September 27, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1393 trusted to keep these refugees safe. I have Tristan has been very active with his troop, Gosselin III. Charles is a very special young traveled to Iraq several times. On my last trip, participating in many scout activities. Over the man who has exemplified the finest qualities I asked Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki to let me many years Tristan has been involved with of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- visit Camp Ashraf. He refused. It seemed like scouting, he has not only earned numerous tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop he had something to hide. Mr. Speaker, there merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- 261, and earning the most prestigious award were 7 hostages taken on September 1. All ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Tris- of Eagle Scout. we know is that they are somewhere in Iraq tan has earned the rank of Brave in the Tribe Charles has been very active with his troop, still. If we don’t find these hostages soon, it is of Mic-O-Say and became a Brotherhood participating in many Scout activities. Over the almost certain that they will be killed in Iraq or Member of the Order of the Arrow. Tristan has many years Charles has been involved with taken to Iran and executed. Our government also contributed to his community through his scouting, he has not only earned numerous must do everything in its power to secure their Eagle Scout project. Tristan completed a merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- release. And that’s just the way it is. much needed landscaping project at St. The- ily, peers, and community. Most notably, f rese School in Kansas City, Missouri. Charles has earned the rank of Brave in the Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Tribe of Mic-O-Say and became a member of PERSONAL EXPLANATION commending Tristan Michael Ott for his ac- the Order of the Arrow. Charles has also con- complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- tributed to his community through his Eagle HON. SUSAN A. DAVIS ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Scout project. Charles designed and con- OF CALIFORNIA highest distinction of Eagle Scout. structed a changeable billboard sign, along IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f with the accompanying landscaping, at Divine Friday, September 27, 2013 Mercy Park in Kansas City, Missouri. SOUTHEAST ARIZONA LAND EX- Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Mrs. DAVIS of California. Mr. Speaker, on CHANGE AND CONSERVATION commending Charles M. Gosselin III, for his Wednesday, September 25, 2013, I missed ACT OF 2013 accomplishments with the Boy Scouts of the following votes: H.R. 1961—To amend title America and for his efforts put forth in achiev- 46, United States Code, to extend the exemp- SPEECH OF ing the highest distinction of Eagle Scout. tion from the fire-retardant materials construc- tion requirement for vessels operating within HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN f the Boundary Line. H. Res. 354—Providing for OF MARYLAND IN MEMORY OF THE HONORABLE the concurrence by the House in the Senate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JACK E. HIGHTOWER amendment to H.R. 527, with an amendment. Thursday, September 26, 2013 Had I been present, I would have voted: ‘‘no’’ HON. MAC THORNBERRY on rollcall No. 484, ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 485. The House in Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union had under OF TEXAS f consideration the bill (H.R. 687) to facilitate IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PERSONAL EXPLANATION the efficient extraction of mineral resources in southeast Arizona by authorizing and di- Friday, September 27, 2013 recting an exchange of Federal and non-Fed- Mr. THORNBERRY. Mr. Speaker, I rise HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. eral land, and for other purposes: today to inform the House that one of our OF MICHIGAN Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Chair, today’s legis- former colleagues, the Honorable Jack E. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lation proposes to give two of the world’s larg- Hightower, has passed away at the age of 86. Friday, September 27, 2013 est, foreign-owned mining companies—Rio Jack Hightower was the very definition of a Texas gentleman and leader, leading a life of Mr. CONYERS. Mr. Speaker, I regret I Tinto and BHP Billiton—2,400 acres of the public service until his death. His life-long missed votes on September 27, 2013. Had I Tonto National Forest, which has been pro- dedication to serving his country began with been present, my intention was to vote ‘‘yes’’ tected since 1955, in exchange for land the military service during World War II, before on Senate Amendment to H.R. 1412—Improv- companies currently own. The companies be- going on to become a lawyer, a member of ing Job Opportunities for Veterans Act. Fur- lieve the Federal land contains significant cop- the Texas House, District Attorney, member of ther, I would have also voted ‘‘yes’’ on H.R. per ore deposits. the Texas Senate, U.S. Congressman, Assist- 3096 to designate a Federal Bureau of Inves- I am not opposed to responsible domestic ant Attorney General of Texas, and later, Jus- tigation building as the ‘‘Michael D. Resnick energy and mineral production as long as tice of the Texas Supreme Court. Terrorist Screening Center.’’ Americans get full value for the use of their re- A meeting in Detroit to address the eco- sources and environmentally sensitive areas He was born in Memphis, Texas, to Floy nomic situation of the City with senior White are protected. Today’s legislation does not and Walter Hightower on September 6, 1926. House officials, Housing and Urban Develop- meet either test. The bill includes a convoluted After graduating from Memphis High School, ment Secretary Shaun Donovan, Transpor- appraisal process that fails to take into ac- he enrolled in summer classes at Baylor Uni- tation Secretary Anthony Foxx, and Attorney count the copper deposit on the land and re- versity. However, that fall he joined the Navy General Eric Holder and others in the Michi- quires no future royalty payments for that re- and served two years during World War II. gan Congressional Delegation was the reason source. It does not require mitigation or even After being discharged, he returned to Baylor for my absence. Additionally, Governor Rick analysis of damaging effects on the local eco- where he received a Bachelor of Arts degree, Snyder, Mayor Dave Bing, and Emergency system, waiving environmental review and En- followed by a law degree. It was during this Manager Kevyn Orr were in attendance. I felt dangered Species Act protections. Finally, the time that he married his wife, Colleen Ward, of my participation vital to the interests of my bill does not guarantee preservation of tradi- Tulia, Texas. He joined the Storey, Storey and constituents. tional Native American sacred sites. Donaghey law firm in Vernon, Texas, and Ultimately, the bill gifts an environmentally soon thereafter, served in the Texas House of f sensitive and historically significant area to a Representatives from 1953–1955. He was ap- HONORING TRISTAN MICHAEL OTT foreign company without proper review or pointed District Attorney for the 46th Judicial compensation for the American taxpayer. I District, followed by a term in the Texas Sen- HON. SAM GRAVES urge a no vote. ate for the 23rd District. In 1966, he was elect- OF MISSOURI f ed to the new 30th Senatorial District and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES eventually became President Pro-tempore of HONORING CHARLES M. GOSSELIN the Texas Senate. During his service as a Friday, September 27, 2013 III Texas State Senator, he received a Doctor of Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Laws degree from Howard Payne University. proudly pause to recognize Tristan Michael HON. SAM GRAVES Mr. Hightower served the constituents of the Ott. Tristan is a very special young man who OF MISSOURI 13th Congressional District of Texas in the has exemplified the finest qualities of citizen- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES U.S. House of Representatives from 1974 to ship and leadership by taking an active part in 1985. After Congress, he served as Assistant the Boy Scouts of America, Troop 261, and Friday, September 27, 2013 Attorney General of Texas. He was then elect- earning the most prestigious award of Eagle Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I ed to the Texas Supreme Court, where he Scout. proudly pause to recognize Charles M. stayed until 1996. In 1999, Mr. Hightower was VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:35 Sep 28, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.010 E27SEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1394 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2013 appointed by President Clinton as a Commis- During the early days of World War I, a Blue tation, he risked his own life to remove several sioner on the National Commission on Librar- Star was used to represent each Soldier in people from grave danger. Patrolman Ruddy ies and Information Science, where he served military service of the United States, and as deserves full recognition from his community until 2005. the war progressed and Soldiers were killed or and country for his acts of valor in the line of His passion for Texas was only surpassed wounded in combat or died from wounds or duty. by his love for God, his family, his church, and disease, a Gold Star superimposed over the Freemasonry of Texas.
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