rifles become more common, These suppressors deal with that in three the desire to suppress them becomes different ways. common as well. There are a number of .338 caliber AAC Titan-QD suppressors available. The three utilized The AAC (Advanced Armament Cor- in this test represent different modifica- poration) Titan-QD is a titanium suppres- tions in design, and three different solu- sor with a quick disconnect. The quick tions to the problem of length on large disconnect muzzle brake is compact and caliber rifles: Since the typical .338 barrel is 26 inches or longer, this can make for a long rifle. Seldom will a rifle so equipped fit in a rifle case. It can also make the rifle heavy and a bit unwieldy. Two of the suppressors tested utilize muzzle brakes that accept the suppressor over the brake. This has become quite popular, allowing the suppressor to be removed with no risk to the crown or threads and less- ening the added length. This can be Us con iussent, nos, are tum alaris cri terte done for stowing it in a regular bag, or inte abeni inenam de cupiem tiam vil hus, pulis for jumping out of aircraft. The other sulocre dendam iam portendum publici orisque FULL uses two points of contact, sliding over the barrel to a point of contact behind the threads and crown. This not the suppressor uses a “ratchet mount.” only allows for a longer suppressor with a The rifle can be fired with the suppressor PAGE shorter overall length, it provides for more attached or with it off. The brake needs contact with the barrel. This can make for to be “timed” to ling up the port properly. more consistency and less chance of it It is 9.5 inches overall length and 1.75 coming loose. inches in diameter. I could easily attach AD Standard suppressors that simply the brake, and the suppressor attached thread at the end of the barrel require easily as well and did not come loose. SPecificatioNS: DESERT TACTICAL SRS > CALIbER: .308, .338 Lapua, .338 Norma > Barrel: 22 to 26 inches, depending on caliber > OA LEngTh: 31.5 to 37.5 inches, depending on caliber > WEIghT: 9.4 to 12.4 pounds (empty), depending on caliber > SIghts: None > StockS: Injection molded > ACTIOn: Bolt action > FInISh: Hard coat anodized > CApacity: 5-shot mag (.338), 7-shot mag (.308) > pRICE: $3275-3585 SPecificatioNS: AAC Jet Surefire OA length (suppressor): 9.5 inches 13 inches 11 inches OA length (weapon): 47.5 inches 48 inches 47 inches OA length (diameter): 1.75 inches 1.9 inches 1.5 inches Weight (with QD): 1.45 pounds 2.43 pounds 1.8 pounds .338 Norma average Decibel PerformaNce maNufacturer Muzzle brake SuPPressor AAC 107.5 87.5 Jet 99.6 83.2 Surefire 112.8 97.8 Brake and suppressor sound levels measured in dB (decibels). 40 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 41 DESERT TACTICAL SRS .338 SureFire FA338SS can be fired with the brake alone. It is The SureFire FA338SS Suppressor 11 inches long and 1.5 inches wide. is made of stainless steel that also uses With this suppressor, make certain it a quick-disconnect mount. This mount is pressed all the way onto the brake slides over the barrel about 2.75 inches. prior to tightening the locking nut. It requires the barrel to be properly con- This barrel had already been con- toured to accept the brake. The mecha- toured for the Jet so it fit easily, and nism it uses to connect to the suppressor did not come loose. is a large nut that is tightened once the suppressor has been correctly mounted. Mike’s Guns Sales It differs from the AAC in that the sup- & Service Jet Us con iussent, nos, are tum alaris cri terte pressor does not actually “thread” onto The third suppressor is the “Jet.” inte abeni inenam de cupiem tiam vil hus, pulis the brake. It slides over the brake and It is a titanium suppressor that uses sulocre dendam iam portendum publici orisque the nut is tightened to hold it in place. It a two-point attachment system. The barrel is contoured to accept the suppressor. It slides over the barrel Gun Details and threads on, making contact about The rifle I used to test these suppres- 3.5 inches from the end of the barrel. sors was my Desert Tactical SRS rifle. It is not designed to be a quick-dis- One of the unique qualities of the system connect suppressor, although it does is its bullpup design, allowing the use of not take any time to remove it. a suppressor without the cumbersome Although there is no muzzle brake overall length. The longest combination in attachment I also purchased their this test fit nicely in my Eagle HSRC bag titanium muzzle brake for a proper with the suppressor attached. comparison. This suppressor is 13 It is also chambered in .338 Norma inches long and 1.9 inches wide. It Mag. This seems to be the “bell of the FULL attaches easily and has never come ball” of the new .338 calibers right now Us con iussent, nos, are tum alaris cri terte lose. The brake also attaches easily in both the civilian and military circles. inte abeni inenam de cupiem tiam vil hus, pulis and there is a locking screw so you Although the .338 Lapua Mag is certainly sulocre dendam iam portendum publici orisque can easily time the ports. (continued on page 94) PAGE AD 42 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 SPECIAL WEAPONS/OCTOBER 2009 43 DESERT TACTICAL SRS .338 (continued from page 42) able 1500-yard cartridges. I measured the the front runner, the .338 Norma seems to muzzle velocity at 2800 fps (feet per sec- keep coming up in the sniper circles. It is a ond) with my Oehler 35P Chronograph. cartridge specifically designed to utilize the 300-grain SMK bullet in a shorter case. Range Time I was able to secure several rounds of Suppressors generally promise to do what is an “experimental” load that Black several things. There are general claims Hills “might” be making commercially of sound reduction, recoil reduction, available at some time. I blast reduction, and either felt it was a good test of increased accuracy or at the suppressors as it is least no loss of accuracy. the heaviest bullet in this It has been my experience or the Lapua caliber. In that all good suppressors Antifeces tem mantem ad onequem Antifeces tem mantem ad onequem Antifeces tem mantem ad onequem Antifeces tem mantem ad onequem the 300-grain loading the do most of these things to curaestro hocas horebesilis intea curaestro hocas horebesilis intea curaestro hocas horebesilis intea curaestro hocas horebesilis intea Lapua and Norma are vi- one extent or another. nost venihiliquam fuid Cast et viris- nost venihiliquam fuid Cast et viris- nost venihiliquam fuid Cast et viris- nost venihiliquam fuid Cast et viris- Many of these sena terioru rbissetro hocas hor sena terioru rbissetro hocas hor sena terioru rbissetro hocas hor sena terioru rbissetro hocas hor benefits are sub- jective. I limited my testing to the Regarding muzzle blast, recoil and maintain accuracy. All three of these sup- tangible, but they accuracy, all three suppressors per- pressors did all of these things.
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