Appl. Entomol. Zoo!. 39 (3): 417-425 (2004) http://odokon.ac.affrc.go.jp/ Biological studies on three Micromus species in Japan (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) to evaluate their potential as biological control agents against aphids: 1. Thermal effects on development and reproduction Takahiko SATO* and Hajimu TAKADA Laboratory of Applied Entomology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University; Kyoto 606-8522, Japan (Received 13 January 2004; Accepted 9 March 2004) Abstract We investigated the developmental period, survival rates during the larval and pupal stages, adult longevity, and fecun­ dity of Micromus numerosus, M. angulatus and M. linearis at five constant temperature conditions (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30°C), under a 15L-9D photoregime with Aphis craccivora as prey. The lower thermal thresholds and thermal con­ stants for total development were estimated, respectively, at 7.7°C and 343 degree-days (DD) forM. numerosus, 9.0°C and 297 DD forM. angulatus, and 5.2°C and 447 DD forM. linearis. M. linearis eggs did not hatch at 30°C. At 20°C, the mean total number of eggs laid by a female was 544 in M. numerosus, 399 in M. angulatus, and 614 in M. linearis. The mean longevity of female adult in days was 55 in M. numerosus, 46 in M. angulatus, and 46 in M. linearis. From these results, we evaluated suitable temperature ranges as approximately 20°C forM. numerosus, 15-25°C forM. an­ gulatus, and 10-25°C forM. linearis. Key words: Brown lacewing; Micromus; development; reproduction; temperature as biological control agents for pest aphids in Eu­ INTRODUCTION rope (van Lenteren et al., 1997). In 2001, C. Brown lacewings (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) carnea was registered as a pesticide for pest aphids feed on small soft-bodied arthropods, such as in Japan. However, no hemerobiids have been used aphids, scale insects, spider mites and so on (New, in inoculation and inundation biological control 1975). Thus, brown lacewings have been used as (Eilenberg et al., 2001), so far as we are aware. natural enemies of these pests in classical biologi­ Among the Hemerobiidae, Micromus and Hemero­ cal control (Eilenberg et al., 2001 ). Micromus bius species appear promising as biological control timidus Hagen was introduced from Australia to agents against pest aphids, because of their wide the Hawaiian Islands in 1919 for control of various range of prey and habitat (New, 1988). aphids, particularly on sugar cane and corn plants M. numerosus Navas, M. angulatus (Stephens), (Williams, 1927). Brown lacewings were released and M. linearis (Hagen) are common species in and later recovered in the field. Hemerobius nitidu­ Japan. M. numerosus was recorded from Japan and lus Fabricius and H. stigma Stephens were intro­ China (Monserrat, 1993). Nakahara (1954) exam­ duced from Europe to Canada as biological control ined its development under natural conditions, and agents against the balsam woolly aphid, Adelges Kawashima (1958) reported its life history. M. nu­ piceae (Ratzeburg), during the 1930s (Smith and merosus larvae feed on the brown citrus aphid, Tox­ Cappel, 1957). However, neither species was re­ optera citricidus (Kirkaldy), mainly in citrus covered (Garland, 1978), possibly because they did groves (Nakao, 1962). M. angulatus is widely dis­ not adapt to the climate of Canada. tributed in the Holarctic region (Monserrat, 1993). In another neuropteran family, Chrysopidae, The development and fecundity of the European Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) and C. rufilabris populations of this species have been investigated (Burmeister) have already been used commercially (Miermont and Canard, 1975; Honek and Ko- *To whom correspondence should be addressed at: E-mail: [email protected] DOI: 10.1303/aez.2004.417 417 -----------------------------------~~~~~======~ • 418 T. SATO and H. T AKADA courek, 1988; Stelzl and Hassan, 1992). M. linearis method. We calculated the lower thermal threshold, is widely distributed from Sri Lanka to Japan t, and thermal constant, K, for the development (Monserrat, 1993), and it is a predator of T. citri­ from oviposition to adult emergence. The former cidus in Japanese citrus groves (Nakao, 1962). was estimated by extrapolating the regression lines In the present study, we investigated the develop­ through the x axis (temperature). The latter was de­ ment, survival rate, adult longevity, and fecundity rived from a reciprocal of the slope of the regres­ of M. numerosus, M. angulatus, and M. linearis sion line. under a long-day condition at five constant temper­ Reproduction. A conspecific pair of newly atures ranging from 10 to 30°C and evaluated their emerged adults that had been reared under the potential as biological control agents against pest same temperature and photoperiodic conditions aphids in inoculation and inundation biological was placed in a plastic cup with abundant A. crac­ control. civora on a leaf of V. faba, a piece of cotton (3 X 5 em), and a piece of moist cotton ball. Each pair was reared under the same conditions as in the MATERIALS AND METHODS immature stages, and the number of eggs laid was Stock culture. The laboratory cultures of M. nu­ recorded daily until death of the female. If neces­ merosus and M. angulatus were each established sary, aphids were added to the cup, and the cotton from one female adult that was collected at the Shi­ was changed daily during the oviposition period. mogamo Branch of the University Farm of Kyoto Statistical analysis. Tukey-type multiple com­ Prefectural University, Shimogamo, Kyoto in May parison test (Zar, 1999) was conducted for compar­ 1996. A laboratory culture of M. linearis was es­ ing the survival rates and sex ratios between the tablished from two female adults that were col­ five temperatures. In other experiments, the lected on cucumber plants in a plastic greenhouse Kruskal-Wallis test was first conducted to test for in Kamigamo, Kyoto, in May and June 1997. The differences in the data among temperature treat­ three stock cultures were kept in plastic cages ments and among species. When a significant dif­ (20X20X30cm) at 18°C under a 15h light: 9h ference (p<0.05) was detected by the test, a com­ dark (15L-9D) photoregime. The cowpea aphid, parison between temperatures or between species Aphis craccivora Koch, on broad bean, Vicia faba in each combination was performed using Mann­ L. var. minor, was provided as prey for the stock Whitney's U-test by the Bonferroni method. cultures of the three Micromus species. As females prefer to lay eggs on cotton (Sato, T., unpublished RESULTS data), a piece of cotton (5X8 em) was attached to the ceiling as an oviposition substrate, and was Development changed every 24 h. The larval period consisted of three stadia in all Development. Eggs laid on the cotton in the three Micromus species. The pupa emerged form stock culture within 24 h were placed in a plastic the cocoon after cutting its way out with its cup (5.5 em diam., 3 em high) kept at a constant mandibles and then transformed to an adult. temperature of 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30°C, under a Table 1 shows the mean duration of each devel­ 15L-9D photoregime. Just after hatching, larvae opmental stage at each temperature. The total de­ were individually placed in separate plastic cups velopmental period of all three species increased with abundant A. craccivora on a leaf of V. faba with decreasing temperature within the tempera­ and a piece of moist cotton ball. They were ob­ ture range tested. The free-living larval period was served daily and their developmental stage and sur­ approximately one third of the total developmental vival were recorded. period (from oviposition to adult emergence) in The influence of temperature on development each species at all five temperatures. was expressed by regressing the reciprocals of the The lower thermal thresholds and thermal con­ number of days for development (developmental stants for total development of the brown rates) of the various stages against temperature and lacewings were estimated respectively, at 7. 7°C calculating the regression coefficients. Linear re­ and 343 degree-days (DD) for M. numerosus, gression lines were generated by the least-squares 9.0°C and 297 DD forM. angulatus, and 5.2°C and • Table 1. Mean (±SD) developmental period (days) of three Micromus species at different temperatures under a 15L-9D photoregime. Number of individuals are shown in parentheses. Species From hatching to cocoon formation From cocoon formation to adult emergence From Temperature Egg oviposition to ti eq First stadium Second studium Third studium Total Prepupa Pupa Total adult emergence ~ ('J) 0 "0 M. numerosus s ('J) 10 24.1 ::':: 1.0 (11) a - 35.1 ::'::5.2 (11) a 16.0::':: 1.6 (5) a a 15 9.8::'::1.4 (60) b 5.8::'::1.6 (51) a 5.6::':: 1.2 (43) a 5.9::'::2.3 (41) a 17.3::'::4.1 (41) b 8.6::':: 1.2 (28) b 16.2::'::1.7 (21) a 25.0::'::2.0 (21) a 49.4::'::3.1 (21) a ::l "'0.. 20 5.8::'::0.4 (51) c 3.1::'::0.3(43)b 2.4::':: 1.1 (40) b 2.9::'::0.6 (40) b 8.3::':: 1.3 (40) c 4.8::':: 1.0 (37) c 8.1 ::'::0.6 (35) b 12.9::':: 1.3 (35) b 26.9::'::2.4 (35) b 1;;' 25 4.0::'::0 (42) d 2.3::'::0.5 (26) c 1.7::'::0.7 (21) c 2.6::':: 1.0 (18) be 6.6::'::1.1 (18)d 3.1 ::'::0.3 (12) d 5.8::'::0.4 (10) c 8.9::'::0.3 (10) c 19.2::'::0.8 (10) c "0 0 30 3.0::'::0 (20) e 1.4::'::0.5 (17) d 1.2::'::0.4 (14) c 2.2::'::0.4 (9) c 4.8::'::0.7 (9) e 2.8::'::0.4 (5) d 5.0::'::0 (3) c 8.0::'::0 (3) c 15.7::'::0.6 (3) c 0.."' $:::= M.
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