Tins YEAR. GIVE HER l)u' talh srrvicc she's (ircuincd tifl Nul jii>t nne or twci plact* set- tings— but (tH the sifter shrll ever need to servr S, gniciousty and right! 1847 Rowers Bros, makes it. easy for you with this hraiul-iH'W 66-piece (-ninl>inulion. H comftlftc place seltin«:s. plus the 10 most- nee<ie<l serving pieces. A service she can use for elegant entertaining, year after year! ' Other Chest Combinations for Every Need S-nirr I..r 12 ln<'\.h: lii'i pi.-ifS $189.50 Service I'nr H jM-nplc. 7t2 piccrs $ 74.50 Service for 8 people, 103 pieces $139.00 *Availa(ilfin arty nf'i pnttfrut, u ilh tarniili-ifMil'mthnt ilch'-it. I 1 ) •E Goodrich Tubeless Tire PROTECTS AGAINST BLOWOUTS! HERE'S HOW: REGULAR TIRE-AND-TUBE BLOWS OUT SUDDENLY BFG TUBELESS TIRE GOES DOWN S-S-S-SLOWLY I aim m-iitm TESTED AND slow leak. In tests by the American Automobile Associa- tion, BFG Tube/ess Tires, that had been deliberately PROVED BY weakened by knife cuts to force failure, allowed up to eight miles in which to come to a safe stop after air Started to escape. Most blowouts start when you don't know it. From a sharp blow— for instance against a curb or chuck- And they seal punctures, too! A layer of sealant hole— that bruises cords inside the tire. rubber under the tread grips a puncturing object, prevents leaks. is sealed when object is As the tire flexes, the weak spot grows until the Hole re- inner wall is broken. Wirh a regular tire-and-tube, moved. AAA tests showed no air loss after the the tube bridges the break. Finally, miles or maybe BFG Tubeless Tire was pierced with spikes. months later, the tube is pinched and blows out In the popular 6.70-15 size, the B. F. Goodrich through the tire. Tubeless Tire costs $7.06 less than the same CHANGES BLOWOUT TO SAFE "SLOWOUT" size regular tire and any blowout-protecting tube. The B. F. Goodrich Tubeless Tire has no tube. See it at your BFG rcrail- Instead, it has an air-retaining lining that's part of er's. Look for his address the tire itself. If a bruise does occur, the tire's flexing in the yellow pages of the eventually causes pin-hole leaks in this lining at the telephone directory. The point of the bruise. B. F. Goodrich Company, Instead of a dangerous blowout, all you get is a Akion, Ohio. flooded out of our homes, the relief agencies safeguard us with "Epidemics are a very real danger to each of us in a time of disaster. Dishwashing facihties are non-existent, or dangerous at best. With trode mark of th« DiKia Cup CoKpony Dixie Cups you never have to worry about germs being passed from lip-to-Hp. 'Used but once' Dixies are always clean, always safe." I'lFl-^ I.IFF, is itilhlishH wpekly hy Inc., , TIME 540 \. Michigan Ave. Chiraao U. III. Prinlitl in W S. .\. Knlrrrfi nn HornnH-rliuw nrntler Xovcmtwr 16, 19:tfi nt tlw Pfwtoffire at CliimRO, Volume ai ,\<>vemlicr IJ. I'Jjl 111. under ibo act ol March 3, 1879. Authonied by I'oat Office Department, Uttvua, Canada, aa ttccund-claM matter. SubecriptiODa 16.76 a year in V. S. A.: $7.23 in Caoatla. Number 20 ! ! Whing like it ever before Change this c/c^climt to suit yourself ^ ELECTRFC CLOCK The greatest, most exciting idea since the introduction of the elec- and insert your choice of material, paper, photos, coins or hobby tric clock! The imlv clock in the world that you. yourself, can make mementoes. Telechron is a trademark of Telechron Department, match any room in your home! And so easily—just slip off the clasps General Electric Company, Ashland. Mass. * Prlcss plH Ui. PiKn atM] sptclKcjUom lubiMt to chmtt winwiri notteii This One 9E74-C3S-R5YY 1 on any purchase, (jou nnate . at A S P / ^ m A This is more tlian a promise — it's a guarantee that youll never risk a penny on any item you buy at A&P. To prove our point, let's "talk turkey" now that Thanksgiving is on the way. Nfore folks buy A&P's young, meaty, flavor- famous turkeys than any other, and never risk a penny in doing so. That's l)ecause rvcnj l)ird is so good, it is sold witli an iiii- qualificd iitoiicij-back fiiuiraiitva. That means your A&P turkey must measure up to your e\ ery e.xpectation . for freshness, tenderness, flavor and value ... or we'll promptly refund your money — no questions asked. And that goes for every item you buy at an Ab^P Super Market — at any time. For over 90 Thanksgivings, A&P has been supplying more good food to more people for less money. We'd like to do the same for >'0u. Remember: "You can't make a mistake on any purchase ) ou make ... at A&P.' (i .Milli(m People \\\\\ Buy Fifty Minion Thanksgi\ ing Treats at A&l' Alonii witli thciii. f/oi/ laii ilcpcntl on .\&P lor all tlic best fi\iiii;s, tool Appcli/i i s lhat rcdlly appeal . , fniits and \ i tlctuhlt s thai arc woii- (li rful . mince and pumpkin pics, and fruit- cake, too, that Grandina inii;lit well envy . candies and nuts that make yon wish you'd left more room . and pick-of-plaiitation collcc to top it all! And remember . ccerytliing's guarante<-il! Customers' Comer I low do you like the cliockoiit s\st('ni at \nirr .-K&P? ,Ar<- llirre enough stands':' Do ,vou alwa\s get tliroii^xli tliein (iuic-kl\ ? Are the elieek- ers clfieieut. aeeurate and eourteous? Our lo>aI ein- pk),\ees want .vou t(» \k- eonipletel,v satisfied witli ever>' tletail of \'our shopping at If you have kets any suggestioits, or complaints, i>lease write: CUSTOMEI lUtTIONS DEPtRTMEMT A&P Food Stares, 420 texington Avenue, New York 17, N.Y. Where the Sale is never completed . until completely satisfied ^ ^ you're © 1951 - The Great Allantic & Pacific Teo Company AMERICA'S FOREMOST RETAILERS OF . FINE AAEATS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAIRY PRODUCTS . BAKED GOODS AND GROCERY NEEDS, il i See how Piaytex li hite Mnfcic caresses you to new slenderness, gives you a newly fluid line fr()ni waist lo ihiglu. See how il encourages .such grace of movement^ allows you such freedom to sit, to stand, to step, to twirl! "While Magic is fuhiiloiist As a designer I love tlie slim, free lines /^'Si-<=l-y<» this newest Plaj tex Girdle givcsl" •'/or »limnen», freedom, beauty there's no girdle like il!" says top designer Rosenslein. "It flatters your figure in every way under the newest fashions. No wonder h-ad- in;i; designers this cheer fabulous In SLIM xhiny tubes, at belter stores everywhere, new white version of tiie Playtex **A girdle ithould do more than «ilini you. il should "This girtlte nmoothfi away the PLAYTKX ff hire Magic, $1.95 and $6.9.'5. Oilier Fab-Lined IT Ai/e Girdle— Magic!" be comfortable. That's why playtkx Fab-Lined Girdles inches, without a seam, stitch or PLAYTKX girdles, in white, pink or blue, from $3.95, — with fabric next to the skin — are so very perfect!" bone— invisible under ali clothes." Slightly higher in Canada and foreign countries. International Lotex Corporation . PLAYTEX PARK . Dover Del. Piaytex Ltd. Montreal, Canada Now! The Tested Treatment that has helped thousands Kills millions of germs Including the stubborn "Bottle Bacillus" (P. ovale) MANY PEOPLE never realize that they have in- fectious dandrufT until they see those recurring telltale flakes and scales on the hair, coat or dress shoulder. When dandruff is due to germs, it's a real infection so don't neglect it. It calls for quick treat- ment ... persistent treatment... antiseptic treatment! So start right now with regular use of Listerine Antiseptic and massage twice-a-day. It's the tested method that has helped so many . may help you. Kills "Bottle BaciUus" Listerine Antiseptic gives your hair and scalp a thor- ough antiseptic bath . treats the infection as an . infection should be treated . with real germ-killing action. Yes, Listerine Antiseptic kills millions of germs associated with dandruff, including the stubborn "Bottle Bacillus" (P. ovale), the very germ that so many dermatologists say is a causative agent of the trouble. Improvement in 76% of Test Cases ^s you progress with this simple, pleasant treatment, you'll be delighted to see how quickly those flakes and scales begin to disappear . how readily itching is alleviated . how much healthier your scalp feels. Remember, in clinical tests twice-a-day use of Listerine Antiseptic brought complete relief or marked improvement in dandruff symptoms within a month to 76 °„ of dandruff sufferers. Lambert Piiarmacal Company, Si. Louis, Mo. At the Urst symptom LISTERINE 6 for Infectious DANDRUFF of Men and Women The stubborn "BOTTLE BACILLUS" (P. ovale) which many dermatologists soy is a causative agent of infectious dandruff. ANTISEPTIC . Quitk! ...and regularly CCL. Advertisement WITH THE HELP OF VIOLET MURRAY, JOHN DUTRA TESTS HIS CAR'S PERFORMANCE ON CALIFORNIA'S ANCELES CREST HIGHWAY Moymtm DBivmi; sore m\ IF EKGIHE PERFOBiNCE If every motorist look a weekly trip to the mountains, America's automobiles would be kept in better shape. Inferior engine performance shows up immediately in mountain driving. Present-day cars are so good that they can get by around town even operating at 75^f to 80^ of their capability.
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