CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 8ERIES 9 KA.RNAT.lKA Paper 2 of 1981 PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS B.K.DAB of the Indian Adminlltratlve alPYlae Dll'lotor of Cinlul Oplration. KARB.lTIK.l KARNATAKA ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISIONS 1981 \ o A 15° Q . 1-4 13. T ..... RAS' P\J R -THIRUM AKUDLU NARASIP UR BOUNDARIES: STATE/U.L DISTRICT.. TAL-UK .... " . STATE CAPITA-L - - ----- :a..- DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS ® TAL UK" 0 7 BASED UPON SURVEY Of INO~A MAP WITH iHE PERMISoSION ' OF T HE SURVEYOR G-ENERAl. OF ~NOIA .. 0) GOVeRNMENT OF IND' A COPVIi',l(>HT, 1981 THE TERRITORl.trL. WATERS OF INDIA EXTENO INTO THE SEA TO A. OISTANCE OF 'TW£LVE NAUTICAL MILES IAEASURED FROM THE APP ROPRI""E B';SE LINE. THERE ARE TWO PARTNERS IN CENSUS TAKING·THE PERSON ENUMERATED AND THE ENUMERATOR. TO BOTH OF THEM, THIS PUBLICATION IS GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. CONTENTS Paps Figures at a glance I Salient Demographic [ndicators of the State and Districts. 2-3 Ma ps and Diagrams: Map-l Percentage of Urban Population to Total PopUlation 1981. 9 Map-2 Proportion of Workers and Non-workers to Total Population 1981. •.. 10 Map-3 Proportion of Rural Workers andNon­ workers to Total RuralPopulationl981. .11 Map-4 Proportion of Urban Workers andNon­ workers to Total Urban Population 1981. 12 Map-S Proportion of Male Main Workers to total Male population 1981. 13 Map-6 Proportion of Female MainW'orkers to Total Female Population 1981. 14 Map-7 Di~tribution of Physically handicapped perso.Q$ 1981. IS Map-8 Bangalore Urban Agglomeration. ... 16 Map-9 Belgaum Urban Agglomeration. 17 Map-IO Bhadravati Urban Agglomeration. 18 Map-II Hospet Urban Agglomeration. ••. 19 Map-12 Kolar Gold Fields Urban Agglomeration ..... 2G Map-I3 Mysore Urban Agglomeration. 21 Map-14 Mangalore Urban Agglomeration 22 Diagram-l Proportion of Rural and Urban Popula­ tion 1971-81. 23 Diagram-2 Distribution of Urban PopUlation by size class of-towns 1971-81. ... 24 Diagram-3 Growth of Literacy 1901-81. (District -wise). 25-26 Diagram-4 Proportion of Main, Marginal and Non­ Workers 1981. ••• 27 Pages Diagram-5 Proportion of Male Main Workers in each category to Total Male Main workers 1981. 28 Diagram-6 Proportion of Female Main \Vorkers in ... each category to Total Female Main workers 1981. - 29 Chapter I Introductory 33 Chapter II Urbanisation 49 Chapter III Growth of Population 65 Chapter IV Literacy 71 Chapter V Working Population 79 Chapter VI Disabled Population 97 Provisional Population Tables: Table 1 - Rural and Urban Composition of Population. 111 Table 2 - Population and growth rate of Cities, Urban Agglomerations and Towns. 119 Table 3 - Urban Population by size class of towns. 132 Table 4 - Distribution of main workers. 133 TabJe 5 - Distribution of main workers by Cultivators, A~ricultural Labourers, Household Industry and Other Workers. 156 Primary Census Abstract Part-I. 204 Primary Census Abstract Part-II. 292 Disabled population by the type of disability. 473 Appendix-l List of Tabulations. 519 Appendix.:...2 Publication Plan. 538 FIGURES AT A GLANCE CENSUS OF INDIA 1981- PROVISIONAL POPULATION TOTALS KARNATAKA STATE NO. OF DISTRICTS 19 NO. OF TALUKS 175 NO. OF TOWNS/ CITIESI URBAN AGGLOMERATIONS .~ ." ...... 250 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA 19J, 791 Sq. Kms. Per SODS Males Feu.ales POPULATION Total 37,O43,4!1 18.869,494 18,li3,9!7 Rural 16,331.348 13.)08,112 13,0.%4,236 Urban 10,711,103 5,561,382 5,149,721 DENSITY OF POPULATION 193 Persons Per Sq. Km. PROPORTION OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION •.91 Per cent Total Rural Urban SEX RATIO (FEMALES PER 1.000 MALES) 963 979 926 DECENNIAL POPULATION tiROWTH, 1971.81 16.43 18.74 SO.39 LITERACY RATE PersoDS 38.41 31.08 56.44 Males 48.61 41.88 64·69 Females 27.8.1 20.04 41.52 PROPORTION OF MAIN WORKERS TO TOTAL POPULATION Persons 36.82 Males 53.75 Femala 19.23 CATEGORIES OF WORKERS Percentage toTotaJ Workers .. _-_- Penons Males females (I) Cultivators 38.46 43.06 lS.10 (iI) Agricultural Laboures 26.66 18.93 49.11 (ill) Workers in Household Industry 4.58 3.64 7.31 (il) Other Warkers 33.30 34.37 18.48 3 1981 CENSUS OF THE STATE AND DISTRICTS [PROVISIONAL FIGURES] --Sex Ratio Percentage Decennial Perct'ntage of Rmal Density (Number of of Maio growth and Urban Population "Torkers to to Total Population (Populatiou Literaey rate Females Per rate of _--"1'-------.--------- per Sq. Km) (Pel' cent) 1000 :Males) the Total POIJllla1.ion Population 1971-81 Rural Urban ._-- -------_._------- 11 12 13 7 8 9 10 --.....--------- --~---- 963 36.82 26.43 71.09 28.91 193 38.41 976 31.92 46.24 35.29 64.71 615 50.69 959 36.06 22.76 77.44 12.56 222 36.44 972 41.26 32.46 66.98 33.02 ISO 30.37 968 37.15 20.64 82.14 17.86 '82 26.76 37.03 20.83 75.80 24.20 141 31.85 984 38.83 23.35 82.42 17.58 126 43.51 952 39.11 27.00 76.47 23.53 164 38.17 942 40.05 22.38 75.52 24.48 281 53.06 1,060 38.00 25.52 64.74 35.26 214 42.16 949 40.34 19.33 77.21 22.79 128 25.07 982 35.30 22.64 85.33 14.67 198 37.34 988 45.13 21.64 84.43 15.57 112 49.90 940 36.44 25.21 77.49 22.51 231 33.Sg 971 34.09 22.52 84.46 15.54 285 30.23 960 24.44 72.60 27.40 216 31.58 951 34.87 41.09 25.73 80.71 19.29 127 24.92 988 27.36 74.33 25.67 157 44.39 948 35.78 21.36 86.22 13.78 186 38.98 962 36.56 26.16 74.63 25.37 104 47.74 958 33.99 ._-_-"_--- - - - _.-_-"--_ -~ - ------- MAPS AND DIAGRAMS MAPS ARE BASED UPON SURVEY OF INDIA MAP WITH THE PERMISSON OF THE SURVEYOR GENERAL OF INDIA. THE TERRITORIAL WATERS OF INDIA EXTEND INTO THE SEA TO A DISTANCE OF TWELVE NAUTICAL MILES MEA· SURED FROM THE APPROPRIATE BASE LINE. 9 MAPI n° KARNATAKA • A PERCENTAGE OF URBAN PERCENTAGE OF URBAN POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION 1981 POPULATION 1981 _ABOVE 30·00 s .24.01 30·00 STATE AVERAGE 28·91 (I) m-H 18·01 - 2400 , " W [OJ] 15·01 - 18·00 0 15·01 t-=-j BELOW 10° ct Q. NUMBER OF PERSONS 500000 <t 400000 15. 300000 a; 200000 100000 RURAL URBAN M_MALES ,I F _ FEMALES STATE/U.T DISTRICT I~ \ Mil .. 241M 0 48 FIGURES INSIDE OR AGAINST TH£ 20 0 20 40 A SECTORS INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF MALES/ FEMALES EOlt 01 Gr ••nwiCh a."d upo~ Survey of I~di~ map' with the perml~~o~ of th~ Surveyor Gene,,1 of India. @ Government of India Copyriqht 1981 The territorial _tl~ of India Utcnd Into thl ~a to I d,~tance of t wllve nautical ml~ mea~urcd (rom UIc ,pproprlate baw line. K'ARNATAKA "AOPOATfON ,()F WORKERS PEifCENTAGE Of MAIN WORt<t:RS TO THE: TOTAL AN,D" NON-WORkERS TO POPUt(~T4Ofif :1981 TOTAL POPULAT!Ott • 4tOI AND ABOVE .39'01-41,00 ,•• 1 .. ' i • • 31-01 - J~OO ~ HoOf - 37-00 J::t::t:t::tj STATE ""tRAG! l (]]II] :n.0I - JS-OO t:::::=133-01 ANO BllOW )0 flGUI'iU AT TQP OF TH& _~CL'S tNOlCATt TOTAL POPUI..4T1OH f'~S INSIDl OR AGAINST THE C.r:l·Tt'I_~ ~ .. P£ACENTAGE CW MAtH. MAAGtIlW. MiD ~1-WORkElI2S •••• ' ISlOl' illfYtY et ........ WICk UIII ..,~ Of ,lilt "'WIYl." Ol"'t ~I o( .... f'~iCIIrW _".,,. 01 ,.,;, PIIII4 M'to die ." to. 4fKt,,,,, II~ .....1". 04'~lul • " 1IOW".. ,rfi". 1u ....,..,I.t. II.... " ... / ,,' M-MALES F- FEMALES b ,. eOUNOAAI£S, ST~TE/u.T l elSTRICT )_ ,~ . '1 \. fll'WRES AT '! rlf rop OF THe: C!IiICL ES \ IHOiCATE TOTAL. RURAL POP-ULATION ~ 'KWIit~S IWstOE OR .\Gl\iNST THE SECTORS'\. I INQICA'!!: ""lAoCEN'l"Gf OF .... AI"!, '~~PI:;;NA:" \ AND NON-WOl'na::FlS \ i L.-_.........J.,.........___ _....I __ .--->.\_...,l, ___ .___ ._._~l~_._,,_._. __ -~l.-y-~-j ~~ n J, }~ 12 MAP 4 --r- le' n° KARNATAKA :3 000000 -2000000 15° ,.. o 13° Mil •• 24 0 24 48 §.=IFlI+l~H~~~ 20 0 20 40 60 60l<m INDICATE PERCENTAGE OF MAIN, MARGINAL AND NON-WORKERS 17 78 Bawd upon Survey of Ind'12 map with the pcrmi"";on of the $urwyor General of India, © Government of India copyriqht,I981 The territorial waters of India e.tend into the sea to a distanct of twelve Nutical milts mta<;und from the apprcpriat<1 bast line, 13 MAPS n° 180 KARNATAKA PROPORTION OF MALE MAIN PERCENTAG£ Of MAc.E MAIN WORKERS TO THE TOTAL WORkERS TO TOTAL MALE MALE PoPULATION 1961 IS· POPULATION 1981 ~ ., A60Vt: 55 so • 54 50! - 55,50 53· 51 - 54·50 V) •ITllmm STATE AVERAGE 5375 I'D l&J 52·51 - 53·50 mt- l O [lrr.L 51·51 - 5c2 50 « BELOW 51 51 r- J fj';' Q: TOTAL MALE MAIN WORKERS - ........... eased upon Survey of India map with the permISSion of the Surveyor Gentral of India © Governrr.ent ,f if1'1" (~py"qht, 1981 The tuntorial water, of India extend into the sea toa distance of tw(l'f nautICal miles measured from the appropriate base line.
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