Thursday, November 27, 1958 THÉ BIG TIMBER PIONEER, BIG TIMBER, MONTANA Page Three operated in the Crazy mountainsB. F. Henry home. of Big Timber, Mrs. Etta Farthing Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Im­was enjoyed. They practiced m DUSTING OfMME OLD ONES for several years by A. G. Badger, Dr. and Mrs. B. Olness and and son, John and Mrs. Sophia lay. skit to be given Dec. 26th. at the* now of California, was sold at children left yesterday for Ryder,Guthrie. Among those attending the dis­ gym. The group voted to work on- N. D., to spend Thanksgiving with Glen Barnum and soil, Jimmy trict EUB men's banquet and meet­their community project Nov. 29th, Prem Planter filet Nov. 25, 190».al weeks here on business matters. sheriffs sale Saturday to satisfy a court judgement obtained by Wal­the doctor's parents. Three sons were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. ing at the EUB church in Colum­at the Whitham home. Lunch was- Eighty-six, twenty-three more will be home for the weekend. and Mrs. Clarence Phipps. bus Friday evening were Rev. E.served by Mary Whitham. Fred I. Hubbard and Miss Ada* than last year, sat at the banquetter Pinney, an employe, for 8350. lene Cummings were united in Mrs. Ed Everett left Tuesday for Mr. and Mrs. John Shoaff and J. Bott, Marion VanCampen, FTed Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McXeenan of the Sweet Grass Pioneer society From Pienaar files Nov. 21, 1900. Minneapolis frhere she goes each family of Molt visited Sunday withSwift, Lawrence Berry, Ambrose of Park City visited Monday after­ marriage in the Congregational held here Saturday.) church parlor by Rey. H. H. Thor- winter to visit a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Berry. Brumfield, Floyd Ferguson, Pern- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Born, to Rev. and Mrs. M. L. A daughter, born to Mr. and Mrs. mer Halvorsen, Helmuth Marlow, Phipps. en, Thanksgiving day. Both are Lowe of Big Timber, Nov. 9, a son; Hans Beley, Nov. 18. Ed Jones of Cody, Wyo. add Mr. from Big Timber and will make and Mrs. L. B. Jones of Waterloo, Bill Golden, Jim Redli, Wilfred to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Helvik, Mrs. Dora Langston and Mrs. Baker, Ted and Herbert Nelson. their home on their ranch north Nov. 13, a son. Alice Dugro left this morning for Reed Point Notes Iowa were guests last week of Mr. of this city. Eugene Cummings and Harry Hart is leading by two California to spend the winter with By Mrs. Glen Barnum and Mrs. E. C. Robbins. Ed and L Bill Golden, Mrs. Jack Horns­ Miss Nellie Cummings served asstrokes at the completion of the relatives. • B. Jones are brothers of Mrs. Rob­ by, and Frank Deeney attended the witnesses. Mr. Hubbard is a civil first 18 holes of the local handi­ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weamer and bins*. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Robbins funeral of Mrs. Tom Deckert in engineer and has been employed Clive W. Haas has been named and their guests were dinner Billings Tuesday afternoon. Mr. cap tournament. He is followed by the third member of the local draft son, Jimmy of Livingston were din for some time by the Glnss-Lind- Ernest Patterson, Jack Watt and ner guests Sunday of Mrs. Etta guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Deckert lived in Reed say Land Co. board in place of Jerome Williams Farthing and son, John. Norman Peterson at Red Lodge. Point from 1921 to 1947 and owned J. B. Hinds. who was unable to serve because Mel Jewell, who broke his E. O. Birkeland of Grey Cliff Mr. and Mrs. Carl Imlay of Ab Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Baluski the grocery store. Mrs. Deckert's parole, will be returned to the of ill health. The other two mem­ sarokee and Mr. and Mrs. Don Im­ and son, Leonard and Mrs. Burns funeral was at the Smith Chapel has returned from Chicago, where bers are James J. Lacklen, chair with Rev. A. C. Caton of the First penitentiary by Sheriff Fallang to he accompanied a shipment of lay and family of Livingston were were dinner guests Saturday eve­ serve his sentence of eight years. man, and H. B. Tetlie. week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. ning of Mrs. Etta Farthing and son, Methodist church officiating. The stock. This was his thirteenth trip Eli Lamach, first draftee for Edna Hedges chapter No. 15 O.E.S. Last Wednesday evening at the to that city with stock and as a Everett Imlay. John. home of the bride's parents, Miss selective service from Sweet Grass Mrs. Sophia Guthrie, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson and Mrs. also officiated at the Chapel. consequence he has gained a prettycounty, left Monday for Fort Mis­ Minnie Lavold was united in mar* intimate acquaintance with the Mrs. A. P. Brumfield, Mrs. Jack Etta Farthing and John visited Merle Baumgardner was a din­ riage to Abraham E. Grosfield, soula. Eli was one of three volun Hornsby, Mrs. Ilia Ostenson and Wednesday with Mrs. Kenneth ner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. stockyards at that place. teers who drew straws to decide Mrs. Bill Golden and son, Mark Rev. Anderson of Big Timber of­ Barney Deeney of Reed Point is Jones of Big Timber. Floyd Ferguson. ficiating. The happy event was wit­ which one should answer the first attended the Smorgasbord dinner The Bridger Creek Federated Mrs. Nettie Lamb accompanied now pumpman at Grey Cliff, hav­call. He was honored guest at a at the Congregational church Sun­ nessed by a large number of ing succeeded William Gregory, club met Wednesday at the home Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lamb and friends of the contracting parties. dinner at the Big Timber cafe Sun­ day m Columbus. of Mrs. Gertrude Fotland. A din­ family of Livingston to Laurel Sat­ An elaborate wedding supper wasveteran employee of the Northern day evening, members of the Lions Mr. and Mrs. Glen Barnum and Pacific who had a half century of ner was served by the hostess. urday where they visited at the served, after which the evening club and local Legionnaires attend­ son, Jimmy were supper guests Eugene Best of Fort Peck was Roy and Walt Lamb homes for the was given to merriment and re­ honorable service to his credit ing, also his father, J. W. Lamach. Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Karl when he retired. an over night guest of Mr. and week end. joicing. Five more registrants have volun­George in Laurel. Mrs. Marion VanCampen and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Pemmer Halvorsen Mrs. Lloyd A. Severance enter­teered, Orvil Anderson, Hartsell Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huntley Simply as an experiment, fivetained with dinner and three tables Sophia Guthrie. They were enroute and family visited Saturday withKPRK Radio acres of sugar beets were grown Young, Ernest Tredway, Clinton visited Mr. and Mrs. Dean Turner home from Townsend. Mr. and Mrs. Walt Keopgh at Nye. this year on the ranch of Glass- of bridge Tuesday. Mrs. Donald Mc­Green and Henry Ormsby. in Billings Monday. Livingston Kenzie, who has played in hard Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKeenan of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ferguson Lindsay Land Company. Although W. R. Stokes shipped 7,000 Mrs. Bob Cunningham went Park City visited Sunday with Mr.were dinner guests Tuesday of Presents all the parties connected with the luck at most of the parties, won pounds of dressed turkeys to west to Chico Tuesday for medical treat­ high prize by a Walsh majority. and Mrs. Everett Robins. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Eaton in care of the crop were absolutely era markets for the Thanksgiving ment.' The Reed Point Home Demon­ Laurel. without experience or knowledge Low went to Mrs. John W. Scho­ trade. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Whitham and field. stration club met Thursday after­ Mrs. Alice Mrystol of Big Tim­ Big Timber as regards the raising of sugar Sam Langhus and Harry Plag daughter, Mary, Lois Bott, Boyd noon at the home of Mrs. Pemmer ber and Mel Peterson Jr. station­ beets. The Sol J. Craft ranch home on gemeyer returned Saturday nightWood, Edna Whitford, Mr. and the East Boulder was destroyed Halvorsen. The lesson on person­ ed with the Air force in Texas 1 A solo by Miss Loasby, a recita­ from attending a short course in Mrs. Jim Redli and daughter. Dar­ ality development was given bywere dinner guests of Mr. and Newscast tion by Miss Bailey and some ir­ by fire early Friday morning. Noth­veterinary at Great Falls. lene attended the 4-H county-wide Mrs. Halvorsen and Mrs. Bill Gol ing was saved, even in the way of Mrs. Palmer Peterson. 11:45 a. m. Daily resistibly sunny specialties be­ Fred Liebel, youngest son of Mr. Achievement night in Co umbus den. Mrs. Glen Barnum, president, Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Jones and tween acts will give added interest clothing. and Mrs. William G. Liebel, writes Saturday. Mary Whitham was was in charge of the business family of Big Timber were dinner Carla Wulff, Reporting and amusement to the juvenile them from San Diego that he likes awarded a pin for sheep fattening; meeting. Plans for the annual guests Wednesday evening of Mrs. cantata to be presented by St. Reed Point notes: The work of his work with the navy but that it Lois Bott for canning and Jimmy Christmas party were made for Etta Farthing. The occasion helped Mark's guild soon. gravelling the main business street has been hotter than the hot place Barnum for gardening.
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