All the News of An the Pointe, Every Thursd.y Morning rosse ~ws ~ Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the News IfttOIN •• Secolld ele .. Motto, <IIIthe 1Sc '0. Cop)' VOL.37-NO. II POll Office 01 Octrolt, Mlchl,oll GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH II, 1976 $1.00 Po. Vee. .28 Pages-Two Sections-Section One Storm Painted Hundreds of Scenes Like This HEADLINES ... t ~ . I Park Challenges 01 the t:l~~~~~:ss .. I I Detroit's Figures Of Clean Up WEEK \ " "'e " A. CompUed by the ,'~j Some Areas Still With- Grosse PolDte News \ '"/" \ . out Power; Municipali- ~.,,- In Tax Request ties Receive Hundreds '-----------1 .' f' Thursday, March 4 ' • :r~, of Reports of Distress EMERGENCY eRE W S , Appeals to Michigan Tax Commission on $173,000 struggled Wednes<lay to reo Assessment Made on Four Acres of ..... The remnants of the store 'Power to more than Windmill Pointe Recreation Area 200,000 homes left without severe ice storm which heat or light by a vicious ice Detroit wants to tax approximately four acres struck The Pointe and storm which paralyzed mut'h of Windmill Pointe Park, which is located on the much of southern Mich- of southern Michigan ..Hardest west side of the recreational facility, and has set igan last week can read- hit by the storm, which so the assessment at $173,000, according to informa- ily be seen along area thickly coated trees with ice tion given to The Park Council Monday night, streets with piles of that many were completely March 8, by City Manager Robert Slone. twisted tree branches uprooted when they feU, was and limbs tangled to- a belt of central Michigan The city manager said that gether on city property, stretching from Muskegon to this figure was set by De- toppled trees awaiting re- Port Huron. The most de. troit, oul is not definite yet, Park Police moval and city crews vastated city appeared to be Saginaw, where more than since the figure is being ap- diligently wOl'king to 90 percent of the homes were pealed to the Michigan Tax Petition fOI. clean up each community. without power Wednesday. Commission. The assessment As of Tuesdny morning, represents half of the State Pension Hike March 9, Detroit Edison's • • • public information office reo Friday. March 5 Equalized Valuation, as de- ...., ported that some 2,500 cus. ALTHOUGH 1975 WAS A termined by Detroit assessors. Asks Citizens to Help in tomeI's were still without lousy year economically in power in the Pointes, while Michigan, William Mil. Includes Parking ~ Effort to Obtain Boost; Gov. indicating power should be ".ir . Mr. Slone said that the Would Also Affect lliken said Thursday the restored by the middle oCthe State averted 8 worse fate property assessed includes Fire Department week. with key legislation, and now the parking lot, located out. things are on the rebound. Eight Dctroit Edison line side of the park in Alter The Grosse Pointe Park erell'S, one Toledo Edison Milliken, in presenting his Police Officers Associa- annual economic report to road. line crew and three crews tion, (GPPPOA), is circu- via line contractors were the legislature, said that the Practically every street in Grosse Pointe of- be a He said that although one lating petitions through- working in the area Tuesday "poor economic climate duro fered similar pictures following the devastating fessional municipality normally does ing the past year should not out the city seeking a morning 10 get the "juice pelting by freezing rain on March 2 and 3. Clear- citizens. not tax another on property fiowing" as many residents obscure the fact that 1975 referendum on a charter -ing up the debris has been and will continue to were trying to get back to was a year of considerable heLd within its corporate limo amendment that would normal. achievement in many areas." its, a 1949 Michigan law per. boost policemen and fire- Edisoll services around 17,. And he forecasted a much mits taxation, and Detroit, men pensions from 1.7 000 customers in the Pointes healthier auto industry for Rotary Club Woods Council Divided GPEACalls percent to 2.0 percent, apparently prodded by dis. and. of thcse. about 11 ,000 the new year to help Michi. gruntled citizens of the Jef. according to information were affected by the storm gan pull itself out of the reo released by Patrolman at various times, said Peg cession, although the unem. Show Opens On Question of Seel{ing ~lilla~e Bid ferson-Chalmers C i t i zen s Committee, denied access to Charles Slusser, chair- Furlong oC the public infor- ployment rate will remain the park, decided to assess man of the pension com- mation oHice. above 12 percent. nsufficient Tomorro'lv Federal or State Funds 1 taxes on property held by mittee, Cites First Priority * • • The Park and located in De. The hike is not possible un- "We .had llS many liS 75 Satarday, March 8 Ann u a I Antiques-Col- Concern Expressed That Acceptance Might Pro- Foresees Trouble in Ne- trait. less the change js approved two-man lennts in the Grosse THE UNITED STATES pro. lectibles Slille Set for duce Attached Strings That Could Change gotiatrng New Contract The Park Js challenging by the city voters. Pointe! reconnecting Indivld. posed Friday.an international Status of Recreation Areas after Expiration Detroit's assessment valua. According to a clause in ual servIces from poles to agreement in the United Na. Three' Days at War The Park City Charter, which homes," she stated. "We also on June tlon before the state Tax tions to put a stop to cor. Memorial Center By Roger A. Waha 30 Commission to de t e r m i n e governs the amount of pen. had a number of crews porate bribery oC government Several causes of concern were expressed by the actual value, Mr. Slone sion to police and fire per. guarding downed wires and officia'ls around the world. Residents will have members of The Woods Council, which denied The Grosse Pointe Ed- said. sonnel, the most that are. making an evaluation of The announcement was made u cat ion Association, tiree can receive, is 1.7 per. damage." the opportunity to learn participation in applying for Land and Water Con- He said that The Park ac. officially by Deputy Secretary (GPEA), looking ahead cent on retirement, The first priority Tuesday more about antiques at servation Fund as::;istance for the acquisition and quired some of the land of State Robert W. Inger. to spring contract nego- Not Covered by SS evening, March 2, was the the Grosse Pointe Rota- development of public outdoor recreation lands from Detroit in 1963, but soll, who said the U.S. gov- "removal of public hazards ry-sponsored Antiques and facilities on a 50 percent matching basis. tiations, has issued a most of it has been owned The petition seeks to bring ernment wUl soon transfer and the guarding of them." statement rapping the by The Park since 1930. the percentage factor to 2.0 information sought .by gov. and Collectibles Show- The negative vote oC 4-3 Ultimately, as those hazards was taken at the regular many non-residents visit city Board of Education's pro- percent a year, in line with ernments in Japan and else. Sale being held at the other Pointe agencies. Police. hecame m in i m i zed, the meeting Monday, March 1- parks. posed 27.1 millage propo- wbere about brihes offered War Memorial, 32 Lake- men and firemen are not cov. crcws turncd to restoration Nixing participation were This particular communi .. sition, which will go to $2,000 Given by the Lockheed Aircraft Co. shore road, Friday-Sun- ered by Social Security, it work, she said. Councilwoman Joan M. Mul. cation was from the Depart- the v 0 tel's Monday, to increase sales. Ingersoll day. March 12-14. To Foundation was pointed out. An estimated 307,000 Edi. Ian and Councilmen Ronald ment of Natural Resources March 29. son customers were affected said that recent unsubstant1. Not only will show visitors R. Kefgen, John Sabol and and if the majority of the "The GPEA realizes the "We sincerely believe that by the storm and as of Tues. ated allegations against for. be able 10 see and ask about a majority of the citizcns of George S. Freeman. Those council approved participa- need for the millage pro. The Foundation for Excep- day morning, 23,000 were eign goverment officials have antiques from the various Grosse Poinle Park want to voting "yes" were Mayor tion, the monies wouLd have posed by the Board of Edu. tional Children, Inc., was slill without power, she done gnevo\1s damage to the dealers who will be display. see us on a par with the Benjamin W. Pinkos and been geared towards im- cation," the statement reads, awarded a grant of $2,000 for added. foreign relations of the U.S. ing and selling merchandise, other Pointes," Officer Slus. Councilmen George Cueter provements of the tennis "but stresses that 2.75 mills recreational equipment, by Thc Pointe area was rid, but John Houghmaster from ser said. • • • and Conrad A. Naegel. courts at Ghesquiere Park, will not fund Grosse Pointe the Telethon for the Relard- died by the storm Ilnd the Sunday, March 7 Troy, N.Y., will bring a se. ed, recently. "Any registered voler in AU for Home Rule e.g., resurfacing and light- schools at our current pro- NEWS staH assessed its lection of antique reference The 1976 Telethon for the The Park may sign a peti.
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