
<** < ATHBf* Dilflr N tt PrMB : I k * W M tkiT - ■3-P- r«r t)M WMk BMM Jnw 4tk. ifM '7\ TMrigM m 9 » b f 1 3 ,1 2 5 m tm . tm r Im Ma. lUmlMr «C «M Alidtt r Mr, muta, ka Bui—u •! dfcnlmtlM iMnara lato la dar/BOgk t m t / t O . ManchetUr-^A City of VUltme Charm YOL. LXXIX, NO. 2S9 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JULY 11, 1960 (fAaaitfM Adrartlalag ea Paga U) PRICE FIVE cw»4r Whites Terrorized State News Roundup Lost U .S. Dempsey Keeps Restore Orde N^imself Eligible rd, July 11 (A*)— Lt. Shot Down in Soviet Area _______ ______ _____ and Gov. JohiKN, Dempsey today United Natioiw, N. Y., JulytSi^S^'f JV fA . m A *>r. •/ a ' iwt)r. ^Rttlnh p h ttunehA.Bunche, tJnit«dUnited NNations said he would “ keep himself 11 (/P>—A United Nations troubleshooter. spfdCesman indiCated today a eligible” for cahd|daCy as jgrov- t 1^0 response from the United ernor of the statelnihe event deCision for U.N. ud to .the Nations has yet been reCeived. ):■ •• • ■•.'f ■ : - , ••-V/ * ' Congo may be made before the Rebellious ' Congolese troops Gov. RibiCoff goes onto na­ d a t i* •▼e*’. The Congo gov­ were reported terrorising whites tional offiCe or tioea nbt.^run 2 of Crew Captured ernment has asked the U.N. today in Luluabourg and SUnley- for reeleCtion. viUe and flfets o f planes were The Deputy Chief Executivl to intervene and restore order rushed to help European refugees made this Comment in response to in the young AfriCan nation. flee the .tom new AfriCan nation. a Question from a reporter. He is Van der Meersh saw Congolese sitting this week aS aCting gov­ After July 1 Incident Leopoldville, the Congo, July offiCials to arrange for entranCe ernor in the absence of Gov. Ribi­ 11 (iiP)— The Congo : govern­ oP Belgian troops into MatadC and Coff who is attending, the national Boma, two Congo river porta west DemoCratiC convention in Los An­ MosCow, July 11 (/P)— The Soviet Union announced tonight ment has asked the United .of LeopoldAdlle where Negro sol­ geles. Nations to intervene and re­ diers for a time , ^ t e d the de­ PolitiCal observers have stated it has shot down another AmeriCan plane, and Charged the store order in this former Bel­ parture of ships. A spokesman j that there is a dettnite possibility incident shows AmeriCan aerial espionage (Continues despite gian territory, Belgian Minis­ said the Belgian troops main job Governor RibiCoff will be in line Pi'esideht Eisenhower’s disclaimers.’ will be to get supply lines open for a national post it Sen. John F. The Foreign Ministiy announCement aCCounted for a 6»jet ter Ganshof van der Meer$h and to restore normal rail traf­ Kennedy beComes pvealdent. said today. fiC and shipping. If Gov. RibiCoff should resign be­ RB47 reConnaissance plane whiCh has T^en ihrss^ Hi raij). The appeal was forwarded yei- The Congo appeal to the Unit­ fore his term expires to aCCept yiCh Barents Sea area. The Soviet Union said it was shot dowB terday after talks between the ed Nations was first urged last ;a post Lt. Gov. Uempsey would 10 days ago,'and that two of the six Crewmen aboard pera> tl.S. Ambassador Clare' Timber- under the state's Constitution be­ Chuted to safety. lake, President Joseph Kasavubu, (OoBtlaued OB Page Seven) Come Governor until the regularly scheduled eleCtion in Nov., 1962. The United States says -the plane disappeared while oh all "Of Course my prime purpose at eleCtrohiagnetiC nlappihg flight over waters north o f Norway the^present is to be the best lieu­ and the Soviet Union. tenant governor possible,” ' the aCt­ The MosCow Radio deClared: ing iGovemor said. “The new violation of the Soviet frontier by an AmeriCan Ike Bares Program "Looking sdiead, I still plan to keep myself eligible, I look for­ military airCraft testifies to the faCt that the U.S. govern­ ward, God . willing to being a can ment Continues to follow the same path. .. now everyone ,eaii didate for the position (o f (3oV' see the real value of the assuranCes of the U.S. government To Aid Latin Nations em or).” and of President Eisenhower personally about the onler al­ legedly issued by the President, to stop espionage flighta o f UAC Talks StiU Off the AmeriCan Air ForCe over the territory of the USSR;” - Newport, R. I., July 11 (A>)—Sneeds to be met through orderly Hartford, July 11 (A’)—Governor Eisenhower told Premier Nikita S. KhrushChev, at the Par­ President Eisenhower today out­ processes of -change. RibiCoff’s Chief advisor in the Cur­ '“A renewed hemispheric deter­ is summit meeting, that he had ordered disContinuanCe o f lined a U.8. goodwUl aid program rent 34-day-old, 7-plant strike at Sen. John F. Kennedy, left, of MaasadiusetU poses with two of his many baCkers on eve of Demo­ mination to preserve prinCiples of flights ovpr the Soviet Union.f- for Latin AmeriCan nations, but United AirCraft Corp. declined to­ CratiC national Convention ih Los Angeles today. With the 4S-year-oid aspirant for the party's pres­ liberty and the dignity of man is The MosCow Radio Charged that paid Cuba's Castro regime would day to Comment on whether Con­ idential nomination are Gov. Abraham RibiCoff of ConneCtiCut, right, and Terry Sanford, Demo­ be Included only if it shows willing­ needed. There is also an urgent traCt talks would be resumed soon. CratiC nominee for governor of North Carolina. (AP Photofax). statements of the two survivor's ness to Cooperate. need for a broader and more vig­ State laibor Commissioner Rena- _____________ 0. ______ showed that the RB47 “belonged 12 Defendants A t a news ConferenCe at the sum­ orous Cooperative attaCk by all to E. RiCCiutl said he would rather to the Air ForCe unit of the Ameri­ mer White House, Eisenhower de­ AmeriCan governments and peo­ not talk now about the negotia­ Can StrategiC IntelligenCe ServiCe Clined to go to any extent into the ples if adeQuate progress with tions. whiCh broke off suddenly last and was performing a speCial'mis-. Plead Innocent Cuban crisis. For example, he freedom, is. to be aChieved.” ■ week. However, he said that he Democrats Set Sion o f a military intelligenCe brushed aside a Question about his and federal mediator George Ben^ Kennedy Advances CharaCter.” reaCtion to a hiiit by Cuba’s presi­ (UBBtiaaed os Page Nine)'' nett were keeping in touCh with Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei In Stock F^anid dent that Cuba might demand the both unions in'volved and manage­ To Vote Strong A, Gromyko summoned U.S. Charge United States abandon its Guan­ ment. d’affaires Edward Freers apd Hartford, July li (F)—TWflIvo tanamo naval base. The two Chief union negotiators. handed him a note protesting rio- defendants iQ the alleged $3 mU- llie President deClared he would Nomination Drive Rights Plank Cuba Requests Irving Blueatron* of .the United latlon of Soviet air spaCe by the lion Atlsa Gypsum stoCk ewthdla wait for suCh a demand before hav­ Auto Workers and Fred H. Coon- plane. Case p r6 k* n here May 1$ p l i i ^ in g'any comment. ley of the Intematlohal AssoCia­ Los Angeles, July 11 . {/Pl—A Similar notes wars given to innoCent to t i Counts in fstani *'rdom in which breathing spaCe . gbsenhower’a only cammetit-Qn UN .Action on tion of'MaChinists, were not avail­ luAt A ngelu. July H v The plank pledging a bold feijeral At­ Britain- and Norway beCause the. Court boTo today, " ' rjloviat Premier Nikita Khrush- able for .Comment.. DemoorftiC . National Convention was, at a premium. tack on raCial disCrimination, writr plane waa temporarily based ifi. j'lbeir.Casag-MQre-^^eentintwd for uiev’s pledge last Saturday d t U}- opens today with .Sen, Jbh'n F. Ken­ One by bnC' they spoke th'elr ten over^ strong Aouthism. objeC­ England and'Waa -sstpsoted t« land trial en Sept- 30 unfhyUie ou£ support to' the Fidel' Caatro- Row with U.S. nedy of MassaChusetts pieCes...,,,,. tions, appeared headed .today for at a Norweglan air fleld>, bond, ranging from $3,1100 to $10,- ' regime, was th at.. Jta ■ i^egaBded BOlidJy as a suie Shot for the SteveMijn; Fveeteff by a storm adoption in the DenrocrBtlc part^ Soviet announCement said the 000 In the ■various Cases. KhrushChev’s remarks as very Uhtted Nations, N.T., ii2 y 11 party’s presidential nomination. of apmause, was-lyriCal. Tensely, platforin. survivors woiild be proseCuted Seven more without attomiyi Crude. <P)— Cuba today reQuested a meet­ National Bank artnpunCed today Barring some unforeseen last- Keimedy ripped off an old Cam- "with full severity of Soviet law.” nor the funds to hire Counsel had p a i^ speech at a furious gait. The platform goes , before the ’The KhrushChev pledge brought ing of the UJf.' SeCurity CounCil that its stoCkholders had approved hour development, Kennedy seem­ The two eSptured fliers were 1st their Cases Continued until latir from Elsenhower over the week­ a merger with the Hartford Na­ Symington played it down. He said DemoCratiC National Convention to Consider the worsening dispute ed likely to walk, away with the Lt. John R. MCCone, 38, Tong- in tha day when Judge Ji Joseph end a ’warning that the United tional Bank and Trust Co. Coveted prize in balloting begin-' nobody had done him wrong in the tomorrow after preliminary aCtion between Cuba and the United today by the full platform Com­ anduCie, Kan., and 1st Lt.
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