AZETTE. Ti Courier-Gazette. IS ! 12. N umber 48 V olume 47. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 1892 N umbkb 49 tsoNAL. p o i n t s . CHAMPLAIN, THE DISCOVERER. tho Archangel; they b.ul wooded, --------- watered, planted a garden and built a CITY CHAT. onr llmeroek railroad, electiic railroad, OUTLOOK. PERSONAL POINTS. REGARDING LOBSTERS. B U R N t d w a t c h . ST. PETER’S EPISCOPAL FAIR. Jr Less^Known/'1' " ' The Columbus of the North Alantic anil J pinnace at S . George's Island*, which ------------ I electric lights, onr water systems, the The Washington Almanac for IS Mayor Butler went to Bangor, Wed­ Fish Commissioner Oeuld and His An­ His Great Work. they named Penticost Harbor. They Cunent Comment on M’tters of Interest j litre business, blocks, fine houses, smart nual Report. ti, M Genthn-r has ailtied to onr col­ A Most Successful. Enjoyable and Profit­ |and, formerly ol Rockland, also erected a OfOSB on one of the harbor to Rockland husiness men, capable eaptains and fine a beintilul little art treasure, nesday, to attend the meeting of the lection a watch that went through the able Affair It Proved. ........................... S m Ms vessels, capacious harbor, handsome Loyal legion. Fish commissioner Gould has issued i Camden fire. It evidently had a warm present proprietors, lie : Point in History—Georges River ver-) Crueis. It was found there two years U RRAI1 lo r the cliurehes. gifted preachers, lawyer and We give our readers four additional o o bis annual report. lime The Various Ti .das n 1 the Ladies Who inently located yot. sus the Kenneebc. afterwards by the Popham expedition. Common Council! physicians, pushing business men. pro- pages this week On pages 9 and 12 j Brineipal A. C. Dresser of Bridgton He calls attention to the fact that tile j Presided Ovei them -Something About At the meeting of verhiitl public-spirit, etc.,—all these ■ will bo found matters of local and gen-| Academy was in town last week, eall- people are beginning to appreciate the LOCAL LACONICS. the Decorations—The Entertainment THE IHSTonlC GEOROES in the Evening. Iardins, at one lime bead (Concluded from Inst week.) the City Council aro current among residents ol other | eral interest. Our readers should not lnK °n n lew of his tunny friends, work of the wardens and no longer re- . rhorndike, but more re- This testimony of Champlain, giving Monday evening gard them as enemies................ of the fishermen.. Patrick. , McNamara, ...has ..been getting, On the 9tb they sailed eight leagues the locality of Weymouth's Pentecost and less favored places. Verily, ’tis [ overlook them. ; n o " . , , out piling for Chas. 1. Spear on tbo Elmwood, Waterville, is of last week the John Simpson and wife recently enler- 1 he commissioner recommends the I.. , , ,, VERY lair that is along the coast to the mouth of the S ico harbor “ ton leagues” from the mouth of good to live in Rockland. Hanly lot, Gleu Cove-----High ides at the Augusta House, bower Board had Rev. C S. Cumming of tliis city has ’ tatned the Rebekahs, at their pleasant establishment of an experimental and held is the best, nnd River, where they met more than eighty the Kennebec River, is most vnluablo, now prevail. St. Peter’s Episcopal I. an artist | savages. They stopped hero among the a quorum before eight o'clock, and liad The contest for the Roekland post- an article in a recent issue of Zion's i borne, Rankin street. Tiie Rebekahs re- hatching stntion in connection with the and cannot fail, as recent writers have a member or two to spare. Tlie recent office is on, bnt is being very quietly Herald on “Tlie Churches in Maine,” in f Port a most delightful evening, worn of his department. Into the lob­ Society c erta in ly i natives for three days. The narrative truly said, to convince all unbiased never held a better was riding from Gardi-• [ snySt ••The savages dwell permanently discussion of < nr city government ma­ conducted. Barker T. Fulllcr and O. Il which lie makes a plea tor interdenomi­ ster fisheries the commissioner has made OUT OF SEASON. students that the St. George’s Island n the ’leotrics one day j jn t|,jg p)noe Iin,l have a large cabin sur- chinery evidently- did 'em good Lovejoy liave petitions out, which have national work. Like his sermons it is Mrs G. F Hix pleasantly entertained special investigation, which has de­ one than that of harbor, and not Boothhay harbor, was Mrs. G. A. Ames picked a very Tuesday last in Far- in conversation w ith; rounded by palisades made of quite been largely signed, while the Opinion vigorous, clear cut anil effective friends at her home. Pleasant street, monstrated certain facts. The conclu­ the Piuticnst harbor of Wavnioiith; healthy looking dandelion at the home well Opera House. gers casually dropp >d ■ ],irge trees in a row. which is a kind of a If wo might make a suggestion it folks m e keeping up a discouraged sort of previous to the departure ol her sister, sion is unanimous that the lobster is nnd consequently the St. George’s River ol her mother. Mrs. M. J. Holmes, this was from Rockland. ! |orp They cover their cabins with oak would be that the Board ol Aldermen is as'iimpnign for the position, waiting for The Gardiner Journal and Gardiner Mrs. D. E. Carleton, for Hardwick, rapidly being exterminated along tiie I'iic tables were arranged under tho and not the Kennebec was tho river ex­ city, Tuesday last. tiie interested response | hark. The place is very pleasant.” responsible to u certain degree for the a good opportunity to pull out of the Reporter, t wo of the best weeklv papers Vt. Cards and collation! coast of Maine. eastern and northern galleries The first plored by Waymouiii, which It had left „ small attendance ol the Lower Board. conli si altogether. We hope their sad Many of the fishermen go so far as table was a tempting one devoted to ‘Then you must know | They started from here Tuesday, the dune 25 only live days before Cham p-,/ in tiie state, will unite with Jan. 1 and THE ROCKPORT NEWS. who is one of ourj)2tb. Champlain makes a mistake, or The Upper Board invariably devotes the experience will teach them a lesson Mnynnrd Thompson of Union, a stud to assert that unless measuresaro at once pastry of all sorts. It was decorated in lain passed the St. George’s Islands on issue a daily and a weekly to lie known when j |,jM printcr does, calling it ••Sunday” earlier part of the evening to discussions will | (-,lt 'n H'e law office of Heath & Tuell, taken to prevent such wanton waste it A very neat, tidy and newsy paper is red nnd white. The supplies of eatables I remember iiis way to ttie Kennebec, duly, 1605. | as t’tc Reporter-Journal. The t into the drug busi-1 They coasted along the shore, arriving of subjects which relate to themselves Rockland's postoffiee, like other Roek­ Augusta, is a candidate for the position will speedily happen Unit none of these ' the Roekp irt News, and a most worthy were very generous and in the evening And it we consider in connection with* havi strong financial har-kin alone, and hold back tile concurrent bus- land institutions, is accorded the highest ot assistant clerk of the Lower House, at delicious crustaceans will remain to be! addition to Knox County’s Journals il is. a nii supper was served to a large com- ways an enterprising,' at (s.,p8 Ann on the lfith, le Cap mix tins evideneo that Cham plain heard well equipped with experienc and n and he has mnny i (sles, the Capo of Islands. Hero they iness until the Lower Board is on the j ranking in its class. Although it is brains, and Gardiner is in luck. Augusta, this Winter. He will liave a taken bv anyone. The main causes o f) It i’ well printed and ably edited, and pant. Mrs. J. R. Pillsbury. Mrs. L. H. nothing of any ships or sailors being verge of dispnir and rebellion. The Litiliy and Mrs. B P. Brack ley were in ■ <■ unversed with Indians, who gave them ! , secoiid-chtss ollioe, it is first-class in effic­ strong following, as he is a very capable the diminution are six: Increased do- should be loyally supported by tile peo- he K' nni tii e n few days before him; Common Council hereby gives notice iency and rating. At its last examina­ Tin: Financial News Price Current ot cliargo of tliis department. , quite a correct description of tlie coast and popular young man. mund, illegal sale of lobsters of less than ' pie of Rockport, .ecO N tes. saw niuliinv indicating such a visit, The i mev table was in the hands of , line and tho number of their chiels and that nt subsequent meetings it will tion it was given the highest rank ac­ Pittsburg. Penn .furnishes tlie following the prescribed length, iilegai canning of when it i. known tli it W j mouth erected promptly adjourn utiles- there is work statistics regarding the deercase in the A VINALHAVEN COMET. M d G II. Wiggin. L. B Manchester, | K. & L. sachems thereabouts. They found here corded a second-class office. G W Hall of Wnsbiugton.who visited lobsters, pickling lobsters, killing spawn latronizod last week. a cross in tlie river he discovered; and for it to do.
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