TIMES Nunber 9 September 1990 rssN 0958-4845 Iftatr s really behtuf Mf-12? Iilry is the US Goverrmrt still millims of dollas on IIFII reseuch? In a llFO Times exclwive interrria, Ibnard Bhm, Arthor of tOrt trere' rerreals all. Ijnder the title of Abduclion: A Regressional Case in Question, Mike Wootten relates a new abduction case with a thought prwoking twist. Gaynor ldootten critically reviens the nelr filn tCm.rrion - ltre l,lovie . P1us........ Steve Gamble presents BIJFORAT s latest research MAJIC MOMENTS Inves tigations Diary, Skywatcher, reviews, news and more. A BUFORA PUBLICATION couNcrL 1990-91 }IETBERSHIP SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF PRESIoENT : Major Sir Patrick l.JalI, James Danby, PUELICAlIONS Mc vRD RH (Rtd) 15 Southvay, VICE PRESIDENT : Lionel E. Beer, FRAS Burge ss HilI, Mlke l,loo t ten, FOUNDER PRESIDENT: G,F.N. Kne\,rstub, CEng FBIS Sussex, RH15 9ST 103 Hove Avenue, COUNCIL CHAIRUAR : Stephen camble, FlMLS AFBIS Wa Ithans tor,, VICE CHAIRMAN I John Spencer London, TREASURER : Simon Rose e17 7NG COUNCIL I.IET{BERS Crants are ,va atne (by Man fred Casslrer Jennv Randles SECRETARY TO COUT{CIL referee) to any 8!oup or PauI Fuller Simoi rose individuat vho rishes to Ph i lip Mantle Arnold vest John Spencer, professionaly pudish CLive Po t ter llichael llootten 16 Southway, t]rcjr research. Synopses gurSess Hi11, should be sent to the Consultants to Council: Hilary Evans, RaIph Noyes Sussex, RH15 9ST Director of Publications RES EARCII ATID I NV EST I GAT I OTI PRESS OFFICER DIRECTOR OF RESEARCII DIREGTOR OA ITVESTIGATIOT{5 SECRE-TARY TO NIC Phi lip Mantle, 1fioodhall Drive S tephen GambIe, Jenny Randles Phi Lip Mantle, Batley, ' 16 Southway, 37 llea thbank Road, l Hoodhall Drive, lJest Yorkshire, EurSess lli Cheadle lleath, Hea ley Lane, lI, r,lF17 7 Sr,i. Sussex, Stockport, lie s t Yorkshire, RH1 5 gST che shire, SK3 0UP vF17 7Si/ The National Investigations Committee co-ordjnates invsstigation Lritiatives across the British Isles and acts as an open forum for any gmup or individual intsEsted ln the objective investigation of ARCHIYE tne UFO phenonenon. NIC meetings are held arcund t}le counEy. Dates and venues of tiese meetings can b€ obtained from &e NIc Secretar:y. The NIC i.s funded by BUFoRA and by donation. Michae I Hudson, 71 (night Avenue, Research crants ar:e available to any group or individu€1 (subject to reftree) eho wishes to iniliate Can terbury, obieclive lF-sealch of tne UEo phenomena. Details of tlese granLs can be obtained 6:o'n tne Direclor of Research. CT2 8PY LrrGl.rtrtl rtlI r TIITtrES S COtrFIDENTIALITY The British UFO Research Association realises the importance of treating cases subnitted to the Association by lritnesses as confidential. In the light of this, the BUFORA Code of Practice has been devised and employed throughout the Association to guarantee that the utmost care is taken wher dealing \dith witness personal details and case report material. It is also the poliey of UFO Ti[es not Lo publish lhe namcs or addresses of witnesses who are not in the rpublie domain'. The material and personal details of ro'itnesses who have been published in the medj.a will be treated qith care and empathy by the editolship, THE BRITISH UFO RESEARCII ASSOCIATION LII'ITED (by guaran tee ) Founded 1964. Registered office, 15 South$ay, Burgess HilI, Sussex, RHl5 9ST. Registered in London; 12349924. Incorporating the London UFO Research Association (founded 1959) and the British UFO Association (founded 1962). AIHS 1. To encourage, pronote and conduct unbiased scientific research of unidentified flying object (UF0) phenomena lhroughout the United Kingdom. 2. To collect and disseminate evidence and data relating Lo unidentified flying objects (uros), 3. To co-ordinaie UFo research throughout the UniLed Kingdom and Lo co-operate vith others engaged in such research throughout the world. UEMBERSHIP Membership is open to all who suppor! Lhe aims of the associaLion and whose appLication is approved by the executive conmittee. AppLications, forms and general information can be obtained from BUFoRA's !egistered office. ITEMBER SOCIETIES & ASSOCTATE GROUPS lnc ludes Britainrs oldest UFO group, BFSB. 3 Orchard Road, Coal Pit l{eath, Bristol, Avon' RS 17 2PB. AssociaLe groups include: The Northamptonslrire UF0 Research Centre and Skyscan. EDITOR Mike llootEen, 103 Hove Avenue, London , E17 7NG U. K. TIMES Nunber 9 September 1990 rssN 0958-4845 ASSISTANT EDITORS John Spencer Ken Phillips Onay Fai z RESEARCH EDITOR Contents Steve Gamble 4. Frfi brial FEATURE EDITORS 5. Ort There - An exchrsive III Jenny Randles Irrterniew Gary Anthony Mike Wootten q Chairmanr s Statement OVERSEAS LIAISON Steve Gamble Hilary Evans 11. Iropossible Radar Returns Manfred Cassirer ARTIST 13. Research Update SLeve Gamble Edward Clark 19. Ab&Etion - A Regressional Case in Question Mike Wootten (c) BUFoRA Lrd 1990. 21. Reviens Views expressed in any 25. Inve.stigations Diary papers presented in UK) Edited by Jenny Randles Tires do not necessarily represent those of the 26. Sk1/mtdrer editor or BUFORA Ltd. Edited by cary Anthony It is permissible for members to use material in this publication for their own personal use, provided it is done on a As you can see, rlre have irnproved our limited basis. Where mailing system which will get IJFO Times material- is used for to you quicker than ever before. Hope, publication, acknow- you the new envelopes. ledgernent should be like look given to BLJFORA and the appropriate contributor. Now Autumn marches on leaving the lrarm, fair weather and Corn Circles behind for another year, This nolr begs the question: Have we learned anything fron yet another sumner of searching TIMES the fields and the skies for the answer to the Circles mystery? I have to say ED TOtrl AL no. Like last year, the circles enigrna A Gulf fron the Truth remains a mystery, We still scratch our heads with puzzlernent and sone sti11 ln intriguing ilevelopretrt this sumer wildly theorize about 'higher yas the allegeil discovery of the Grrlf intelligencesr being involved who are Breeze IIFO roalel that sar clained to be trying to communicate with rnan. Well I used by Ed galters to fate hir amazing have to say that these intelLigences pictures. The Dodel had been found canrt be very intelligent if all they behind rall insulation in the previous can cone up with are circle patterns hone of llr Ed by the ney oyner. At the that nean very little to us except that tile, the rtole case yas in the balance. they are aesthically pleasing to the eye. After 10 years of popular circle Horrever, after careful study of appearances these t intelligences I would drafting paper that was used to have realised that they were not getting construct the nodel and also signed by through and changed tack. However, Ed hirnself, it was discovered that the those who sti11 cling on to such drafting paper had been used on a fanciful notions would argue that we project that post dated Ed I s UFo just havenrt cracked the code yet. Time photographic sessions. So how and why wi.1L tel1. was it there in the first place? As this is a phenornenon that leaves traces that we can touch and see must lead us to the reasonable conclusion that we should be able to capture this effect on filrn and record it I s interactions with nature for anaLysis. Circle researchers, or cerealologists, as sone like to be called have failed to record anything that confirms any of the nany theories that have been presented. On the one occasion that the creation of a circle had been captured on filn this The roilel behild the controversy year, turned out to be an elaborate hoax. The perpetrators seem to be Pensacola News Journal who were the first with the Next year, cerealolgists nust story and wanted to discredit their coocentrate on the scientific recording rival 1ocaI paper, The Gulf Breeze of the phenonenon then we can move on Sentinal rrho have' stridently supported fron theorising to stating facts. not only Ed WaLters but all the many witnesses who have cone forward with One of the problens of the. annual corroborative evidence. circles circus is that UFos seem to be put on ice for six nonths and apparently The moral of this story is that once forgotten about. Hundreds of news again we see the nedia play a key role clippings cone to BUFORA fron newspapers in shaping public perception of the UFO aL1 over the country and only a tiny subject by confusion and distortion of proportion of these cuttings cover UFOS. the facts. Unfortunately, ufology has tlost are concerned with circles. So now always been in the pocket of the media the circles season is over lve can all and probably will never have the settle down to the riggers of ufology opportunity to escape. once again. UFO Times nature I an a sceptic and a cynic and I nould even be wrong at this point to say that I have any UFO interest except for the fact that I am a reporter and a taxpayer and want to know what the US government has been do ing. It enraged ne when I literally stutrbled upon thi s story whelr researching sorne thing e1se, The US Government had said it was out of the business of investigating UFos back in 1969 lrith the close of Project Blue Book and now this is just not lhe fiJ-12 docunents, corsiilered by the cas e because they are spending Dany to be the ultimate eYialetrce that hundreds of millions of dollars looking the ltaited states Govermeat haa trorn at this possibility - covertly.
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