Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1980-90 The iH lltop Digital Archive 12-9-1988 The iH lltop 12-9-1988 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 12-9-1988" (1988). The Hilltop: 1980-90. 213. http://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_198090/213 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1980-90 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. " , ' Volume 72, Humber 13 • HoW•rcl Univ~, Wa1hln11on, D.C. 20059 • Dec1zjdl•r 9, 1988 • ' Stolen computer equipment • • found in stude.nt's ho,me ·By Shelia Maxwell - attempted to contact security again . four students and four faculty mem­ • HiUtop Staff Reporter When security arrived, Vera made a bers. He added that the dismissal of routine offense report. "-~~ a student usually happens ''when that 'strict Police in conjunction with The first lead on the t!Wft, Gray student poses a threat to anqther stu­ ...._,-><e vestigation _section of the said, came when the section realized dent or to the university." • o d security division, have con- that it was an ''inside job." Walker said that, while he is hap­ fiscated more than $10,000 worth of ''There was no sign of an attempt py that the equipment has been computer equipment from a Howard to break in,'' said Harold Lacy, the found, he is very sad about the pos­ student. The eqU:ipment was report­ se.ction's senior inve'Stigator. ''The sibility of the thief being a studeni ed missing from the School of En­ thief kicked the door out instead of and about the affect that the lol's of gineering in early July. in,'' he said. the property is having on mechani­ According -to Chie-f Investigator But according to the chief the most cal engineering students. Lt. Arnold W_, .Gray, $10,469 worth vital information was given by ''a ''I am sorry that he took an action of IBM mectiariit:al engineering com­ reliable source'' on Nov. 27. It was ~ that slowed down the progress of the puter software was found in the due to that undisclosed information students. I think that it's very sad home of an engineering student liv­ that Third District police were able to that they (the students) couldn't ap- · ing in N.E. Was_hington on Nov. 28. recover the equipment. preciate the quality of information Gray said that there is presently a Gray said that he is not sure when that was available to them,'' he said. warrant out fpr the suspect's arrest. the equipment will be returned to the Mechanical engineering major The lieutenant was unable to release department. He said that the time can Jaret Riddick said that while he is ·an­ any other information about the only be determined after the suspect gered about the incident, he isn'.t suspect. has been arrested and if that suspect suprised that it happened. The equiPment, used for robotics is guilty of the crime. - ''It doesn't really &urprise me with ( courses, was· reported missing from If brought in, Gray said the ·sus­ all of the things being stolen,'' ~ aid room G20A, · a robotics lab in the pect will face a possible second­ Riddick.'' They (thieves) don't have mechanical engineering department degree burglary charge that has a much regard for other students' !Oss- . July 9 by Dr. Naren Vera, an associ­ penalty of two to 15 years in prison. es. Whflt they are interested in is per­ ate professor in that discipline. He or she also risks a penalty of sonal gain. If stealing computers is According to School of Engineer­ $5,000, seven years in prison or both serving the personal interests of that ing dean,' Luci.ous Walker, Vera and for receiving stolen property. student, then that's what is important another professor were in the build­ When the details of the confisca­ to him,'' the junior saiC:. · ing working on a project when Vera tion are brought to his attention, Senior Beverly Fields, also a noticed the door to the lab had been Walker said that he will consult mechanical engineering major, said damaged. It was then; Walker said, Austin Lane, -dean of Student Af­ that she's just glad that the t om­ that Vera called ca~pus security. fairs, on how to handle>Jhe matter. puters will soon .be back. Vera was unavailable for comment. He said that if the suspect actually ''It's best that it 's been found be­ Walker said tha:t he ¥.'as called in turns out to be a student, he or she cause it's necessary (for students in because of a delay Jn security's will, n:iore than likely, have to face the course) to do their final project. response. He said that he and Vera the university's faculty/student The whole point of the course is us­ made an effort to secure the area and judiciary committee whir.h consists of ing the equipment,'' she said! WHMM names acting manager , . Administration still refuses to comment in wake ofsudden tesignations By Victor C. Wright ment on either resignation was that, president's office. , Hilltop Slaff Reporter ' 'Mr. Maison's last day at the univer­ Jones' meteoric ' rise to the top sit y was Nov. 11." began six months ago when 'he was The recent high level shakeup at Alan HermeSch, director of univer­ hired at WHMM as the prograrrim­ the Howard University public televi­ sity relations, said he had no further ing manager. Since then ~een sion station, WHMM has resulted in information as to the reason behind two promotions and is nowt'Pi'!1\'2ti.CI photo by Keith Dorman Ji, the appointment of Edward Jones Jr. the resignations nor the administra­ of the station. the Acting .General Manager of the tions official position on the matter. ''We are confident that wi'th the . ' as Shoka Hislop is comforted by teammate• W9icli Akanni, left, and lrvint Williama ..,.., tit«._ 1011, statiqn. naming of Ed Jones as Acting ' . Jonts, who jbined WHMM only Jones is refusing to answer any in­ General Manager, WHMM wil~con­ five months ago, replaces Arnold quiries and Angela Henderson, the tinue to move forward in its mi ssion Wallace who abruptly resigned last station's spokeswoman, also claims of serving the Washington, D.C. area Bison Hooters tripped up, 1-0 month after an eight year tenure as to have no kilowledge of the events community," said Dr. Avis Y. general manager. surrounding the resignations. Pointer, Malson's successor as special In addition to WaJlace's departure, As reported in the November 18th assistant to the president. After Indiana loss, a hopeful team looks to future Robert A. Malson,_ who served as issue of The Hilltop, it is not clear Jones worked previously as pro­ special assistant to President James whether the Wallace resignation is gram manager at \VDVM-l ' V(now By David DaCosta • E. Cheek also resigned leaving many connected to Maison's departure. WUSA, Channel 9) where the station kick for the only score-of the game when Howard questions unanswered as to the won numerous local Emmy Awards Hilltop Staff Reporter goalie Shaka Hislop guessed wrong and dived to his reasons behind the move. There have, however, been riports of and the George Foster Peabody right; Shapert kicked left. The administration's only com· disagreements between officials in the Award. BLOOMINGTON, !ND.--The Howard Univer­ The play that resulted in the penalty started when sity ~ccer team's incredible season came to an end the Hoosiers were on the attack, pressuring the ball Sunday \Vith a 1-0 loss to Indiana University in the deep into Bison territory. Howard's clearing kick NCAA Sbccer Championship. was deflected and the ball rolled to the far corner Disappointed team members returned home of the penalty box. Mo11day optimistic about next season. ''We're ex­ Indiana's Han Roest and Bison Mike Williams pecting a strong team next year," said Chris Tho- both pursued the ball, but Roest arrived first . 1 . mas, a defender on the team.'' ~. Williams kicked at the ball and down went Roest ''And we're looking to next year for redemp­ about one yard inside the penalty box. Referee Joe tion,'' he said. Machnik blew his whistle and signa1ed the penalty The defeat came after a very controversial kick to the dismay of the Howard coaches and the tripping call against the Bison which gave the Hoos­ large number of fans that made the ten-hour trip iers a penalty kick with 10:52 left in the first half to support the Bison. of the game. Indiana's Sean Shapert converted the penalty see NCAA, page 4 ' ' ' Alphas lead first campus Kwanzaa celebration tionary Party (AAPRP). By Stacey J. Phillips The program opened with a prayer and Cristol Baron and traditional'libation. The prayer Hilltot' Staff Reporters consisted of ''calling on the Gods and Ancestors to ensure the program's The Howard University communi­ success.'' ty participated in its first celebration ''It is traditional arrd customary in of the African-American holiday, an African society to open up any Kwanzaa in the Armour J. Blackburn ceremony this way. We believe that Center Tuesday. those who have died are not de~d, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. but are still around to protect us,'' Beta Chapter organizPd and led tl1e said Dayo Laoye, of"the African Stu­ photos .) b)' Oa.,.ld Embden campus Kwanzaa Committee, which dent Association.
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