6. međunarodni festival dizajna (03. 05.07.2015) tema:arhiviranje Bivša vojna bolnica Vlaška 87, Zagreb Uvod / Introduction Dan D / D-Day 2015 3 Nakon Dizajna i grada koji se bavio ulogom dizajna i di- Following the theme Design and the City, through which we investigated zajnera u urbanom kontekstu, te Dizajna na rubu koji je the role and responsibility of design and designers in the context of pub- propitivao granice poimanja profesije, ove godine otvara- lic spaces, and Borderline Design, when we questioned the fringes of our profession, in 2015 we are opening a discussion about Design Archive. mo raspravu o Arhivu dizajna — što smo naučili, kako či- What have we experienced in and by design? How do we perceive and tamo i reinterpretiramo vlastito dizajnersko nasljeđe, kako interpret our own design heritage? How do we record the fragments of bilježimo njegove fragmente i kakvu im novu narativnu this heritage and what new narrative structure do we give them? What strukturu dajemo, te što nam to govori o našoj vlastitoj does it say about our position, as designers, today? The topical part of poziciji, kao dizajnera, danas? Tematski dio festivala tako the festival thus will show a range of characteristic projects by various authors which have over the past few years investigated diverse design predstavlja niz karakteristično autorskih projekata koji su histories and narratives through a variety of media — from timelines and posljednjih godina na različite načine istraživali povijest posters, to installation, video-interviews and other forms of documen- dizajna i interpretirali je u širokom rasponu medija — od ti- tation. Through the central exhibition as well as lectures and debates melinea, plakata, instalacija, videointervjua i drugih oblika on this topic, we aim to investigate the possibilities of creating a hybrid dokumentacije. Kroz izložbu, niz predavanja i okrugli stol design archive which could incorporate all these original investigative practices in the future, without questioning their integrity. A number of o ovoj temi pokušat će se ispitati mogućnost stvaranja hi- guest lecturers will talk about their experiences in the context of design bridnog arhiva dizajna, koji bi u budućnosti povezao sve and similar disciplines, with a focus on causes, aims and methodology of ove istraživačke autorske inicijative ne dovodeći u pitanje archiving and creating new documentation by which design phenome- njihov integritet. Niz gostiju predstavit će i slična iskustva na are retrieved from obscurity and the discourse around them reintro- iz drugih disciplina, s fokusom na razloge, svrhu i metodo- duced and refreshed — regardless of the way we observe them — as an appearance, an individual, a timeless project, pattern, a set of complex logije arhiviranja i stvaranja nove dokumentacije kojom se relations, or happy coincidences. dizajnerski fenomeni spašavaju iz zaborava i reaktualizira The EDU program this theme through a number of interesting work- se diskurs o njima, bez obzira promatramo li ih na razini shops, while the issue of heritage is also touched upon by this year’s pojave, osobe, izuzetnog projekta, uzorka, skupa komplek- Young Balkan Designers competition, unleashed through framework of snih relacija ili sretnih slučajeva. freshly founded Balkan Design Network, established by Croatian Design- ers Association and organizations Mikser (Belgrade) and Public Room EDU program također interpretira temu arhiviranja (Skopje). The YBD 2015 exhibition under the slogan Common Grounds kroz niz zanimljivih radionica, a temu nasljeđa dotiče i will be shown as a part of D-Day in the line of its international tour. And ovogodišnji natječaj regionalne izložbe Young Balkan then there’s, of course, the D-exhibition — the central showcase intend- Designers, raspisan u okviru nedavno osnovane Balkanske ed for designers and design teams under the age of 35. It’s a terrific plat- dizajnerske mreže koju su zajednički pokrenuli Hrvatsko form for promotion of the very best young regional designers and their works, whether they are already active protagonists of the design scene dizajnersko društvo, organizacija Mikser iz Beograda i or they’re about to embark on it. The D-Exhibition consists of commis- Public Room iz Skopja. Izložba YBD 2015, pod sloganom sioned or self-initiated works, mentored or completely independent proj- Common Grounds također će biti pokazana u sklopu Dana ects, but it also welcomes projects and concepts created and designed D u sklopu njene internacionalne turneje. Tu je, naravno specifically for the showcase. D-market also returns and once again with i D-izložba — platforma za predstavljanje natječajem a selection of small design brands, extremely important for raising the quality bar of local design production. izabranih najboljih mladih dizajnera iz regije bez obzira Welcome to D-Day 2015! djeluju li aktivno na sceni ili će na nju tek kročiti. D-izložba uključuje naručene ili samoinicirane radove, mentorirane ili samostalne projekte, te one projekte i koncepte osmišljene i realizirane upravo za nastup na festivalu. Vraća se i D-market, koji i ove godine u relaksiranoj atmosferi okuplja probrane dizajnerske brendove, nositelje malih ali za podizanje ljestvice kvalitete nezaobilaznih produkcija. Dobro došli na Dan D 2015! Dan D / D-Day 2015 5 SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS 6 Dizajn postava i vizualni identitet 51 Expo / Exhibition design and visual identity — Hrvoje Živčić 53 Popratne izložbe i projekti / Accompanying exhibitions and projects 7 Arhiv dizajna / Design Archive 59 Mladi balkanski dizajneri: Zajednička tla / Young Balkan Designers: Common grounds 9 Uvod u arhiv dizajna / Introduction to design archives 77 D-izložba / D-Exhibition — Marko Golub 13 Od dokumentiranja dizajna prema novoj 97 Edukativni program / Educational program paradigmi / From documenting design towards a new paradigm — Dejan Kršić 99 Edukativni program / Educational program — Dario Dević, Petra Milički 19 Arhiv dizajna / Design Archive izložbe / exhibitions 100 Radionice / Workshops 108 Dizajnerski fakulteti i škole 31 Intervjui / Interviews / Design faculties and schools 33 Koraljka Vlajo: Kako napraviti izložbu a da kontekst ne pojede autora / How to do an 117 D-market exhibition without the context overpowering the author — Marko Golub 125 Program 38 Radmila Milosavljević: Kratak osvrt na Centar za dizajn u Beogradu 70-ih / A brief overview of Belgrade Design Center in the 1970’s — Ivana Borovnjak 43 Jean Francois Porchez: Istinski zaljubljenici u tipografiju moraju širiti svoje znanje / True lovers of typography must share their knowledge — Bojan Krištofić 47 Martin Foessleitner: Informacijski dizajn treba biti poput talijanskog espressa / Information design has to be like Italian espresso — Bojan Krištofić 6 Dan D / D-Day 2015 Uvod / Introduction DIZAJN POSTAVA I VIZUALNI IDENTITET / ExhIBITION DESIGN AND visual IDENTITY Hrvoje Živčić Ovo je već šesto izdanje Dana D, ali može se reći da je to i This is already the sixth D-Day but one could argue it is still a young dalje mladi festival. Mlad je primarno u smislu otvorenosti festival. It is still young primarily in the sense of openness to change promjenama i kontinuiranog uvođenja promjena iz godine and continued introduction of change from year to year: the exhibits that are emphasized, the number and themes of the exhibits, the type of u godinu: na kojim je izložbama naglasak, koliko ih je i ka- the discursive program and workshops… In short, the festival is evolving. kve su tematike, kakvi su diskurzivni program i radionice... Still, the constant organization of the festival is based primarily on the Ukratko, festival evoluira. Ipak, konstantna je organizacija enthusiasm of a handful of people who continue to expand it. In this way festivala temeljena prvenstveno na entuzijazmu šačice lju- the project sometimes takes on a certain DIY charm which is bolstered di, koji ga neprekidno šire dalje. Tako cijeli projekt katkad from the beginning of the festival by the specific choice of locations and affirmation of their often underused potential. zna poprimiti određeni DIY šarm, što je od početka festiva- The work on the festival’s visual identity has similarly evolved but has la poduprto specifičnim odabirom lokacija i afirmiranjem kept its educational role. Since the beginning, D-Day prefers young de- njihovog potencijala, često nedovoljno iskorištenog. signers, giving them a chance to work on an extensive and highly visible Na sličan način evoluirao je i rad na vizualnom identite- project, encouraging ways of thinking and approaches not necessarily tu festivala, ali je zadržao svoju edukativnu ulogu. Dan D applicable to more commercial projects. We are of the persuasion that it is much more valuable to give young people a chance than to insist on od početka preferira mlade dizajnerice i dizajnere, dajući professionally polished visuals. Creating this year’s visual identity is less im priliku da rade na opsežnom projektu velike vidljivosti, based on a workshop approach than in previous years and with moder- potičući razmišljanja i pristupe ne nužno primjenjive na ate mentoring support of Igor Kuduz and Hrvoje Živčić we have decided komercijalnijim projektima. Stava smo da je puno vredni- to throw the newly graduated designers into the fray. Tessa Bachrach je dati priliku mladim ljudima nego inzistirati na profesi- Krištofić, Franka Tretinjak and Dina Milovčić have shown themselves to be remarkably agile and up to the task! An indispensable member of the onalnoj uglađenosti vizuala. Ove godine
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