DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER October I 4, 1998 Partial-birth abortion, parental rights on fall ballot Amendments 11,12 promote respect for human dignity Archbishop’s unborn occupy a special place in Catho­ By n Nov. 3, Colorado voters will patible with the Catholic faith — it's Colum n O find two abortion-related initia­ incompatible with any civilized code of lic social teaching. They are the most poor tives on the ballot. If passed, they'll conduct. among us, the most vulnerable human By Most Rev. beings in a society where life is not al­ constitute a big step toward creating A "civilized" code of conduct also Charles J. Chaput I an environment that respects and de­ implies the primacy of parents in their ways respected for its intrinsic value. fends human life in our state. children's care and upbringing. Parents Mother Teresa, perhaps our age's Amendment 11 would prohibit — not abortion doctors — should be the greatest champion of the poor, well un­ that people of conviction use every le­ partial-birth abortion, a brutal proce­ adults helping their children during cri­ derstood this. She once observed — in gal and ethical means at their disposal dure that kills a child during the pro­ sis pregnancies. Many teenagers have the presence of a president who has to advance their deeply held beliefs. cess of being born. Amendment 12 neither the moral grounding nor the twice vetoed federal bans on partial- Instead, I strongly encourage you would require doctors to notify par­ simple maturity to make decisions that birth abortion — that abortion is the to bring your active Catholic faith to ents or guardians 48 hours before per­ will profoundly affect them for the rest "greatest destroyer of peace" among us. forming abortions on minors. of their lives. She knew in her heart that every person the voting booth on Nov. 3. As a A society thinking clearly would Parents have a right to be there to has been created by God with a dignity Church, we must work to address the have no reservations about support­ support and counsel their children dur­ which is unique, sacred and inviolable. root causes of human suffering, from ing these amendments. They make ing difficult times. From a Catholic per­ From this basic dignity, all other rights which all otirer injustices flow and common sense and serve common spective, they have a duty to be in­ flow: the right to life, the right to food, proliferate. To do this, we must do decency. But decades of "abortion volved. shelter, clothing and health care. With­ more than proclaim Gospel values. We rights" rhetoric have muddled many There's a simple medical issue here out an unwavering respect for human are called to actively promote those Americans' ability to see even the as well. For more reasons than could be life at ail stages, from conception until efforts that protect and enhance the most obvious rights and wrongs. It's listed here, children should not undergo natural death, a society cannot maintain human dignity of all people in our society. therefore vital for people with in­ dangerous medical procedures without policies that ensure the dignity of all formed consciences to actively sup­ the knowledge of their parents. Again, people. I believe Amendments 11 and 12 port and assist in the passage of these however, the appeal of the "pro-choice" Between today and the coming elec­ are consistent with that call. 1 urge you two initiatives. message, drawing its strength from a tion, Colorado v'oters will be urged and to support them. When a society fails to defend the distorted sense of individual freedom, lectured many times to set aside their Archbishop's Schedule basic dignity of all human life from its obscures the obvious. religious convictions before approaching beginning, we risk arriving at aston­ A recent letter 1 received admon­ the ballot box. That's a ludicrous notion, Oct. 14-16: Completion of Ad ishing moments like this one, when ished the Church for spending too much of course, since genuine believers are Limina visit (updating Vatican on voter approval is required to prevent energy and resources on "life issues" guided in all that they do by their faith. status of Archdiocese of Denver); children from being killed during the such as abortion and assisted suicide, To suggest that we somehow check our Oct. 18: Mass in St. Peter's Square very act of delivery. Even a society that especially while more visible social in­ spiritual baggage before voting is to ask celebrating 20th anniversary of the doesn't recognize life from conception justices like poverty and homelessness us to make subjective decisions without elevation of Pope John Paul 11 to the can see that a partial-birth abortion exist among us. It's true that to be genu­ drawing from what we know to be ob­ pontificate. Oct. 19: Depart Rome; amounts to infanticide. Any defense inely "pro-life," we must promote the jective truths. It also subverts the real Oct. 20: Arrive in Denver. of this procedure is not only incom­ common good in all of society. But the meaning of pluralism, which demands Register sponsors 12-day Lenten Year of the Holy Spirit Talk on Blessed Edith Stein of­ pilgrimage to Holy Land, Rome A time of hope in the definitive fered at John Paul II Center he opportunity to silica and a papal audi­ coming of the kingdom of God n Monday, Nov. 2, logical degrees are from T make a 12-day Lenten ence (if the Holy Father is O from 7 — 9 p.m., the St. John's University and pilgrimage to the Holy in Rome). Scripture Readings: Necrology Respect Life Office will the Pontifical University Land, to walk and pray "I'm eager to return to sponsor a talk on Edith of Saint Thomas Aquinas where Jesus did, is being the Holy Land because 1 Father Michael Horgan Stein. Blessed Teresia in Rome. She is a faculty offered through the Den­ find that every time 1 go, The 29th Sunday a m Oct. 15, 1945 Benedicta (Edith Stein) member of the School of ver Catholic Register. it's a renewal of my own in Ordinary Time was a philosopher, lec­ mm Father Daniel Morning Spirituality, Archdiocese The pilgrimage will be spiritual life," said Father turer, writer, professor, of New York. Dr. Traflet led by Father Tom Fryar, Fryar. "As I visit there. First Reading: Oct. 17, 1935 Exodus 17: 8-13 convert and Carmelite also teaches moral theol­ pastor of All Souls I'm reminded of the real­ Father Michael nun. She was canonized ogy at Seton Hall Univer­ Church in Englewood, ity of the real physical Psalm: 121; 1-8 Callanan Oct. 11. sity and Felician College and Father Phil Meredith, presence of God in our Second Reading: Oct. 19, 1934 The Holy Father pro­ and spiritual theolog\’ at world, especially as 1 visit pastor of Saint Joseph 2 Timothy 3: 14-4: 2 Father Daniel Morning claimed the beatification Immaculate Conception Church in Fort Collins. the places where He Oct. 17, 1935 of Edith Stein during a Seminary at Seton Hall. It begins Feb. 18 and spoke, ate and performed Gospel: Eternal rest grant unto Mass celebrated before The program will be includes stops in Cana, miracles. The land of Is­ Luke 18: 1-8 them. Lord. 75,000 people at a sta­ held in the Vehr 'Theologi­ Nazareth, Jerusalem and rael speaks to us about dium in Cologne. He cal Library at the John Rome. Pilgrimage partici­ God coming among us Feast of St. Teresa, doctor of the called her a "daughter of Paul II Center for the New pants will renew their and that is a truth that we Israel" eight times. Evangelization, 1300 S. baptismal promises at the then take back to wher­ Church, observed on Oct. 15 Speaker for the event is Steele St., Denver. Call the Jordan river and visit the ever we work or live or eresa Sanchez Cepeda that followed, she became Respect Life Office, 303- grotto believed to be the pray." Dianne M. Traflet, J.D., Davila Y Ahumada interested in living in a S.T.D. Dr. Traflet's theo­ 715-3243. place where the Blessed Cost of the trip is T was bom at Avila in cen­ small convent where only Mother said 'Yes,' to the $2,399 from Denver. A tral Spain on March 28, a few nuns could follow angel Gabriel, as well as $200 deposit is required, 1515. When she was only the original Carmelite, Denver Catholic D e n v e r Catholic Register the Via Dolorosa (the Sta­ with the remainder due (USPS 557-020) is published seven, she tried to run rule. R e g is t e r tions of the Cross) where 65 days prior to depar­ weekly except the last week of away to Africa with her During the remaining Jesus suffered his pas­ ture. "The extended tour is Published by Ihe December and the first week of brother in hopes of being 20 years of her life, she es­ sion. an additional $599. Dead­ Archdiocese of Denver January by the Archdiocese of martyred by the Moors. tablished 15 convents An extended 15-day line for registration and 1300 S. Steele St., Denver, 1300 S. Steele Street, Her mother died when which became known as tour includes visits to the full payment is Dec. 15. Denver, C O 80210 Denver, CO 80210, and printed by she was 15, and Teresa the Discalced Carmelite Times Call Printers in Longmont.
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