Japan Society for the Promotion of Science FEATURE: JSPS Prize R T O P I C S ● JSPS Prize ....................................................................................................................................... 2 ● JSPS Office Opens in Beijing ................................................................................................... 6 ● Messages from JSPS Overseas Office Directors ............................................................... 7 ● ERC Launch Conference Attended by JSPS President .................................................. 8 No.20 ● Seminar Held with India’s DST ............................................................................................... 8 ● Trilateral Workshop Held between Japan, China and Korea ...................................... 9 2007 ● Tenth Meeting Held of Japan-India Science Council ..................................................... 9 Summer ● AAAS Symposium Supported by San Francisco Office ................................................. 9 ● First JUNBA General Assembly .............................................................................................. 10 ● Stockholm Office Holds Sixth Science Forum .................................................................. 10 ● Second Conference for Bridging Japan and the UK ...................................................... 10 ● Science Dialogue ........................................................................................................................ 11 ● Message from Former JSPS Fellow ...................................................................................... 12 ● Introducing JSPS Overseas Offices: Cairo .......................................................................... 13 ● Research and Life in Japan by a JSPS Fellow .................................................................... 14 ● Introducing Japan: Kitakyushu .............................................................................................. 15 FEATURE Third Award of JSPS Prize On 2 March, a ceremony was held to JSPS’s Research Center for Science an opening message, followed by a re- award the third JSPS Prize. Selected Systems, directed by Dr. Yoji Totsuka, port on the selection process from Dr. were 25 talented young researchers the former director general of KEK Esaki. Prof. Ono presented the 25 re- with excellent records of scientific in- (High Energy Accelerator Research cipients with a certificate of merit, a quiry and exceptional promise to be Organization). Based of the results, the medal and purse of ¥1.1 million. trailblazers of scientific research in Ja- JSPS Prize Selection Committee, pan. The ceremony for the FY2006 Prize chaired by Dr. Leo Esaki (president of A ceremony was, then, held to confer was held at The Japan Academy in the The Science and Technology Promotion the Japan Academy Medal on five of presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Foundation of Ibaraki and of Yoko- the JSPS Prize recipients. First, Prince and Princess Akishino. hama College of Pharmacy) and com- Japan Academy president Dr. Saburo prising 13 members, made the final Nagakura delivered welcoming re- Selection of JSPS Prize Awardees decision on the 25 awardees. marks, after which Dr. Masanori Otsuka, chairman of the Academy’s JSPS sent out requests for Prize nomi- Award Ceremony selection committee, explained the nees to 3,028 Japanese research vetting process. Then, Dr. Nagakura institutions and academic societies, The ceremony for awarding the JSPS presented the medal and a commemo- from which it received 275 names in Prize was held in conjunction with the rative gift to each of the awardees. June. Adding the 140 carryover nomi- awarding of the Japan Academy Medal. nees from the prior year, 415 re- At the ceremony on 2 March, JSPS Prince Akishino offered remarks, fol- searchers were screened by the staff of president Prof. Motoyuki Ono offered lowed by Mr. Akio Yuki, Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, who read a congratulatory message from the minister. To conclude the meeting, a message of appreciation on behalf of the Prize recipients was delivered by Dr. Kenji Ohmori, profes- sor, Institute for Molecular Science, National Institutes of Natural Sciences. After the ceremony, a celebration party was held. Attended by Prince and Princess Akishino, the Prize recipients, their guests, and the ceremony attendees, an atmosphere conducive to pleasant conversation was enjoyed by all. JSPS Prize The Prize is awarded to Japanese researchers and to overseas researchers who have conducted research at a Japanese research The JSPS Prize was established in FY 2004 with an objective institution for five years or longer. They must have published pa- of helping to raise the level of scientific research in Japan to the pers or articles in scientific journals and other publications in world’s highest standard. It does this by recognizing at an early Japan and/or abroad, and obtained excellent scientific research stage in their careers young researchers rich in both talent and achievements. As of 1 April of the Prize year, they must be (1) creativity. The Prize is meant to encourage the young recipients under 45 years of age and (2) have obtained a doctorate degree in advancing their work. (or possess an equivalent level of scientific research expertise). Remarks by Dr. Leo Esaki at Award Ceremony for 3rd JSPS Prize As chair of the JSPS Prize Selection an approximately 5-month period. The talents. Use this Prize as a catalyst to Committee, I wish to describe the selec- results were used by the 13-member challenge anew your capabilities and to tion process of the 3rd JSPS Prize and Prize Selection Committee, which was expand the margins of your endeavors. I offer some words of encouragement to the convened on 9 November to choose the 25 say this to you having myself been so young recipients. recipients. As there were many excellent admonished when I was your age.” candidates, the vetting process was at In April 2006, invitations to nominate times impassioned, but ultimately the To be successful, I believe there are three candidates for this year’s Prize were sent awardees were selected based on a strict attributes that are essential for a re- out to universities, research institutions and careful deliberation of their respec- searcher to possess: (1) An ability to get and related academic societies. Alto- tive research achievements. to the heart of the matter, (2) a rich gether 415 were received for the 3rd JSPS imagination coupled with an ability to Prize. Preliminary screening was con- To the Prize recipients, who successfully discern the essence of things, and (3) the ducted by the program officers of JSPS’s passed this rigorous selection process, I kind of vision or foresight that engenders Research Center for Science Systems over say: “Have confidence in your superb the creation of new ideas. In addition, 2 SUMMER 2007 No.20 JSPS Quarterly http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/ there are “five don’ts” that I would sug- Rule number three: Don’t hold on to what Over ten years ago, I gave these princi- gest one might observe in giving full you don’t need. The information-oriented ples to a couple of hundred graduate expression to his/her creative potential. society facilitates easy access to an students attending a Lindau Meeting in enormous amount of information. The Germany. Also there was Prof. Carl Rule number one: Don’t allow yourself to brain can be compared to a personal Nordling, a member of the Nobel Com- be trapped by your past experiences. If computer; we must constantly be input- mittee for Physics. He turned around and you allow yourself to get caught up in ting and deleting information, so save introduced them in the Swedish academic social conventions or circumstances, you only that which is truly vital and relevant journal Physica Scripta as “Dr. Esaki’s will not notice the opportunity for a dra- to you. Five Golden Rules for Winning a Nobel matic leap forward when it presents itself. Prize.” It was as if receiving a seal of Rule number four: Don’t avoid confronta- approval. Rule number two: Don’t allow yourself to tion. At times, it is necessary to put your- become overly attached to any authority self first and to defend your own position. Needless to say, these five rules are meant in your field. By becoming closely in- for young researchers, such as yourselves. volved with even a great professor, you Rule number five: Don’t forget your spirit I look forward to each of you pursuing risk losing sight of yourself and forfeiting of childhood curiosity. It is a vital com- your work with even greater vigor and the free spirit of youth. ponent of imagination. achieving milestone research results. FY2006 JSPS Prize Awardees Humanities and Social Sciences Aeka Ishihara Associate Professor, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University “Goethe’s "Buch der Natur": Reception of Natural Sciences in German Literature during the 18th & 19th Centuries” Atsushi Kajii Professor, Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University “Microeconomic Theory of Uncertainty and Information” Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education and Human “Comparative Study on History Education Policies as Factors of International Takahiro Kondo Development, Nagoya University Relations” Mitsuru Fukue Curator, Tateyama Museum of Toyama “The Actual Development of Tateyama Beliefs during the Edo Period” Associate Professor, Graduate School of Social and Cultural Studies, Koji Mizoguchi “Theoretical
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