12_111307 bindex.qxp 11/13/07 11:38 AM Page 172 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes below. GENERAL INDEX Bellagio accommodations, 33–34 attractions, 98, 100–101 ccommodations, 18–63. See also A buffet, 92–93 Accommodations Index casino, 129 downtown, 58–63 Cirque du Soleil’s O, 150, 154 east of the Strip, 52–58 nightlife, 165–166 Mid-Strip, 33–46 restaurants, 72–76 North Strip, 46–51 shopping, 140 reservations, 19 Bellagio Art Gallery, 100–101 shopping arcades, 140–144 Bell Trans, 7–8 South Strip, 19–32 Big Shot (Stratosphere), 110 Adventuredome, 114 Binion’s, casino, 134–135 Airfares, 5–6 Blackjack, 120–121 Airlines, 5 Blue Man Group, 150, 151–152 package tours, 4 Body English, 166 Airport, 5, 7–8 Bonanza Gift and Souvenir Shop, 145 American Superstars, 150 Borg Invasion 4-D, 109–110 Amtrak, 6 Boulevard Mall, 137 Anderson, Louie, 149 Bowling, 117 Angel Park Golf Club, 115–116 Braxton, Toni, 149 Antiques, 146–147 Buffets, 90–97. See also Restaurant Antiques at the Market, 146 Index Antique Square, 146 downtown, 96–97 Appian Way (Caesars), 140–141 Mid-Strip, 92–95 Area codes, 13 North Strip, 95–96 Art museums and galleries, South Strip, 90–92 100–101, 103 Burton, Lance, 150, 156 Arts Factory Complex, 98, 100, 144 ATM machines, 2, 13 abs, 12 Atomic Testing Museum, 100, 145 C Caesars Palace Auto racing, 104–105, 109 accommodations, 34–36 Bette Midler, 149–151 abysitters, 13 B casino, 129 Bali Hai Golf Club, 116 nightlife, 165, 167 Bally’s Las Vegas restaurants, 76–77 accommodations, 46 shopping, 140–142 buffet, 92 COPYRIGHTEDCalifornia Hotel MATERIAL & Casino, 135 casino, 129 Carnaval Court (Harrah’s), 142 Jubilee!, 150, 156 Car rentals, 11–12 tennis courts, 118 Car travel, 6, 11 Banks, 13 Cashman Field Center, 13–14 Bars, 162–166 Casinos, 126–136. See also Gambling gay, 168–169 downtown, 134–136 Mid-Strip, 129–132 12_111307 bindex.qxp 11/13/07 11:38 AM Page 173 GENERAL INDEX 173 North Strip, 132–133 casinos, 134–136 South Strip, 127–129 restaurant, 87–89 Cheetah’s, 170 Drugstores, 15–16 Children, best sights and attractions, 113–115 East of the Strip. See Las Vegas Children’s Museum, 115 Convention Center Circus Circus Hotel/Casino Eiffel Tower Bar, 163 accommodations, 50–51 Eiffel Tower Experience, 101 casino, 132 El Cortez Hotel & Casino Circusland RV Park, 51 accommodations, 61–62 Cirque du Soleil, 150, 152–154 casino, 135 KÀ, 150, 152–153 Emergencies, 14 LOVE, 153 Entertainment. See Nightlife; Produc- Mystère, 150, 153–154 tion shows O, 150, 154 Evening at La Cage, 151 Citizens Area Transit (CAT), 8 Excalibur City Life, 15, 149 accommodations, 28–29 Clark County Marriage License buffet, 91 Bureau, 17, 111 casino, 127 Climate, 2–3 shopping, 142 Convention Center. See Las Vegas Tournament of Kings, 160 Convention Center Craig Ranch Golf Club, 116 Factory outlets, 139–140 Craps, 121–123 Families with children, best sights Crazy Girls, 154–155 and attractions, 113–115 Crazy Horse Paris, 158 Fashion Outlets Las Vegas, 139 Credit cards, lost or stolen, 15 Fashion Show Mall, 137–138 Cupid’s Wedding Chapel, 112 Fitzgeralds Casino & Hotel Cyber Speedway, 109 accommodations, 60 casino, 135 Dance clubs, 166–168 Flamingo Las Vegas gay, 168–169 accommodations, 39–40 Danny Gans: The Man of Many buffet, 94–95 Voices, 155 casino, 130 Desert Rose Golf Club, 117 The Second City, 159 Desert Springs Hospital, 14 tennis courts, 118 Dining, 64–97. See also Restaurant Folies Bergère, 155–156 Index Forum Shops (Caesars), 35, 77, buffets and Sunday brunches, 90–97 141–142 downtown, 87–89 Four Queens, 60–61, 135 east of the Strip, 81–87 Fremont Hotel & Casino Mid-Strip, 70–77 accommodations, 62 North Strip, 78–81 buffet, 96–97 South Strip, 65–70 casino, 136 Doctors, 14 restaurants, 88 Dolphin Habitat (Mirage), 107–108 Fremont Street Experience, Double Down Saloon, 163 10, 101–102, 149 Downtown (Glitter Gulch), 8, 10–11, 101–102 Galleria at Sunset, The, 138 accommodations, 58–63 Gambler’s Book Shop, 145 buffets, 96–97 Gamblers General Store, 145 12_111307 bindex.qxp 11/13/07 11:38 AM Page 174 174 INDEX Gambling (games), 119–126 North Strip, 46–51 blackjack, 120–121 reservations, 19 craps, 121–123 shopping arcades, 140–144 poker, 123–124 South Strip, 19–32 slots, 124–126 Hot lines, 14 roulette, 124 House of Blues, 162 video poker, 126 Gambling laws, 14–15 IMAX Theatre & Ridefilm, 103 GameWorks, 102–103 Insanity: the Ride (Stratosphere), Garden of the Gods (Caesars), 35 110–111 Gay bars, 168–169 Ivan Kane’s Forty Deuce, 163 Ghostbar, 164 Gift shops, 144–145 Jet, 166 Gipsy, 169 John, Elton, 149 Glitter Gulch (downtown), 8, 10–11, The Joint, 161 101–102 Jubilee!, 150, 156 accommodations, 58–63 buffets, 96–97 KÀ, 150, 152–153 casinos, 134–136 Kane’s (Ivan) Forty Deuce, 163 restaurant, 87–89 Kids, best sights and attractions, Gold Coast Casino 113–115 bowling, 117 King, Mac, 157 casino, 130 King Tut’s Tomb & Museum, 104 Golden Nugget Krave, 169 accommodations, 58–60 buffet, 96 Lance Burton: Master Magician, casino, 136 150, 156 Golf, 115–117 Las Vegas Airport, 5, 7–8 Grand Canal Shoppes (Venetian), Las Vegas Boulevard South. See The 74, 143–144 Strip Guggenheim/Hermitage Museum, 103 Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce, 1, 8 Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Authority, 1, 2, 4, 8 accommodations, 52, 54 accommodations, 19 casino, 133 nightlife, 149 nightlife, 161, 162, 166 Las Vegas Convention Center, Harmon Medical Urgent Care 10, 13–14 Center, 14 accommodations nearby, 52–58 Harrah’s Las Vegas major convention dates (2006), 4 accommodations, 40–41 restaurants nearby, 81–87 casino, 130 Las Vegas Cyber Speedway, 109 Mac King, 157 Las Vegas Hilton nightlife, 166 accommodations, 56–57 Rita Rudner, 159 attractions, 109–110 shopping, 142 buffet, 96 Headliner showrooms, 161–162 casino, 134 Hold ‘Em poker, 123–124 Las Vegas Mini Gran Prix, 104 Hospitals, 14 Las Vegas Motor Speedway, 104–105 Hotels, 18–63. See also Accommoda- Las Vegas National Golf Club, 117 tions Index Las Vegas Natural History Museum, downtown, 58–63 114–115 east of the Strip, 52–58 Las Vegas Outlet Center, 139 Mid-Strip, 33–46 Las Vegas Premium Outlets, 140 12_111307 bindex.qxp 11/13/07 11:38 AM Page 175 GENERAL INDEX 175 Las Vegas Review Journal, 15 Crazy Horse Paris, 158 Las Vegas Sun, 15 KÀ, 150, 152–153 Las Vegas Weddings, 111 Lion Habitat, 107 Las Vegas Weekly, 15, 149 restaurants, 66, 68–69 Layout of Las Vegas, 8, 10 Midler, Bette, 149–151 Le Rêve, 156–157 Mid-Strip, 10 Liberace Museum, 105–106, 145 accommodations, 33–46 Lied Discovery Children’s Museum, buffets, 92–95 115 casinos, 129–132 Lion Habitat (MGM Grand), 107 restaurants, 70–77 Liquor laws, 14–15 Miracle Mile Shops (Planet Lost and found, 15 Hollywood), 27, 142–143 LOVE, 153 The Mirage Luxor Las Vegas accommodations, 41–42 accommodations, 30–31 attractions, 98, 107–108 attractions, 103, 104 buffet, 93 buffet, 90–91 casino, 130 casino, 127 Danny Gans, 155 LOVE, 153 McCarran International Airport, nightlife, 166 5, 7–8 Monorail, 12–13 McEntire, Reba, 150 Monte Carlo Resort & Casino Mac King, 157 accommodations, 24–25, 88 Madame Tussauds Las Vegas, 106 buffet, 91–92 Magazines, 15, 65, 149 casino, 128 Main Street Station Lance Burton, 150, 156 accommodations, 62–63 restaurants, 69–70 buffet, 97 Monty Python’s Spamalot, casino, 136 150, 152, 158 nightlife, 165–166 Mystère, 150, 153–154 Major production shows, 149–160 best bets, 150 Napoleon’s, 164 Malls, shopping, 137–139 Natural history museums, 106–107, Mamma Mia!, 152 114–115 Mandalay Bay Neon Museum, 102 accommodations, 20, 22, 27–28 Nevada Commission on Tourism, 2, 8 attractions, 108–109 Newspapers, 15, 65, 149 buffet, 90 New Year’s Eve, 3 casino, 127–128 New York–New York Hotel & Casino Mamma Mia!, 152 accommodations, 25–26 nightlife, 162–163, 167–168 casino, 128 restaurants, 65–68 nightlife, 162–163 shopping, 142 restaurants, 69 M&M’s World, 146 Nicks, Stevie, 150 Marjorie Barrick Museum, 106–107 Nightlife, 148–171 Marriages, 16–17, 111 bars, 162–166 Maryland Parkway, shopping, 137 current schedule, 149 Masquerade Village (Rio), 143 dance clubs, 166–168 Meadows Mall, 138 gay bars, 168–169 MGM Grand headliner showrooms, 161–162 accommodations, 22–24 major production shows, 149–160 buffet, 90 strip clubs, 170–171 casino, 128 12_111307 bindex.qxp 11/13/07 11:38 AM Page 176 176 INDEX North Strip, 10 Restaurants, 64–97. See also Restau- accommodations, 46–51 rant Index buffets, 95–96 buffets and Sunday brunches, 90–97 casinos, 132–133 downtown, 87–89 restaurants, 78–81 east of the Strip, 81–87 Mid-Strip, 70–77 O (show), 150, 154 North Strip, 78–81 Orleans South Strip, 65–70 accommodations, 32 Restrooms, 16 bowling, 117 Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino casino, 128 accommodations, 43–45 Outlet malls, 139–140 casino, 131 golf course, 115 Package tours, 4–5 Penn & Teller, 150, 158–159 Palms Resort & Casino shopping, 143 accommodations, 42–43 The Riviera, 132, 151, 154–155 casino, 130–131 Rock climbing, 118 nightlife, 164 Roman Hall (Caesars), 141 restaurants, 70 Roulette, 124 Paris Las Vegas Rudner, Rita, 159 accommodations, 36–37 Rumjungle, 167–168 attractions, 101 buffet, 93 Safety, 16 casino, 131 Sahara Hotel & Casino nightlife, 163–164 accommodations, 48–49 restaurants, 76 attractions, 109 Parking, 11, 15 casino, 132–133 Penn & Teller, 150, 158–159 Sam’s Town Peppermill’s Fireside Lounge, 164 bowling, 117 Periodicals, 15, 149 casino, 134 Petrossian Bar, 164–165 Sand Dollar Blues Lounge, 165 Phantom of the Opera, 152 San Francisco Sally’s Victorian Chapel, Pharmacies, 15–16 112–113 Planet Hollywood Sapphire Gentleman’s Club, 170–171 accommodations, 26–27 Seamless After Hours, 168 casino, 131 Seasons, 2 nightlife, 169 The Second City, 159 shopping, 142–143 Secret Garden of Siegfried and Roy, Stomp Out Loud, 159–160 107–108 Poker, 123–124 Serge’s Showgirl Wigs, 147 video, 126 Shark Reef (Mandalay Bay), 108–109 Police, 16 Shopping, 137–147 Post office, 16 antiques, 146–147 Production shows, 149–160 candy, 146 best bets, 150 factory outlets, 139–140 PURE, 167 hotel shopping arcades, 140–144 Pussycat Dolls Lounge, 165 malls, 137–139 souvenirs, 144–145 Rainfall, average, 3 specialty stores, 145 Rain Nightclub, 167 wigs, 147 The Realm (Excalibur), 142 Showcase Mall, 138–139 Red Rock Canyon, 118 Showrooms.
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