E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 2001 No. 54 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING of compromise, and he is going to have called to order by the Honorable MAJORITY LEADER to compromise some of his positions. GEORGE ALLEN, a Senator from the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- We will also have to compromise some State of Virginia. pore. The Senator from Oklahoma, the of ours. This is the beginning of, I acting majority leader, Mr. NICKLES, is hope, some productivity in the Con- PRAYER recognized. gress. The guest Chaplain, Rev. Monte f I think we did our job yesterday by Frohm, of Good Shepherd Lutheran passing by a 99–0 vote the brownfields Church, Reston, VA, offered the fol- SCHEDULE bill from the Environment and Public lowing prayer: Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, today Works Committee. I hope this is the Merciful Father, You are the source we will be in a period of morning busi- beginning of a very productive session of all authority and power. You hold in ness until 11 a.m. Following morning of Congress. Your hand all the nations of the world, business, it is hoped that the Senate Mr. NICKLES. Mr. President, I appre- including our own beloved United can begin consideration of S. 149, the ciate my colleague’s comments. I have States of America. You have ordained Export Administration Act. Senators always enjoyed working with Senator interested in this legislation are en- the powers that be for the punishment REID. I think this can be a very produc- of evildoers and for the praise of them couraged to be present on the floor at tive month. This can be a month that that act rightly. 11 a.m. we finish the budget and the tax bill, We humbly beg You to so guide the In addition, negotiations are con- and we can finish the education bill. It men and women of this Senate, that tinuing on the education bill, and con- is a month in which we can accomplish they might in due modesty and with sideration of that bill is expected in a lot for the American people that will undying hope pursue Your gracious the not too distant future. As an- make a difference in their lives and in will and purpose. Enlighten them with nounced, there will be no session of the their paychecks. Your vision for our Nation, equip them Senate on Friday. with Your strength, instill in them a I thank my colleagues for their at- A lot of times people wonder what do spirit of integrity that mirrors Your tention. we do and are there real results and are truth, and grant them patience in well The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- there real differences in what we do. doing that reflects Your long-suffering pore. The Senator from Nevada is rec- Considering the education bill and tax mercy. ognized. measures pending, we can make a lot of May their labors yield a nation that Mr. REID. Mr. President, I want to difference, whether you are talking is marked by justice and peace, right- mention that I am glad we are going to about the marriage penalty or a $500 eousness and unity, gratitude and attempt to get to the Export Adminis- tax credit per child, cutting taxes hope. As each of us is created in Your tration Act. I think that is what it is across the board, reforming education, image, so let our common life reflect called. It is a very important measure. giving more power to parents and Your glory. Senator GRAHAM and I worked with teachers. We can do all that this O Lord, our troubles are many, but Senator ENZI and other Senators trying month. By Memorial Day, we can have Your strength is great. Our fears con- to get that considered last year and we great, significant accomplishments by found us, but Your promise gives hope. were unable to do that. I was happy to working together. I look forward to Our sins are many, but Your mercy is see in today’s press—and I only read working with my friend and colleague deep. Leave us not to our own devices, the Washington Post, and that may not from Nevada. but work Your gracious purpose be the best paper to read, but I read I suggest the absence of a quorum. through us, to the glory of Your holy it—the indication that President Bush The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- name. Amen. expressed in statements to the press pore. The clerk will call the roll. several times yesterday that he was f The assistant legislative clerk pro- going to have to work with us, com- ceeded to call the roll. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE promise on taxes and education. Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask The Honorable GEORGE ALLEN led the I say this because I don’t think it unanimous consent that the order for Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: shows a sign of weakness of the Presi- the quorum call be rescinded. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the dent. I think it shows a maturity he United States of America, and to the Repub- knows—of course, because he worked The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, with the Texas Legislature for 6 years pore. Without objection, it is so or- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. as Governor—that legislation is the art dered. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3933 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:53 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S3934 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE April 26, 2001 RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME buildings. Society has changed. The Through the bipartisan working groups The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- challenges before us have changed. Our that have been very actively involved pore. Under the previous order, the responsibility is to look at the last 35 over the last 2 months, that account- leadership time is reserved. years and address what has not worked ability can be strengthened. We need to and, through debate, hearings, and dis- reward schools that are performing f cussions, come forth with a policy that well. If schools are not doing well, we MORNING BUSINESS will reverse the trend of an achieve- will have to give them the tools, the ment level that is flat. No net results equipment, the resources, and the The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- after an increase in attention and after chance to do better. When they repeat- pore. Under the previous order, there an increase of dollars is not an accept- edly fail, year after year after year and will now be a period for the transaction able outcome. if a child is locked into such a school, of morning business not to extend be- From both sides of the aisle, we have at some point we have to reconstitute yond the hour of 11 a.m., with Senators heard over the last several days—and that school or give the parents the op- permitted to speak therein for up to 10 very appropriately so—applause for portunity to take their child out of minutes each. President Bush’s first 100 days. Edu- that failing environment that society Under the previous order, the time cation is his No. 1 policy priority. We has created and put them in an envi- until 10:30 a.m. shall be under the con- have made significant progress on tax ronment where they have a real chance trol of the Senator from Wyoming, Mr. relief, spending, and a number of mili- to learn. THOMAS, or his designee. tary and defense issues. Students in persistently failing The Senator from Tennessee. Now we come back to what is most schools should not be trapped there. f important to the United States of They are trapped today. We need to do something about it. We have not been EDUCATION America—where we are today and where we want to be 5 years from now, able to do anything about it in 30 or 35 years. The failure is in part because of Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I rise to 10 years from now, 20 years from now in Federal involvement. It is in part a speak briefly this morning on an issue what is becoming a smaller and small- failure of the current system. We need about which we have heard a lot in the er world. to change the system. That means last few days and in which a number of The President’s top priority is edu- make sure kids learn, with account- us have participated diligently over the cation. We have heard it from all sides; ability. No. 2, give parents a choice. last several months. The subject is edu- we have seen it in the newspapers and No. 3, let’s proceed with reform. cation, kindergarten through 12th other media; and we have said it our- grade, a period of time which, as we all No longer can people sit back and selves on the campaign trail. But the say: here is the system of 760 programs, know, in large part determines how message really comes from the words successful one is later in life—how well let’s pour more money into that sys- of President George W.
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