Supplementary Initial Environmental Examination Project Number: 46418-001 Grant Number: 0376-TAJ Period covered: June 2020 Tajikistan: Golovnaya 240-Megawatt Hydropower Plant Rehabilitation Project Rehabilitation of Golovnaya 110 kV facility and construction of new 110 kV Rudaki substation in Vose District Executing Agency: Open Stock Holding Company Barki Tojik (BT) Implementing Agency: State Establishment “Project Management Unit for Electro- Energy Sector” (SE “PMUE Prepared by Barqi Tojik for Asian Development Bank Dushanbe, Republic of Tajikistan This supplementary initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. 2 CONTENTS Contents 2 Abbreviations and Acronyms 5 Executive Summary 7 1. Introduction 11 1.2 The IEE Team 12 1.3 Methodology of SIEE Report 12 1.4 Structure of the Report 13 2. Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework 15 2.5.1 Basic EA Laws. 17 2.5.2 Public Participation 20 2.5.3 Licenses 20 2.5.4 Environmental Permits 20 2.5.5 State Environmental Program 2009-2019 21 2.5.6 Implementation and compliance 21 2.6 Environmental norms and standards 21 2.7 Noise, Water and Air Quality Standards 23 2.8 ADB Safeguards 32 2.9. EHS Standards applied in the project 33 Table 6 Comparison of Tajik and International Environmental, Health and Safety Standards 33 3. Project Description 39 Table 7 List of Main Parts/Equipment/Facility of Vose SS 40 4. Alternatives 46 5. Description of the Environment 48 5.2.1. Geology, Soils and Topography 50 5.2.2. Climate 50 5.2.3. Water Resources 51 5.2.4. Noise 51 5.2.5. Air Quality 52 5.2.6. Pollution and Waste 52 5.2.7. Natural Hazards 52 5.3.1. Vegetation 52 5.3.2. Fauna and Habitat 53 Birds 54 5.3.3. Protected Areas 55 5.4.1. Land 57 5.4.2. Population and Social Indicators 57 5.4.3. Agriculture 58 5.4.4. Infrastructure and Transport 58 5.4.5. Sensitive Receptors 58 5.4.6. Heritage 58 6. Anticipated Impacts and Mitigation Measures 59 6.1.1 Noise 59 6.1.2. Electromagnetic Field 59 6.1.3 Waste Management 60 6.1.4 Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) 60 6.2.1 Impacts on the Physical Environment 61 Temporary Land Requirements 61 Soil and Water 61 Air quality 62 Noise 62 Waste Management 63 Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 64 6.2.2 Impacts on the Biological Environment 64 6.2.3 Impacts on the Socioeconomic Environment 65 6.3.1 Impacts on the Physical Environment 66 Soil and Water 66 Air quality 66 Noise 66 i. Noise Sources in Substations 66 ii. Noise objectives 66 iii. Noise impacts 67 iv. Noise mitigation 69 Waste Management 69 Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) 70 Electrical and Magnetic Fields (EMF) 71 6.4 Impacts on the Biological Environment 72 6.4.1 Bird collision risk 72 6.4.2 Bird Electrocution risk 74 6.5 Impacts on the Socioeconomic Environment 75 4 6.5.1 Benefits 75 6.5.2 Land Displacement 75 6.5.3 Noise 76 6.5.4 Visual Effect 76 6.5.5 Gender Aspects 76 7. Information Disclosure, Consultation, and Participation 77 8. Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) 79 9. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMP) 81 II. Conclusions and Recommendations 94 Annex 1: Environmental setting of the project area 97 Annex 2: Applicable Tajikistan National Environmental Legislation 98 Annex 3: Public Consultations in Scope of the Rehabilitation of Golovnaya 110 kV facility and construction of new 110 kV Rudaki substation in Vose district 102 Annex 4: Anticipated Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 107 Annex 5: Management Plan of Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls 115 Annex 6: Rehabilitation of Golovnaya 110 kV Facility and construction of new 110kV Rudaki Substation in Vose district 120 Annex 7: Environmental Monitoring Program 147 ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ADB Asian Development Bank agric. Agricultural AP Affected Person BAT Best Available Technique BT Barki Tojik CBO Community Based Organization CEP Committee of Environmental Protection under the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan CIGRE International Council on large Electric Systems CIS Commonwealth of Independent States DEP Department of Environmental Protection EA Environmental Assessment EACSMC Euro-Asian Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMF Electric and magnetic field EMP Environmental Management Plan ECD Europe and Central Asia EHS Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines (World Bank/IFC) Guidelines EMP Environment Management Plan EMPP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan ESD Barki Tojik PMU Environment and Social Department (now Monitoring Department) GIS Gas-insulated switchgear GRC Grievance Redress Committee GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism ha hectare/s hh household/s HPP Hydropower Plant HVTL High Voltage Transmission Line ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection kg Kilogram kV Kilovolt ICNIRP International Committee for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection IEE Initial Environmental examination IFC International Finance Corporation LA Land Acquisition LARP Land Acquisition and Resettlement Plan LC Land Code LV Low Voltage MEWR Ministry of Energy and Water Resources MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration MPE Maximum Permissible (or allowable) Emissions MW Megawatts NGO Non-Governmental Organization OH(T)L Overhead (Transmission) Lines PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls PIC Project Implementation Consultant PMUES Project Management Unit for energy sector REA Rapid Environmental Assessment 6 RoW Right Of Way RT Republic of Tajikistan SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride SIEE Supplementary Initial Environmental Examination SSEMP Site-Specific Environmental Management Plan SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise/s SPS ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 T Tower or Transformer TJS Tajik Somoni TL Transmission Line UN United Nations USD United States Dollars WB World Bank WUA Water Users Association ZOI Zone of Influence Local Terms Aryk Irrigation channel Dekhan farm Farm under private management organized either individually, by a family or collectively Hakim Chairperson of District Hukumat District Administration Jamoat Sub-District, Sub-District Administration Kolkhoz Soviet era collective farm Land committee Responsible body of District for all land related questions Mahalla Village / Neighbourhood Mahalla committee Board of Mahalla Organization (with all citizens in the Mahalla area as members) Oblast Region Rais Chairperson (Tajik term, e.g. Raisi Mahalla) Rayon District Sotih 100 m2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Section 1: Introduction- This section provides background, objectives and overall context to the project. The Government of Tajikistan has requested the Asian Development Bank to support a project to rehabilitate and upgrade the power supply in the Vose district of Khatlon province, in southern Tajikistan. The project includes the following components: (i) fully rehabilitate 110/35/10kV Vose substation (replace all switchgear; replace and increase the capacity of transformers; built additional 110kV bay and connect substation to SCADA); (ii) construct a new 110/10 kV Rudaki substation with one 110kV and eight 10 kV bays; and (iii) construct a new 10 km 110 kV transmission line connecting Vose substation and the new Rudaki substation. The national electricity company Barki Tojik on its own account will interconnect 10 kV lines (LV-9, LV-12 and LV-16) to the new Rudaki substation. The Republic of Tajikistan has received a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to upgrade and rehabilitate the Golovnaya Hydropower Plant, 80 kilometres south of Dushanbe in southern Tajikistan and to increase supply of renewable energy to national and regional power systems. The Golovnaya HPP Rehabilitation Project is currently being implemented. The Executing Agency (EA) is Open Joint Stock Company Barki Tojik (BT). The Implementing Agency is the State Establishment “Project Management Unit for Electro-Energy Sector” (PMUES). The Executing Agency has proposed, on Golovnaya HPP Rehabilitation Project remaining funds, the rehabilitation of Vose regional substation, installation of 10 km 110 kV transmission line and building a new 110 kV substation to reconnect several villages in Vose district to the regional power supply system. The Project has been classified by ADB as category B for environment, thus requiring an initial environmental examination (IEE). This SIEE has been prepared in accordance with ADB Safeguard Policy Statement 2009 (SPS) and meets government requirements as set out under the Environment Act (as amended) 2007. There is no critical habitat affected by the project. Potential impacts are typical of similar projects of this type and will be managed by standard good practice and recommended mitigation measures. The project is Environment Category B under the ADB Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS) 2009, requiring preparation of an IEE under ADB requirements. The objectives of this SIEE are to: Identify and describe the existing environmental conditions in the existing Vose SS and proposed Rudaki SS project area including the identification of environmentally sensitive areas; Assess the proposed works and activities to identify their potential impacts, evaluate the impacts, and determine their significance; and Propose appropriate mitigation measures that can be incorporated into the proposed activities to minimize any adverse impacts, ensure that residual impacts are acceptable and establish the requirements for monitoring of the Project. 8 Section 2: Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework- This section presents an overview of the policy/legislative framework as well as the environmental assessment guidance of Tajikistan that apply to the project.
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