University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 5-4-1967 Kabul Times (May 4, 1967, vol. 6, no. 35) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (May 4, 1967, vol. 6, no. 35)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1486. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/1486 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , \,l.- • -, I ,. - r ..- .... r ,, \ \ '. , • t .. ) ,. I for preciS&:~.I~ul.tlons PAGE 4 THE KABUL TIMEs APRIL 3. 1967' , j" I _• _ , , W·~· IfleC;S8!:. "I U Nyun ECAFE JUixon-Smith Exiles: I· 1i9ME~N~~S;I\~ ~~IIEF Wolesi Ji,gah , FOR SHEER Describes As t' " '. , ~~ BOOT, April 3. (Bakhtar) -De- KABUL, April 3, (Bakhtar)- (Contd from pagel) Profit ..; DELIGHT Asia"-s' Economic Parliament Governor-General pu~ ~~iIptlO!l1N.nJs~..,Jff.l.,Mob,!Ull-,_,Dr,.~lllli,Kaml@r. a doctor working Deputy J ama GuI, Pakthla Prestig~. ~""-', ma~fAlttam ' TOKYO. April 3. (Reuter),­ FIU:ETOWN, April 3, (R~uter) arrlYed,he.,.i{l',e8terdf'¥ • for _the ':Public Health Ministry re­ centre, to '\Ilslt s"hool~ TOdRY ci"~iY'~~"~- . ~il'rJl~a from Tokyil yesterday where Deputy Mohammad Osman. " Portability ECAFE Executive Secretary U Nyun was optimistic Saturday -SIerra LeolJe's new military pect,ed to /l0 to GaramMrjitO Inspect _ lie went sIX months ago for training ~ rulers have deCIded to send Gov­ Tolak, Ghar, about progress both on the Asian llighway and on the Cambodian th'*''!/lI'!roJture ..\1oor _~llti!. "',- :1 Iu thoracic surgery for tUbercul~sls Deputy Saleh Mohammad Hani­ ,, ernor-General SIr Henry Light­ , _.......__~..:.f".,l ~ ~ ."~ ... " stage of the Mekong River development project and hopetul for ..~ ,'" 't .....He \went to Japan under a Colombo Bara~l. foot-Boston, reprnsentattve of fl. Barakl Logar. and De­ r the prospects of six new regional projects to be discussed at the ~,ULt Apr!lj 3, (Bak!'1ar,;- ,FlaB programn'le iluty Ahmad Pasaband. Queen Ehzabeth, mto exl1e !Ulan. 20th general meeting In Tokyo next week ' Ghplam Jelanl Ai'ez, <;baipnlin 01 --'--_ Ghor Vol VI, No 10 I con~ They say their NatIOnal Refor­ ~- -~;;..~~-.!1KA~BUL. , U Nyun addressmg a press 29 members would be discussing the the Institute of Geo/lr;phv, College KABUL, April 3, (Bakhtar)- peputles elected to serve on - ....- ....,..-.__ TUESDAY, APRIt. 4 1967 (HAMM; 14 1346 S U) mabon CounCil, WhICh has sus­ , , "'" - 5 1 ,.~ ... [crence 1n Tokyo. deSCribed ECAFE establishment of an Asian StatistI­ at 'Letters, and , \l4ohalnmad Afzal Ghulam All Karimi••dean at stu-, the Budgetary and Fmanclal ,AJ.­ v:: 5 Com~ pended the Constltutton and de­ (the United Nations Economic cal Institute to traIn men to join in Pakhtllinl,;Ii faculty member hi tile dents at Kabul University left for fairs "and LegIslatIOn and Legal ~ II I ~ ~ 'II 'I Iff·'11 'tJrf,I.IViI~ mISSion Cor Asia Bnd the Far East) the planmng and to evaluate the tained pohttcal leaders, now re­ College at EducatIOn return"d"from the Uh,ted States yesterday to par­ presents the Queen as titular head AffaIrs commIttees Saturday are: as ASia s economic parhament achievements of nallonal develop­ DeIhl yesterday wbere they attend­ tlclpate In a aernlqar on student Budgetary and FInanctai Affairs The corrung general meetinl{ was of the country's execuhve affairs ( ment programmes ed a seminar on sOCIal guidatlce Committee: HERATGOVERNOROPENS Wa,dcik Gets an hlstonc anniversary for the only SIr Henry who IS 68, IS expected New A start was belDg made With the The slX-week seminar Is belilg -!?eputy Mohammad Akbar, Maiwandwal Internatlonbl orgamsoUon 10 Asia to leav~ m about a month, prob­ KABUL. 'April 3. (Bal<btar)­ held at Indlane. University ~coordinatlon Of national develop­ panjab. BaDllan, which brought together all coun­ ably fat London KhWaJa Aqa Sharar. directcSr >8l'tle­ 'COTTON GINNING PLAN'!' Middle Schools ment on a regional basls, whereby Deputy A'llilul Hussam Maksou­ tries of the realon. from Iran and ral of Pakthia development project. Honoured At 'Jne country would start m mdustry, LIeutenant-Colonel Andrew KABUL, Aprd 3, (Bakhtar)- dl, Nawor, Ghazm, A cotton gInn! d ' HERAT, April 4. (Bakhtar)_ MAIDANSHAR, Apnl 4 Afghamstan in the west to Japan in left Kabul tor London Yl!stl!rda:l' to p~esl' such as making fertilisers or. paper Juxon-Smlth, chamnan of the Dr Abdul Hussain Wahdat, Deputy Abdul Kayoum. centre Herat by Gov:fn:: ~~e:::;a:l~n~;"as~~augurated yesterday in (Bakhtar) -Two middle school~ the east and from Mongoha m the patUclpate In a seminar on rural NatIOnal ReformatIOn Councl1, dent ot WaZlr Akbar K1ian Hospital, of Badakhshan, University north to Australia, New Zealand milling, to serve a regional group development and pack 1,000 kg. of cotton an bo e q. e plant. which can gin In Sayed Abad Woleswab, War­ of four Or five told SIr Henry to leave at what left for Moscow yesterday to parti­ Deputy Ahmad Khan, Nahre Company trom the Soviet ur, was bought by Herat Cotton dak, were opened Monday by and Samoa 10 the south he said The three-month semmar is- also U Nyun descnbed the rote of he called a "most S1nlcable" 25­ CIpate in a medlcal conference The Seral, Helmand, InalJguratmg the plant S<!d~ulon for $192,000 on a five-year credit. Wardak Governor Mohammad U Nyun said 90 per cent at the belne attended by representatives 25-day semlnat wIll be attended by ECAFE as producmg ldeas, assessing mmute meetmg here Thursday Deputy All Ahmad, Dare Souf, pressed delight over th~ factq t~; ~~au~u~tJon He congratulated EbrahIm Abasl 5 500 kilometers ASian Highway from'a'number ot other Asiun coun­ participants from ASia, Europe and SANTA BARBARA. Califor­ their practicalIty ahd then generat­ The Colonel also warned that Samangan, entrepreneurs In Herat are m cra usmessmen on thclr enter The PrImary schools 1D Tan/ll Route One trom the Turkish border tries. Lahn 6America nia, April 4,-Prlme , MInIster Ing the enthUSiasm to get them go­ anyone treatmg Sir Henry disres­ Deputy Sayed Armr/ Khan­ R::~~. opened 29 years ago and Toky" to Siugon was completed '---- Mohammad Hashlm- Malwand­ ingJ:v investmg In Industry prise and said thiS IS one of the first Ing pectfully would be dealt WIth se­ abad, Kunduz, Iy businessmen in Herat deCIded to ~~OJ~ct; maugurated under the estabhsh~d 27 Years,- were elev=~ The aIm was to have the highway veH~ly KABUL, April 3, tBakhtar)- KABUL, Aprll 3, (Bakhtar)- wal was one of three noted He sald Q third tuture project was Deputy MIhammad ZahIr You­ ted to secondary school level The ready by 1970 and the plan was for Mohantmali Anwar Wahldl, presi­ F'azt~r Rabl Pazhwak, a faculty ligures accorded an honorary mvest In several light mdustncs Ir Ive Year Plnn \ coordlOated regIOnal offshore geo nusl. Nahre Shahl, Balkh, openIng of the schools were wel­ an Asian mternational motor race dent of appellate commercial court member in the College of Law, left degree Monday by the Unfver­ The Governor thanked the Mines He saId that busmessmen s co- physical surveys. 1. SIr Henry's deciSion to ask Deputy Hajl Wah Mohammad, comed by the people of the area , to be held. to test cars and to speed and B mem})er- of supreme jUdicial tor France yesterday to study sit)' of California at Santa and IndustrIes Mlmstry for aiding operatIon IS of great Importance In Japan, Formosa South Korea and OpPOSItIOn leader Slaka Stevens nomads of Helmand, With the nallonal atan VIllage up the easmg of border restrIctions council. retu4a~ to • Kabul from French under n French government Barbara. the cotton company to buy and ins. developing the country's economy the Phillppmes had already Joihed to form a government In place oj eJders expressed their apprecla With feeder roads nnd altern~ TokyO yesterdll,Y st'~olarship , Deputy Ghulam Nakhshband, Maiwandwal received the Doctor tall the new plant The commercl8l counsel1or ot the Similar cooperatIOn In the South 811 Albert Margal followmg SIer­ hve routes the ASian Highway to­ While In Japan Wahldl partlclpat, Arghandab, Zabul, of Laws degree dunng outdoor cere Dr Mohammad Anwar Akbar, Soviet Embassy 10 Kabul also par- tlOn for the efforts made by the West and he hoped now to see ra Leone's IndeCISive general govel nment to expand educa~ tals 55 000 kIlometres Still incom· ed in a sein1nar on crime prevention KABUL, Aprll 3, (Bakhtar)- Deputy Dost Mohammad Deh­ monies at the univerSIty stadium Deputy MlOfster of Mines nnd In. tlclI..>nted 1/1 the ceremony He men- ASia InvolVing IndoneSia, MalaYSia, electIOn sparked off the fust of tlOnal facllitles, and declared plete sections of Route One He also visited various courts, prj· The Fimsh ambassador in Moscow rawod, Urozgan, Also awarded degrees were Les dustries, was also present at the tloned the good nelghbourly rela­ Singapore Burma Thailand India the two mIlitary coups here m are In East Pakistan where sons and reform schools in Tokyo Deputy Mohammad Saleh, Go­ 'I ter B Pearson Pnme MlOlster of tIOns eXlttlOg bclween AfghaOistan their readmess to do everything and Ceylon the past three weeks Jormn Vanemo, who is also accre­ there are major fiver crossmgs and The seminar was attended by dited to Kabul, lett here for Moscow zn, Herat, 1-1 Canada a Doctor of Laws degree tInci the Soviet UnIOn ID their power to make these new Addressmg a press conference i> border and Burma where the representatives from Afehanistan.
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