TIGHT CORNER— Akiak musher Mike Williams Jr. rounds the corner to Cordova St. at the Iditarod ceremonial start in Anchorage on Saturday. Photo by Diana Haecker C VOLUME CXVIII NO. 10 March 8, 2018 Iditarod XLVI: 67 mushers are on their way to Nome By Diana Haecker race’s detractors, who are present.” Sixty-seven mushers and their The first to leave the start line was teams gathered in downtown An- Junior Iditarod Champion Bailey chorage on Saturday, March 2 for the Schaeffer of Kotzebue and Willow. ceremonial start of the 46th running The 17-year-old daughter of mush- of the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. ers Tracey and Chuck Schaeffer car- Overcast skies, temperatures in the ried in her sled the widow of 20s and snow flurries with enough Honorary Musher Joee Redington snow on the streets made conditions Jr., Pam Redington. Joseph “Joee” ideal for huskies and mushers alike, Redington died on August 14, 2017 while thousands and thousands of at the age of 74. He was the oldest spectators lined Fourth Avenue and son of Joe Redington Sr., who is the rest of the 11-mile long ceremo- known as the “Father of the Idi- nial trail from downtown to Camp- tarod.” bell Airstrip. The field this year is a bit thinner There were tailgate parties along than in years past, and does not in- the way, lots of flag-waving and kids clude four-time champion Dallas perilously diving across snowberms Seavey, who in protest withdrew to get a high-five from smiling from the race. Last year, four of his mushers as they ran their 12-dog dogs at the finish in Nome tested teams through the city. positive for the drug Tramadol. Governor Bill Walker and Lt. Seavey maintains he did not admin- Governor Byron Mallott roamed the ister the drug and accuses the ITC of avenue, guided by surprise with- bungling how the situation was han- drawal musher John Baker of Kotze- dled. Seavey is now in Norway com- bue, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski peting in the Finnmarksløpet made an appearance, and Mayors 1,000-kilometer dog race, which be- Ethan Berkowitz (Anchorage) and gins on March 9. Richard Beneville of Nome were on Also not on the start line is four- hand to greet the crowds and give in- time Iditarod and Quest Champion terviews. “Hello Central”. Lance Mackey. The enthusiasm for the iconic But back on the trail is defending race, which takes mushers and their champion Mitch Seavey, Dallas’ fa- sled dogs through 1,000 miles of ther. Asked what his plan for this Alaskan wilderness, was not visibly year’s race is, he said with smile, dampened by controversy surround- “Pretty much the same as last year. If ing its governing body nor the an- you have a formula that’s working, nounced protests by the animal rights you don’t change it too much.” activist group PETA. “We made some improvements, Only a handful of protesters were some minor tweaks and it’s a little there as they stood next to a staged different trail, little different condi- “funeral” of stuffed toy dogs sym- tions, so we’ll adapt to that,” Seavey bolizing sled dogs that died during said. After years of bad snow condi- the Iditarod. Their presence was tions, which forced the race to relo- drowned out by the masses of people cate to a Fairbanks to Nome route, cheering on the mushers as they left this year’s race returns to the south- the start line one by one. The emcee ern route along the traditional Idi- Photo by Diana Haecker welcomed the crowds and even ex- RUN TO NOME— Aaron Burmeister waves to the crowd during the Saturday ceremonial start of the 2018 tended a warm welcome to “the continued on page 8 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Oxereok sentenced to 20 years in jail for child sex abuse By Sandra L. Medearis The court case opened in August negative factor that would make a Amos Oxereok said he deserved 2016 when Alaska State Troopers re- sentence more severe. prison for sex abuse of his students. ceived a report of sex abuse at the Oxereok appeared in Superior All victims lived in the village Wales School. Authorities brought court at Nome on Feb. 27 for sen- where he grew up and went to several girls ages nine to 14 by air- tencing. Prosecution asked for a long school. He pleaded guilty to crimes plane to the Nome Child Advocacy sentence, plus a lengthy probation- that occurred in 2014. Center for video recorded inter- ary term. Second District Superior The Bering Strait School District views. Court Judge Romano DiBenedetto employed Oxereok, 45, as a com- An affidavit based on investiga- handed down a sentence of 30 years puter technician and teacher at the tions of Trooper Honie Culley, with 20 years suspended for each of school from 2012 to 2016. Trooper Timothy Smith and Trooper the two counts, plus 10 years’ proba- Eileen Witrosky said Oxereok had tion following release. Oxereok must touched the girls inappropriately. serve the two 10-year jail stretches The State of Alaska charged Ox- consecutively, adding up to 20 years, ereok on seven counts relating to or less, if Oxereok qualifies for good molestation. Oxereok had waived in- time release. He must go into police On the Web: dictment by a grand jury and pleaded stations and register as a sex of- www.nomenugget.net guilty in 2017 to two counts of Sex- fender for the remainder of his life. ual Abuse of A Minor-under 13 years In the sentence hearing, several of age. The court dismissed two parents, some relatives of Oxereok, counts of Sex Abuse of A Minor came forward with comment on the under 16 and three counts of Harass- tragedy the crimes brought to the ment— Offensive Physical Contact. victims, the families and the village, Photo by Sandra L. Medearis Oxereok agreed to an aggravator the hurting mentally and spiritually. DAY OF RECKONING—Amos Oxereok talks with his attorney James that victims were more than 10 years continued on page 4 Ferguson at his sentence hearing Feb. 28 in Nome. Oxereok received jail younger than he. An aggravator is a time in a sexual assault case involving 13 school girls in Wales. 2 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2018 OPINION THE NOME NUGGET Letters Letter to the Editor: Dear Editor, flame retardant chemicals in chil- a range of harmful health effects, in- tion in passing the Toxic-Free Chil- On HB 75 the legislature should As a scientist, aunt, mother and dren’s products and home furniture. cluding cancer, learning disabilities, dren Act (HB 27) to protect the also add felon criminal gang bangers grandmother I am very concerned The legislation will also require the developmental impairment, and re- health of our children and our future to the list that the government takes about the toxic chemical soup that labeling of these products to inform productive harm. There is plenty of generations. away their guns because they are a our children and our future genera- people if these contain toxic flame evidence showing that fire safety can Samarys Seguinot-Medina danger to themselves and the com- tions are or will be exposed to. This retardant. These harmful chemicals be achieved without these toxic 1077 Hollywood Dr., Apt. 635 munity at large. We would have a lot week the Resource Committee of the are found in toys, nap mats, nursing chemicals. Enacting legislation to Anchorage, AK 99501 less crime then. It would force the Alaska Legislature will be having a pillows, changing pads, baby carri- phase out harmful flame retardant criminals to get a job in order to be hearing about the House Bill 27, the ers, carpet padding, and upholstered chemicals from children’s products able to buy their opioids instead of Toxic-Free Children Act (TFCA). furniture foam. Under current federal and furniture is an important step on Letters to the editor must be going block by block stealing every- The TFCA would protect the health law, these toxic chemicals are virtu- the right direction. I congratulate the signed and include an thing they can get their hands on. of Alaska’s children by preventing ally unregulated for their safety. Yet, champions that are moving forward address and phone number. John Suter exposure to toxic flame retardant these chemicals pose a serious pub- this bill and also invite others to use Thank you notes and P. O. Box 670144 chemicals. If passed, these bills will lic health threat, are particularly toxic their voice to protect the most vul- political endorsements are Chugiak, AK 99567 prevent the manufacture, sale, and to children, and do not provide a fire nerable. It is the responsibility of our considered ads. distribution of toxic and unnecessary safety benefit. These chemicals have Alaska State Legislature to take ac- Results from our February 28 - March 6 online poll. Foster’s Report (Go to nomenugget.net in order to participate) By Rep. Neal Foster staff to apply for things like water provides support for the Alaska Na- With the Iditarod well under way and sewer, heavy equipment, com- tional Guard. They requested funds I hope everyone has a chance to get munity buildings and renewable en- to increase personnel in Bethel, and out and cheer on the mushers. I’d ergy. Last year full payments were then they want to expand into the like to extend a big thanks to all the made to communities, but the fund Nome area. This would provide volunteers who work behind the was not replenished.
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