THEUNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA BC REPORT U Find UBC Reporfs on the Web at WWI S Students to vote on technologyfee A student technology fee ofS90 will lw while full-time graduate students would voted on in a student referendum to be pay $30 perinstallment and part-time held April 9- 16. graduatestudents would pay $20 per The university’s Board of Governors installment. The maximumfee payablc by decided to put the fee to a vote a1 its any student is $90 per acadcmic year. March 20 meeting.The board meeting Maria Klawe. vice-prcsidcnt. Sludent coincidedwith the occupation of IJIK and Academic Services. says 1 hc alloca- President David Strangway‘s office by a tion of funds raised by thc 1i.e wot~ldbc group ofstudents protestingfee increases. decided by a commitlee on which stu- The student technolokv fer. ainled a( dents would have a voting mljority. providing students with betteracc~sx to Klawe says thestudent tt~chnolo~vlw informationtechnology. was rccom- would pay for impro\w~~rntsthat would mended by the Advisory Comnlittce on directly benefit students surh ;IS more Information Technologv (KIT)with in- and better computerlabs. ttia-in ;~c(~ss. put from representatives of the Alma software training and help. MaterSociety andCraduatr Student “It will not be nsed to nirc thr canlpus Society. or to pay for things whir11 arc presently Eflective Sept. 1, 1997. t he proposed paid for by the university.“ says Kl:wr. $90 leewould be payable in two Klawe says the Registrar will IIC rr- installments - September and January sponsible for runningthe rrlrrrtltium - and assessed to all undergraduatcs in which will be carried out using thr klgis- the winter sessionenrolled in a program of trar ‘s Office’s Televotr svslem. 18 credits or more. Undergraduate stw A referendum on an athlrtics andrvc- dents taking fewer than 18 credits in any reation fee has been delerrrd to the nrxl session would be assessed $5 per credit academic year. Opera star, judge to be honoured University of British Columbia gradu-Spring Congregation. May 25-30. and Charles Ker photo ates Ben Heppner. a celebrated tcnor Fall Congregation, Nov. 20 arid 2 I. All in the world‘s premier opera houses. ceremonies will take place in the new Big Birds and retired B.C. provincial court jus- Chan Centre for the Perfornlit1g Arts. tice Alfred Heppnergraduated Iron1 IJUC’s Curb Ivancic, warehouse supervisor for UBC Press, deals with the weightiest Scow are School of Music in 1979 and gairlcd shipment of books in the press’s 25-year history.UBC Press has distributed among 14 i 11 1 f r 11 ;I ~ almost 3,000 copies of The Birds OfBritish Columbia volume three, along distin- with 1,200 copies of volumes one and two. guished indi- viduals to be awarded honorary de- Ornithologist’s book grees by UBC this year. Promi- nentin the rolls off the presses professions and the com- by Gavin Wilson tory movements and distributionpatterns. mu nity. hon-munity. Heppner “We havewritten these books to be Staff uIritc,r orary degree recipients are rcrognized useful to professionals,” said one of the for lheir distinguished achievcmcntsin For legionsofbird-watchers, TheBirds authors.Ian McTaggart-Cowan,dean scow lanlftl 1 he lheir respective endeavours andfor tht, La Scala of British Colrmbiu is not just another emeritus of Graduate Studies. whosefirst contributionstheir accomplishments Opera one year later. book: it’s an event. book on birds was published in 1947. make to the life of the university and Scow was the firstAboriginal person Andfor UBC Press. it‘s a landmark ”But we also know that most people thebetterment of society.Honorary to earn a Bachelor of Laws (l.l,F3], prac- publication - one of the largest projects who will read thebook will do so because degrees will be awarded duriqg UBC‘s it has ever undertaken. a benchmark in birds are gorgeous creatures.” See HONOUR I’c~gc,2 regional ornithologyand an important The mammoth undertaking began in milestone in the documentationof B.C.‘s 1972 when Mc‘Taggart-Cowan. thena incredibly rich birdlife. professor of Zoology. andhis student “This is one of the largest ornithologi- Wayne Campbell decidedto fill what they cal research projects ever undertaken,” saw as a pressing needfor a comprehen- said UBC Press director Peter Milroy. “It sive work on the province’s birds. has been ongoingfor almost 20 years and ForumThey enlisted the help of thousands of Freedom 3 involves a largenumber of people - bird-watchersandmanynaturalists;through- Issues that divide today’s universities arc open to debate this month about 10,000 - in one way or another.” out the province, eventually compiling 1.5 The third ofwhatwill be a four-volume million index cards of information. set was published this month. It covers The initialLearners two volumes, published in Long-time 3 91 species including such common ones 1990. sold out almostbefore theyreached Adults in B.C. learn longer. but do they getto use what theylearn? as swallows and starlings. and is illus- the bookstores. They have now been re- trated with 700 colour photographs. mapsissuedMinds tocoincide with the publicationof Applied 4-5 and drawings.In total. 472 specieswill be volume three.for a combined print runof covered in the lour volumes. nmrc than 10,000 books, nearly half of Feature: More than just gearsarc at work in the Faculty of Applied Science The books (wmprise a complete refer- which were pre-sold before publication. ence workfor birtl-watchers,ornitholo- EdificeThe fourth and final volume will bc Eternal 9 gists and naturalistswith infornlation on published in ahout two years’ time.Milroy history, habitat, breeding habits. migra- said. Forum: Dean ShirleyNeurnan or1 the universe which others call the library 2 UBC ReDOrtS .ADril3. 1997 1 I I1 I \I\ l.l<SI'l'\ ut 13RII-IS~l(:OLt \I131 \ UBC Bookstore Review Committee Fraternity pub crawl prompts outrageand action The University of British Columbia Bookstore (theBook- Editor: rectify the situation and to re- for the terminally ill store) is the largest university bookstore in Canada and I would like to address the align ourselves with these a seminar hosted at our the 10th largestin North America. The Bookstore provides events of Dec. 18, 1996 when ideals and values, all mem- Chapter House to increase an extensive range of products and services within five bers of the chapter were called some membersof Phi Gamma student alcohol awareness divisions. Delta were involvedin a "Pub to a strategic planning and on campus Crawl" on theDowntown goal-setting retreat and the There will be another 1. Book Division 4. ComputerDivision following action-oriented Eastside of Vancouver. chapter retreat held before 2. Office Products Division decisions were made. Imple- 5. Services Division I would like to formally the end of January 1998, to General Merchandise Division mentation of these new 3. apologize on behalf of the evaluate our progress with committees and programswill members of the UBC Chapter respect to these issues. occur before January 1998. The UBC Bookstore Review Committee, reporting to the of Phi Gamma Delta for any We recognize that Phi Gamma \rice-president, Administration and Finance,is seeking writ- embarrassment we may have a new Chapter Board of Delta must constantly evaluate caused the University of Conduct to discipline herself to ensure that she ten submissions from interested parties. We in\ite you to British Columbia dueto the members whose hehaviour continues to be a positive submit your suggestions, comments and/or opinions on the unfavourable media attention is unacceptable influence on thelives of men who following broad areas: that followed the incident. a new Chapter Community choose to affiliate during their The members of the Pi Relations and Safety enrolment at UBC. Given these 1. The role of the Bookstore in the university community Gamma Chapterof Phi Committee to evaluate all internal changes, we hope to re- 2. The mandate of the Bookstore Gamma Delta hold their chapter events and indi- align ourselves with our own 3. The Bookstore's degreeof success in meeting the needs informal affiliation with the vidual behaviour values and continue to produce of students and faculty university in the highest an increased focus on men of virtuous principles whose 4. Opportunities for enhancing services participation in university life is a regard. Our conduct was not serving the community 5. Quality of the product including a new project to positive force on campus. in accordance with the ideals 6. Quality of service and values of our fraternity or assist with the renovation President, Gamma Chapter Pi 7. Price competitiveness the university. In order to and restoration of a hospice Phi Gamma Delta The deadline for submissions is April 30,1997. Editor: klitor: you keep this incidentin mind If I understand correctly, I am writing to add my if in the future there are any Please address your submissionsto: UBC does not have a formal relations between UBC and Phi ondemnation to the action of Chair, Bookstore Re\ie\v Committee relationship with the frater- his fraternity. whose members Gamma Delta Society. From Arts Faculty, Buchanan 130 nities and the incident did early got some of their own this community's point or view, not take place during school illed, promoted racism/ reparation may be forthcoming 1866 Main Mall hours, and therefore UBC exism against native people, if this fraternity issuedan V6T 1Z1 cannot (at this time) disci- apology and offered some time nd deeply insulted residents Comments may also be submitted pline those involved. f the Downtown Eastside, all or money to an organization in the Downtown Eastside. by e-mail to: I would like to recommend I one evening.
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