BARREL RACING REPORT - Fast Horses, Fast News since 2007 - Volume 5, Issue 19 www.barrelracingreport.com May 10, 2011 Ganter and Sporty Sweetest at Circle T Circle T Sweetest Barrel Race 2 Mercy, Renda Graham, 17.772, $889 May 6, 2011, Hamilton, TX 3 Martha’s Alley, Emma Chapman, 17.782, $704 4 Gussie, Jacque Woolman, 17.843, $519 1D 1 VF A Sporty Design, Jackie Ganter, 16.256, $2,075 5 Wrangler, Lynn Newman, 17.886, $333 2 Ramblin For Fame, Kenna Squires, 16.420, $1,778 5 SS Bet I Can, Laurna Bacon, 17.899, $222 3 Zoro, Heather Humphries, 16.518, $1,408 5D 1 J Lo, Korie Smith, 18.282, $692 4 Dash To The Flame, Kenna Squires, 16.604, $1,037 2 Rocky, Casey Bruns, 18.325, $593 5 Honor A Bully Effort, Chris Martin, 16.632, $667 3 NW Flame to Fame, Darlene Kasper, 18.345, $469 6 Wonders Palamoon, Bethany Romero, 16.645, $445 4 Speedy Lil Cowgirl, Mayme Pierce, 18.349, $346 2D 1 Dashing Trace, Kenna Squires, 16.756, $1,729 5 Preacher, Shanda McQuade, 18.400, $222 2 Whistle to the Moon, April Hatfi eld, 16.787, $1,482 6 Cruisin To Fame, Kelcy Schassner, 18.402, $148 3 Elvis, Jo Alexander, 16.831, $1,173 4 Sargent Major Run, Jan Burns, 16.849, $864 5 Inexpreessoblle, Laurie Jones, 16.855, $556 6 Kacie Starbuck, Charity Lundy, 16.875, $371 THE RUNDOWN: JACKIE GANTER 3D 1 I Know Im Sassy, Lynn Beshears, 17.258, $1,383 2 PC Pogo Denero, Brenda Lundy, 17.290, $1,186 HORSE: VF A Sporty Design “Sporty” 3 Lancers, Lynn Beshears, 17.293, $939 Sorrel Gelding, 9 Years Old, 15.3 hands, 1250 lbs. 4 EMW Famous Desi, Casey Doebbler, 17.311, $692 5 Hay Yeller, Tyra Kane, 17.316, $445 OWNER: Angela Ganter 6 Senodocs First Down, Abby Garner, 17.325, $296 HORSE HISTORY: My Mom (Angela Ganter) bought the 4D 1 Prince, Summer Boland, 17.757, $1,037 horse from Gerald Williams who owned him during his fu- turity year while Talmadge Green was aboard. He won both Speedhorse Futurities and Ft Smith just to name a few of his BENIES BIG RED accomplishments. ON THE MONEY RED SI 99 BIT: Twisted Wire Loomis SI 103 DOLLY PRIEST HEADGEAR: Nylon bonnet DESIGNER RED SADDLE: Coats SI 87 MR JET MAGIC PAD: Cutter Collection PIN A ROSE ON ME LEG GEAR: Classic Equine front boots and bell boots HONEY STAR HATCH GRAIN: Omolene 100 and whole oats VF A SPORTY DESIGN SUPPLEMENTS: Calophyll, electrolytes, Red Cell HAY: Coastal 2002 SORREL GELDING TINY’S GAY ADDITIONAL HORSE CARE & SHOEING: Swim 3 times a week. GONETRUCKIN SI 106 Shoe him every 6 weeks. SI 102 TRAINING & RIDING STYLE: I do lots of ground work with TRUCKIN him. I tie his head around both ways 3 times a week and also SKIDMORES TINY HOPE put him on the exerciser with his head tied down so he bends SCOOTER ED at the poll. I ride him 2-3 times a week and work mainly on MISS BLACK SATIN smooth circles with lots of bending. One day a week I just ride out in the open with friends. KING’S JUDY LEE RIDER: JACKIE GANTER, OWNER: ANGELA GANTER, BREEDER: DANNY RAY IN THE NEWS.......IN THE NEWS......in the news......In the News......In the News..... JB Quarter Horses Sale Set for November fans and create promotional opportunities with its widely popular and iconic Caveman and Gecko personalities. The 3rd Annual JB Quarter Horses Creating Legends Select “Given that the majority of our membership and fan base de- Barrel Horse Prospect Sale is scheduled for November 12 at the pend heavily on motor vehicles for their business and leisure travel, Extraco Events Center in Waco, Texas. Guest consignments will be this partnership is a perfect fi t in offering an affordable insurance taken from June 1 to July 31. Consignment forms will be available option,” said PRCA Commissioner Karl Stressman. “I have a great on the JB Quarter Horse’s website at the end of May. deal of respect for GEICO and its parent company, Berkshire Last year’s sale cataloged 80 head of barrel racing prospects that Hathaway … we’re glad to have business partners of this caliber represented more than $200 million in fully documented barrel join us.” --Courtesy of www.prorodeo.com racing earnings. The sale averaged an impressive $4,503 with nearly half of the consignments yearlings and younger. AAnimalnimal KingdomKingdom WinsWins KentuckyKentucky DDerbyerby For more information, please visit www.jbquarterhorses.com. IItt wwasas a ccasease ooff mmusicalusical ssaddles.addles. Entries Due for ID Barrel Futurity WWhenhen ppre-racere-race ffavoriteavorite UUnclencle MMoo wwasas sscratchedcratched ffromrom tthehe KKentuckyentucky DDerbyerby oonn FFriday,riday, hhisis rrider,ider, JJohnohn VVelazquez,elazquez, ppickedicked uupp Entries due to be postmarked this week for the Idaho Barrel tthehe mmountount oonn AAnimalnimal Kingdom,Kingdom, wwhosehose ddesignatedesignated rrider,ider, RRobbyobby Futurity, August 12-14, in Nampa, ID. The ID Barrel Futurity is AAlbarado,lbarado, hadhad beenbeen injuredinjured priorprior toto a racerace onon Wednesday.Wednesday. held in an Outdoor, standard pen. For more information fi nd us on TThehe ddifferenceifference bbetweenetween UUnclencle MMoo aandnd AAnimalnimal KKingdomingdom aamount-mount- Facebook, or see our website www.idahobarrelfuturity.webs.com or eedd ttoo mmoreore tthanhan $$11 mmillionillion iinn pastpast pperformances.erformances. BButut SSaturday,aturday, MMayay call Tami Church 208-559-4258 77,, wwasas a nnewew dday,ay, aalbeitlbeit wwithoutithout BBreedersreeders CCupup JJuvenileuvenile cchampionhampion UUnclencle MMo.o. Ashland, KS Hosts 3 Days of Barrel Racing AAnimalnimal KKingdom,ingdom, dismisseddismissed aatt 3300 ttoo 1 oonn tthehe mmorningorning lline,ine, aandnd NBHA KS08 will be hosting 3 days of barrel racing May 13-15, aatt 2200 ttoo 1 bbyy tthehe ppublicublic aatt ppostost ttime,ime, ppickedicked uupp mmomentumomentum aandnd 2011 in Ashland, KS. $100 added each day. kkickedicked iintonto ooverver ddriverive ttoo ssailail ppastast NNehroehro aandnd ssecond-favoriteecond-favorite MMuchoucho No Non member fees! Come for three days, beat the high fuel MMachoacho MManan toto winwin thethe KentuckyKentucky DDerbyerby bbyy 2 llengths,engths, iinn 22:02.04.:02.04. prices and take advantage of 3 show at one location! PPostost ttimeime ffavoriteavorite DDialedialed IInn wwasas nneverever a ffactoractor iinn tthehe 119-horse9-horse fi eeld.ld. There will also be a silent auction beginning Friday night and NNehroehro fi nnishedished ssecond,econd, wwithith MMuchoucho MMachoacho MManan aatt tthird.hird. ending Sunday. If you have any questions please feel free to contact TTrainedrained bbyy GGrahamraham MotionMotion forfor TeamTeam Valor,Valor, foundedfounded byby BarryBarry me at 620-635-6063 or [email protected]. IIrwin,rwin, a fformerormer staffstaff wwriterriter fforor BBloodHorse,loodHorse, AnimalAnimal KingdomKingdom ccameame iintonto tthehe DDerbyerby wwithith 2 wwinsins aandnd 2 ssecondseconds ooutut ooff 4 sstarts.tarts. BButut GEICO Now Offi cial Partner of PRCA hhisis llastast sstarttart hhadad ccomeome ssixix wweekseeks bbeforeefore tthehe DDerby,erby, oonn aann aartirtifi ccialial ssurfaceurface aandnd iinn tthehe GG33 SSpiralpiral SStakes,takes, nnotot cconsideredonsidered ttoo bbee a mmajorajor COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – ProRodeo fans get ready. The DDerbyerby ppreprep rrace.ace. widely popular and iconic GEICO Caveman and Gecko personali- AAnimalnimal KKingdomingdom wonwon thethe SSpiral,piral, hishis secondsecond startstart aatt tthree,hree, bbutut hhee ties are preparing to “Cowboy Up.” hhadad nneverever rracedaced oonn a dirtdirt ssurfaceurface ppriorrior toto thethe DDerby.erby. The Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association (PRCA) is excited ““You’reYou’re aalwayslways hhopingoping … bbutut I jjustust ccouldn’touldn’t sseeee iitt hhappening,”appening,” IIrwinrwin to announce a new partnership with GEICO (Government Em- ssaidaid ooff AAnimalnimal Kingdom’sKingdom’s wwin.in. ““WhenWhen iitt ddid,id, I wwasas ooverwhelmed.”verwhelmed.” ployees Insurance Company), the third-largest private passenger IItt wwasas tthehe fi rrstst KKentuckyentucky DDerbyerby wwinin fforor HHallall ooff FFameame rriderider auto insurer in the United States. GEICO will be unveiling its new VVelazquez,elazquez, aass wwellell aass fforor TTeameam VValoralor aandnd ttrainerrainer GGrahamraham Motion.Motion. event footprint for ProRodeo fans at several rodeos this summer MMotionotion hadhad highhigh hopeshopes forfor Toby’sToby’s CornerCorner inin thethe Derby,Derby, butbut hadhad toto and the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in December. sscratchcratch tthehe GG11 WWoodood MMemorialemorial wwinnerinner oonn TuesdayTuesday bbecauseecause ooff a As an offi cial partner of the PRCA, GEICO will have a major pres- ttrainingraining iinjury.njury. --Courtesy--Courtesy ooff wwww.sallyharrison.comww.sallyharrison.com ence on the PRCA’s Great American Country (GAC) television coverage. GEICO made its ProRodeo debut last month at the Clark Coun- College Finals to Stay in Casper Through 2022 ty Fair & Rodeo in Logandale, Nev., and will engage in additional local marketing initiatives at the the Reno (Nev.) Rodeo; the Pikes The CNFR will remain in Natrona County for another 10 years, Peak or Bust Rodeo in Colorado Springs, Colo.; the Heart O’ Texas through 2022. The contract extension was signed in a public cer- Fair & Rodeo in Waco, and the Wrangler NFR in Las Vegas. emony at Casper City Hall on May 4, by offi cials of the city, county “We are proud to be partnering with the PRCA and the exciting and the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. world of ProRodeo,” said Ted Ward, GEICO vice president. “ProRo- Community offi cials estimate that the CNFR, hosted by Casper deo has grown immensely over the years and its fans are very passion- since 1999, generates an economic impact of about $1 million an- ate about the sport. This partnership provides us with a great opportu- nually. nity to build GEICO brand awareness within this vast community.” This year’s CNFR will be held June 12-18 at the Casper Events GEICO’s sponsorship deal will raise awareness with ProRodeo Center.
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