Lloyd Bentsen Folder Citation: Collection: Records of the 1976 Campaign Committee to Elect Jimmy Carter ; Series: Noel Sterrett Subject File; Folder: Lloyd Bentsen; Container 69 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Carter-Mondale%20Campaign_1976.pdf T]'':'_... I f.��- // ,.�­: , r� /F u I >­ c:: � cc - -J c:: � c:: � >­ Q.. 0 u Unlike.· ..-quickly � the House � three terms to forsake the ;�512.�00 salary in oh �es of 'i. both men re1:aLll>;-w1•'" ma·king money, ,, , '·· .' , . dition to �'•n•l1.r·:a, F r the a _ . fr. o Jl�-1�: ye rs fn n_ai:J.:y�di!i a su�·�w.)cte JUSt that. : ;,. , HoustoJl he;.· d1d, �,810n ·;If&�·' .•. parlayfng· a eb�rik af. the �whicli·hi' said <: family mon�y into an insur- .rieed··a• Connecticut · ance . omp_any n - c � �.tn -?:li�e BUSh; �( � . · . · ng and - · . ·>vestment �,s.aVJ . · cc)�ti.�,e �;.;Jloy_ : ... ..""'. �-.... com arid' a __ ; -, '· , 7 : _ · •�;:1� plex personal Uoydt". : u estimated at $2.3 <: Pre d n · ne be si ent Nixo ·. lion in 1971. (The hold- President· Spiro.Agn ew. ,�gs were placed in a blind . f<ir Bush, but he began · ��t wh�n hi s beat e�r� this_ i:•Pn'!Sidential�l rn•,: quest. a"'�···'r"'"''"•·· 1 .) :··. · ••. J ,:_:.�,:; -�,�:�-:<'t��:�=.:-��;;,;.��(1.,. 19'Ut'. �,ltlje.�age Gf 4�. d · Bents · >VIto .: SaYs ,_ iffi,; ing their."idioll:t gica!>.m�o�j ••4._.,. e always .- �(- goalS. tor ity," Bents1en j!itj;elf;" re-eq�x:ed��politics from the . • . a 1>@�(-1:'· i!_:· . :/: elected . ·.� assing�-.�e.;chali ce;. to vate greeting ·· · me gciv�mor, be�se. House'·· .: .,, .-· ,as� felt friend: recalls, he ·· But ·aenise�. was , ���iloesn't hilve the· action f ilJg. ...waflt." He went straight he plunged· ::into a the President's office. ·' te b�ttJe;:_!MhBen�n · ne ws conference; o.:;���J�,:i!?���;:�tjof�JU:ow•erill,\t� even . IJU\•Wfitiled b1m said, he regaroed his· auld nof:Wiri.':;.:::�;;: �·'·f::.- tion with "some amazement : 's firrttargetwa's'tn�um- · and some amusement," 'an4,.: ''OIIIDlllea .,..1 Ralph Yarborough, the · deelared firmly,- "I am coni- � � -of Te�';_u�al� anc;l-- :ing·���;�_part'p_f tlle lo� �*-f;ll� labor�&�ed�iebamna� , opposition, not as part of Senatt Labor and the Nix forces." ���the · on • R._ . j Welfare -CoDIDUttee. , m tf�lic"'·· He equally fli'm. ·- ' · l was · : as a s ugfest.'·:·even by :provingbe was not going�.to an s . st dard .· · . · be a · traditionat southern. ntsen"s campaigri fea:"' senatOi.'He-'voted to chang� . 'd a series of television ' the cloture rule and make it · SpOts ·that · cited Yarbor- · easier to end filibusters. , · . ough's support for. the Viet- .• After aninspection trip to niun Moratorium protest Vietnam, he abandoned his march and the presidential c:amp�gn bawkishness and �didac:v �f �en,:J. Me>.;,. began,v..o�. wi� the Dem­ . earthy, his-opposition to tbe ocratl� maJority for end-the­ Supreme Court nomination war reilolutrons� He shocked iOf Clement F.. Haynswor:th bis Te� 'aerospace constit- and G. Harrold Carswell uents by opposing the super­ ;and a vote against the sonic transport (SST). and school prayer amendment generally scattered his votes ,iin·each instance, Texas vot· in a way that defied easy ers were asked: Did Ralph categories. · (Yarborough represent you? "A lotof Democrats really _. In contrast to the free-for- want to win in 1976," B.,ent­ �all with Yarborough, Bent· sen said the other day, �an�: . tsen's general eleCtion cam- they realize-lwe can't fwi:n;. '""'-"·-·�re!i!)oriSe '"paign without center tl' •• 5 . �, S• Y Joyci M:; �ntsen is called a different breed o( ----"-· r care�tj.st n.ow tb� ee ��4:�, . �· �����ll��·r:� ; generation ago when.�he-!w!ls"' .'·' li. .:: . • · · re- · ..in the House. Pittsburgh. loeal . · of Some His goal w.a11;not disguised porters figured; Bentsenwas he'd• done to_. '.last November when some· anxious · not tO. off�nd bis . He's._just a .... .,_ ..._ '- . � 1,600. people . sat do\V#: ;in . '.host;-'" Alie'gben.Y·>{�owit)r-; {. �iie.'·s .... �Houston for "An' Evenilig Commissionq , L e on a r ct· negattve ,,;;:.;..,..,_:.::t� . ·with the Bentsens" The vis- StaJ.sey. a local Democratic has plainly been �ers were. ·.sens. powerhouse who lias no lik- · by biS year of. ���- Humphrey and ing for F1aherty;; aut Bent- ' and tentative �<. : _ , . a. '• e 1 E. Talmadge and sen..said later it W(t.S iust . ar . •u•,u··•·"'-"�"" .. '.. · . a-head �uests-in- "slip-up" on his part. _IJUljOr_ ,.,. · �'Texas•· oil, construe- The advance man and -- a bigger Staff f . _· · �: j�g and insurance chief promoter of Bentsen's · ms. .. ·��;,.W,usa scattering of la- presidential quest is Ben Pa- : • He will not �bor·l �ers. and such old- lumbo, a brassy but effec- .. formal decision -�tlin· as e poll. tical names Abe tive 36-year-old New Jersey nextyear, and a WtlR.,llmte , ��-Thomas G. Corcoran pol, recruited'from the staff - soclate says, UitY;��an ShiverS-gave of Sen: Harrison 'it. Wil- ·run _ if he thinks �Ben·Sifu· a $375,000 political liams Jr. (I)-N.J.). diculous." The �kittl�'fttr 1974, the· biggest of But · backstage at Bent- romplicated by the semi-declared sen's Senate office is a real his own S e nate �D�m.oeratic aspirants. Texas operator, Loyd Hack· up for brabs in most of the others ler, who was a staff assist- most of his Texas .. Democratic swarm, ant in LBJ's White House think he can win the f<Bientse·n's big job this year and has a well-earned repu- nomination in Mayo, ly been to get his tation as one of the coolest year, even if .aC'tiV.!eb' :: · political inteltiiences on competing Capitol Hill. i And. tmc,k Austin th.ere's''�obnson's � a::: � -QO -J a::: � a::: 5 >- � u ~ I 6 - 5 !- / 9c / -- (j lj I �� t'1/W I .. - WASHJNGTON Wed: Nov. 21,173 .., POST ._<- -- •• ' . � • . !.��. • . � . I ;.;.. ..,.f ��: - { � � _-,:. ... ·-· , - -r -. �-- - �- '0 '!..,. ..:.� �-) ·-. - --- •-..:.-. -� -- .. ·r.;;.*':'"''�O: J'<"".'l:.'\: ·-.. � Bentsefi�jjL� \ Pia� '76 . SotmdingtJ United Press International ' Sen. Lloyd M. Bentsen ·Jr. (D-Tex.) said yesterday he plans to test the political waters during the next year to . - see if it is feasible for him 'to ·-/· � seek the Democratic presiden: .t.t§!:no.�iiiattot].,..in; 1:�·.���r Ask�d- 4 on •' the NBC· TV "Today Show" about ·whether . he would seek the presidency, Bentsen said he planne� to spend the next year campaign­ ing f o r Democratic senators and helping them .- to raise money. : · ·�hen at the end of the 'year we'll see how we've done� and' then decide whether it is· a re­ alistic thing or not to do," he said.. "! know the place where a ma.n· can do the most for his country is right down at. the. Whit!! House . ·. so we'lllook at it ·then and decide what should be done." Bentsen said he had· no · in­ . terest in being a candidate for 1 Vice President .. Sen. Lloyd M. Bentsen and his wife, Beryl; after the -Texas Democrat announced his candidacy for President. ·-: ·.,,. ., ' � · .. r-->. ,..JI_. By DavidS� national" campaign including a 'repre. ing jobs"-a reference to his 16-year . Washm.gton Post Staff W!'1ter . sentative number of primaries."· but business career in-. Houston, sandwiched said he would also file for re-election Sen. Lloyd _JL Bentsen Jr., a million­ between three terms in the House ami to the Senate in Texas. aire. yesterday became the fifth Demo· a return to politics in the 1970 Senate The most conservati\·e of the declar'!d crat to announce his presidential nom­ race. Democratic conten ders by mo>st yard­ ination. Faulting the Ford administration as . sticks. Bentsen declared that "the para­ having ··bounce d from crisis to crisis," . __, In a formal declaration and press mount rssue is economic recovery, and the tall. gray-haired senator said. bis ·:-. conference in the traditional setting of that· means jobs." own "blend of private and public ·ollf.-.- the Senate Office Building · caucus He said he was the only_ one in the· room, Bentsen pledged an "energetic, field ''who has the experience of crea- See BENTSEN, AS, Col. 1 :·it..:�,..'<�i �?� •. ,:.�·�- .• , � \' I t;?:. .l•'• r-:'\t� I L . \;·���� - � ��;,; ;j: � ':PI- � l ' '� - ,. -� ,. ·? f�_ - t�t��� : ��S:\ "·..: ·-:: ..:·· ------...-.;_�,.,._l_.,��-��---;.;.J:tJ·-c. �;::��·(:·��� . �-:-� .!-,._ -\ S� t �-:·:f -�-. .. '�'-- - i . on and non Y bor in ; ooks, Washingt -. Ralph ar ough an ex· l n : Nashington viewpoi ts, and ceptionally bitter primary, and : egislative as well as adminis- then went on to defeat Repub­ is what is ,: .rative experience, lican George Bush, now «¢-' lead- : ·equired of the nation's . voy to China, in the ge�u��:�:�.l �r.ship in the last half of this 'John i election. Then-Gov.. .. - urbulent decade." "" :: a ���If:. has C�ll! �gn- �on!lallY'�� l Bentsen q�y � "· as a of �Jien�e� m·· both.races. :t ng an Wld'eclilred c n_dl:. } I an a·�e�, u BentSen's .. · f(lrtiLID4!.ol �, ate foi;. mo�;� s"·:. ,Personal ng h's·position as chall'man of was estimated at $2.3 million Senat�i�l e Senate :he Democratic. wh n he came to the . have . :S.mpaign Commtttee to viSit He said his holdings n e e 1 nore tha 30 stat s. He said been in a blind trust sinc �· 1e had found "strong suppor· t h en but he voluittee'red : .... in all the major states," bu� make his · tax . ... most of c, "'''""!l .Jqi;C.;;tJ��':, .. !clmowledged. · that.. : nore than tl min'lon he � sin� OctOber of 19'73 e t ·aised.
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