Price Center Rooded by NmDAY Torrential Spring Rains By Mary Betty Heard pet cleaning service was used for EDmON Associate News Editor much of the work. Students weren't the only ones According to Mason, other swamped during finals week. sources of flooding included the • OPINION Due to heavy rains, the Price hills near Mandeville Center and After five years of severe Center began flooding early on the the Student Health Services build­ drought conditions, one morning of March 19, cnusmgthou­ ing. Water from both areas flowed would have thought that San sands of dollars worth of damage to onto the Price Center second floor Diego city officials would both the PIice Center bookstore and walk and down the stairs into the have gotten the clue. A theater. plaza. desperate situation requires Problems arose when water The drains in the plaza clogged desperate measures. Today, streamed down from two sources quickly with debris from the euca­ yellow toilets and brown into the PIice Center, clogging drains lyptus grove. lawns. Tomorrow, and seeping under doors. "It came down too fast for the desalination and zero According to Principle Custo­ drain. [It) filled up with mud and growthlPAGE 4 dial Supervisor Mary Ann Mason, debris," Mason said. water from one of the dirt hills in the Don Moon, assistant bookstore • FEATURES Central Library construction area director, said that he was notified of A one-time offer, the did not drain properly and flowed the flooding at about 3:30 am. on Voluntary Early Retirement down into the back entrance of the March 19. Program, will provide extra theater. According to Moon, the sidewalk benefits to qualified UCSD "It was heartbreaking," she said, on the second floor landing of the faculty and staff who retired referring to the damage to the the­ Price Center turned into a river that before March 31. Volunteer ater. seeped under the bookstore's front opportunities enable these While Mason could not estimate door, filling most of the clothing retirees to stay active in the exact cost of damage to the section with water and mud. campus life/PAGE 9 theater, she did say that a tremendous The water then leaked through Alex Klyusner/Guardian amount of work went into cleaning the concrete floor to the first floor Heavy rain during finals week and spring break prompted the the mess. The Stanley Steamer car- See FLOODING, Page 7 erection of barriers and sandbags around the Price Center. Chodorow Withdraws From U. of Arizona Presidential Race • UCSD dean of Arts and Humanities was one of five in the running for position By Phil Gruen different members of the university tant concern: his marriage. Senior Staff Writer community, including students, ad­ "My marriage is more important With the selection of the new ministrators, members of the ath­ to me than any old job ... [peggy) president of the University of Ari­ letic department, and the regents. was not going to become Mrs . • A&E zona at Thscon set to be determined "It was a matter of learning President," he said. Chodorow added Could Sting bring his today by the Arizona Board of Re­ enough so that you can make your that ifhe had been chosen, he would soul-searching songs to the gents, UCSD's Dean of Arts and mind up," Chodorow said of the have been "one of the most promi­ huge Sports Arena without Humanities Stanley Chodorow has questioning he and Peggy sat nent figures in the state... J was losing their intimacy? decided he no longer wants to be through. "The [University of Ari­ going to have to be out four nights a Would he finally play old considered for the post. zona) is a strong campus, a very week, at least. I'm not a socialite." Police songs in concert? The Chodorow, who also holds the good university .... But [the presi­ Chodorow also stressed that Guardian looks back on position of associate vice chancel­ dency] would have changed our Peggy - a real estate agent in the Sting's Saturday night lor of academic planning at UCSD, personal lives in a way that we found San Diego area-felt that the market performance/PAGE 12 explained that the decision to with­ unacceptable, so we dropped out." in Tuscon was not up to her stan­ draw from the race belonged to both Chodorow indicated that a pri­ dards, and that that played as much Stanley Chodorow he and his wife Peggy, and came mary concern for his decision fo­ a part in the decision as anything after an all-day interview on cused on the prominence of a presi­ else. He did not, however, deny that educational change on a grand scale. Wednesday. Chodorow explained dent at a major university in the state the interview process was an erl­ "Arizona is where California was that during the day - and part of the of Arizona, and how it could trickle riching experience, nor did he in the '50s," he said, pointing out night - he was questioned by many down and affect a far more impor- downplay the opportunity to affect See CHODOROW, Page 3 Number of SHes for 10th UC THE THREE 10TH CAMPUS SITE FINALISTS • The UC Regents approved the narrowing of possible sites forthe 10th UC campus to three sites near Merced, Fresno, and Clovis. • SPORTS campusNa"owedtoTh~ The UCSD swimming By Jason Snell "It has become clear to us that News Editor o Lake teams traveled to Georgia any of these three candidates will Yosemite for the national champion­ Despite state fmancial diffi­ successfully serve the needs of the ships last week. As in the culties and UC budget woes, the Central Valley and the university," previous eight years, both UC Board of Regents has contin­ Gardner said. "We look forward to the men's and women's ued planning for a tenth campus, continuing our work, not only with teams finished behind and narrowed the list of possible these supportive communities, but Kenyon College, which has sites to three. with those whose sites will not be dominated Division ill 1be regents approved a rec­ advanced for further study. " swimming to the tune of 18 onunendation from UC President 1be narrowing of the selection national titlesIPAGE 24 David Gardner to concentrate site process eliminated five other pro­ evaluation activities on three ar­ spective sites for the new campus. eas in the San Joaquin Valley - Those sites were Mape' s Ranch in INDEX ... the Lake Yosemite site, six miles Stanislaus County, just west of UCSD Clips ............... 2 northeast of Merced; the Table Modesto; Don Pedro in Tuolumne County, 40 miles east of Modesto; Opinion ...................... 4 Mountain site, 12 miles north of downtown Fresno in Madera Watts Valley and Trimmer Springs, Features .................... 9 County; and the Academy site in both in Fresno County about 25 ArtsIEntertainment .. 12 Fresno County, 10 miles east of miles east ofdowntown Fresno; and Sports ...................... 24 Oovis. See CAMPUS, Page 6 Monday, April I, 1991 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Monday, April I, I~l UC President Gardner Presents Budget Proposal to State Legislature ExhIbIIIo.i, LectIns COI~ql!!! for KFMB-TV. By Jason Snell evaluation process for the tenth UC 11ae ........ wID bfl1aped by Cox Cable (Otanno14) News Editor campus. AnnIver8IfY Of SIIII1 of HOIIOCI farCOQDlyWicle cableclll 011 April 9. In addition, South­ University of California Presi­ But Gardner warned that the ......CabIe(OaameTl6)wi11broedcultbe program OIl dent David Gardner presented the measures the UC is currently plan­ UC's 1991-92 budget proposal to ~~~~~~d~::==I1~~ ApItl14.foDowedby DlaidsOabJe¥islon (0Ianne13)on Less than $30,000 $650 $0 ning are short tenn, and cannot be AA plrtoflllecQ".'......., ApI 15. the state legislature late last month repeated in the future. beJiarioIoflile : LIt DIipL SpoiIIors Lecture SerIes while also outlining a new financial $30,000 -$44,999 $500 $150 "We cannot repeatedly deny public Iec:IIR seriea, beP .... Wcalllday IIId ca..... he NlV;~ IN [)RIff aid package that would, said, help general salary increases, or defer Ibrou&bJune 5. IUd .. ~klal exbibilioa Mq'-7 On RacIIII. ethnic PoIlticallasues counteract the 4(}.percent student $45,000 • $59,999 $400 merit increases - not if we wish to dded, "Anne FrIat in Ibe Wodd: 192,9.;1945." ~" a ImIl-pMt lecture aeries pIdially $250 Scrtppe Aa ••archer RecIIIvee fee increase contai~ within the remain competitive," he said. "We 1beahiNtioo wilIbeopeoowrydaJ'(l,anS .....I08'p& JpOQIOIecl by die DJp. ' • .~ l..iIerIhn. will address proposal. cannot ir':tiate further reductions in __ . fRm pnlb'dmielism to naciaI and edaaic $60,000 and over $300 $350 Navy'a Highest CIvIlian Honor inlile Pdco CeuIer. BIIlmom A Mni'" ism..' .IIDIIDI Gardner addressed the Senate undergraduate enrollments without 'I1Ie p.s. Jlepanmt.oI ofthc Navy's biabest civilian 'lbacxbibilioo was aeMed by Ibe A1IDe Palaleo.rln poIkk:s In ~ 1be series beJios Ibis OIl Thursday Budgetand Fiscal Review Subcom­ oped with "the elltreme fiscal crisis cuts have been proposed. Gardner immediately confronting the issue awIRl wiD be preseDIed to FRd Spica, profeaor of AmIIerdIm. the c:iIy wbeae 1be PI'III1t fImily bid ill .... aDd ooari·wi Ibrou&b June 6. mittee in Sacramento as the sub­ now facing the State of California" said. of access for eligible Californians. oce.. ognqA.y. Scripps InsIitulioo of 0ca00p1apby. 8IIDellcUingdleNaziocx:upllliooofHoJlaodbefc:nlbeywae The series, wbich wiD be prcseoICd in various formats committee began considering the in mind. He stated that the university plans Wecannot,yearafteryear.continue Spiess wiD receive the Distinguished Public Service discovered and taken t() German "0CC'UpIIi0n" campi. including panel c:IiIcUBSion and video presentation, will UC's $2.484 billion budget request "I can assure that it was hard.
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