Thursday Non-ProfitOrg. May 2,1985 U.S. Postage PAID Volume 87 Bronx, New York Number 13 Permit No. 7608 O'Hare, Apartheid, ml. Spring Break, and Elitism, New York pages 12 - 15 Anonymous Donor Saves Fordham Hockey Rams by Jack Curry pay their debts. The donation, which is expec- The Fordham Hockey Club will survive. ted to arrive on Monday, will pay for the After being notified last week by Lom- $1600 ($600 bus fee, $1000 team dues) that the bardi Center Director Marty Zwiren that the club has to pay the University by May 15, club would be disbanded if it did not pay a $1600 debt for bus fees and team dues, the Hockey Rams were saved by a $2500 donation from an anonymous donor. '' We had our back to The individual, a season ticket holder for the Washington Capitals gave the money to the wall and we are very the National Hockey League team who then donated it to Fordham. A Fordham player, fortunate." who wished to remain nameless, had previously contacted the Capitals seeking a -Andrew Mola donation. "He has a fondness for your University," said Capital's General Manager Dave Poile, while the rest of the money will go towards "and we are his favorite hockey club. He defraying the cost of leagues dues of $200 per donated the money to us and we in turn Iplayer. donated it to your University. It is the in- Zwiren, who is also the director of club dividual that did it more than the club.'' sports, was happy for the team, but he stressed Poile was unsure why the donor used the that there is still some work to be done. The Hockey Rams skating against New Jersey Institute of Technology. Capitals as a vehicle to contribute the cash, "I think that it is the greatest thing that "It was the way he chose to do it," Poile has happened to the hockey team," said said. "I haveto respect his choices." Zwiren. "(But) we haven't crossed the big Fordham General Manager Andrew bridge yet. The donations will help them get ZAGANO LAWSUIT CONTINUES Mola, CBA '86 was ecstatic about the sudden over the initial hump. They have to keep it influx oflmoney. up." DESPITE POSSIBLE DISMISSAL "It's great," said Mola. "We had our One player expressed surprise that a team backs to the wall and we are very fortunate. If from outside the New York area was involved. by Mark Dillon "Reporters can and have had access to he didn't do it we probably wouldn't have had "I called the Rangers, Islanders and Lawyers for Phyllis Zagano and For- this information," Soyster said. "We're con- a team." Devils last year and didn't get anything," said dham University argued intensely in federal cerned about the possibility of adverse The Rams will have a team as long as they Continued on page IS court last Friday over a dismissal motion filed publicity." by the University in the former journalism Zagano's attorney Charles Duncan and professor's discrimination case. Harry Poth, Jr. disagree, saying they believe A 45-minute debate centered around the information is significant for their case. Divestment Zagano's legal basis for naming five Com- "In the context of sex and religious munications professors and six former and discrimination, it is very relevant," said Dun- current administrators in her suit, which was can, who added that the material may be in- filed last December. A decision will be made dicative of Gordon's attitude toward women Protest next week. at the time the discrimination supposedly took An argument also arose over whether to place. have passages in Zagano's suit stricken from The passages the University is seeking to the record because they contain "scandalous remove also accuse Gordon of discriminating On Campus and inflammatory" allegations which reveal against Zagano because of her military career by Scott Benjamin former Communications Department Chair- and conservative political views. Gordon has An estimated 200 students and faculty man George Gordon wrote for Screw, a por- denied all charges in the case. members stood in front of McGinley Center nographic newspaper. Zagano, an assistant communications last Thursday to protest Fordham University's Margaret Soyster, Fordham's attorney, professor, is seeking $500,000 in damages, investment in companies with interests in also suggested the court put the entire record claiming she was denied reappointment and South Africa, tinued to admantly denounce the University's of the case under seal to curtail press coverage tenure because of her sex and Catholicism. The protest, organized by the Fordham investment policies in South Africa. of the lawsuit. Her suit relies on a controversial legal Coalition for Divestment, was accompanied "We are a University in the Christian argument that pornography discriminates by the music of the Fresh Band, the same band tradition and that demands a certain moral against women and suggests that those who used in the Columbia University rally) chants stand," said Jack Maith, FC '86, in a speech support pornography are also guilty of from the crowd, and numerous speakers. to the crowd. "Fordham should divest if not discrimination. "Since Casper Weinberger was here for any reason but for the fact that we can not Cuomo At Federal District Court Judge Richard (April, 1983)," said History Professor Claude find fund crucifixtion of the people of South Owen is expected to decide sometime next Mangum, "this is the first sign of non-apathy Africa." week whether to accept Fordham's dismissal that Fordham University Students have shown Political Science professor Pedro Caban motion. in the last three years that I've been here." also felt that the integrity of Fordham is at Graduation However, even if the motion is accepted The protest lasted for over two hours un- Continued on page 15 and Zagano's complaint against the individual til inclement weather forced the crowd to Governor Mario Cuomo will be tlie defendants is dismissed, Zagano's case against disperse. That however, did not dampen the commencement speaker at this year's the University will still go to trial, Soyster said. spirits of the protesters' organizers, Joe Etoll graduation ceremony May 25, said Eileen "Even if we win entirely on the motion, FC '86 and Stephen Philion FC '86 who say Inside: Hughes, director of University Com- the case will continue," she said. the rally was a success. munications. Over the summer, Soyster and Zagano's "Our goals this semester have been Cuomo will receive an honorary doc- attorneys will be engaging in discovery, a legal realized," said Philion. "This rally was not torate degree from the University, as will process that allows each side in the case to done as a bandwagon effect. We started it well several other people including actress Jessica examine the strengths and weaknesses of the before Columbia." Tandy, who is well known for her role in The other party's case. The process sometimes en- Part of the success of the protest, said Summer In Gin Game. Hughes declined to release the courages out-of-court settlements. Philion, was participation from other campus names of other recipients. At Friday's hearing, Owen was critical of organizations such as Pax Cristi, The Progressive Student Alliance, and the Afro- At a faculty senate meeting last week, Zagano's inclusion of a large part of the American Club. University President Father Joseph O'Hare, University's administration in the suit. S.J., said that a mystery guest will also appear Judge Owen said the legal criteria for While many curious students turned their at the, ceremony. Continued on page 15 heads and lingered for awhile, speakers con- 2 THE RAM THLRSUA> MAt 2 THE CAB CALENDAR Spring Weekend '85 Friday, May 3,1985 Fun and Sun on Eddies Hot Air Balloon Rides, Rollerskates, DJ and Ice Cream 3 p.m to 7 p.m. The Concert Committee of Cab Presents: Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes Tickets 5400 with Fordham ID, $800 Without 8 p.m After the Concert WAC presents Hawaiian Mixer... Ramskellar 11 p.m. A Film to have breakfast by Student Lounge 230 a m Saturday, May 4,1985 WAC Presents The Mimes and Mummers will Present Martyrs' Lawn Barbeque "The Shadow Box" Collins Auditorium SJ (XAv ID featuring ''Working Class" Friday and Saturday H p m S itX) w/out 5:V) admitted free noon RHA Semi-Forrrial Spe^llman Lawn 8 p.m. Use this lorm to list events in the CAB Calendar Sponsoring Croup. Address : Description of Event Date .Place Time Admission Requirements 01 Intern! To: D General Public DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT 4fM n CBA Upon completion oi this lorm, mease return !c i j Grad Students Other Ciiindir commlllee Members of fordham University Only CimpuiCenlBr Director's 0IIIC8 THE RAM/THURSDAY; MAY' 2/1985/3 • University and Architects Discuss Dormitory Plans by Tim Ring end of the building, saying it would occupy Relocation of the student deli, garbage some of the best living space. Placing the deli pick up, and easy accessibility to the new dor- in the building's center was offered as another mitory behind Queens' Court were problems possibility, but limited access to that area by discussed between architects and ad- large vehicles would pose problems for ministrators this week. deliveries and trash pick-ups. The new dorms, which are expected to "It doesn't have to be prime space, just a provide housing for 600 students, will be ad- good location," said Vice President for jacent to the railroad tracks. Student Affairs Joseph McGowan.
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