bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 275 INDEXINDEX Page numbers in italics refer to figures. Adams, John Quincy, 9 Bell, Calvin, 23 All-American players, 56, 72, Bellisari, Greg, 155 75, 96, 156 Bellisari, Steve, 192–193 Allen, Will, 19, 173, 224, 225, Benson, Matt, 170 240 “The Best Damn Band in the Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1–3, Land” (TBDBITL), 6–7, 31–38, 240–241 166–172, 176–177, Autzen Stadium, 50–51 210–211 Avant, Jason, 140, 222 Biakabutuka, Tshimanga (Tim), 138, 152 bands, 139, 166–172, The Big Chill (Kasdan), 174–177, 210–211 181–182 Baraka, Kelly,COPYRIGHTED 129 Big House,MATERIAL 33, 209–210. See Bay, Rick, 122 also Michigan Stadium BCS (Bowl Championship Big Ten championship, 4, 40, Series), 4–5, 191, 199, 60, 118, 128, 155 242, 244–246 no-repeat rule, 104 Beat Michigan Week, 26–27, 100th game and, 140, 235, 44–45, 153, 163–166 247 275 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 276 INDEX Big Ten championship Cincinnati Bengals, 79, 80, (continued) 161 10-Year War and, 97 Clarett, Maurice 2002, 23–24 legal troubles of, 20–21, 53, Bixler, Paul, 80 130–131, 247, 249–250 “Block M,” 176 playing record of, 193, 194, Block O, 26–27, 30–31, 37 216 Blood Battle, 41–43 Clark, Meyers, 54–58 Boston, David, 156, 226 Clark, Wes, 171 Bowman, Grant, 212, 219, Cline, Oliver, 61 231 Cody, Shaun, 244 Brady, Tom, 24, 115, 161 Coleman, Michael B., 241 Breaston, Steve, 217, 223, Collier, Shawn, 25–27, 44–45 224, 231–232 Collins, John, 22–23 Brown, Paul, 79–80 Collins, Todd, 115 Bruce, Earle, 119, 121–126, Columbus, Ohio, 27–31, 129, 137, 153 33–38 Brutus Buckeye, 165 Blue Jackets, 29–30 Buckeye, meaning of, 184 post-game rioting in, “Buckeye Battle Cry” 238–241 (Crumit), 39, 167–168 reaction to 100th game, 243–244 Canham, Don, 83, 87 Cooper, John, 116, 142–143, Carr, Lloyd, 22, 48, 50–51, 143–149, 149–151, 157, 106–108, 129, 152, 220 158 100th game, 226, 230, 242 Core, Anthony, 169 on 2004 season, 248–249 Craw, Garvie, 93, 94 Carter, Anthony, 127 Crisler, Herbert O. (Fritz), Carter, Cris, 120–122, 121, 58–60, 62, 64, 85–87 226 Crumit, Frank, 168 “The Catch,” 145 Cavanaugh, Matt, 176, 211 Dantonio, Mark, 248 Celeste, Richard, 127 Darden, Tom, 98–99, 134 Chattams, Angelo, 130 “Dark 26” play, 93–94 Childress, Bam, 216, 223, Deleone, Tom, 97–98 234 Detroit, Michigan, 34 276 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 277 INDEX Diggs, Carl, 214 Franklin, Dennis, 102, 103 Division I-A, 4 Frantz, Matt, 122, 126 Donahey, Vic, 38 Fraser, Simon, 19 Frey, Greg, 143–144 Edwards, Braylon, 250–251 Friedman, Benny, 56–58, 58 plays by, 23, 194, 196, 198, 223, 225, 228, 231 Galloway, Joey, 147 reaction to 100th game, 234 Gamble, Chris, 52, 223–225, Elbel, Louis, 174–177 231, 250–251 Elliott, Bump, 87, 89 Gandee, Sonny, 68 ESPN, 21, 159, 186, 201 Gator Bowl, 105–106 Evans, Lee, 52, 53, 224 Gee, E. Gordon, 146 Geiger, Andy, 21, 53 fans, 177–182, 187–191, George, Eddie, 151–153 205–208 Glenn, Terry, 151 in Ann Arbor, 1–3, 6–7, “golden pants,” 78 31–38, 240–241 Grbac, Elvis, 24, 115 Block O, 26–27, 30–31, 37 Greene, Cornelius, 103 Buckeye & Wolverine Shop, Griese, Brian, 24, 115, 154 183–186 Griffin, Archie, 100–103, 106, in Columbus, 27–31, 29–30, 110, 137, 141, 149, 161 33–38, 54–55, 238–241, “Guarantee Game,” 119, 123 243–244 hype about 100th game, Haji-Sheikh, Ali, 128 196–205 Hall, Leon, 231–232 post-game reactions by, Hall, Maurice, 194, 215 235–237, 238–244 Harbaugh, Jack, 118 Farokhrny, Shahin, 22–23 Harbaugh, Jim, 24, 115, Ferkany, Ed, 71–72 118–123 Fesler, Wes, 66–67, 69, 80 Harley, Chic, 75–76, 194 Fiesta Bowl, 18, 20, 52, 240, Harmon, Tom, 59–60 246, 247 Hart, Randy, 122 Finley, Adam, 194, 195, 222 Hartsock, Ben, 216–217, 223, Fitzgerald, Larry, 246 230, 243 football, origin of, 10–11 Haw, Erik, 109–112, 117, 131 Ford, Gerald, 40, 211–212 Hawk, A.J., 221, 225, 248 277 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 278 INDEX Hayes, Wayne Woodrow Hoying, Bobby, 138, 150, (Woody), 17, 71–75, 151, 162 80–82, 99–100, 108, 124, 127, 134 Jackson, Andrew, 9–10 fuel legend and, 71–72, Jackson, James, 238 169–170 Jackson, Marlin, 22–23, 49, Griffin and, 100–103 129, 251 merit system of, 144 James, LeBron, 249 1968 game and, 89–90 Janowicz, Vic, 65–66, 68 1969 game and, 90–97 Jenkins, Michael, 215, 222, 1978 game and, 105 225, 226, 251 resignation of, 106 Joe, Brandon, 215, 225 “Heisman Pose,” 145 Jones, Ben, 173–174 Heisman Trophy winners George, 152 Karow, Marty, 56–58 Griffin, 100–103, 106, 110, Karsatos, Jim, 120–122 137, 141, 149, 161 Kasdan, Lawrence, 181–182 Hayes and, 72 Keels, Paul, 30, 53 Horvath, 61–62 Kern, Rex, 92–96, 97 Howard, 144–145 Klaban, Tom, 110 Janowicz, 65–66, 68 Krenzel, Craig, 19, 222–223, Perry as finalist, 246–247 225, 226, 227, 231, Woodson, 160 233–234 helmets, 85–87, 144, 150 in Fiesta Bowl, 247 Henne, Chad, 115 100th game, 215, 216, 223 Henson, Drew, 192, 218, 219 in 2001, 2002 games, Hill, Henry, 93, 95 191–196 Hineygate, 190 Holbrook, Karen, 241 Lantern, 15, 239 Holland, Jamie, 120 Lantry, Mike, 110 Holmes, Santonio, 130, Larkins, Dick, 64, 69 215–216, 230 Laughlin, Jim, 238 Horn, Jason, 138 Law, Ty, 161 Horseshoe, 172 Leach, Rick, 105 Horvath, Leslie, 61–62, 80 legal troubles, 117, 124, Howard, Desmond, 144–145 129–131 278 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 279 INDEX Baraka, 129 Moeller, Gary, 147–148, 152 Chattams, 130 Momsen, Bob, 65 Clarett, 20–21, 53, 130–131, Momsen, Tony, 66–67 247, 249–250 Montag, Drew, 104–105 Cooper, 130 Moorehead, Don, 93, 94 Holmes, 130, 215–216 Morman, Michelle, 167, LeSueur, 130 169–170, 177 Marlin Jackson, 129 Morris, Jamie, 120–121 Moeller, 152 Morrison, Bobby, 152 Pagac, 130 “music bus,” 187–189 Schlichter, 128–129 Steve Bellisari, 192–193 Naked Mile, 31 Troy Smith, 130 national championships, 79, Leno, Jay, 241 156, 240, 246 LeSueur, Jeremy, 47, 49, 130, Navarre, John, 23–24, 50–51, 131 139, 231, 234, 247, 251 Lucas, Robert, 8–9 in 2002 game, 194, 195–196, 196–198, 240 Mandich, Jim, 90 in 100th game, 217–220, Manning, Eli, 246 222–225, 228, 246 Mason, Stevens T., 8–9 NCAA, 116 Massaquoi, Tim, 198, 220 BCS, 4–5, 191, 199, 242, McCollough, J. Brady, 51 244–246 McMullen, Scott, 229–230, Clarett and, 20–21 231, 233–234 “golden pants” and, 78 Meyer, Jimmy, 116 on NFL draft rule, 250 Michigan, state of, 7–10 NFL, 21, 53, 115, 158–161, Michigan Daily, 13, 32–33, 51, 249–251 85, 91, 178, 197, 236 Nienberg, Troy, 214–215 Michigan Stadium, 33, 51, 85, Northwest Ordinance, 88, 132, 202, 206 7–10 Big House nickname, 33, Notre Dame University, 36, 209–210 47–48 tunnel of, 139 wall, 235, 236 Ohio, state of, 7–10, 29–30 Mirror Lake, 163–166 Ohio Pants Club, 78 279 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 280 INDEX Ohio Stadium, 76, 133, 172, Payne, Rod, 154 196 Perry, Chris, 23, 33, 48, 197, Ohio State University Monthly, 220–221, 223–225, 39, 75 227–228, 234 Ohio State University (OSU), as Heisman finalist, 3–4, 11–15, 17, 30, 34–35, 246–247 165. See also fans; “the NFL and, 251 Game”; individual names post-game reaction, 237 of coaches and players Salley and, 232, 242 all-time UM-OSU results, Perry, Irene, 221, 234 253–256 Pierson, Barry, 94, 95 Block O, 26–27, 30–31, 37 Pittman, Tony, 112–113 in-state recruiting by, 115 Plate, Todd, 143 Marching Band, 166–172, “Point-A-Minute” team, 85 176–177, 210–211 Pond, Irving, 166 tailgating rituals, 187–191 Purdue University, 90, team statistics, 259 172–174, 217 2003 schedule, 256 “Old Button Shoe,” 92 “razzle dazzle,” 77 Olivea, Shane, 243 recruitment, 101, 109–114, 100th game, 17–24, 23–24, 114–117, 116. See also 51–54, 139, 140, 205–208 NFL fans’ reaction to, 235–237, Reynolds, Robert, 54, 140, 241–244 222 hype about, 196–205 Rose Bowl, 72, 98, 105 statistics, 257–258 OSU in, 155, 238 Oosterbaan, Bennie, 56, 65, OSU-UM tied, 104 87 UM in, 68, 87, 118, Osman, T.J., 144 244–247 Otis, Jim, 89, 92–93, 96 Ross, Everett, 120, 125 Owens, Lee, 116 Ross, Lydell, 216, 230 Oxley, William (statue), 136 Salley, Nate, 225, 232, 242 Pace, Orlando, 116, 158 Sander, B.J., 217, 223 Pagac, Fred, Jr., 130 Schabert, Matt, 51–54 Pape, Tony, 214, 251 Scheffer, Lance, 98 280 bindex.qxd 6/26/04 1:38 PM Page 281 INDEX Scheindlin, Shira, 249, 250 Staysniak, Joe, 124 Schembechler, Glen Edward Steele, Glen, 161 (Bo), 81–83, 87–88, Steinbrenner, George, 192 90–97, 102–103, 107, 134 Stepanovich, Alex, 19, 214 Harbaugh and, 118–123 Stevens, Larry, 197, 237 retirement of, 147 Stevens, Walter, 239–240 on 10-Year War, 106, 108 Stillwagon, Jim, 96 Schlichter, Art, 106, 124, Stobart, Chuck, 101 126–129 Streets, Tai, 154 Schmidt, Francis A., 77–79 Stringer, Korey, 150 Scott, Darrion, 195–196 Sugar Bowl, 244–246 “Script Ohio,” 168–169, Super Bowl (2004), 160 210–211 Sylvania, Ohio, 183–186 Senior Tackle, 153 Shazor, Ernest, 216–217, 234 10-Year War, 81, 106, 108 ‘Shoe, 172 Terna, Scott, 161–162 “Skull Session,” 171–172 “the Game,” 13–15.
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