rlellteerl11g~ $ EqUlpment@ che 1Rlsh oracnccec www.compasspoint-online.co.uk No. 108 Autumn 2004 €1.90 ... ", ... > J. ~ . , . ..v 4II1Ic~ C l. ~la, i~(ff P:'O:n'~ltT~Ot:· ;';:iv C<:Il::of MciP(Hft: D:~~~:Nc::~1H .-£i{ 11:';' B-?!t \-;,':~cJf't MlGI\,sBO rJ.'!i cfub (',;Oti:i?1:j :~t:1"", ftOf!': ~~ '1f. ~:n's:...i~ 41:)(rtltl t,:? f.;~ Pur-ell"" r'·", J\ (i!' f> I..m;; N 611 t.f~6.nO 1 Exceptional Mail Order Service Order by phone, fax ',\,"ilno Mk>w .:,14 (.I() or Online High Street Shop 6 uN! uix,v~ SQ,D OU r Event Shop !,;") ~/"j hOilltlW SOLOOt'r Web St)OP Visit our Web Site special offers dept Great deals on Shoes Compasses . ~ ,'1" ',,? C'-.Iclthml<'"" , :::::::.._....-- tIm'::.t 'r.¢>:n\1;~,,"".,) ...,~dl (: •>~''';. ) .xanda thermals ~...~ I '$1 !h.u"~'; ,op 'W f, I ;y) K~00 SG. 6 Md 1I1x;vn SOl () Qt, r ;;r-E<::TI1P-~W;NIFI::H S'.· /l1lt1 ~lO·.v SOl.tll)LI'Y lH·ilfi ;::/,1.00 ,.~.{.\r· ~,~~~r.. ,.,:ff~j,.'>, J<~. l/~. ~ ~f.'. \;., ./; ~... <;. /( e.COMS! 19~.~cl:p (1.:UnpJ1.hl ~NO;:;LH oNO~SPECTf1P l:; !$Ji;I fi ,f.";' SPi'. C' ,1t, 1 (G.OD !:!r!.~C f~~5.;1(; r'..t:~.f;O i:~i~.~;O lH:flH r'm Of! , , ,:~f>~~:;~'':':-'~:~~r;~~"W>J •,... ",""/-#'tff '_...... _A_ ..., /:JL_,~o ""'v~ , ,,, •.• 1""~_"~ 51.. VA Ifle V U~,~ ~"'VV .: " .••....J, ....""'",,,_'f r- . ,.,,, :...':.~~;...' ,hmiO'~~;.~:"~~~~;;;~";"'. ~e (,1M:(r(ec~~?£~~!1$.a.A @ 10 M~rk€>l SqW:tf(\ I L1Ih(~m, ass w~ t l(lJ'tCS FYfl5!..W Tel f)1~S3 79559': www .orieflteeril1g~()iiline.(O~uk !::a~01253 75::)t.€iG THE IRISH ORIENTEER ADDRESS LIST AJAX ORIENTEERS Peter Kernan, 29 Willowbank Park, Rathfarnham, DublinI4.(kemanpeter@,eircom. oracnccec net) che lRlsh ATHLONE IT ORIENTEERS Nigel Foley-Fisher, AIT, Dublin Rd., Athlone. Co. Westmeath (0902-24465) BISHOPSTOWN OC Sean Cotter, 45 Rossbrook, Model Farm Rd, Cork, (021-4546194) No. 108 Autumn 2004 BLACKWATER VALLEY OC Ellen Feehan. Scarteen Lower, Newmarl<et. Co. Corl< (029-60385) COMMUNITY GAMES ORIENTEERS Ted Lucey. Kilpadder. Dromahane. Mallow. Co.Corl< (022-47300) The Irish Ortenteer Is avail- CIT ORIENTEERS Padraig Finnegan. Sports Office, Cork Inst. of Technology. Rossa Ave .• Cork. CORK ORIENTEERS Rick Austin, Gurteenroe. Macroom, Co. Cork (026-42095) able from all Irish ortenteer- Season Open CURRAGH-NAAS ORIENTEERS Ruth Lyman, Baltyboys, Blessington, Co.Wlcklow Jng dubs or by direct sub- ow many of the Irish soccer team can you name? DEFENCE FORCES ORIENTEERS Comdt. Brendan Delaney, Infantry School. Military College, scription from, the Editor: H How about the Irish Rugby team? The All-Ireland Curragh Oamp, Co. Kildare. John McCullough. 9 Arran football or hurling champions? These are household DUBLIN UNIVERSITY ORIENTEERS The Secretary. DU Orienteers, House 27, TCD, Dublin 2.; Road, Dublin 9 names. How many of the Irish orienteering team can you FERMANAGH ORIENTEERS Mary Campbell. 5 Knocknamoe Bungalows, Omagh, Co. Tyrone (048- e-mail 82246818) name? Our team were competing in the World Orienteer- Johnmccullough@bigfoot. FINGAL ORIENTEERS Tom Burl<e, 2 Sycamore Ave.. Beaufort Place, Navan, Co. Meath (046-74711) ing Championships in Sweden in September, bur can you GALWAYIMAYO IT ORIENTEERS The Secretary. P.E. Dept.. GMIT, Dublin Road. Galway com GREAT EASTERN NAVIGATORS Nora Lalor. 6 Knockslnna Grove, Foxrock, Dublin 18 (01-2893497) name them? KERRY ORIENTEERS Aory Costello. 14 Manor Court. Tralee, Co. Kerry. (066-25532) Annual subscription costs Congratulations [Q Andrew Quin, Steven and Violet Lin- L.AGAN VALLEY ORIENTEERS Stephen Gilmore. 41 Drumlough Road. Hillsborough, Co. Down. BT26 €9.50 for 6.issues. ton, Marcus Pinker, Neil Dobbs, Colrn O'Halloran, Toni 6PX (048,92683812). O'Donovan and Ailbhe Creedon. This must be the first LEE ORIENTEERS Clare Nuttall, 4 Upr. Panorama Tce .. Sunday's Well, Carl< (021-4300373) MIDLAND NAVIGATORS Barbara Foley-Fisher, Holly Cottage, Glasson, Athlolle, Co. Westmeath (0902- Cover: 3ROC's Eoln Dunne time we have had a husband and wife together on the 85306) plans his route at the GEN team. Steven has been on the learn a number of Limes NORTH WEST OC Chartes Reid, 55 Brentwood Parl<, Bellast, BT5 7LO, (04890-666072) Norwegian map-memory before, but it's Violet's first outing at WOe. NUIGO The Secretary. clo Students' Union, NUl, Galway ([email protected]) event at Bamaslingan. Co. The World Championships now take place every year OK DCU Dublin City University. David Healy (david.healy90mall.dcu.ie) Dublin on September 26th and have short, middle distance and classic distance SETANTA ORIENTEERS Hazel Thompson. 2 Orwell Mews, Rathgar, Dublin 6; InfoOsetantaorienteers. (JMcC) org races, plus a relay, so there's plenty of variety for the SLIGO ORIENTEERING CLUB Joe Bannon, Corrigeenroe, Boyle. Co. Roscommon (086-8305335) team. Well done, all of you: maybe this is one step closer THREE ROCK OC Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters. Terenure, Dublin 6W (01-4908237) NEXT COPY DATE UCC ORIENTEERS The Secretary. PE Office. UCC, College Road, Cork. 30111 November 2004 to your all becoming household names. UCD ORIENTEERS Box 64. Student Centre, UCD. Belfield. Dublin 4 ([email protected]) UL ORIENTEERS Ed Niland. clo Clubs Officer. ULSU. University of Limerick ([email protected]) CONTENTS This time of year sees the start of a new season: there are WATERFORD ORIENTEERS Andrew Cox. Newtown School. Newtown. Wateriord Club contacts 2 (wat020wateriordireland.com) plenty of events leading up to a fascinating Irish Cham- WESTERN EAGLES - GALWAY ORIENTEERS Frank Ryan. St. Mary's, Balllnfoyle. Galway (091- News 4 pionships in May on Inishbofln, via the Northern Ireland 753829). WMOC Report 16 Championships in ToUymore, the Munster Champs on IRISH O-ASSOCIATION Dave Weston. 49 Ashlawn, Balllnteer. Dublin 16 (01-2960854) Fixtures 18 the dunes of Castlegregory and the Leinsters in a new IRISH ORIENTEERING JUNIORS Nianh Lalor ([email protected]) NORTHERN IRELAND OA Raymond Finlay. Gortatole OEC. Florencecourt, Co. Fermanagh BT92 1ED area in Co. Louth. Inisbofin sounds far-fetched , but it (048·66348888) Printed by Denton Print. will be a unique occasion. Doubtless everyone will CONNACHT OA Padralg Higgins, 24 Alverno Ave, Willow Parl<.Athlone, Co. Westmeath. watch the weather forecast with extra interest that week. LEINSTER OA Vera Murtagh, 19 The Cloisters, Terenure. Dublin 6W (01-4908237) Dundrum, Dublin 14. though, the date clashes with World Cup MUNSTER OA John Muckian, 13 Elmvale Close, Wilton, Cork (021·4343348) Unfonunatcly, IRISH·O STUDENTS ASSOCIATION Susan Healy, 11 Belmont Grove. Blackrock, Co. Dublin (01· Results and articles are races in the UK so we will be without some of our best 2885798) particularly welcome on orienteers, BRITISH O·FEDERATION Riversdale, Dale Road North. Darley Dale, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 2H(0044· disk or bye-maIl with a 1629·734042. FAX 0044-1629-733769). www.brilishorienteering.org.uk printed version as back up. INTERNATIONAL O·FEDERATION Radiokatu 20, FI'00093 SLU. Finland (00358·40585 3801. fax 00358- How about a new season resolution to try orienteering 93481 3113); www.orienteering.org Please keep the formatting somewhere new in the next twelve months? A different strnplet No responsibility is part of Ireland, or the .(K in England at Easter, the Scot- Club and other orienteering websites are accessible from the Irish Orienteering Association web- accepted for errors or onus- tish 6·Day or one of the many multi-day events on the site, www.orienteering.ie slons, or their conse- quences. continent? These can easily be combined with a family Remember, for round the clock orienteering information on lOA events ring 1890·923490 and for holiday (well, "easily" is relativel) as I have found in NIOA events ring 0044-07020·963986 or check the lOA web page at www.orienteering.ie or the ISSN 0790-1194 Italy. France and Denmark in recent years. Enjoy your NIOA page at www.niorienteering.org.uk. orienteering! 2 The Irish Orienleer The lrish Orienteer 3 1h Monday 13 - Medium Distance qualifica- possible qualification in the medium race WOC2004 REPORT tion race: Marcus Pinker came agonisingly tomorrow. The remaining athlete, Colm close to qualifying for the final in the Me- o'Halloran, appears to have made liule in Despite some very good runs, none of me dium distance, tinishing in 16th place with the way of mistakes, which, judging by his Irish team at the World Championships 15 to quaJify. Marcus finished the 4.73 km finishing time, seems 10 indicate he should quaJitied for the A finals. Marcus Pinker course in 33.12, leaving him within 1 min 30 be relegated 10 Zimmer frame orienteer- came closest, finishing one place too low in seconds of qualification. ing. ". the middle distance race. In the other heats, Colm was th .... ~ 27 , Violel 241h, Neil and Ail- Men beat A4730 m Unlike some other races with bhe did nOIfinish . I Valentin Novikov Russia 26: 17.6 qualifying rounds, there arc no B ~ In the tongue-in-cheek words or 15 Darnien Renard France 31:42.1 or Consolation finals in the the "team journalist", reporting 16 Marcus Pinker Ireland 33:12.4 • NWOC's Allan Bogle was at the World WorldChampionships, though (somewhat controversially, a~ it Championships 100. unsuccessful competitors can run .~ turned out) to the Irish orien- Men B heal 4670 m in the public races associated with teering c-groups, "Irish cham- I Thierry Gueorgiou France 25:54.0 the competition. In the relays, pion Andrew Quin came closest 29 Stephen Linton Ireland 42:36.4 3 Manka Mikkola Finland 83:51.6 Ireland finished 22"d, ahead of ~ "IJ (0 qualifying, running a COIll- Middle Distance teams from Canada, USA, Hun- WOC2004 pact and few race, but unfortu- Men C heat,4740 m Men Final 6300 m gary, Japan, Spain, Portugal, New nately a recent ankle injury and I Holger Hott Johansen Norway 25:56.6 1 Thierry GueorglouFrance 32:45.9 Zealand and South Africa, among Orun:NTtfJUNG a pervasive Swedish virus left 21 Nell Dobbs Ireland 41 :03.2 2 Valentin Novikov Russia 33:07.1 3 Anders Nordberg Norway 33:12.3 others.
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