Annexure-1 DETAILED BUDGET SHEET: RCH Flexi pool Amount Amount FMR Quantity Unit Cost Remarks Budget Head Proposed Approved Code / Target ( Rs) (Rs. Lakhs) (Rs. Lakhs) A.1 MATERNAL 32119.23 25276.14 HEALTH A.1.1 Operationalise 1 1300000 13.00 13.00 Facilities (Any cost other than infrastructure, HR, Training, Procurement, Monitoring etc.) may include cost of mapping, planning- identifying priority facilities,etc) A.1.1.3 Operationalise 1 1300000 13.00 13.00 Approved for: Safe abortion 2 workshops in each services (including division for MVA/ EVA and strengthening of medical comprehensive abortion)at health abortion care services, facilities reporting and activating district level committees @ Rs. 50,000/workshop; 6 meetings/distt @ Rs. 2,000/meeting. A.1.3 Integrated 0 0 0.00 0.00 outreach RCH services (state should focus on facility based services and outreach camps to be restricted only to areas without functional health facilities) A.1.4. Janani Suraksha 2039751 70255469 21727.04 17825.04 Yojana / JSY Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 1 A.1.4.1 Home deliveries 50000 500 250.00 70.00 Approved for 14000 home deliveries. A.1.4.2 Institutional 1137000 2400 15920.52 13652.52 deliveries A.1.4.2. Rural 962000 1400 13468.00 11200.00 Approved for 8.00 a lakhs rural institutional deliveries. A.1.4.2. Urban 175000 1000 1750.00 1750.00 Approved b A.1.4.3 Administrative 1 70252000 702.52 702.52 Approved Expenses A.1.4.4 Incentives to 852750 569 4854.00 3400.00 Approved for: ASHA 500000 rural institutional deliveries @ Rs. 600/delivery and 100000 urban institutional deliveries @ Rs. 400/delivery A.1.5 Maternal Death 50 30000 15.00 15.00 Approved. The state Review (both in need to ensure that institutions and the MDR software community) being developed at the National Level should be taken up for oreintation and not any other software . A.1.6 Other 996 1935871 576.68 174.90 strategies/activitie s (please specify) Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 2 A.1.6.1 Operationalization 66 140909 93.00 93.00 Approved as following: of FRUs (Level 3 a) Rs 30 lakhs for MCH) BSUs; subject to simultaneous licensing of these blood storage units and training of MOs/ LTs b) Rs 18 lakhs for 6 Birth waiting homes at Identified CHCs instead of DHs c) Rs 45 lakhs for contingency of maternity wings including LR at DHs A.1.6.3 Operationalization 53 2500 15.90 15.90 Approved of Level 1 Sub (maintenance cost of Health Centers L1 with >10 del. per (Level 1 MCH) month) subject to following of MNH toolkit guidelines for setting up model SHCs A.1.6.4 Integration with 852 42462 361.78 0.00 Not approved, needs to MPSACS for PPTCT be met out of NACO services budget A.1.6.5 Public-Private 10 500000 50.00 50.00 Approved @ Partnership - Rs.5L/insitution for 10 Janani Sahyogi instituions. Yojana A.1.6.6 State level review 4 50000 2.00 2.00 Approved for quarterly meeting on MH state level review interventions meeting with Div PMU, CMHOs, BMOs, DPMs and BPMs, will also include orientation on implementation of MH interventions. A.1.6.7 Divisional level 7 200000 14.00 14.00 Approved review meeting on MH interventions including orientation on Anemia Management Guidelines Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 3 A.1.6.8 Strengthening of 4 1000000 40.00 0.00 Not approved, needs to State Reference be met out of NACO Lab. (SRL) to budget ensure quality of HIV testing in FICTCs. A.1.7 JSSK- Janani 4605259 1314681 9787.52 7248.20 Shishu Surakhsha Karyakram A.1.7.1 Drugs and 2850000 139.67 3980.70 1592.28 Approved as following: consumables a) ANC/PNC care for Total Reported ANC Registration in a year and in Medical Colleges @Rs 25.30 for 19 lakhs PW= Rs 480.7 lakhs b) Drugs & Consumables for normal deliveries estimated in public Inst. and Medical Colleges a year@Rs 300 for 9 lakhs PW = Rs 2700 lakhs c) Drugs & Consumables for estimated C-sections in public Inst and Medical Colleges in a year@Rs 1600 for 50,000 PW = Rs 800 lakhs. Meanwhile, 40% approved considering the limited resource envelope. A.1.7.2 Diagnostic 875000 114.29 1000.00 400.00 Approved. 40% approved considering the low utilization in previous year limited resource envelope A.1.7.3 Blood Transfusion 25000 300 75.00 30.00 Approved. 40% approved considering the low utilization in previous year limited resource envelope Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 4 A.1.7.4 Diet (3 days for 854000 112.88 964.00 385.60 Approved as following: Normal Delivery a) 750000 NDs @ and 7 days for Rs.50/day(2 days) Caesarean) b) 60000 NDs@ Rs.50/day(2 days)at Medical Colleges c) 28000 C-Secs @ Rs.50/day (7 days) d)16000 C-Secs@ Rs.50/day (7days) at Medical Colleges. 40% approved considering the low utilization in previous year limited resource envelope. A.1.7.5 Free Referral 1101 334015 3677.50 4750.00 Approved for 9.5 Transport lakhs PW @ Rs 500/PW. A.1.7.6 Other JSSK activity 158 980000 90.32 90.32 A.1.7.6. State JSSK 1 968000 9.68 9.68 Approved. 1 Monitoring Cell A.1.7.6. Running Cost of 56 12000 80.64 80.64 Approved. 2 JSSK Help Desk and Greviance Redressal Cell at DHs and MCs A.1.7.6. Establishment of 101 0 0.00 0.00 Approval shifted to 3 kitchen at CHs and MFP FMR Code B.5 - CHCs functional New Constructions. delivery points (MCH L3) Sub-total 10392.19 7451.10 Maternal Health (excluding JSY) Sub-total JSY 21727.04 17825.04 A.2. CHILD HEALTH 5772.44 4136.61 Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 5 A.2.2 Facility Based 911 1685000 950.00 950.00 Newborn Care/FBNC (SNCU, NBSU, NBCC - any cost not budgeted under HR,Infrastructure, procurement, training,IEC etc.) e.g.operating cost rent,electricity etc. imprest money A.2.2.1 SNCU 51 1500000 765.00 765.00 Approved at the proposed rate as state has demonstrated utilization of beds and increased beds as per requirement A.2.2.2 NBSU 60 175000 105.00 105.00 Approved A.2.2.3 NBCC 800 10000 80.00 80.00 Approved at the proposed rate. State may utilize the same and may propose rest in supplementary PIP A.2.4 Infant and Young 50 10000 5.00 5.00 Approved Child Feeding/IYCF A.2.5 Care of Sick 269433 994 2679.27 2679.27 Approved Children and Severe Malnutrition (e.g. NRCs, CDNCs etc.) A.2.6 Management of 1503 3530 53.06 53.06 Approved diarrhoea & ARI & micronutrient malnutrition A.2.7 Other 30063 457 137.50 137.50 Approved strategies/activitie s (please specify) Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 6 A.2.8 Infant Death Audit 5251 590 31.00 31.00 Approved A.2.10 JSSK (for Sick 150000 1500 390.00 72.00 40% approved neonates up to 30 considering the low days) utilization in previous year limited resource envelope A.2.10. Drugs & 60000 800 240.00 48.00 Approved @ 1 Consumables Rs.200/new born. 40% (other than approved considering reflected in the low utilization in Procurement) previous year limited resource envelope A.2.10. Diagnostics 60000 500 150.00 24.00 Approved @ 2 Rs.100/new born. 40% approved considering the low utilization in previous year limited resource envelope A.2.11 Any other 2112 999547 1526.61 208.79 interventions (eg; rapid assessments, protocol development) A.2.11. Accreditation of 38 60000 22.80 22.80 Approved, progress 1 SNCUs by NNF from previous year to be shared with GoI A.2.11. Mentoring visit to 1180 6068 71.60 71.60 Approved, progress 2 SNCUs by from previous year to Neonatology be shared with GoI Experts & faculty of Regional Collaborative Centre and to MCH Centres at Sub-district level by District SNCU teams A.2.11. Maintenance cost 7 700000 49.00 49.00 Approved, state to 3 of 7 PICUs (2 share utilization of existing + 5 newly funds sanctioned last proposed) year. Administrative Approval for 2013-14-Madhya Pradesh Page 7 A.2.11. Intervention of 252 25948 65.39 65.39 Approved, role of 4 YASHODA in 4 RMNCH+A counselors select districts should be aligned to safeguard against duplication of efforts. A.2.11. Implementation of 635 207531 1317.82 0.00 Approval shifted to A 5 Rashtriya Bal, A and A Swasthya 4.2.3 Karyakram (RBSK) Sub-total Child 5772.44 4136.61 Health A.3 FAMILY 8621.26 8417.96 PLANNING A.3.1 Terminal/Limiting 7880.00 7835.00 Methods A.3.1.1 Orientation 1 500000 5.00 5.00 Approved workshop,dissemi nation of manuals on FP standards & quality assurance of sterilisation services, fixed day planning meeting A.3.1.2 Female 2250 15000 337.50 337.50 Approved sterilisation camps A.3.1.3 NSV camps 250 35000 87.50 87.50 Approved A.3.1.4 Compensation for 649000 1007 6535.00 6490.00 Approved @ Rs female 1000/case sterilisation A.3.1.5 Compensation for 61000 1500 915.00 915.00 Approved male sterilization/NSV Acceptance A.3.2 Spacing Methods 370007 150097 95.50 87.20 A.3.2.2 IUD services at 360000 22 77.50 79.50 IUDs approved @ Rs health facilities 20/insertion.
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