U - WAWCfigffrgK WgHALP. Thttwtfw. Jtme w. wgr WBBkBfid: If8 a in gradt: Spirit maket up for ti h m m berry, berry big one t a g SA LE!!! for town / page 7 RavHalizad: Relays have new beginning / pag# 4 Days for the Price of 3! ***^7/. S f i PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLAf" FUELOlUCOAL/ iH aufbriitrr H rralb SALE liRTiBr" FiRtWOOB I ^ I A U ) T S l R T T o n 1998. Jtf 8f MANCHeSTER. 1 bed­ 2 BEDRO O M Townhouse. MISCELLANEOUS hand AMC Concord wagon. BUICK 1277 Regal. V-8, pained whNe. in excel- R i R i w o d b tools and houoewares. 1278 automatic, power power sterring, win­ room. Loato> no pets. Manchester Garden $S1 d cord. 8 feet lengths, SCRANTON lenf eanditian. $4». No utilities. 643- Condominiums. Mov­ Soturdoy ond Sunday, steering, runs good. dow, air, tilt wheel, 93108/besf offer. 568- green, delivered, 5 cord mini­ deluxe interior, high Friday, June 1G, 1GG7 47W or 5aK>776. ing condition. Conve­ mum. MA$TBR/VI$A CARD 8-4. 137 Bissell Street, $«9S. 047-8000. 8206 osk far Gory. Coll M ANCHE^f ER. 4 rooms, nient to downtown and Manchester. WiTTWiCtonbSrTCu- mlleoge. Clean and de­ befroe 7am or offer highway. Call otter NOftTMIW rMlWOOO tomotlc. Good condi­ pendable. $1000. 043- SOkM S.tb FIlMNOim Oh L8S8I adults preferred. No 4242. 7pnr_______________ pets, no appliances, 1 0pm. 755-2177 or 754- CAM tion. $1800. lOomJpm. 87 DOOCe CAhAVAN <18,8M car. Security and refer- 3424. $525. t n ^ M H FOR SALE 0404^,5:30 044-38$}. $r OAKOTA FAJ riLeN Creationism ences. 64»-»65.______ Bulek Le 8obre 73. #olrly 87 LaBAhON 4 W. *10,488 ood. Good tires, bot- 87 DOOae CAtMVAN M m s ' 14^ O A K L A N D Street, 4 HOMES RnllOATS/MARME CO RDO BA 1979 tor ports. ch^ J sE ^ bI ^ iI^NC. 87 OOOOe CAhAVAN •18.1M Town, 8th room, 1st floor, $470 per 4 new Eagle ST's. Z- ?ery, radiator. 87 LaBAhON 4 dr. HLSH SENT EOumiiiiT------------- $900/best offer. 646- ROUTE 83, VERNON S T T f’eyeronTuMent month plus utlltles. 2 bort, sunroof, 5 factory 88THUNOfhBlhO *8,888 trailer. Excellent con­ months security, no ap­ 4^5. 88 OODOe FAT laai not required, MANCHESTER. Nice 7 aluminum rims, 360 *1995 dition. Sleeps I.^Fur- pliances. Weekdays 9- 10 foot boot tral ler. Needs motor runs, body good RENAULT Alliance 19^5 78 Chevatia 4 dr. M FIFTH Ave. m room 3'/i bedroom work. $25. 040-3290. es hagai Wagon *7195 nace, stove, otM Ice 5,040-2426.___________ house, Cheney section. except rear quarters Red. Standard, stereo- M LaBAhON twee box. Asking $2488 or IS Skylark 4 dr. *4995 88 OODOl ROYAL Fu 4 R 0 6 m , no appliances. $725 plus utilities. Fam ­ MUSICAL and passenger door. am-fm, low mileage, best offer. Coll offer 6. $S70 a $470. Security ily preferred. 049-1943 All leather Interior. new tires. Excellent es Bulek hagai 4 dr. 646-4169. court ruies just one deposit. No pets. 2 evenings. ITEMS Console and buckets. condition. $6900. 646- 84 Bulek LaSabra 4 dr. •6495 months security. 040- Best offer. Also new 4177.______________ *5995 84 Bkyhavik 4 dr. Wg. W ASHIN G TO N (Af>) - Th« Supreme Court, 2420 weekdays 9-5. PIANO. Knabe spinet. snows mounted on 73 CHEV^LLE new paint, *7295 JJFLYtJOhlZONm aa/ STORE AND rims. Call Joe 643- 84 oalabniy Wg. Invoking the constitutionally repaired separation of DUPLEX. 4 rooms, Excellent condition. roof and carpet. 350-4,4 •7495 MOfEDG OFFICE SPACE $1500. Coll 047-9079. 1798.0 speed, Must sell. $1000 84 Oldf Clara 4 dr. 88 HORIZON church end state, ruled today that atetei may not adults preferred. No 00 84 OMO Fiekup •7995 M VOyAM h pets. References and PIANOS and Organs- PLYMOUTH 1977 bran or best offer. 649-1147 or 88TOY. TCJWeLew MOTOR cycle Insurance. require public achoola that teach evolution to teach security. $500 per Offices tor rent. Reasona­ Fury. 2 new tires and 643-9142. _______ 88 Toyota X-OabF/U •6995 88 OOUOAR Competitive rotes. creBtionlsm also. Savlngs to 50% Bald­ 88 NISSAN MAXIMA issue away *8495 month. Phllbrick ble rotes. Including all win and other name alternator. Coll 1-3pm D O D G E 1977 318 window 88 Chav. Oapriea 4 dr. 84 PLY. RiLIANT Same day coveroge. The court, by a 7-2 vote, struck down a Louialana law Apency. 040-4200. utilities. 643-7175 or 047- brands. 3 days only I or 5-7. 649-7933. $500. van. Runsgood. Asking 88 Oidt Cutiaaa 2 dr. *9795 88 TOYOTA SR-8 Mony plans ovolloble. requiring that teaching the theory of evolution he 9223.________________ Coll Judy or Janet at BRAND new 2 bedroom Friday June 19,1-9pm; BU IC K 1984 Skyhowk cus- $18$0/best offer. 742- 88 Ford LTD 4 dr. *11,495 82 PONTIAO J2808 balanced by teaching the theory of creatlon-adenee, By Godrgg Layaa hetaaMi reMdents were upset with NEWLY Renovated. Saturday June 20, 9- 81 HONDA ACCORD the Crockett Agency. townhouses. 1'/i baths, tom. 50,000 miles. Red, 1 7 5 1 . ________ 88 Cavalier Wg. *8795 81 PLY ntLIANT 8W also called creationism. the (owfi Flamting sod ZoMfig Close to 1-84, 1st .and 5pm; Sunday June21, excellent condition. 643-1577. Htraftf napatiar air conditioning, mod­ TOYOTA Corolla iv ii. 88 Cavalliar 4 dr. •8398 78 BUICK SKYLARK Creation-science states that the Earth and most life Comnfssfon's decision affow ern kitchen with with 2nd floor suites availa­ noon to 0pm at the $5000. 643-1694. Lift back. 646-6441. (0 ble. Rent Includes utili­ Quality Inn, 51 Hart­ : forma came Into exiatence suddently about 8,888 years A hf sforic agresnmenf loseHIe titt major development in the area, not all appliances. Wall to PIN + 6 1979 Squire Keep trying. $500/best 872-9111 8 7 5 - 3 3 1 1 ' ago, In a procesa similar to a literal tranalatlon of the wall carpeting with full ties. Peterman Build­ ford Turnpike (Route offer. proteefiofi and sewer eervice groh- because ot tire service. Wagon. Automatic, Book of Gleneali. basement and laundry ing Company. 049-9404. 83) Vernon, exit 03 o r04 power steering. Runs lems between (he town of Manches­ hookups. Private front off 1-84. Financing good. $595. 643-1840 af­ Proponent! of creation-science say the theory Is not ter and the Eighth UtllHIes Dtetrict E IG H T H DI8TH1CT negotiator porch and back potlo. available. Mastercard ter 4pm. based on religion, and that the Louisiana law was an was one issue away from being James Series said the Eighth LAWN AND and Visa. Factory War- $075 per month plus SAROEN C H E V Y Nova 1974. 2 attempt to provide academic freedom. Today the court accepted Thursday. District would be willing to change utilities and security. ED rentles and local ser­ rejected that argument. However, the last hurdle — over Special Act 200 if the town could vice. Large selection of door, high perfor­ No pets. 040-0062 or mance 350. Best offer. Critics of creatlon-sclencc have attacked It aa the E l^ t h District’s legal right to guarantee that there could never 040-8201._____________ H E M L O C K S for sale. 3 Spinets Consoles, Stu­ feet, well shaped. Dig dios and Grands. Hurry 646-1015. After 6:30. Ye|l|Non masquerading as science. expand — proved to be large, and It again be an attempt to consolidate 5 ROOMS, heated, ap­ your own. 049-4788. to save II____________ Mike.________ Writing for the court, Justice William J. Brennan could trip up the talks for good. The the filglrth District with the town. pliances, 3rd floor. said the purpose of the Louisiana law "w as to two sides have agreed to meet In the last decade, there have Adults preferred. Se­ UPRIGHT piano. Freel CHEVY Monio 1979. Runs ROTOTILLING You toke It away. Call good, needs hood,grlll, restructure the science curriculum to conform with a again Thursday, hut their positions been two such attempt* The most curity and references. radlATOR. $450. Coll SUPER 043-4802 after 5. particular religious viewpoint." probably won’t change. recent occurred last year when No pets. 043-5303, 040- Home gardens, 643-2171. Steve_______ 0113.____________ He added: "Because the primary purpose of the Eighth District negotfator John Manchester voters rejected a plan free estimates. PETS AND C A V A L IE R 1983. LOW ml- Creationism Act Is to advance a particular religious D. LaBelfe Jr. said that the points to change the Town Charter to strip "EASY DOES IT" Is the Call Clyde and SUPPLIES leage. Excellent condi­ belief, the act endorses religion In violation of the First agreed to so far resolve 88 percent from It the Eighth District’s ability way to describe placing o tion. Must sell, taking Amendment." of the longstanding probtems be­ to veto consolidation with the town. Sons. 647-8987. offers. 647-8623. want ad. Just call 043-2711 C O C K ER Spaniel pups. The Louisiana Legislature enacted the Balanced tween the two governments. After that vote, the two sides and we do the rest! Excellent notured. MUSTANG 19^7 with GT CLASSIFIEDS! Treatment for Creation-Science and G volutlon-Sclence But town negotiator Kevin agreed to begin talks. Thirteen LOOKING FOR an apart­ options.
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