Coast Guard, DHS § 165.1101 minimum of 7 days before the sched- sioned, warrant, and petty officers of uled closure, unless an emergent situa- the U.S. Coast Guard. tion exists. Notice for any closure that (4) Any anticipated waterway clo- will last longer than 2 hours but less sures will be made through Broadcast than 4 hours will be given at least 72 Notice to Mariners and Local Notice to hours before the closure. Broadcast No- Mariners. During a closure, vessels re- tice to Mariners will be broadcast quiring entry into or passage through every two hours while the RNA is the Safety Zone must request permis- closed to traffic. Additionally, a sched- sion from the Captain of the Port Mor- ule of known closures will be published gan City, or a designated representa- in the Eighth District Local Notice to tive and passage will be considered on Mariners and at http://homeport.uscg.mil. a case-by-case basis. They may be con- Select ‘‘LOWER MISSISSIPPI RIVER tacted on VHF Channel 11, 13, or 16, or (MEMPHIS)’’ under the Port Directory by telephone at (985) 380–5370. tab. The schedule will appear under the EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By USCG–2011–0523, Notice to Mariners subcategory. 76 FR 45423, July 29, 2011, temporary EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By USCG–2010–0693, § 165.T11–0523 was added, effective from July 75 FR 67219, Nov. 2, 2010, temporary § 165.T10– 29, 2011 until 11:59 p.m., Mar. 14, 2013. 0693 was added, effective Nov. 2, 2010 through Nov. 1, 2012. § 165.1101 Security Zone: San Diego Bay, CA. ELEVENTH COAST GUARD DISTRICT (a) Location. The following area is a security zone: the water area within § 165.T11–0523 Safety Zone; Houma Naval Station, San Diego enclosed by Navigation Canal, From Waterway the following points: Beginning at Mile Markers 19.0 to 20.0, South- 32°41′16.5″ N, 117°08′01″ W (Point A); west of Bayou Plat, Bank to Bank, Terrebonne Parish, LA. thence running southwesterly to 32°40′58.3″ N, 117°08′11.0″ W (Point B); to (a) Location. Houma Navigation 32°40′36.0″ N 117°07′49.1″ W (Point C); to Canal, from Waterway Mile Markers 32°40′17.0′ N, 117°07′34.6″ W (Point D); to 19.0 to 20.0, Southwest of Bayou Plat, 32°39′36.4″ N, 117°07′24.8″ W (Point E); to bank to bank, Terrebonne Parish, Lou- 32°39′38.5″ N 117°07′06.5″ W, (Point F); isiana. thence running generally northwest- (b) Effective date. This rule is effec- erly along the shoreline of the Naval tive June 27, 2011, through March 14, Station to the place of the beginning. 2013. All coordinates referenced use datum: (c) Periods of enforcement. This rule NAD 1983. will be enforced upon signature (b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with through March 14, 2013. The Captain of the general regulations in § 165.33 of the Port Morgan City or a designated this part, entry into the area of this representative will inform the public zone is prohibited unless authorized by through Broadcast Notice to Mariners the Captain of the Port San Diego; of the enforcement period for the safe- Commander, Naval Base San Diego; ty zone as well as any changes in the Commander, Navy Region Southwest; planned schedule. or the Commanding Officer, Naval Sta- (d) Regulations. (1) In accordance with tion, San Diego. the general regulations in 33 CFR part (2) Persons desiring to transit the 165, subpart C, entry into this zone area of the security zone may contact should be at slowest safe speed to mini- the Captain of the Port at telephone mize wake unless authorized by the number 619–683–6495 or on VHF channel Captain of the Port Morgan City. 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permission to (2) Mariners shall transit through the transit the area. If permission is grant- construction site and pass at slowest ed, all persons and vessels must comply safe speed to minimize wake. with the instructions of the Captain of (3) All persons and vessels shall com- the Port or his or her designated rep- ply with the instructions of the Cap- resentative. tain of the Port Morgan City and des- (c) Authority. In addition to 33 U.S.C. ignated on-scene patrol personnel. On- 1231 and 50 U.S.C. 191, the authority for scene patrol personnel include commis- this section includes 33 U.S.C. 1226. 831 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00841 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR § 165.1102 33 CFR Ch. I (7–1–12 Edition) (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast Officer, Naval Base Point Loma, means Guard may be assisted in the patrol the Installation Commander of the and enforcement of this security zone naval base located on Point Loma, San by the U.S. Navy. Diego, California; Designated Represent- [COTP San Diego 04–019, 70 FR 2021, Jan. 12, ative, means any U.S. Coast Guard 2005] commissioned, warrant, or petty offi- cer who has been designated by the § 165.1102 Security Zone; Naval Base Captain of the Port San Diego to assist Point Loma; San Diego Bay, San in the enforcement of the security zone Diego, CA. described in paragraph (a) of this sec- (a) Location. The following area is a tion. security zone: The water adjacent to (d) Enforcement. The U.S. Coast the Naval Base Point Loma, San Diego, Guard may be assisted in the patrol CA, enclosed by the following coordi- and enforcement of the security zone nates: described in paragraph (a) of this sec- 32°42.48′ N, 117°14.22′ W (Point A); tion by the U.S. Navy and local law en- 32°42.48′ N, 117°14.21′ W (Point B); forcement agencies. 32°42.17′ N, 117°14.05′ W (Point C); 32°41.73′ N, 117°14.21′ W (Point D); [USCG–2008–1016, 74 FR 50708, Oct. 1, 2009] 32°41.53′ N, 117°14.23′ W (Point E); 32°41.55′ N, 117°14.02′ W (Point F); § 165.1104 Security Zone: San Diego 32°41.17′ N, 117°13.95′ W (Point G); Bay, CA. ° ′ ° ′ 32 41.17 N, 117 13.97 W (Point H); (a) Location. The following area is a thence running generally north along the shoreline to Point A. security zone: on the waters along the northern shoreline of Naval Base Coro- (b) Regulations. (1) The general regu- nado, the area enclosed by the fol- lations governing security zones found lowing points: Beginning at 32°42′53.0″ in 33 CFR 165.33 apply to the security N, 117°11′45.0 W (Point A); thence run- zone described in paragraph (a) of this ning northerly to 32°42′55.5″ N, section. 117°11′45.0″ W, (Point B); thence running (2) Entry into, or remaining in, the easterly to 32°42′57.0″ N, 117°11′31.0″ W, area of this zone is prohibited unless (Point C); thence southeasterly to authorized by the Captain of the Port 32°42′42.0″ N, 117°11′04.0″ W (Point D); San Diego; Commanding Officer, Naval thence southeasterly to 32°42′21.0″ N, Base Point Loma; or Commander, Navy 117°10′47.0″ W (Point E) thence running Region Southwest. southerly to 32°42′13.0″ N, 117°10′51.0″ W (3) Persons desiring to transit the (Point F); thence running generally area of the security zone may request northwesterly along the shoreline of permission from the Captain of the Naval Base Coronado to the place of be- Port San Diego at telephone number ginning. All coordinates referenced use (619) 278–7033 or on VHF channel 16 datum: NAD 1983. (156.8 MHz) or from either the Com- manding Officer, Naval Base Point (b) Regulations. (1) In accordance with Loma or the Commander, Navy Region the general regulations in Sec. 165.33 of Southwest by calling the Navy Port this part, entry into the area of this Operation Dispatch at telephone num- zone is prohibited unless authorized by ber (619) 556–1433 or on VHF–FM chan- the Captain of the Port San Diego; nels 16 or 12. If permission is granted, Commander, Naval Base Coronado, or all persons and vessels must comply Commander, Navy Region Southwest. with the instructions of the Captain of (2) Persons desiring to transit the the Port San Diego or his or her des- area of the security zone may contact ignated representative. the Captain of the Port at telephone (c) Definitions. For purposes of this number 619–683–6495 or on VHF channel section: Captain of the Port San Diego, 16 (156.8 MHz) to seek permission to means the Commanding Officer of the transit the area. If permission is grant- Coast Guard Sector San Diego; Com- ed, all persons and vessels must comply mander, Navy Region Southwest, means with the instructions of the Captain of Navy Region Commander responsible the Port or his or her designated rep- for the Southwest Region; Commanding resentative. 832 VerDate Mar<15>2010 11:58 Aug 31, 2012 Jkt 226133 PO 00000 Frm 00842 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226133.XXX 226133 wreier-aviles on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with CFR.
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