THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY TY-FOUBTH Entered as Second Clans Matter Published Pout Office WentfleH. N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1954 Every Thursday 38 P>l«*—5 Layor Declares Water CD Air Raid Air Raid Instructions By LEONARD DREYFUSS Precautions Told State Director of Civil Defense and Disaster Control Commencement Exercises emergency For Town The New Jersey Division of Civil Defense has ordered a state-wide public participation air raid test sometime during the By Local Director morning of June 14. As a public service and in cooperation with Junior High Graduation the NJDCD and the Westfteld Defense Councl, the "Leader" today Set For Tonight, Next Week 'ressure Falls publishes the official Civil Defense Air Raid Instructions. Follow Exercises Set 'Operation Alert' them . they could save your life. ie to Excessive Set For Monday At Home Scholarship Recipient Graduation exercises for the WITH WARNING—Go to prepared shelter. Turn off all appli- Trinity Seniors 228 Graduates Roosevelt Junior High School will At Unknown Time ances. Leave on radio. Ise For Lawns be held Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in NO WARNING—Drop to floor. Get under bed or heavy table. the Bchool auditorium. William Westfield residents today were At Work Graduate June 17 Of Senior High Child, vice president of the Board requested by Norman T. Sprague, WITH WARNING—Obey Wardens. Go to assigned shelter. As a result of the first low pres- of Education, will present the di-local CD director, to follow ail ure crisis of the year, experi- NO WARNING—Drop to floor. Get under desk or work bench. plomas. Civil Defense air raid precautions At School Grammar School Top Honor Student Bced Tuesday night by residents On Wednesday and Thursday, during the nationwide air raid test I the Brightwood avenue section WITH WARNING—Obey your teacher. Go to assigned shelter Exercises Listed Takes Four Award* June 16 and 17, all elementary known as "Operation Alert" Mon- quietly. ' layor Charles P. Bailey today day. The test will be held at an schools will close at 2 p.m. after NO WAP.NING—Drop to floor out of line of windows. Bury face Forty-nine pupils will receive Tged the co-operation of West- a one hour session in the after- unannounced time. Westfleld Senior High School felders in following the schedule in arms. diplomas at commencement exer- will graduate 228 studeata of the noon and Friday, June 18, all Only Civil Defense wardens, In th< Open cises of Holy Trinity High School water use set up recently by schools will close for summer va- auxiliary and regular police will class of '54 at commencement ex- e Plainfield-Union Water Co. WITH WARNING—Obey Wardens. Go to nearest OK'd building next Thursday evening, June 17 ercises tonight at 8:16 in the audi- cations. be used during the test and only or shelter. Last night, following reports of those personnel plus certain staff at 8 o'clock in the high school torium of the school. Frank A. j^w water pressure in various parts observers will be authorized to NO WARNING—Drop to ground or dive for cover. Bury face auditorium. Ketcham Jr., president of the f the Town and a drop to 22 from move between the "red" and in aims. The announcement of graduates Board of Education, will award normal 40 pounds pressure as Boat Excursion "white" alerts, Mr. Sprague said. In V.hicl.i and honors will be made by the the diplomas and Dr. 8. N. Ewan egistered at fire headquarters, the WITH WARNING—Get out. Go to nearest OK'd building or Rev. John L. Flanagan. The Rt. Jr., superintendent of tehooli, will "Upon hearing the red alert shelter. Rev, Msgr. Henry J. Watterson, layor declared an official water which consists of either three min- present the iwirdi. Biergency here. This prohibits the Ticket Roundup NO WARNING—Drop to floor, Bury face in arms. pastor of Holy Trinity parish The members of the graduating utes of wavering notes on the air will award the diplomas and hon lie of water for lawns, gardens, raid siren or rapid short blasts of KNOW THESE SIGNALS class who will give the commence- owers or any other outside use RED (Danger) 3 minutes of wailing siren or short blasts of ors and will also deliver the ad- ment addresses are Herbert Aldan Rye Beach Trip fire and factory whistles, all citi- dress to the graduating class. kcept Wednesday and Saturday zens must seek shelter." whistles or horns. Welch, speaking on "Blueprint for Ightg from 9 until 12. The official All Day Saturday WHITE (All Clear) 3 one-minute blasts siren or whistle; 2 Following the processional, the Tomorrow" and Miai Luclnda The following instructions minutes silence between. love also makes it legal for po- should be followed as closely as graduates will sing "Thanks Be to Irene Beil, whose topic ia "The leemen or firemen to issue sum- Thee," Handel and "Veni Crea Under the leadership of the Rev. possible, the director stated: JOHN W. WADE Truth Shall Make You Free." mons for violations of the emer- George V. Gardner as general "Householders should NOT turn tor." The singing of "Jeau Rex The processional, "Pomp and incy declaration, chairman of the committee for the off the gas at the meter or any College Men To Award Annual Admirabilis" by Paiestrliia will Circumstance" by Elgar, played [Mayor Bailey stated that the Weetfield Council of Churches, the pilot lights, but should turn off any follow Monslgnor Watterson's ad by Miss Audrey L. Gleaaon at the ressure Tuesday evening was ticket roundup for the annual ex- open non-automatic gas range dross, after which the Benediction Wade Win7$3600 organ, will open the program, Fol- l»wn to 28 from a normal of 40 cursion to Rye Beach, N. Y., will burners or room heaters. They Scholarship To Henry Turner of the Most Blessed Sucrumcn lowing the salute to the flag and 45. Water in the reservoir is be brought to a conclusion at C should NOT turn off electricity at will be given. the "Lord's Prayer" by the grad- v, but according to a water com- p.m. tomorrow. The annual dinner meeting of The program will also include Cornell Award uating class, Miss Llla' Woodruff any spokesman, there is still the meter, but should turn off any Club's Selection The excursion is scheduled for electrical appliances which they the College Men's Club of West "O Salutarls Hostia," "Tantum Webber will pay tribute to the [jenty of water if people will co- field will be held this evening at Ergo" and "Gloria Patrl," sung late Miss Isabella Dodds. The erate in conserving until such Saturday. Special Jersey Central know how to operate. Radio or To Use Grant For trains will leave Westfield at 8 television should be left on to hear 6:45 at the Westfleld YMCA. The by a mixed chorus of 60 voices, remainder of the program will In- nes as more water is available. speaker of the evening is Albert and will close with the piano re- clude "Slumber Song" by Tom- \ Failure to observe the com- a.m. (D.S.T.) for a direct con- emergency instructions from Civil Pre-law Study nection at the Jersey City pier Defense officials. During the test E. Moder Jr., dean of Rutgers Uni- cessional. bacher, dedicated to the girli of any's request for limited water versity, who will address the club • Announcement of scholarships the class and "The Star" by Hov- |e was blamed for the crisis to- with the S.S. "State of Pennsyl- period, everyone should stay inside Louis J. Dughl, member of the vania". The boat arrives at Hye and away from windows. The tele- on "Educational Problems Con- based on the results of competitive National Secondary Schools Com- ers sung by the girls' chorua; by George M. Haskew, (ren- fronting New Jersey". There will examinations will include. Miss 'Still As the Night," by Bohffl al superintendent and engineer Beach at 11:30 a.m. Leaving Rye phone should be used only in an mittee of Cornell Unlvei'Bity, an- Beach at 3:45 p.m. the excursion emergency to call the fire depart- also be a business meeting and an Mary Jane McLaughlin, who hasnounced today that John Wait- and "Alma Muter" by Marcia the company. ment, the police department or a election of six trustees. been awarded a full tuition schol Bauer, a member of the graduat- is scheduled to return to Westfield arshlp for four years-to Mjserl man Wade, son of Mr. and Mrs. (| He further stated that the short- at 7:30 p.m. doctor. George H. Murphy, president of Lorentz G. Wade of 818 Shacka- ing class, sung by the mixed chor« cordla College and Miss Janice us. ge should be alleviated as soon Assisting Mr. Gardner as mem- "Those at work in factories, of- the club, award the 1054 Pearson who also won a full four maxon drive, has been awarded a the company is able to secure bers of the ticket committee arc fices or stores ure requested to par- scholarship, to Henry Brown Tur- year scholarship to the same col- $3600 dean's scholarship by Cor- Following the singing of the dditional supplies from the newMesdames Mary Harvey, Elizabeth ticipate actively and to follow Civil ner, IV. Mr. Turner is the son of lege. nell University in the College of "Star Spangled Banner" by the ne now being built and which is Ruff and George Broaddus, ,St.
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