1910. CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-SENATE. 3837 SENATE. , \Civil w_ar, ·and to the widows and .depend-ent relatives of '.Sllch solfilers and .sa11ors. ~flTh"'DAY, March ~B, '![910. 1EN":R"OL'.LED -cTOlNT :BESOLUTION SIGN:ED. "Pnn-yer !lYy the ·Chn.-plffin, Rev~ UlysS"es G. B. Pieree, D. 9 - The message ..fmther .announced that the Speaker .of the 'The 'V.ICTE-f>B!ESIIJE~TT rresum-ed ..fhe chair. House had signed the enroTied Joint resolution (.S. J . .Res. 83) !IJhe S:el!~e.'ta.ry 11>.r.oceeded to :icead the ~otn"Ilnl nf 'the lJl'O.C-eed- -authorizing the nse of .a United .states .army transport .for cer- lngs of Fl.'liiay la.st,. wllen, on irequest of. Mr. ~vmrruIE, '~d . taln _pm:p.oses, and it was thereupon signed 'by .the Vice-:P.resi­ by unanimotls eunsen:t, the 1fnrther -reading :al; wspense<l "'With, :dent. d "the .Jom-na1 :s a:ppruved. 1i'INDINGS OF 'THE U.O'.URT OF CL.A.DIS. l'.ETITIQNS .A.ND .ME.MOlll.ALS. !Che "VICE-:PREBIDENT lafil befo.r.e .fhe senate .commnnlca- Mr. NIXON 'J}:resen.ted 'B. l)etition ·of HaTry Wflson "Lodge, No. tions from the assistant cler'k of the Court of Claims, 'transmit- l1l. Brotherhood ff! 'Railroad Trainmen, .of Winnemnaca, Nev., ting .certified copies of .the :findil\gs <Qf ..fact .Jiled by .the ·court In !1Jray1ng .for the .enactment 'Of legislation providing for the ad­ 'the following .causes: "llliss:i:on .of -;publieatio.n.s of :fraternal 'SOCiet1es to tbe mails as The 71Xustees Df tlle Oliw Branen Chr1stlan Church, of ...Tames · .ttecond-class matter, w1llch a:s -refer.J:led to :the Committee .on City lJounty., v.a., v. "United States .(.S. Doc. No. '60); Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Samuel H. :Pip.es it. 1J:nited -states (B. Doc. No. 461.); ll.IlQ H-e also presented etttions of Btmdry citizens rof :Goldfield, ·&rrah Jdiller v. :United mates -(B. D.oc._No. :459). Nev~ -pi:aying for he enactment of legislation 'to establish and :The :foregoing causes wer-e, ·with the ..accompan-ying :pa_p-ers, ldlsbnrse a !Public.school .teachers' retir.ement fnnd in the Dis- .referr:ed .to the G.ommittee on ·ClalmB ..ana .orilered to l>e printea. _:~~~~~ch er.e Teferred to t'.he Committee on the MESSAGE ROM ll':HE ROUSE. ltfr.. frICK JJXesented a memorial uf the facu1ties of tthe State ..A JID.:essa-ge trrmn the Rouse "O>f itepresentntiv.es, by W. :J. University of Ohio, the University of Term.essee, the University fuow;ning, ·.its Uhief Clerk, annauncea 1th.at the Honse had 'Of Illinois_, the University of Iowa, '.IDld tthe University of ..A.la- ipassed lthe lfollowing 11.ills . l>ama, .xemom;trating :against any appropriation being n:na.de .in S. 4689. An act for the relief of George Baker; aid .of private ·edneational institntions, "Which ·wa.s ordered 1:.o lie '8. 57-5.2 . .An a:ct tto correet the nnntary 11'.ec:ard of Ohnrles J. on the table. 'Smith· · He also l>l'esented petitions cl filll1Ch'y Grand Army -posts, De- s. 00s9. A:n rt to correct 'the .rmilitary neord of Ed.ward D. partment of Ohio, Grand Army of .the .Repub~c, of Lancaster, !Gilbert; 'Rnd .A.da_, Oant0I1, :Sptingfield, Dayton, and Colmnbus, an in -the S. 6932. An a.ct granting pensions and linerease tff :pensian:s · o State Df Ohio, wr.ay.i:ng that an ;appropriation :be made :for :the certain 'Soldiers :and rsn.ilors .of the .clv.il war .RDd uer.:tain \Wldows erection of a .imem.or.ial 'IllO.nmnifilt m Fort Rreovery, in that .lmil uependen'.t irela:tives of. suCh Boldiers and "Bailo.rs. State_, whlch were merred to the Committee on Military Affairs. T.he -message lilso announceCl tha:t the House had -passed the He also !Pl'esented memorials of sundry local un:imls, Ameri- ID .( S. -4-040) to gr.ant certain lands rt:o "the oity of Dheyerme, can Federation of Labor, of Springfield, Ohio, remonstrating Wyo., with an nmenllment, in which i:it :r.equ.ested the -concur- against the -enactment ot legi.slattian to in.crease lthe rate of rence of the Senate. postage on second-class mail matter, . hi.ch w.ez:.e 11.'eferred io The message .further .announced ba..t tne Hwse !had !di:sagr.eed the Committee on -Post~Dffices and .Post-Rriads. tto the -report of tthe committee t.Of conference nn the llisa.,,oreeing liir. "BROWN presented petitions ,of sundry ·councils, .R0_yal otcs of -the -two Bonses ·on rthe :amendments ·elf the ·senate tto tte .A:rcannm and Knights ·of Oolumb~ of Omaha and -OhaClron bill (H. 'R. ~4464~ waldng 'RPP1".01Jl"iat:ions !fur the expenses 'Of in the State of Nebraska, ,.Praying far the enactment of ~<>isla: -:the government -0f +the District u.f Ddlmnbia !for the liseal :year .tion providing .fur the admissi.on of pnblications of fraternal .ending "June ~o. 1.9ll, a:nd for ofh.er purposes, ece.des .from lts societies to the ~ails as -second..class matter, which were re­ disagveement ·to tthe amendment df the Senate · o. al, :!further :fe:rred to the ·Committee on Post-Offices ·and _post-Roads. (insists rtqxm its diBagreement to 1:b:e Tesid11e of the mnendmen:ts He also presented a petition of sundry ex-volunteer officers of <uf the ~enate ~o tthebill, a.Bkeci:a stlll?fnrtll~r · cunfer-enee with the the civil :wru:, residents of Elkhart, .Ind., pr.aylng ..for the enact­ 'Sennte on ·the disagreeing 'Votes .of the two Honses thereon, :and 'IIl£1lt of .legislation to -create a volunteer ,retired list 1n the War bad .ap:pmuted :Mr~ GAIIDNER .of "!tfielllgan, l\.lr~ °TAYLOR of Ohio, · nnd Navy de_partments for the survirlng officers ot the .ctvil :una 1'Ir. 1BuRLESON :mEmagers -at ille «ID.n:fe:rence :on the <pa.rt 'Of war, which was .referred to the Committee on .Military Affairs. the House. He also -:presented a petition .of the .Crurnnercia1 Clnb of Sew- "The .message .also announced 1hat lthe House '1lra.d -disagreed .ar~ 'Territory of Alaska, praying for the enactment .of Iegisla­ "to the amendments of -tlrn enate to !the bill (H. ·n . .21..754) tion .to 'inaugurate a .definite policy with r<>,gard to the disposi­ -gra.Ifting _pensions ·and increase cl pensions 'to certain -soldiers tion of the coal lands of that TetritoryJ which w.as :referred to lEild "Sailors of the Regular .Army -and Navy, una <eertaln .soldiers ihe .OOIIllillttee .on ·T.e.critor.ies. 11md -sailors of a-rs other than the civil war, m1d :to !Widows Mr. "BRISTOW presenteCl a petition -Of ihe Woman's Home !lmd ·depenil.Emt :relatives uf 'SUch 'Soldiers ·and sailors, asked ta Missionary Society of Burton, Kans., praying -for the enactment conference with the -Senate on lfhe .(Ilsagreeing votes -0f the two of legislation to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors in gov­ "llouses thereon, and had appointed Mr. LoUDENBLAGER, '.Mr. ernment buildings and ShiIJS, wlri.Ch was referred to the Com­ 'DRAPER, and Mr. ~rCHAlIDBON managers at rthe cDil'ference-0n the mittee on Education and Labor. :part <01 .the .HO'llife. Re also :presented a petition of Douglass Camp, United ·spa-n- "The ·mesSirge further $.Illluunced -tflurt ithe liouse had -ngree<l isll War -Veterans of Holton, Kans., and a petition of Alford o. o the report df .tbe committee .o-f -conference on "the iifisagreeing .Alford Camp, No. 1.5, United SpaniS'n War Veterans, of Ka:ru;as, votes o-f 1:he two Rouses 'Oil the amen<tments of the :Senate to praying for the enactment of legislation for the relief of the the !bill (H. ""R. 19028) :making -appropriations for tile cnrrent -volunteer 'Saldiers who served in the -Philippine ·Islands a'fter filld contingent expenses of the Bur-eall of Indian Affal'rs, 'for the period of tbei:r -enlistment, which were referred tt:o the ·Com­ 'fn1filling treaty -sti_pula1:ions with :ario11s Indian 'tribes, and mittee on Military Affairs. i'or ·Other -purposes, -for i.he 'fiscfil year enIDng June .30, '.1:911. Ee a1so l}resented :a paper to -accompany the bill (S. 2735) The 'Illessage also announced "t:lm.t the House ·had :Passed the unthoTiz:ing 1:he adjudication nnd payment of i:he claim of J:eTiowing bills, in Which it .requested "the concurrence ot -the Charles Dupre, which was referred t-0 the Committee on Claims. Senate: · .Mr. PILES '£{Il'esented Feti.tions of Rome Grange, No. 226., Pa- H. n. 9197. An act tor-!ftl.e Telief ·of iReed B. GrBJnger; ttons of Husbandry,, of Goshen; of Newas1rnm Grange, No. 198, .lH. R. 1:83"59 . ..A:.n act for 'the ·relief of 'Thomas Cluney; P.a.trons of Husbandry, of Chehalis, and of Ewartsville Grange, H. R. 208.72. An act :for the Telief of William .J. McGhee; No. 11.4~ Patrons of :Husbandry, t0f Pullman, a.ll ln the State of H. "R. 23095. :An act ·grant1ng -:pensions and -increase -0t 11en- W.ashington, praying tor the establishment of a na'tional burea-u sions to ·certain i;o1diers mid sailors of the civil war and certain of heaJth, whlch were ·referred to the Cammtttee on .Pnblic widows and dependent relatives oT .such so1diers and sailors; HP.a.1th and National Quarantine. R. n. 23217. A:n act repealing part of the act of March !5, .Mr. CU.LDOM presentea I>efitions of Quincy Counctl, No. 1.-95, .1"910, relating :to 1m increase of pension to Jacob WhitloCk; Roy.al .Arcanum, of Quincy; of Garden Oity Council, Royal .A.T- H.
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