Correspondence ISSN 2336-9744 The journal is available on line at www.ecol-mne.com Contribution to the knowledge of the door-snail (Gastropoda: Clausiliidae) fauna of Georgia ZOLTÁN FEHÉR1,2, MIKLÓS SZEKERES3 and BARNA PÁLL-GERGELY4 13rd Zoological Department, Natural History Museum, Vienna, Burgring 7, A-1010, Vienna, Austria. E-mail: [email protected] 2Department of Zoology, Hungarian Natural History Museum, H-1083, Baross utca 13, Budapest, Hungary 3Institute of Plant Biology, Biological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Temesvári krt. 62, H- 6726, Szeged, Hungary. E-mail: [email protected] 4Department of Biology, Shinshu University, Matsumoto 390-8621, Japan. E-mail: [email protected] Received 11 September 2014 │ Accepted 16 September 2014 │ Published online 17 September 2014. The Caucasus region is among the most important Eurasian biodiversity hotspots (Zazanashvili et al. 2004, Walther et al. 2014). Its mollusc fauna is far from being well-explored and, as indicated by a number of recent studies (Hausdorf 2000, 2001, 2003, Kijashko 2006, Likharev & Schileyko 2007, Mumladze et al. 2008, Suvorov 2002, 2003, 2006), one could reasonably expect further taxonomical discoveries in this region. The diversity and distribution of the mollusc fauna are especially little known, as only few precise locality records have been published for most of the species (Walther et al. 2014, see also http://www.caucasus-snails.uni-hamburg.de/CaucasianLandSnails-Dateien/Checklist.html). This paper has three objectives, namely (i) clarifying the question of possible genital polymorphism in Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson) (Fig. 1), (ii) presenting georeferenced distribution records (Appendix 1) and shell photographs (Figs 2–15) of clausiliid species collected during a field trip in Georgia in June, 2012 in order to contribute the better knowledge of the region’s biodiversity, and (iii) providing a comprehensive list of Caucasian door-snail literature (Appendix 2). Pontophaedusa funiculum is a relict species belonging to the Phaedusinae subfamily (Nordsieck 1978, Uit de Weerd & Gittenberger 2013). So far it is the only known clausiliid laying hard-shelled eggs (Páll-Gergely & Németh 2008). This rare species is endemic to the southeastern coast of the Black Sea between Sochi (Russia) and Trabzon (Turkey) (Likharev 1962). Questions about its genital structure were raised by Schileyko (2000) who gave genitalia figure of a specimen collected in the Batumi Botanical Garden. This specimen, unlike the one studied by Likharev (1962) from the same site, was devoid of penial retractor muscle. As it could not be re-examined, it remained uncertain if the Batumi (and possibly other) populations of P. funiculum are polymorphic with respect to their penial retractor muscles (see also Nordsieck 2001). We found only one live P. funiculum in the Batumi Botanical Garden, and this specimen had well-developed retractor muscle (Fig. 1), very similar to that of the population living near Borçka in Turkey (Páll-Gergely & Németh 2008). Accordingly, in this respect the Batumi population does not seem to differ from others, and Schileyko’s description was likely based on a freak specimen. Distribution records (Appendix 1): Abbreviations used: HNHM – Hungarian Natural History Museum; PGB – Barna Páll-Gergely; ZF – Zoltán Fehér; KAO – Kanji Okubo, KEO – Kenji Ohara, TI – Takashi Ishibe; JUO – Jamen Uiriamu Otani. Ecol. Mont., 1 (3), 2014, 117-122 FEHÉR ET AL Figure 1. The genital system of Pontophaedusa funiculum. Batumi, Botanical Garden, Coll. PGB. bc – bursa copulatrix, d – diverticulum, e – epiphallus, mrp – penis retractor muscle, p – penis, spo – spermoviduct. Pravispira semilamellata (Mousson, 1863) Guria Region, Chkonagora, 2 km on the road to Sameba, Jikheti Monastery, 200 m (forest), N42°04.230' E42°09.214', 13.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99106) – Imereti Region, Surami Pass, 6 km NW of Chumateli, 960 m (beech forest), N42°03.376' E43°29.290' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99107) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 4.5 km S of Bakuriani, on the road toward the Tskhratskaro Pass, 1873 m, (beech-pine forest), N41°43.183' E43°29.691' 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB 2012.07.15 (Coll. PGB). Serrulina serrulata (L. Pfeiffer, 1847) Adjara Region, 4 km from the Khulo–Batumi road to Kirnati, bank of Tchorokhi River, 50 m (rocky forest), N41°30.990' E41°43.019' 16.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Imereti Region, Surami Pass, 6 km NW of Chumateli, 960 m (beech forest), N42°03.376' E43°29.290' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99119). Pontophaedusa funiculum (Mousson, 1856) Adjara Region, Batumi Botanical Garden (Japanese chestnut grove), 80 m, N41°41.749' E41°42.696' 17.07.2012, leg. KEO, JUO & PGB (coll. PGB). Scrobifera taurica (L. Pfeiffer, 1848) Guria Region, Chkonagora, 2 km on the road to Sameba, Jikheti Monastery, 200 m (forest), N42°04.230' E42°09.214' 13.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99114) – Imereti Region, Shorapani, along the Poti– Tbilisi road, 165 m (rocks), N42°05.514' E43°04.809' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99115) – Imereti Region, Surami Pass, 6 km NW of Chumateli, 960 m (beech forest), N42°03.376' E43°29.290' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99116) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 4 km N of Tsaghveri, (= 7 km S of Borjomi), 925 m (forest), N41°48.521' E43°26.057' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99117) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 3 km SW of Borjomi, Mtsvane Monastery, 900 m (rocky forest, stream), N41°48.215' E43°19.078' 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99118). Strigileuxina reuleauxi (O. Boettger, 1887) Guria Region, Chkonagora, 2 km on the road to Sameba, Jikheti Monastery, 200 m (forest), N42°04.230' E42°09.214' 13.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Adjara Region, 4 km from the Khulo–Batumi road to Kirnati, bank of Tchorokhi River, 50 m (rocky forest), N41°30.990' E41°43.019' 16.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB, (Coll. PGB) – Adjara Region, Batumi Botanical Garden (Japanese chestnut grove), 80 m, N41°41.749' E41°42.696' 17.07.2012, leg. KEO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Adjara Region, Black Sea coast between Batumi and the Turkish border, small gorge, 44 m, N41°32.792' E41°33.867' 17.07.2012, leg. KEO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB). Ecol. Mont., 1 (3), 2014, 117-122 118 FEHÉR ET AL Elia (Megaleuxina) derasa (Mousson, 1863) Guria Region, Chkonagora, 2 km on the road to Sameba, Jikheti Monastery, 200 m (forest), N42°04.230' E42°09.214' 13.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99090; one dextral specimen in Coll. PGB (Fig. 12)) – Imereti Region, Surami Pass, 6 km NW of Chumateli, 960 m (beech forest), N42°03.376' E43°29.290'E, 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 4 km N of Tsaghveri, (= 7 km S of Borjomi), 925 m (forest), N41°48.521' E43°26.057' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99091) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 3 km SW of Borjomi, Mtsvane Monastery, 900 m (rocky forest, stream), N41°48.215' E43°19.078 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99092) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 11.5 km E of the Goderdzi Pass, 1470 m (streambank, rocky forest), N41°39.616 E42°36.251 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99094) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, Resort Abatsumani, 1340 m (rocky forest), N41°46.052' E42°50.058' 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99093). Mentissoidea rupicola (Mortillet, 1854) Imereti Region, Surami Pass, 6 km NW of Chumateli, 960 m (beech forest), N42°03.376' E43°29.290' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 4 km N of Tsaghveri, (= 7 km S of Borjomi), 925 m (forest), N41°48.521' E43°26.057' 14.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. PGB) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 4.5 km S of Bakuriani, on the road toward the Tskhratskaro Pass, 1873 m, (beech-pine forest), N41°43.183' E43°29.691' 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99096) – Samtskhe Javakheti Region, 11.5 km E of the Goderdzi Pass, 1470 m (streambank, rocky forest), N41°39.616' E42°36.251' 15.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99097). Euxinastra hamata (O. Boettger, 1888) Adjara Region, 4 km from the Khulo–Batumi road to Kirnati, bank of Tchorokhi River, 50 m (rocky forest), N41°30.990' E41°43.019' 16.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll PGB). Filosa filosa (Mousson, 1863) Adjara Region, 4 km from the Khulo–Batumi road to Kirnati, bank of Tchorokhi River, 50 m (rocky forest), N41°30.990' E41°43.019' 16.07.2012, leg. ZF, TI, KEO, KAO, JUO & PGB (Coll. HNHM 99095) – Adjara Region, Batumi Botanical Garden (Japanese chestnut grove), 80 m, N41°41.749' E41°42.696' 17.07.2012, leg. KEO, JUO & PGB (Coll PGB) – Adjara Region, Black Sea coast between Batumi and the Turkish border, 59 m, N41°32.553' E41°33.463' 17.07.2012, leg. KEO, JUO & PGB (Coll PGB) – Adjara Region, Black Sea coast between Batumi and the Turkish border, small gorge, 44 m, N41°32.792' E41°33.867' 17.07.2012, leg.
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