VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 South Georgia College — Department of Residence Life & Housing NEWSLETTER DATE FALL 2011 Improvements in Wireless in the Residence Halls Inside this issue: Issues with wireless connec- adjustments to the South Geor- tivity in the residence halls have gia College campus wireless The Verdict Is In 2 become a recent concern for controller’s output to the resi- both residents and staff mem- dence halls. The adjustments Staff Spotlight 2 bers. In collaboration with the made may take some time to IIT Division and ATC, the Col- find the best combination of lege’s cable and internet pro- raising the Wireless Access Rave Party is Back 3 vider, we are doing everything Point’s frequency without com- possible to improve wireless in pletely losing the signal’s ability ATC - cable, internet and wireless RA Programming 3 both Tiger Village 1 and Tiger to penetrate through buildings provider for South Georgia College Village 2. and walls. Although finding the Tiger 2 Did You 3 right formula for these adjust- With time, we hope that our During the month of Septem- Know... ments may take some time, residents will receive an optimal ber, numerous trouble tickets ATC is hopeful that the changes wireless signal. In the mean New Public Safety 4 came in from students claiming will improve the wireless ser- time, if a resident encounters Officers to have difficulty to connect vice in the residence halls. any issues connecting wirelessly, Free Tutoring 4 wirelessly and/or remain con- ATC has asked that they be con- Available nected. In a matter of days, Results have already been seen tacted directly to resolve the ATC began the process of fixing with some residents comment- issue. ATC can be reached at this problem. ing that they had no issues get- [email protected] or 800-540-6480. ting and maintaining a signal As of October 12, ATC made since the changes were made. “Laugh at my Pain” Proves to be a Stress Reliever On Monday, September 26 Taking place the week before Given the success of the pro- Resident Assistant Wyllyam mid-terms, residents were given gram, the Resident Assistants of Sparks hosted a viewing party of a chance to take a break from Tiger 1 hope to do similar events the premiere of Kevin Hart’s studying and relieve some stress weekly throughout the semester, latest comedy special, “Laugh at with laughter. Listening to Kevin so keep an eye out for publicity. my Pain.” The event took place Hart allowed students to laugh at in the newly renovated classroom his pain, rather than focusing on on the third floor of Tiger Village their situation. Residents left the 1. The spacious classroom was event still laughing and quoting packed full of residents eager to the phrase, “Alright. Alright. see the comedian’s latest stand- Alright. Alriiiiight!” up routine. THE TIGER’S DEN The Verdict Is In In the Fall semester of 2010, website. Josey Cameron is con- completing this online incident South Georgia College added the tinuing to work with local officials report, it alerts members of the position of Coordinator of Stu- in Coffee County to provide pro- College to possible violations of dent Conduct. The primary pur- gramming pertaining to alcohol the Code of Conduct. If any pose of this position is to enforce awareness, academic integrity, member or visitor of South Geor- the South Georgia College Code stalking, cyberbullying, and simi- gia College believes there is an of Conduct as well as educate lar programs. emergency that requires immedi- students about the Code of Con- ate assistance, they are encour- A new software, Maxient®, duct through educational pro- aged to dial 911 or the South was implemented in Fall of 2010 gramming. Georgia College Public Safety at South Georgia College to sub- emergency line at (912) 260- Recently, the Coordinator of mit and track incident reports. If 4444. Student Conduct, Josey Cam- any member or visitor of South eron, held a Code of Conduct Georgia College believes a rule of Please feel free to contact the Office of Student Conduct at Josey Cameron, Jeopardy event in Tiger Village II the Code of Conduct is being Coordinator of Student Conduct as a way for students to have fun violated in any way, they are en- (912) 260-4415 or by email at while learning a little more about couraged to submit a Maxient® [email protected]. South the conduct process. The Office incident report, located on the Georgia College business hours are Monday-Thursday 8:00am- of Student Conduct encourages all SGC website via the Student Con- 6:00pm and Friday 8:00am- students to become familiar with duct link. Those who complete 12:00pm. the Code of Conduct, which can the online incident report may be viewed online on the SGC choose to remain anonymous. By Staff Spotlight Resident Assistant: Desk Assistant: Ariane “A.J.” Jett Jalia Moss How She Got Her Name: How She Got Her Name: Her mother had a co-worker Her mother picked it. whose daughter was named Hometown: Ocilla, GA Ariane and she liked the name so Semester at SGC: 5th much, she chose that name for her Major: Psychology baby girl! Favorite SGC Memory: Hometown: Duluth, GA When it snowed! Semester at SGC: 3rd Favorite Movie: Major: Criminal Justice Love and Basketball Favorite SGC Memory: Favorite Musical Group or Getting the R.A. job Performer: Lil’ Wayne Favorite Movie: Bridesmaids Favorite TV Show: Keeping Up Favorite Musical Performer: with the Kardashians Adele Ariane “A.J.” Jett, Siblings: Younger brother (6) Favorite TV Show: Real World Resident Assistant (above) and older sister (26) Siblings: 2 older brothers Jalia Moss, Most Memorable “At the Most Memorable “On Duty” Desk Assistant (below) Desk” Moment: Moment: James and his varied Falling off the chair musical selections Favorite Instructor(s): Favorite Instructor(s): An- Duane Benson drew DiNicola & Cindi Kirkland Advice to 1st Semester Advice to 1st Semester Students: Don’t miss class, espe- Page 2 Students: Don’t slack off! Your cially during your 1st semester! 1st semester is the foundation for the rest of your time at SGC. VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Residence Life Programming Board Presents... Back By Popular Demand! Rave Party Thursday, November 17 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In the Dining Hall Glass Atrium Glow-In-the-Dark Decor & Novelties D.J. & Dancing Giveaways & Refreshments Resident Assistant Programming Recently offered programs include: Come see our float in Be sure to check “Easy As Pi” Study Break (who doesn’t like Oreo Pie?!!) the City of Douglas’ out our upcoming Festival of Lights Movie Nights (with no hefty ticket price!) hall and building Christmas Parade! programs! AB Pregnancy Prevention & Women’s Health (with guest speaker from the Coffee County Health Department) ab Saturday, Bling My Bra! (Breast Cancer Awareness Month project) Have an idea for December 3rd a program? at 6:30 p.m. Karaoke Night (are you ready for another one?) See your R.A.! Tiger Village II Tiger II Residents, did you know… …study rooms are available on each wing for your use and that free tutoring is available in the 2nd floor classroom on Tuesday and Thursday nights? …you can check out board games at the Front Desk? …you can showcase your special talents by presenting a program for the rest of the Tiger II la- Page 3 dies? (See Sandra in the Tiger II Office for more information.) SOUTH GEORGIA COLLEG E Richey Hall 103 Phone: 912-260-4429 RESIDENCE LIFE & 100 West College Park Drive Fax: 912-260-4458 HOUSING OFFICE Douglas, GA 31533 E-mail: [email protected] Public Safety Welcomes Two New Officers The South Georgia College Public Safety Guy Wolfe Department is the primary law enforcement Originally from New Jersey, Guy Wolfe agency on this campus. Our officers are re- has lived in Georgia for 18 years. While liv- sponsible for traffic control and the preven- ing in Georgia, Officer Wolfe served 17 tion of crime on campus and, by Georgia years in law enforcement, 8 of which were as law, have the authority to arrest violators of criminal and traffic laws on the campus and a U.S. Navy Cop. His work primarily in- for 500 yards adjacent to the campus. volved serving as a detective for the Special If you see either of our two new Public Victims Unit (SVU), focusing on sex crimes Safety Officers, be sure to give them a warm and crimes again children. However, when South Georgia College welcome. We are he first entered law enforcement, he hoped excited to have them on board and look for- to one day work in homicide with the NYPD. ward to working closely with them. In addition to his dedication to the law Dane Padgett Guy Wolfe (above) enforcement field, his initial passion was in Our most recent addition to the Public Dane Padgett (below) Early Childhood Education. He actually re- Safety team is Dane Padgett. Officer Padgett ceived his degree from South Georgia Col- has served 10 years in law enforcement, dur- lege. Officer Wolfe attributes this passion to ing which he worked in Telfair County the teachers he had growing up. He stated (mainly in Helena) working full time with the that he wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for police and part time with the Sheriff’s De- the educators that made a difference in his partment. childhood. Officer Padgett is married with 2 girls, 2 twin boys and another boy on the way. In his Although he never fully pursued a career in free time, he genuinely enjoys spending time education, his passion for working with chil- with his children and family.
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