Geet Natak Al Sangeet Atak Akademi Years 1953·2003

Geet Natak Al Sangeet Atak Akademi Years 1953·2003

a Il:.!( t't ( tal H( \, HI'( I GUWA IIA11 3 APRI L, 2002 I.e/i: 11,\', ""r:1Il11t reTL'il ing IItL' "~ atlemi', ('l'II()\I,hip from 1.1 , CL'n, ~ , " , '>inh :1 ( Rl'ltI,). (~olern<>r of \ ":IIll, /Je/IIII' /eli: \'L'lllp:lli Chinn:1 " :111 ': 1111 rl'ceil ing IhL' \ katle'llli', l 'c'lloII ,hip, /Je/II{{" rig hl: .\1. II:rl:ll11l1r:rli "ri,hn:1 peTforming ,II IhL' ~t\ \ ' ard <..' crl'tllO Il ). /J()//IIIII/e/i: Ko mik KhongjirL'lll pL'rfonll.' II illl 11 i., grollI', He/oll' l'I/!,hl: Inau,Wlr:rl concCTI by (lha r:!1 Ibln:1 ,I nti ,\"adeilli Fello" I ',utl Ili'l11ill:11t "It:ln, geet Natak Al Sangeet atak Akademi years 1953·2003 AKADEMI GOLDEN JUBILEE CELEBRATIONS, Delhi N~~h/: The J'rc,itil'nl nf Indi:1. Dr. .\ .J'../. .. \ htiul K:d:lln. recl'i\ ' c~ :1 ,h:l\\"1 frolll Dr Ilhup,'n I bZ:lrik:l. C:h;rinn:ln. of the Akaticllli. /Je/oll'leli: 1':lntiil H:I\'i Sh:lnk:lr :lI1ti (I}('IOII' rigbn Guru i\llllllanur ,\ I;rdh:l\:I eh;rk)':l r re,','i\ l' ~ h a\\" 1s :I nti Illemento, from I hl' I'rc,itienl. HO//OII I: The pr"~l' nl : ll i()n hy children o f the L:r ng:l :l nd 1\ I:l ng;rniy;r r C0 l1l1 11unilic, o f Ibj'''lh;r n. Left: Guru KeluchJran Mohaj1atra and (bolloll1) artists from the Jawaharlal Nehru Manipur Dance Academy perform during the Akademi's Golden Jubilee. Akademi Fellows o n the stage ,vith the President of India. From right to kIt: Shyamanand jabn (Vice-Chairman, Sangeet N::lIak Akademi); Komal Kothari; Kapib Vatsyayan; Vedantam Satyanarayana Sarma; Ebrahim Alkazi; Ustad Bismillah Khan; Vinod Khanna (M inister of State for Tourism and Culture); Dr Bhupc n Hazarika (Chairman of the Akacl e mi); Dr A.P.J. Abdul Kabm; jagmohan (Union Minister for Tourism and Culture); Pandit Ra vi Shankar; Guru Kclucharan Mo hapatra: Mrinalini Vikram Sarabhai; Guru Ammanur ~bdhava Chakyar; Badal Sircar; Birju Maharaj; Balamurali Krishna; Vijay Tenclulkar; and j ay::lIlt Kastuar (Secretary o f the Akademi). On R . eglona\ d" Music Tra Ihons Northern Region ----- BRHADDESISANGEET MAHOTSAV Seminar on Regional Music Traditions - Northern Region, Chandigarh Top. Veergatha Gayan demonstration by.Jhusia Damai and family of Uttarancha!. Middle lefl: Sufiana Kalam of Jammu & Kashmir. Left: Dho l Vadan by Sohan Lal and group, ttarancha!' NRITYA PARVA Festival of Sattriya Dance Guwahati 'f()p: Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra inaugurating the restival. Above left' Shardi Saikia . BHARATANATYAM MAHOTSAV Bangalore Top. C. Som Shl:khar. Dirl:ctor, DirL'l"!orate of Kannada & Cultllr:d Affair~ , Covernml:nt of Kamataka, inaugurating Ihl' kstiv:d ",ilh (righ//o il!ji) Jayant Kastllar, ~ lrin alini Sarabhai, Rani Sat is h, Minhter of Culture, Government o f Ka rnataka. :md Leela Rannnathan. I lh!!l'!! left: Alarml'i Valli. AiJol'e r(qb/: Na\'ia '\:ltaraj:lll. N~~h/ : Sridhar and Anur"dh:1. He/oll' /eli: I.CL'''' Haman,llh'l11 . lie/oil' ,.(~h/: ""dmini 1{;lIi RAG DARSAN Kolkata RighI: Iblllashray.Jha. He/ow . Ghulam l'vlust:lfa Khan. /30110111 I~jl: T.O. JanorikelL HollolII /'I~~ hl: .llal.lz Ahmad Khan elnd Dinkar Kalkll11. NATYA PARVA Akademi Theatre Festival Mumbai 'f(I/~ NIIIISOIlIIItIlYIIII, dirc't'ted il~ Itll:1I1 Thi\': I111 , ,IIJ"I',· , 11m ,\ { lIllitlll, directed h\ ,\I()l1 L:t1 !-;c'l1llllll , '/(il): S({/({/.> ,1/III1S"i ""(11/ n({, dirL'Cll'd 11\ CUr.,h:lr:ln ~ingh (on ,'l:lgl' <,,\'/1'<'111<' /<'jil. AiJfJI'(' J/({rll",/J ,\I(//tfllCbi A'(/ifll'U, dircClcd 11\' Bihh:hh Ch:lKr:liJ()rl)" Suresh Dutta li ghting the lamp at the inaugurati o n of PUIUI Yatra. Dad i Pudumjee stands behind him (seco nd/i·om Ie/i). Yakshagana Gomheatta, traditio nal string puppetry o f Karnataka. To/f. Pa\'a kathabli. glo\'e puppets of Ke rala. A iJ01'<!: Celebratio n of the First World Puppet Day. Tup: KalhplIwli performer, of Raja'lhan. Ahol'£': Toill 130lllmaiala Shadow PlIPP<.:[S of Andhra Pradesh. JknJr 1'1II111. GIOI e I'uppc-b oj \\'c'", lIeng:lI, String' I' uppc'" of K:1J'Jl;l/ah.1. '1(lj): .Iayatll K:"tu:lr, "ClTL'tar), of thL' Ah:lCic'll1i ' Ix'aking ,It Ihl' inauguration of thL' L"hihltlOn of Inui,ln pUPPl'h, , ~"on~ The I'rl',itll'nl of 1 1 "' 1 ~1. \ , \l:irg:lrl't:l '\ituil''Cu, \\ ith K:lpii:t \ ':thya\:111 altl'r in:lugur:lting till' c'xh ibil ion 01 pUpPl'h, Top: Kom:d Kothari, Kapila Val.\}'ayan, Sure~h Dulta at the !'utul Yatr..t Seminar hear Bradford Cla rk presenting hi~ paper. ;1hol '(~ The Sl'lTetalY and ~taff of the Akademi on the occa~iun of distribution of prizes for proficiency in II indi. VADYA DARSAN Delhi nlPOSIUI lID FESTIVAL FOCUS 01 IISTRUIUTS II mUlE Hid - 26lh JULY 2002 TRIYElI CHAIIBER THEATRE , 1(1 DElHI TOI); C()pal Krishna PL'rfi>nll' () n thl' Vichilr:l \"l't'n:1. " I /)(Jt'(~ I '1ll:,,·: t1pur:llll K. Shi\:lr:IIll:11l ({t"he lIlil.!e) L'xpl:lins :1 point during hi, '\Iridangalll delll<>Il\lr:lli(ln. KATHAK KENDRA Delhi Top: A performance by students of Kathak Kendra during the Kathak Mahotsav. Above: H oti mein Kalhak ke Rang - Raas performers demonstrdte their art with gurus of raas at Vrindavan. JAWAHARLAL NEHRU MANIPUR DANCE ACADEMY Imphal Dance performance at the FOlln(brion Day of the .J NMDA. ~ "lI1iplir. Top: Ved ~Iarwah, Governor of Manipur, inaugurating the JN~IDA Festival of Dance 2003. AboL'C: A Kabui dance performance on the occasion of.J NMDA·s Foundation Day. Sangeet Natak Akademi : APPENDIX I Memorandum of Associatio n (Excerpts) The objects for which the Society i, ,·i . to encourage the setting up of development of community set up are institutions providing training in music, martial music and other the :111 of theatre, including types of music: i. to co-ordinate the activities of instruction in actor" training, regional or State Academies of ,tudy of stagecraft and xii. to sponsor music, dance and l1lu~i c, dance and drama production of plays drama feMi\"ab. seminars, conferences on all-India b:lsis ii. to promote research in the fiekb ,·ii. to encourage and assist :md to encourage such regional of Indian music. dance and procluctinn of new plays by festival;, drama and, for this PUlvose, to ~I\\'arding prizes and distinctions establish a libralY and museum, xiii. to award prizes and distinctions etc: viii. to publish literature on Indian and to give recognition to music. dance and drama indi\idual artiste, for outstanding iii. to cooperate with such similar including reference works such achievement in the fiekb of academies as there may be and as an illustrated diction~IIY or music. dance and drama other institutions and associations handbook of techmcal terms for the furtherance of its objecb xiv. to take ;,uitahle steps for the and for the enrichment of Indian ix. to give recognition to and maintenance of proper and culture as a whole otherwise assist meritorious adequate stanclard, of educ:llion theatrical organizations : in music. clance and dr:lm:1 and iv. to encourage the exchange of ,,.,ith that object to mg:lnize ideas and enrichment of x. to encourage the development re,c:lrch in the teaching of the techniques between the different of amateur dramatic activit)', said subject, regions in regard 10 the arts "f children's theatre, the open air music, dance and drama theatre and the rural theatre in X\. to fosler cultural contracts its various forms bL,tween the different regions of v. to encourage the establishment the country and :tiso with other o f theatre centre" on the basis xi. to revi,'e and wesen'e folk countries in the fields of Illu,ie, of regional languages, anel mu;,ic. Folk dance and folk dance and dram:1. cooperation among different dram:1 in different regions of the theatre centres counuy and to encourage the SANGEET NATAK AKADEMI ANNUAL REPORT 2002 - 2003 . 61 General Council, Executive Board APPENDIX II and Committees of the Akademi Executive Board Members Andhra Pradesh Meghalaya Or. Bhupen Hazarika Smt. Chandana Khan The Commissioner & Secretary Chairman Govt. of Meghalaya Arunachal Pradesh Shri Shyamanand Jalan (Nomination awaited) Mizoram Vice-Chairman Smt. Boichhingpuii Shri V.Subramanian Assam Financial Adviser Shri Himangshu Sekhar Das Nagaland Shri KJayakumar (Nomination awaited) jOil1l SecretaryCClllture) Bihar Smt. Sonal Mansingh Dr.(Smt.) Mukul Bandyopadhyay Orissa Shri Anupam Kher Shri Gangadhar Singh Chandigarh OdSmt.) Helen Giri Shri G.S.Chani Pondicherry [)r.(Smt.) Sharayu Kalekar Thiru K.Rajamanickam Dr.(Smt.) Shanno Khurana Delhi Smt. Prathibha Prahlad Shri Shekhar Vaishnavi Punjab Shri I.S.Dhillon Shri Dulal Roy Union Territory of Dadra And Dr. S. Rajaram Nagar Haveli Rajasthan Snl! . Shanta Serbjeet Singh (Nomination awaited) Shri Arvind Mayaram Shri B.P.Singh Shri Balwam Thakur Goa Sikkim Shri Prasad R.Sawkar Shri H.K.Karki Shri Ratan Thiyam Smt. Chitra Visweswaran Gujarat Tamilnadu Shri Jayam Kastuar Shri V.N.Maira Thiru P.A.Ramiah Secretary. Sangeet Natak Akademi (Ex­ officio) Haryana Tripura Shri Kamal Tewari Shri Hiralal Sengupta General Council Members Himachal Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Dr.Bhupen Hazarib Shri M.R.Kamal Hamirpuri Shri Rahul Bhatnagar Chairman Shri Shyamanand Jalan Jammu & Kashmir West Bengal Vice-Chairman Shri Balwam Thakur Shri Ashok Mukhopadhyay Shri V.Subramanian Finallcial Adviser Karnataka Representative of the Department Shri A.R.Chandrahasa Gupta of Culture Five nominee of the Government Shri K.]aya kumar of India Kerala (Nomination awaited) Smt.

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