C O N F E R E N C E P R O G R A M R e C H A R G E C O N F E R E N C E 7 t h & 8 t h M a r c h 2 0 1 9 ABOUT ABOUT About Yfoundations Since 1979, Yfoundations has been the NSW Peak Body representing young people at-risk, and experiencing homelessness, as well as the services that provide direct support to vulnerable young people. Yfoundations works to create a future without youth homelessness by providing a voice for young people experiencing and at-risk of homelessness. We work collaboratively with service providers, NGOs, government departments and community members to provide research, sector development and policy advice, and projects and services for young people. All of Yfoundations’ efforts focus on five foundations: Safety & Stability, Home & Place, Health & Wellness, Connections & Participation, and Education & Employment. Our Sponsors ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 2 CO S CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS Our Sponsors....................................................................................................................... Page 4 Message from the CEO............................................................................................... Page 5 Program Schedule.......................................................................................................... Page 6 Map............................................................................................................................................. Page 8 Key Note Speakers......................................................................................................... Page 9 'Back to Basics: Children's Rights' Panel........................................................ Page 11 'Juvenile Justice: Where do we go from here?' Panel........................ Page 12 Wellbeing Stream Sessions..................................................................................... Page 14 Housing Stream Sessions.......................................................................................... Page 18 Justice Stream Sessions............................................................................................. Page 22 Data & Insights Stream Sessions.......................................................................... Page 26 ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 3 SPONSORS SPONSORS T hank you to our Sponsors THE COLIN BIGGERS & PAISLEY FOUNDATION The Colin Biggers & Paisley Foundation seeks to create a demonstrable impact on the legal, economic, social and cultural rights of women, children and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They aim to do this through a combination of pro bono legal services, volunteering and charitable giving. All lawyers at the Practice are encouraged to participate in their pro bono program and contribute at least 50 hours of pro bono services per year and this work is offered through casework, clinics and projects. Colin Biggers & Paisley also provides all staff with 2 days' volunteer leave per year, which complements their in- house, skills-based volunteer program. Through workplace giving and an annual major fundraiser, their people are able to contribute financially to ensure their community partners' autonomy is sustainable. COMMUNITY SECTOR BANKING Community Sector Banking is Australia’s only banking service dedicated to the not-for-profit sector. As a joint venture between Bendigo Bank and Community 21 (a consortium of not-for-profit organisations), Community Sector Banking’s unique model combines banking expertise with the passion and community drive of not-for-profits. Community Sector Banking is the first banking service to be certified as a B Corporation in Australia and believes business should be a force for good. PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS PwC is one of Australia's leading professional services firms, bringing the power of our global network of firms to help Australian businesses, not-for-profit organisations and governments assess their performance and improve the way they work. Having grown from a one-man Melbourne accountancy practice in 1874 to the worldwide merger of Price Waterhouse and Coopers & Lybrand in 1998, PwC Australia now employs more than 7,000 people. PwC recently launched the Constellation Project which is a collaborative project focussed on homelessness. By combining their collective intelligence, resources, networks and power, PwC seeks to generate practical solutions that will create more homes and better journeys for people at risk of, or experiencing homelessness. CLUBS NSW Established in 1926, ClubsNSW is the peak representational body for the NSW club industry. ClubsNSW represents more than 1200 member clubs, and makes an important contribution to state and national policy direction, including the development for industry-specific legislation relating to alcohol, gambling, taxation, and industrial relations. In addition to these services, ClubsNSW executes media and PR communications, tailored training solutions, financial services, events, and responsible gambling services. The Association’s purpose is to lead a sustainable industry that makes a growing contribution to the NSW community, to strengthen conditions for those working within the industry, and to support the local communities they serve. INFOXCHANGE Infoxchange is a not-for-profit social enterprise that has delivered technology for social justice for over 25 years. Infoxchange work with community, government and corporate partners to solve family violence, homelessness, mental health and issues facing people with disabilities, the elderly, Aboriginal, Maori and Pasifika communities. Their products and services are used by over 7500 organisations across the community sector to improve the lives of vulnerable people, driving social inclusion and creating stronger communities. They believe no one should be left behind in today’s digital world. SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR PRINTING SPONSOR CANVA ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 4 CO WELCOME Message from the CEO From all of us at Yfoundations we want to welcome you to ReCharge 2019. Our hope is that this conference is a little bit different. That you are given the opportunity to network, to participate and to gain some insights into what is working across the state. This year we have brought it back to basics... the Rights of the Child. We see these rights compromised in policy. We often negotiate funding over child rights due to budget restraints. Together we need to stand firm, we need to remember the United Nations' protocols our governments signed up to, but m ore importantly, we need to remember that every young p erson deserves to have these rights protected and i mplemented. We are excited to announce that our conference will be opened by Bianca Hunt, former CEO and current mentor at AIME. We welcome all our young people who are bravely sharing their stories and guiding workshops. We welcome our speakers from government, from industry, from community and from the sector. Thank you for your time and energy. Finally, thank you to all the attendees. Thank you for your support, your insights and participation. Enjoy the 1.5 days. Thank you for being a part of ReCharge 2019. Regards. Zoë Robinson CEO, Yfoundations ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 5 PROGRAM PROGRAM DAY 1 PROGRAM • T H U R S D A Y 7 T H M A R C H 2 0 1 9 • 8 : 3 0 Registrations 9 : 0 0 Commence 9 : 1 0 Welcome to Country 9 : 2 0 Alex Greenwich MP 9 : 3 0 Key Note - Bianca Hunt 1 0 : 1 0 Key Note - James Dudfield 1 0 : 5 0 Morning Tea 1 1 : 2 0 Andrew Johnson, Advocate for Children and Young People 1 1 : 3 0 'Back to Basics: Children's Rights' Panel Discussion 1 2 : 2 0 Lunch, Sponsored by Community Sector Banking 1 : 3 0 Breakout Session ONE: Wellbeing | Professional Individualised Care Housing | Innovative Housing Solutions Justice | Engaging Children and Young People in your Organisation Data & Insights | Using Data for Tenders and Advocacy 2 : 3 0 Afternoon Tea 3 : 0 0 Breakout Session TWO: Wellbeing | DOIN' IT RIGHT Sexual & Reproductive Health Aboriginal Young People Housing | Anglicare Rental Affordability Snapshot Justice | #JusticeSolutions - An International Tour for Solutions to Youth Justice Data & Insights | Using Data to Identify Client Needs and Early Intervention 4 : 0 0 Close ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 6 PROGRAM PROGRAM DAY 2 PROGRAM • F R I D A Y 8 T H M A R C H 2 0 1 9 • 9 : 0 0 Arrive 9 : 1 0 Acknowledgement of Country 9 : 2 0 D Minor - Musician 9 : 4 0 'Juvenile Justice: Where do we go from here?' Panel Discussion, Sponsored by The Colin Biggers & Paisley Foundation 1 0 : 4 0 Breakout Session THREE: Wellbeing | Technology, Sexual Health, & Young People Housing | Housing Considerations for CALD Young People Justice | Supporting Young People Leaving Detention Data & Insights | Outcomes Measurement: Using Data to Show Impact 1 1 : 4 0 Morning Tea 1 2 : 2 0 Breakout Session FOUR: Wellbeing | The Power of Music to Rewrite Stories Housing | Entering the Private Rental Market Data & Insights | Sharing Stories: Ethics & Legalities of Collecting & Sharing Data 1 : 2 0 Closing Plenary 1 : 4 0 Light Lunch and Networking, Sponsored by Community Sector Banking ReCharge Conference, UTS Harris Street, Ultimo, 7th & 8th March 2019 | Page 7 MAP MAP UTS BUILDING 6 702 - 730 HARRIS ST ULTIMO NSW 2007 Room ONE Room t TWO e Main e Lecture Room r t Theatre THREE S s
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