(EIGHTEEN PAf^ES) PRICE THREE d i m VOL. Lin., NO. 165. (ClaasISM Adv«rttBti)g on Face 18.)^ MANCHESTER, CONN., FlffipAY, A3?HIL 13j 1S34. CONGRESSMEN GREET SAYS EXPOSURE L Beloved Bishop Passes Away CAUSED DEATH BISHOP NILAN IS ROOSEVELT’ S RETURN O F E V ^ E R T PREUTE FOR 24 by Marine Band OVER 3,000 STRIKE Medical Exammer Dees Not Head of Counecticut Diocese Passes Away at S t Fraucis About 200 Members Wel­ DILUNGER RAIDS IN DETROIT PLANTS Place Any ConnectioD Be­ Hospkal at 3:30 This Afteruoon— Had Beeu Long 01 come Cbief Execotiye tween Can of Ether fnd POLICE STATION and in Critical Condition for Weeks— His Caremr. Back to Washington — Toolimd Die Workers Walk Missing Man’s Death. Shg3 Poficeman, Steals Re­ Makes a Hnmorons Out— Fear Other Depart­ The Right Reverend John J. and toe Reverend Daniel F. Feshan, Nilan, Bishop of the Catholic bishop of FaU River. The sermon Death from cold and exposure was volvers and Bullet Proof Diocese of Hartford, died at was by the Rt. Reverend Monsignor Address. ments Win FoDow. the verdict o f M sdlcal BSxanrtner W . Ml'’Hp^ J. Lavelle, then of St. R. Tinker after be had exasdned-tiie St. Francis hospital, Hartfor^ ’t. -tok’s cathedral, New York. body of Erwin V, Gilbert, formerly Escapes. at 3:30 this afternoon. _______ Was geventh Bishop Washington, April 18.—(AP)— Detroit, April 18.—(AP).-De- of 6 Avon street, in the receiving _. r ! Father Nilan was the seventh The Most Reverend John J. Nilan ^ Hartford. Bishop Tyler, Prasldent Roosevelt was welcomed troit's tool and die Industry strike, vault at East cemetery this morn­ Warsaw, tod., April 18.—(AP)— came to the See of Hartford from the first, was vicar genei^ of the back from his Florida vacation co> affecting between 2,600 and 4,000 ing. A Identiflea as John DilUnger St John’s parish in Amesbury, Boston diocese when appointed. The day by some 200 members of Con­ Gilbert’s body was turned over to men is on. lea a machine-gun raid on the War­ Mass., where he had been the belov­ second was Bishop O’Reilly, who gress. Workers ratified strike plans last T. P. Holloran, local imdertaker, had been vicar general of the Buf­ who wlU prepare it for shipment to saw pellcs statloD today, slugged a ed rector tor 17 years. His pastoral *1 can't be truthful and say 1 night. Picketing started at mid­ falo; toe third, Bishop McFarland, SsFracuse, N. Y., this evening. Burial policeman, stole four bullet proof duties bad been those of a cuuntry was a priest at Utica, N. Y.; toe am glad to get back. I'm sorry,” he night when the Automotive Tool and Die Manufacturers Association, be In Maple Grove cemetery in vests snd two revolvers and got parish to a typical New England fourth, Bishop Galberry, superior of Jordan, N. Y., a few miles west of told them jocularly when cheering an organization of job shop opiera- manufacturing community, tatoer the Augusttolan Order of toe United Syracuse, where Gir '*1’b parents aw ay. subsided. tors, refused the workers' demand then those of a large city. In bis States and president of Villa Nova reside. Jud Pittinger, toe slugged police­ "While I've had a wonderful time foi a 20 per cent pay boost and a section population increased and College; the fifth, was Bishop Mc­ Bottle Oonteloed Liquor man, said be was "quite positive” 1 gather that both Houses of Con- 86-bour week. dimlnisn^ with toe flow of demand Mahon and the sixth. Bishop Tier­ that one ot the two raiders was the ney. Bishop O'Reilly was loat at ess have also had a wonderful The strike does not affect these Dr, Tinker expressed the opinion tor factory products. His church todiona “wooden gun” desperado. sea to 1866 when toe steamer Pad- as.” tool and die workers employed la that an empty “graduate" bottle, membership bad included more than E found near the body in a swampy He recognized the other from pho­ 1,200 French speaking persons, who fle went down with all on board. Laughter greeted his sallies. The the automotive industry proper, but tographs as Homer Vun Meter, pa­ only those in the job plants. stretch of ground surrounded by Just before Father Nilan was ele­ He had visited his aged parents in Congressional delegation, led by underbrush and scrub birches half a roled thdlana convict and a member vated to a bishopric, were set off in Ireland and was returning home. Vice President Gamer and Speaker In a few cases job plants which of Dilllnger's original gang of ban­ negotiated separate agreements mile west of Lofvo Lace, bad con­ their own parish. Father Nilan Bishop Nilan, by reason of the Rainey, bao marched ovfr to Union tained alcobolio liquor. He declined, dits. himself was fluent with toe French accumulation of diocesan work, whs statioB from the Capitol behind- the with theit employes also were ex- pected . however, to explain the reason for The raid, the third such for a tongue and toe Canadian patios. brought Into close contact with ail Marine band. Matml music echo- the oan of stbsr and small Turkish year in small Indiana towns credit­ Amesbury Is 42 miles from iSoston the clergy and toe leading laymen. ad The strike was 'lalled by the Me­ chanics Educational Society of towel also discovered by Police ed to Dilllnger’s mob, put police and and its population to 1910 was Friendships so early made were Lieutenant William Barron at tbs When the presidential train ar­ America, the tool and die workers bank officials on edge. Similar raids about 8,800. strengthened as toe years want by. rived Mrs. Roosevelt, accompanied scene of Gilbert's death. That the at Auburn and Peru lost October Duties never lessened. The dioceee union which claims 22,000 members former metallurgist for the Colt’s Appointed In 1910 fay her daughter, Mrs. Anna Dali, In the D etroit area. preceded bonk robberies at bad an amazing growth imdar Us her daughter-in-law, Mrs. James Patent Firearms company wandered The Right Reverend John J. Nflan costls and East Chicago, Indiana, The appointment of Bishop Nilan, administration.' When Bishop Nilan Has bfiOO Members away and met death from sold and first made knoum through an Asso­ Roosevelt, and her son, Elliott, im­ General Secretary Matthew J. Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hartford and RocliiS, Wls. observed on December 21, 1928, the mediately want aboard, exposure, was the opinion of the Pittinger sold the two criminals ciated Press cable message from golden anniversary of bis ordina­ flillth claims the society has five madieal examiner. Ptome on February 16, 1910, came A few minutes later the official thglisand tool and die workers in bit him on toe bead m on alley near tion to toe priesthood, a review *1 Gilbert’s body was badly decom­ as a surprise to the clergy and laity Senate and House committees went ^ job shops b*it not all of these toe station. At machine-gun point, showed toe diocese had 602,000 posed from exposure to tbs weather of the Hartford diocese. As rector late the President's oar. ar» mcluded in che walkout. they forced him to walk to the sta­ communicants, 227 parishes with Shoots and Applause during the four months that it has tion, on the secooo floor of tbs fire at Amesbury he vras almost un- resident pastors sad, 46 mission Police said thi, morning there bean in the woods. Hie face Was FLOOD WARNHiG ISSUED knoMrn in southern New England. The CongreasleDal contingent out­ house, and opened toe ease in which chapels. There were 429 secular bad been no violence as picketing not rsoognixabie. His elevation to toe Episcopacy was side shoutM* -and applauded when started. the arms were kept. prleets and 77 priests of religious the President later emerg^ on the IresHife MsuMflBil lBi thought at toe time by many to orders. Industrial circles appeared much Podtlve IdsoUfloatloD igM mads While they were choosing the have been toe personal desire of arm of uls son, James, The band jess concernec today over Uie tool IN NEW ENGUND AREA vests, be said, be brake away and 666 Priests In INoeese by Lieutenant Barron, wlm found in Archbishop, now William Cardinal played Hall to the Chief,” and die shop strike than a general ran. The two pursued lilm tor a The latest dlocesean statjsties Just aftc that the President said one of the pod^te Gilbert’s driving O’Connell. under-current yt unrest in the license and other papers bearinlg his short distance, but todn returned to But Bishop Nilan In those days covering changes since 1928, as he was "very glad to see you all” ranks of labor in che heart of the their black sedan and roared out of glvqn by toe chancery, arc: eon* and thwked the members of Con- name and addrsM. A gold watch was pet a stranger to Connecticut. I motor industry. Wiflooild Rher ii Vomoot CHURCHMEN PLAN town. He bad been a close friend of Bishop munlcants 606.898; priests fiMf Sreas fpr coming to welcome him. New devei^nnents included the parochial/'pehoels lOl: with 4lS,i7$ Continuing, be said he expected (O o m im m i m Tw a.) There seamed no doubt In Plttln- Michael Tierney, his predecessor, direct demend to manufacturers 1^ s mind that ttte leader o| the Mrs. Jeremiah H, Coffey, then of pupils; ~^qrchear269, of wUob 286 to get publicity on the tih he Pontiac locals asking a 80-bour, 6- On « Bmpge— have teiUUpt pastors, caught off the coast of Florida out its wa« toe notorious outlaw Putnam etreet, Hartford, wae a sis­ day week with a mlnitoum wags of EUROPEAN TRIP ter, When toe Cofftys observed 'WitiJe Ntlaa UOf libt'a^ there had been too much competi­ <woo<liD giffl” eacape from 90 cents tot uaskllled -labor: tbMr sUt w ' wedding anniversary in tively taken part to toany dvlo Un­ tion because "you people have b m toa escape vroel Crown i>)lut, Ind, 1896, Father Nilan, then a parish dertakings, he was constantly rep­ ' going from Wirt to w lrt,” This bIk jail March 8, hntoSad toe country.
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