VOLUME XV • MARCH, 195 7 • NUMBER FOUR Commencement 1957 THE TRUSTEES AND FACULTY Friday - May 24 of Conser vatory Graduation Recital - Klinger Forum __ __________ ____ 8 :00 P. M. MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE Saturday - May 25 - Alumni Day announce the Inauguration of Class Reunion Luncheon - Dimmitt Hall ____________ ____ _ 12 :30 P. M. JOHNRICHARD PALMER Alumni Dinner - Sioux City Auditorium _______ ___ 6 :30 P. M. as the tenth President of the College Sunday - May 26 at half after seven o'clock in the evening Baccalaureate __ ______ ______ __ 10 :30 A. M. on Friday, the third of May Faculty Recital - Richard F aith - Klinger Forum ______ ________ ___ 4 :00 P. M. Nineteen hundred fifty-seven Conservatory Concert - FIRST METHODIST CHURCH George Allee Gymnasium ________ 8 :00 P. M. Monday - May 27 Sioux CITY, IOWA Commencement Exercises - George Allee Gymnasium _____ _ 10:00 A. M. things the night of J anuar y 31 when Grace church was turned into a burned-out shell Alumni Dinner May 25 by an uncontrollable fire. Mrs. Morton Phillips (Pauline There have been many expressions of Friedman '39) of Burlingame, Cali­ personal feeling by persons who stood in fornia has accepted an invitation to the snow and watched life burned from a be the speaker at the annual alumni church, which, until that moment, they had dinner which will be held in the Sioux t aken for granted. Another such expression City Auditorium on Saturday, May here probably would be meaningless to 25 at 6:30 p. m. anyone who was not t here. However, those of us who ar e members Mrs. Phillips writes a newspaper and friends of Grace Church and alumni of syndicat ed column under the pen Morningside college believe that those of name of Abigail Van Buren. She has you who feel an indentity with the church appeared recently on TV shows with would appreciate knowing that we need your help in rebuilding. a national hook-up. While in Morn­ The Alum ni association already has made ingside she and her twin sister wrote Grace Church Burns t he small contribution its funds will per­ a column for the Collegian Reporter . mit, but more is needed. ANY contribution Charles Dirr '44, president of the A church is something most of us t ake mailed to Virgil Gerkin, Building Fund for granted - until it 's gone. Chairman, Box 97 -M, Sioux City, Iowa, alumni association will preside at the We are wrong in this attitude however, will be gr eatly appreciated. R. L. P. dinner. Miss Mildred Pecaut '18 is in because we believe a church to be divinely charge of dinner arrangements. inspired and divine inspiration is not some­ PARENTS PLEASE NOTICE Darrel Warner '50 and Don Stone '51 thing to tak e for grant ed. A building and are the committee in charge of the a body of people, which, through divine in­ If the Morningsider is addressed to program. spiration, have been responsible for many your son or daughter, who is no longer overt acts of Christian charity and count­ at home, we would appreciate your Honor guests will include Dr. and less changes of the human heart, deserve notifying the Alumni Office, Morning- Mrs. Palmer and the 1957 graduates. a better reward. side College of the correct mailing Many of us who make our home in Sioux address. All alumni and for mer students City thought long and hard about these are cordially invited to attend. ENTERED AS SECOND CLASS MATTER JULY I, 1944, AT THE POST OFFICE AT SIOUX CITY, IOWA UNDER THE ACT OF AUGUST 24. 19 12 PUBLISHED Bl - MONTHLY, SEPTEMBER, NOVEMBER, JANUARY, MARCH AND MAY BY MORNINGSIDE COLLEGE Page Two MARCH, 1 9 5 7 The Palmers Meet Alumni Alumni Reunions Alumni reunions were held in Omaha, Denver and Des Moines following the con­ cert s given by the Morningside College Choir in those cities. Dr. J. Richard Palmer , Miss Lola J acobs, dean of women , and Dr. Robert Larson, director of the conservatory, were present at the m eetings. Mr. Wayne Liljegren, assistant to the president, attended the Des Moines r eunion. The new colored film of the campus was shown to the former students. Alumni attending the Omaha meeting, which was held at the Country Side Com­ munity church on J anuary 27, included Mr. and Mrs. Worley Brown (Grace Thompson '38), Burrell '15 and Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Emery Johnson (Elsie Miller '03, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Ladwig (Marjorie Foster '44), Richard and Katherine Roadman McLaugh- lin '47, Don and Helen Ander son Leopold '46, Glenn Nixon '23, Mrs. Patrick Rensch (Mary Agnes O'Leary '46), Darwyn '48 and Joan Meyer Snyder '49, Dwight '33 and Mrs. Strom, William Hughes '39 and Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. J ohn Sprugel (Lovice K ings­ bury '47). Alumni who met in Emmanuel Methodist On the occasion of Dr. and Mrs. Palmer's visit to the east the Rev. and Mrs. Don church in Denver on January 29 were Doug­ Walton entertained a group of alumni in their home in New York City. In the picture, las and Nancy Lowry Beggs '40, Mrs. front row are Esther Montgomery Smyres '18, Mrs. Dolliver, Eleanor Winkelman McCurdy P hilip Gaubatz ( Dorothy Day '28), Mrs. '16 Lucille Atkinson Baker '13, Mrs. Sutherland, Jerry Prager Petcoff '49, Mrs. Scott. Harold Martin (Lavonne Moorhead '25), Back row: Robert Dolliver '24, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, Bessie Reed Walton '21 , Don Minet ta Miller, Mrs. Charles Peters (Ar­ Walton ' 17, Frank Leamer '26, Mary Walton, Leland Sutherland '20, Clark Scott '24, Irving lene J ensen '40), Dr. Harvey Potthoff '32, Culver '50, Mr. Ivan Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Shedd (Betty Lou Beckwith '44) , David Weisbrod '50, Warren SYRACUSE Peterson '49, the Rev. Roy McVicker '14 and Mrs. McVicker, Mr . and Mrs. Harry Carroll, Charlotte Tagg. Des Moines alumni and the College Choir met for a buffet supper at Grace Methodist church in that city. Attending were the Rev. Francis Brockman '43, Mrs. Clay Cowan (Winifred Beppler '24), the Rev. H. E . Dorr '35 and Mrs. Dorr, Rolland '41 and Mary Cruikshank Grefe '43, E dward '50 and Mrs. Hemenway, Irene Hinrichs '45, Robert Dale J ackson '43 and Ellen Wester- gaard J ackson '45, Mrs. D. V. Masser, Mrs. E. L. Marouse·k (Nina Rohwer '22), Earl Montagne '52, Mrs. Dennis Neal (Ruth Pattion '28), Charles H. Richards '48, J oe and Elinor Jacobson Ringland '44, t he Rev. a nd Mrs. Lloyd Scheerer '22, Charles '50 and Betty Lehnus Teeman '52, Merle '50 and Cecily Sherk Wood '48, Robert L. Wright '50. Harold and Nellie Carpenter Winter were· hosts at a dinner at the Cincinnati Club on J a nuary 17 honoring President a nd Mrs. Palmer . Those in attendance were the Rev. Richard Burrows '23, Robert '36 a nd Mrs. Alumni in Syracuse w ere entertained at the Lake Lawn home of Dwight Winkelman Heller, Miss Ruth Packard '24, Kurt '35 '24 while the Palmers w ere in that city. In the picture are Anne Aalfs Schaff, '29, M ar­ and Mrs. Steinbrenner, Glen '25 and Mrs. garet Gustine Cain '29, Dr. Palmer, Stan Griegg '54, Tom Rose '55, M rs . Palmer, Fra nk E llison. M acomber '53. MARCH, 195 7 Page Three Loepp '34. PITTSBURGH Judith Gray, Sheldon, Everett Gray '26. Roger Miller, Manson, Irwin B. Miller '27. Thirty two papooses are attendingMorn­ ingside for their second, t hird or fourth year. F lorence Jane Arnold, Lake Park, Flor- ence Burns Arnold '26. William Gene Barret, Schaller, Emmett '29 and Eileen Eberly Barrett '30. J ane Beck, Detroit, Michigan, Derwood Beck '29. Edgar Bedell, LeMars, Roland Bedell '22. Richard and Robert Beyer , Sioux City, Geneva Young Beyer '54. Beth Billiard, Sioux City, Harry Billiard '28 (deceased). Gene Brooks, Sioux City, Merle, Champ Brooks '21. Daniel G. Bullock, Inwood, Dr. Grant Bullock '29. Nancy Crary, Sioux City, Margaret Cole­ man Crary '26. Bill DeJong, Orange City, E llsworth and Marie Hofland DeJong '19. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hickman were hosts to a Pittsburgh alumni group in honor of the Dan and Lynn Emmerson, Sioux City, Palmer's on January 16 at the Harvard Club. E velyn Manson Emmerson '25. Left to right: Mr. Howard Winterson and Arlene DeMots Winterson '42, Lorraine Kermit and Gordon F ountain, Sloan, Rex Verstegen Ely '40 and Mr. Harold Ely, Marian Leslie Woodward '25 and Mr. Dale Wood­ '26 a nd Doris Giehm Fountain '26. ward, Dr. and Mrs. Palmer, Dorothy Anderson Ahrens '31 and Mr. Carsten Ahrens, Mrs. Beverly and William Giehm, Sioux City, DeWalt and Dr. Horace DeWalt '16, Mr. Cecil Richardson and Ruth Squier Richardson '33, Dr. Donald Giehm '26. Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Ware, Leon '22 and Mayme Hoyt Hickman '24. Marilyn and Bruce Haddock, Hornick, J . Bruce Haddock '32. Robert McAthie, Sioux City, Robert R. Paul H. J enkinson, Sioux City, Garnet Papooses McAthie '28. Jenkinson '18. There are sixty sons and daughters of Judy Ann Hopkins, New P rovidence, Robert Kingsbury, Ponca, Merle '30 and Morningside alumni attending the college Mary Joyce Clarke Hopkins '27. Lucile O'Hern Kingbury '29. this year. Twenty eight enrolled for the Rosalee Ann J acobson, Norfolk, Nebr., J acky Ann Leamer, Sioux City, Myron first time this fall and mid-year. Victor Jacobson '37. Leamer '30. J ames Allen, Dakota City, Nebr. Wilbur LeRoy L. Keuck, Cheyenne, Wyoming, Sally Lease, Gowrie, Howard Lease, '30. E. Allen. Juanita D. Keu_ck Karen Lindblade, Sioux City, John P., Craig L. Anderson, Albert City, Iowa, LeDonna Knack, Varina, Esther Splitt­ Lindblade '36.
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