Automotive Glass Chip Repairs JANZEN’S PAINT Tinting IN STOCK & DECORATING LTD. Farm Equipment Auto Accessories NOW! 600 Centennial St., Winkler, MB 150C Foxfi re Trail Winkler, MB (204)325-4012 204-325-8387 Winkler Morden THURSDAY, VOLUME 7 EDITION 43 OCTOBER 27, 2016 VVLocally ownedoiceoice & operated - Dedicated to serving our communities Firefi ghters help a victim away from the wreckage in last week’s mock training exercise in Morden, which sim- ulated the effects of a tornado hitting the city to test local emergency servic- es’ response proto- cols. For more, see Pg. 12. PHOTO BY RICK HIEBERT Worst-case scenario news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know 2 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, October 27, 2016 Morden Police remind drivers to heed traffi c lights By Ashleigh Viveiros red light. “I think there was probably a lot The Morden Police Service hopes more because they’ll usually only some new traffi c devices will make submit the paperwork to us when things safer for Maple Leaf School they can get a license plate number,” students crossing Thornhill St. Menzies says, adding the number Sgt. Brent Menzies stopped by the also doesn’t include the many driv- school last week ers police have caught to drop off three themselves while moni- brightly coloured toring the intersection. pylons for crossing All too many drivers guards to use at the “OFTENTIMES are treating the inter- 11th St. intersection. section as if it’s just a Each pylon—one of PEOPLE PROCEED crosswalk—continuing which will be placed THROUGH THAT on their way once pe- in the centre of the destrians have crossed, street while the oth- RED LIGHT BEFORE heedless of the red ers will remain curb- IT GOES TO GREEN, light, says Maple Leaf side—includes a pic- educational assistant ture of a traffi c light THINKING THE and crossing guard Me- and an arrow point- gan Dias. ing up to remind INTERSECTION’S “The light remains red drivers to wait for CLEAR.” probably for another the green light be- 10 to 15 seconds” after fore proceeding. guards safely walk stu- It’s a reminder all dents across the street, too many drivers need, Menzies says. she says. “Oftentimes people proceed Last year, police received approxi- through that red light before it goes to PHOTO BY ASHLEIGH VIVEIROS/VOICE mately 40 complaints from the cross- green, thinking that the intersection’s ing guards of drivers proceeding clear. Crossing guards at Maple Leaf School received a trio of awareness- through the intersection against the “They see us leave and that’s the in- raising pylons from Morden police Sgt. Brent Menzies (far left) last week. The hope is the devices will remind drivers at the lights on Thornhill St. to remain stopped until the lights turn green. dicator that they think that they can through the intersection,’” he says of proceed. Meanwhile, we all know the response most drivers have to be- that a red light is a red light.” ing pulled over for the transgression. While there have been no injuries “And that’s too late. We need people yet, more than a few crossing guards to stop and obey the traffi c lights.” have been shaken up by drivers who The pylons were purchased with have jumped the light. a $700 donation from the Morden “It’s also a little bit scary when you Community Thrift Store. are out here and it’s icy and you can “They were very generous in pro- hear the brakes and the tires not viding the funding to go ahead with quite stopping,” Dias says. “So I think this project,” says Menzies. “They see they may stop a little sooner if they it as a real need. A lot of them have see [the new pylons].” children or grandchildren that go to Menzies notes that it’s not just out- this school, so they know the situa- of-towners passing through doing tion that’s going on here. this, but Morden residents as well. “We hope this works out well and “It’s usually, ‘Oh sorry, yeah, I that we get people stopping at the forgot. I realized that after I went traffi c light.” Our mistake An Oct. 20 story on the Morden ward the purchase of new street sig- Community Thrift Store’s recent do- nage at the Maple Leaf School to help nation to the Morden Police Service keep students and crossing guards incorrectly stated that the cheque safe. was for $7,000. We apologize for the typo and any In fact, the store donated $700 to- confusion it may have caused. TheVVoiceWinkler Morden What’s story? Call 325-6888 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, October 27, 2016 3 Salem Home raising funds to upgrade bathing rooms By Ashleigh Viveiros has long trumped style—and make them into spaces with a more homey Salem Foundation’s annual fall Fas- feel. pa, Fellowship, and Song fundraiser That includes installing sliding cabi- takes place this Sunday, with pro- net doors to hide the bathing supplies ceeds earmarked for improvements from view and hanging up colourful to the personal care home’s fi ve bath- towels, plants, and visually restful ing rooms. pictures to create a warmer space and The foundation hopes to raise provide some conversation pieces for $50,000 to transform the currently nervous bathers. utilitarian washing spaces into some- These visual clues will greatly alle- PHOTO BY ASHLEIGH VIVEIROS/VOICE thing more appealing for residents. viate some of the stress felt by many Salem’s annual fall faspa event this Sunday is raising funds to trans- “The majority of our residents … residents on bath day, said Marilyn form their bathing rooms into a more homey space for residents. live with some form of dementia,” Nelson, director of resident care ser- explained Salem Home CEO Sherry vices. least two of the rooms. 30 starting at 3:30 p.m. with a per- Janzen. “When you think about some- “To have coloured towels hang- There’s currently no clear timeline formance from the Baker Hutterite one with dementia, they don’t always ing there ... even having a bathrobe for when these improvements will be Choir. Faspa will follow at 4:30 p.m. in understand what’s going on and now hanging there, a pair of slippers ... completed—a lot will depend on the the fellowship hall. you have someone that is wanting to visual clues that help the resident community’s support of the project, A freewill offering will be accepted take your clothes off in a room that identify that we are taking them to a said Eden Foundation board chair as admission. looks like a storage room, and you place where bathing is appropriate,” Arlen Hildebrand. If you miss the faspa but still want don’t know what’s happening. It can she said. “We’ve always been really grate- to contribute to this project, Salem be quite frightening for them. “We hope that at the end of this the ful for the community’s support that Home would be happy to hear from “Even if they do it every week or bathing rooms are calm and sooth- we’ve had at these events,” he said you, Janzen said. twice a week, it’s still a new experi- ing,” Janzen added. of fundraisers like the Faspa, Fellow- “This so directly impacts every resi- ence every time.” Aside from these cosmetic changes, ship, and Song. dent,” she said, “because every resi- The plan is to take these institution- the project also includes replacing The event takes place at the Winkler dent has a bath.” al-looking rooms—where function the 30-year-old anti-slip fl ooring in at Bergthaler Mennonite Church Oct. *See store for all details. FALL SPECIALS AT KC’S! Sept. 30 to Dec. 31, 2016 COME CHECK OUT BUY ONE PAIR OF WESTERN SHIRTS OUR MAN CAVE! MITTS OR GLOVES & JEANS WORKWEAR & GET SECOND GET SECOND HUNTING GEAR!!! HALF PRICE!! HALF PRICE!! We will MATCH any INSULATED CAMOUFLAGE LOCAL COMPETITOR’S JACKET & PANTS PRICE on an identical CRAZY DEAL tire and give you an $100.00 FOR BOTH EXTRA 10% OFF the lower price in Canadian Tire ‘Money! ANTE WINTER TIRE PROGRAM AR E Low Interest Financing on Winter Tires! U G E E G T Call Don at UARAN LEATHER JACKETS 204.325.4688 20% OFF! HURRY IN!! WOMEN’S AND MEN’S WINTER BOOTS CANADA’S GARAGE 20% OFF YOUR WORK & WESTERN WEARHOUSE (/523 Monday to Friday 9:30am to 5:30pm 7).+,%2 -"s0H Saturday 9:30am to 2pm Service & Selection Guaranteed +IMBERLY2D %ASTOF#ANADIAN4IRE 781 Norquay Dr., Winkler Shoe Repair Company charges welcome (must be arranged ahead of time) ')&4#%24)&)#!4%!6!),!",% 4 The Winkler Morden Voice Thursday, October 27, 2016 Chamber celebrates Small Business Week Author David Chilton announced as 2017 business awards gala guest speaker By Ashleigh Viveiros relied on the money he made in his second job as a massage therapist to The Winkler and District Chamber keep the shop afl oat. of Commerce celebrated the impor- After years of helping to create a tance of small business in our com- thriving local cycling community— munity last week. spearheading a weekly riding club The chamber’s annual Small Busi- and supporting the burgeoning PHOTOS BY ness Week luncheon invited speakers race culture—Country Cycle fi nally ASHLEIGH VIVEIROS/VOICE from two local businesses and one turned a corner in its fourth year in At its Small Business non-profi t to share their stories.
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